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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Anderson, Kami J., The Color of Language: Centering the student of Color in Foreign Language Acquisition to Address the Racial Academic Achievement Gap. (Studies in Communication, Culture, Race, and Religion 3) 102 pp. 2022:8 (P. Lang, SZ) <698-826>
ISBN 978-1-4331-9498-6 hard ¥29,075.- (税込) SFR 118.00
ISBN 978-1-4331-9500-6 paper ¥10,348.- (税込) SFR 42.00


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Barbulescu, Roxana / Goodman, Sara Wallace et al. (eds.), Revising the Integration-Citizenship Nexus in Europe: Sites, Policies, and Bureaucracies of Belonging. (IMISCOE Research Series) 213 pp. 2023:4 (Springer, GW) <698-827>
ISBN 978-3-031-25725-4 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-25728-5 paper ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book critically re-examines the theoretical and empirical interconnections between integration and citizenship, specifically, naturalisation. With new, empirical-grounded analyses of what we term 'citizenship-integration nexus' the central, shared contribution is showcasing how membership is informally achieved through everyday integration -usually around, but sometimes in spite of, formal citizenship requirements. By providing evidence of a nexus disjuncture, the book contributes to critical dialogues on immigrant integration and political incorporation, relevant for policymakers, civil society actors, and academics alike.

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Boehmer, Matthias / Steffgen, Georges (eds.), Racism in Schools: History, Explanations, Impact, and Intervention Approaches. 198 pp. 2023:5 (Springer, GW) <698-828>
ISBN 978-3-658-40708-7 paper ¥19,444.- (税込) EUR 79.99 *

Racism, i.e. discrimination against people on the basis of their supposed ethnic origin, is omnipresent in schools. Apart from students, trainees and teachers, all actors in the school context are affected by this topic.Why is this so? How can racist discrimination be explained? What effects does this behavior have on those affected? And how can schools counteract it? These are all questions that arise and which this book aims to answer with the intention of enabling all those acting in the school context to critically examine their own knowledge bases relevant to racism. This book contributes to the development of school as a racism-sensitive space in which all actors behave in a racism-sensitive manner.Therefore, in addition to an overview of the history of racism, approaches to explaining racist behavior and the effects of racist discrimination, prevention and intervention approaches for a practice critical of racism in schools are presented.

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England, Sarah, Afro-Central Americans in New York City: Garifuna Tales of Transnational Movements in Racialized Space. 292 pp. 2023:5 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <698-833>
ISBN 978-0-8130-8014-7 paper ¥6,283.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

Descended from African maroons and the Island Carib on colonial St. Vincent, and later exiled to Honduras, the Garifuna way of life combines elements of African, Island Carib, and colonial European culture. Beginning in the 1940s, this cultural matrix became even more complex as Garifuna began migrating to the United States, forming communities in the cities of New York, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. Moving between a village on the Caribbean coast of Honduras and the New York City neighborhoods of the South Bronx and Harlem, England traces the daily lives, experiences, and grassroots organizing of the Garifuna.Concentrating on how family life, community life, and grassroots activism are carried out in two countries simultaneously as Garifuna move back and forth, England also examines the relationship between the Garifuna and Honduran national society and discusses much of the recent social activism organized to protect Garifuna coastal villages from being expropriated by the tourism and agro-export industries.Based on two years of fieldwork in Honduras and New York, her study examines not only how this transnational system works but also the impact that the complex racial and ethnic identity of the Garifuna have on the surrounding societies. As a people who can claim to be Black, Indigenous, and Latino, the Garifuna have a complex relationship not only with U.S. and Honduran societies but also with the international community of nongovernmental organizations that advocate for the rights of Indigenous peoples and blacks.Publication of the paperback edition made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Finotelli, Claudia / Ponzo, Irene (eds.), Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North-South Comparison. (IMISCOE Research Series) 330 pp. 2023:4 (Springer, GW) <698-835>
ISBN 978-3-031-26001-8 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99

Building upon the concept of migration regime, this open access book brings together the works of scholars who have investigated logics and routines of action in the field of immigration control within a single and innovative theoretical framework. The chapters cover a wide range of policy domains, from visa policy to the externalisation of controls, labour migration to asylum, internal controls towards irregular migration to restrictions for intra-EU mobility. By unravelling organisational strategies and practices across Europe, the book does not only contribute to dismantling the very idea of the European North-South divide in migration but also shows how Europe really works in the field of migration in times of deep economic, asylum and health crises. In this perspective, the book questions the widespread understanding of migration control outcomes as simply the result of more or less effective state policies without considering the embeddedness of the national policy goals and strategies in the dynamic interplay of different economies, institutional cultures and geopolitical positions.

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Kononenko, Natalie, Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies: Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity. 344 pp. 2023:5 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <698-840>
ISBN 978-0-228-01681-6 hard ¥10,085.- (税込) US$ 44.95 *

While Canada is home to one of the largest Ukrainian diasporas in the world, little is known about the life and culture of Ukrainians living in the country's rural areas and their impact on Canadian traditions.Drawing on more than ten years of interviews and fieldwork, Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies describes the culture of Ukrainian Canadians living in the prairie provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Despite powerful pressure to assimilate, these Ukrainians have managed both to preserve their sense of themselves as Ukrainian and to develop a culture sensitive to the realities of prairie life, creating their own uniquely Ukrainian Canadian traditions. The Ukrainian church, an iconic though now rapidly disappearing feature of the prairie landscape, takes centre stage as an instrument for the retention of Ukrainian identity and the development of a new culture. Natalie Kononenko explores the cultural elements of Ukrainian Canadian ritual practice, with an emphasis on family traditions surrounding marriage, birth, death, and religious holidays.Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies gives voice to a group of everyday people who are too often overlooked, highlighting their accomplishments and their contributions to Canadian life.

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Koopmans, Ruud, Die Asyl-Lotterie: Eine Bilanz der Fluechtlingspolitik von 2015 bis zum Ukrainekrieg. 288 S. 2023:2 (Beck, GW) <698-841>
ISBN 978-3-406-79738-5 hard ¥6,320.- (税込) EUR 26.00 *

Das europaeische Asyl-System ist zum Lotteriespiel geworden: Geographische Lage, Geld, Fitness und Glueck auf dem gefaehrlichen Land- und Seeweg bestimmen, wer es an die Grenze schafft, Asyl beantragen und einwandern kann. Ruud Koopmans zeigt, dass wir so nicht den Hilfsbeduerftigsten helfen und uns zahlreiche Probleme bei der Integration einhandeln. Seine schonungslose Bilanz endet mit einem bestechenden Vorschlag, wie es auch anders ginge ? wenn wir nur den Mut dazu haben. ?Politisch Verfolgte geniessen Asylrecht“, heisst es im Grundgesetz. Ein schoener Satz, um den sich immer mehr Einschraenkungen und Verordnungen ranken. Das Regelungswirrwarr ist Symptom einer fehlgeleiteten Fluechtlingspolitik, die es honoriert, wenn man sich an Europas Grenzen durchschlaegt. Wer es nicht schafft, hat das Nachsehen. Europa tut sich mit diesem System aber auch selbst keinen Gefallen. Ruud Koopmans beschreibt an konkreten Faellen und anhand von statistischen Daten, warum die bisherige Regelung die Integration erschwert, die innere Sicherheit bedroht, den Rechtspopulismus staerkt, Europa spaltet und abhaengig macht von Autokraten, die ihre Grenzen zu Europa je nach Gusto oeffnen oder schliessen. Die sogenannte Fluechtlingskrise von 2015 erweist sich als hausgemachte Krise der Asylpolitik. Die luzide, auf mehrjaehriger Forschung basierende Bilanz schliesst mit einem pragmatischen Vorschlag, wie wir durch grosszuegige humanitaere Aufnahmen in Kombination mit einer Eindaemmung der irregulaeren Einwanderung die Kontrolle zurueckgewinnen koennen ? damit die Asylpolitik kein lebensgefaehrliches Lotteriespiel bleibt.

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Magro, Jose L., Language and Antiracism: An Antiracist Approach to Teaching (Spanish) Language in the USA. (New Perspectives on Language and Education) 288 pp. 2023:5 (Multilingual Matters, UK) <698-844>
ISBN 978-1-80041-044-2 hard ¥31,686.- (税込) GB£ 109.95 *
ISBN 978-1-80041-043-5 paper ¥10,071.- (税込) GB£ 34.95 *

Beginning from the premise that being non-racist - and other 'neutral' positions - are inadequate in the face of a racist society and institutions, this book provides language educators with practical tools to implement antiracist pedagogy in their classrooms. It offers readers a solid theoretical grounding for its practical suggestions, drawing on work in critical race theory, critical sociolinguistics and language ideology to support its argument for antiracist pedagogy as a necessary form of direct action. The author contends that antiracist pedagogy is a crucial part of the project of decolonizing universities, which goes beyond tokenistic diversity initiatives and combats racism in institutions that have historically helped to perpetuate it. The author's pedagogical suggestions are accompanied by online resources which will help the reader to adapt and develop the material in the book for their own classrooms.

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Mrjoian, Aram (ed.), We Are All Armenian: Voices from the Diaspora. 224 pp. 2023:4 (U. Texas Pr., US) <698-846>
ISBN 978-1-4773-2679-4 hard ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

A collection of essays about Armenian identity and belonging in the diaspora. In the century since the Armenian Genocide, Armenian survivors and their descendants have written of a vast range of experiences using storytelling and activism, two important aspects of Armenian culture. Wrestling with questions of home and self, diasporan Armenian writers bear the burden of repeatedly telling their history, as it remains widely erased and obfuscated. Telling this history requires a tangled balance of contextualizing the past and reporting on the present, of respecting a culture even while feeling lost within it. We Are All Armenian brings together established and emerging Armenian authors to reflect on the complications of Armenian ethnic identity today. These personal essays elevate diasporic voices that have been historically silenced inside and outside of their communities, including queer, multiracial, and multiethnic writers. The eighteen contributors to this contemporary anthology explore issues of displacement, assimilation, inheritance, and broader definitions of home. Through engaging creative nonfiction, many of them question what it is to be Armenian enough inside an often unacknowledged community.

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Sauer, Walter, Jenseits von Soliman: Afrikanische Migration und Communitybuilding in Oesterreich - eine Geschichte. (Forschungen und Beitraege zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte 63) 272 S. 2022:11 (Studien Vlg., AU) <698-852>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6269-0 paper ¥8,969.- (税込) EUR 36.90 *

Mit den #Blacklivesmatter!-Demonstrationen von 2020 und ihren politischen Aktivitaeten seither haben die afrooesterreichischen Communities verstaerkt Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gelenkt. Entstanden primaer aus Studien- und Asylmigration bilden sie heute eine lebendige, kulturell differenzierte und sozial heterogene Szene. Trotz Gleichheitsgebot in der Verfassung und erkaempften politischen Rechten sind Schwarze Menschen jedoch weiterhin mit Rassismus auf individueller, institutioneller und struktureller Ebene konfrontiert. Woher dieser hartnaeckige Widerspruch? Rueckblickend auf Antike, Mittelalter, Fruehe Neuzeit und das 20. Jahrhundert ? inklusive die Jahre des Nationalsozialismus ? bietet dieses Buch den bislang umfassendsten Ueberblick ueber die Geschichte afrikanischer Zuwanderung nach Wien bzw. Oesterreich, ueber Reaktionen der Mehrheitsgesellschaft und die Bildung einer afrooesterreichischen Diaspora. Ein Standardwerk, auf dem juengere Historiker:innen aufbauen werden.

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Schlobach, Monica, Migrer et travailler a Montreal: Recits et parcours de professionnels migrants. (Diversitas 30) 340 pp. 2022:10 (P. Lang, SZ) <698-853>
ISBN 978-2-87574-706-8 paper ¥14,044.- (税込) SFR 57.00

La question des flux migratoires engendres par la mondialisation suscite de plus en plus de debats politiques et appelle a un renouvellement des analyses. Telle est l'ambition de ce livre, qui etudie les parcours migratoires et d’incorporation socioprofessionnelle de migrants bresiliens dans le domaine du genie et des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) a Montreal. Cet ouvrage en propose une lecture socio-anthropologique en privilegiant la question du comment a celle du pourquoi : Comment devient-on emigrant dans la societe de depart ? Comment s'adapte-t-on a la societe de destination ? Comment s'y insere-t-on professionnellement ? La comparaison des parcours socioprofessionnels revele des modes d'incorporation qui epousent un monde du travail segmente et stratifie autant pour le marche de l'ingenierie que celui des professionnels des TIC. Par ailleurs, ce livre amene le lecteur a relativiser la figure du migrant hautement qualifie comme mobile et nomade, en faisant voir la complexite des processus en jeu dans la construction differenciee des parcours. Il permet aussi d’eclairer les logiques sociales d’appartenance et les dynamiques migratoires et d’insertion socioeconomique. Il s’adresse a ceux et celles preoccupes du fait migratoire et des questions de societe car il offre des cles pour comprendre le fonctionnement de nos societes a partir des recits et de l'epaisseur des experiences migratoires.

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Hartmann-Hirsch, Claudia / Ametepe, Fofo Senyo, Between Europeanisation and Renationalisation of the Free Movement of Persons: A financial crisis-induced migration from Portugal to Luxembourg. 212 pp. 2023:5 (Springer VS, GW) <698-510>
ISBN 978-3-658-40813-8 paper ¥18,229.- (税込) EUR 74.99

Luxembourg has an atypical, efficient migration. The recent Portuguese underclass themselves in the same way as their predecessors of the Salazar regime, despite higher educational attainment, while the citizens of the new member states move to the top of the pyramid. The strong north-south divide between Luxembourg and Portugal is illustrated by a number of indicators. Freedom of movement is reduced and renationalised by ECJ rulings on the initiative of northern member states against southern European crisis 'refugees'. The categories of EU citizens versus third-country nationals develop into economically strong EU and non-EU migrants versus weak EU and non-EU migrants.

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Nelsen, Matthew D., The Color of Civics: Civic Education for a Multiracial Democracy. 264 pp. 2023:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <698-518>
ISBN 978-0-19-768564-8 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-0-19-768565-5 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Generations of Americans, dating back to the nation's founding, have regarded schools as essential for developing the knowledge and civic values necessary for sustaining democracy. Yet, as Matthew D. Nelsen argues in The Color of Civics, traditional approaches to civic education are not living up to their promise for many students, particularly students of color from disadvantaged communities. How do we prepare an increasingly diverse generation of Americans for full participation in public life? Drawing on lessons from students and teachers in Chicago, The Color of Civics reimagines the democratic purpose of civic education. Nelsen's findings challenge some of the most widely cited civic education research, arguing that the content of traditional civic education courses privileges the political experiences of white political actors, and in turn, contributes to divergent political behaviors and participatory outcomes across racial and ethnic groups. He presents a new approach to civic education that aims to foster political empowerment by centering historically-grounded conversations about current events as well as critical categories of knowledge--those that highlight the agency and grassroots political action of marginalized groups. This approach increases rates of intended political participation among young people of color and heightens political empathy among white youth. Nelsen also highlights the agency of teachers in processes of socialization, exploring how their attitudes and lived experiences drive the implementation of more empowering civic learning environments. By taking the histories and lived experiences of marginalized communities seriously, The Color of Civics asserts that civics courses can become spaces where young people begin to recognize their own agency, develop empathy, and define the terms of their own political participation. Including novel empirical research and an evidence-based analysis, Nelsen provides practical and useful advice for policymakers that cuts through the noise to focus on what works.

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Dinckan, Ayseguel, Neuere Ansaetze der Integrationspolitik in Oesterreich: Eine Analyse ueber die Einstellungen der Gastarbeiter zum Thema Integration und Integrationspolitik in Oesterreich. 282 S. 2023:1 (P. Lang, SZ) <698-527>
ISBN 978-3-631-89209-1 paper ¥14,784.- (税込) SFR 60.00

Die Gastarbeiter, welche ab der zweiten Haelfte der 60er Jahre nach Oesterreich gekommen sind und auf die Rueckkehr ins Heimatland verzichtet haben, konnten alle Entwicklungen in Bezug auf die Integrationspolitik ? welche durch die Institutionalisierung einen oeffentlichen Stellenwert bekommen - miterleben. In diesem Werk erfolgt eine kritische Darstellung ausgehend von der Gastarbeiter-Anwerbung bis zur Einbettung der Integrationspolitik mit einem Tiefblick in die Institutionalisierungsphase. Darueber hinaus wird durch die Studie die Betrachtungsweise der Gastarbeiter ueber die integrationspolitischen Entwicklungen und das Integrationsbild von den naechsten Generationen der Gastarbeiterfamilien dargestellt, welche fuer manche Leser die Moeglichkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels anbieten wird.

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Chowdhury, Kanishka, Border Rules: An Abolitionist Refusal. (Politics of Citizenship and Migration) 262 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <698-546>
ISBN 978-3-031-26215-9 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

This book examines both border policies and oppositional narratives of "the border," 2011-2021, demonstrating that the term designates not merely a line of territorial control but also a set of social relations shaped by persistent, racially differentiated colonial structures and, more recently, by neoliberal modes of accumulation. These relations are shown to determine access to wealth and/or resources and to enable the management of labor, the extraction of surplus, and the accumulation of capital. Discussion in the book is informed by the history of these policies and by the critical literature on borders. Various cultural texts focusing on two border zones-the US-Mexico and the EU-Southern Mediterranean-are analyzed: specifically, two novels, two films, and two murals examined in conjunction with amusic video. A path to a borderless future is suggested: an abolitionist refusal of border rules with an insistence on the necessity of abolition.

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Mukbil, Huda, Agent of Change: My Life Fighting Terrorists, Spies, and Institutional Racism. 272 pp. 2023:5 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <698-589>
ISBN 978-0-228-01655-7 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

In Agent of Change Huda Mukbil takes us behind the curtain of a leading spy agency during a fraught time, recounting her experiences as an intelligence officer for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Mukbil was the first Black Arab-Canadian Muslim woman to join CSIS and was at the forefront of the fight against terrorism after 9/11.Mukbil's mastery of four languages quickly made her a counterterrorism expert and a uniquely valuable asset to the organization. But as she worked with colleagues to confront new international threats, she also struggled for acceptance and recognition at the agency. Following the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the rise of homegrown extremism, Mukbil was framed as an inside threat. Determined to prove her loyalty, while equally concerned about the surveillance and profiling of Muslims and revelations of Western agencies' torture and torture by proxy, Mukbil started to question CSIS's fluctuating ethical stance in relation to its mandate. Her stellar work on a secondment to MI5, the British Security Service, earned commendation; this shielded her, but only temporarily, from the hostile workplace culture at CSIS. Ultimately, Mukbil and a group of colleagues went public about the pervasive institutional discrimination undermining CSIS and national security from within.Mukbil's expertise in international security and her commitment to workplace transparency drove important changes at CSIS. Dazzlingly written, her account is an eye-opener for anyone wanting to understand how racism, misogyny, and Islamophobia undermine not only individuals, but institutions and the national interest - and how addressing this openly can tackle populism and misinformation.

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Roque, Richardo / Anderson, Warwick (eds.), Imagined Racial Laboratories: Colonial and National Racialisations in Southeast Asia. (Brill's Southeast Asian Library 10) 321 pp. 2023:6 (Brill, NE) <698-641>
ISBN 978-90-04-54294-5 hard ¥32,818.- (税込) EUR 135.00

Imagined Racial Laboratories reveals the watermarks of science in the dynamics of racialisation in Southeast Asia, during and after the colonial period. Bringing together a set of critical histories of race sciences, it illuminates the racialised dimensions of colony and nation in the region. It demonstrates that racialisation took - and continues to take - mutable and multiple forms that often connect, perhaps more than differentiate, colonial and national periods across a variety of Southeast Asian settings. Thus, imagined races have contributed as much to the invention of modern Southeast Asia as have other fabled imagined communities.

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Grasso, Arianna, Digital Media and Refugeehood in Contemporary Australia: Resistance and Counter-Discourses from Detention. 175 pp. 2023:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <698-647>
ISBN 978-3-031-24624-1 hard ¥10,936.- (税込) EUR 44.99

This book focuses on the resistance practices digitally enacted by a group of refugees in the context of the Australian detention policy. Drawing on critical-, multimodal- and ethnographic-discursive analytical research, the author brings to the fore the digitally mediated lived experiences of detained refugees as articulated from Australia-run offshore and onshore detention facilities. The book unveils how refugees' self-representation and counter-discursive practices on social media aim to dismantle the dehumanizing, exclusionary, and obliterating anti-refugee rhetoric that pervades political and media landscapes in contemporary Australia. It will be of interest to academics and students in fields including Digital Migration Studies, Refugee Studies, Digital Media Studies, Corpus Linguistics and Critical Discourse Studies, including Multimodal Critical Discourse Studies, and Discourse Ethnography.

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Sahin-Mencuetek, Zeynep / Goekalp-Aras, N. Ela et al. (eds.), Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Between Reception and Integration. (IMISCOE Research Series) 160 pp. 2023:4 (Springer, GW) <698-675>
ISBN 978-3-031-27365-0 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99 *
ISBN 978-3-031-27368-1 paper ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book provides a comprehensive analysis of Turkey's response to Syrian mass migration from 2011 to 2020. It examines internal and external dimensions of the refugee issue in relation to Middle Eastern geopolitics as well as the salience of controlling irregular migration to the European Union. The book focuses on policies and discourses developed in the fields of border management, reception, asylum and protection, and integration of refugees with an emphasis on continuities, ruptures and changes. One of its main goals is to compare differences in policy practices across provinces in order to better capture ways in which Syrian refugees claim agency, develop belonging and experience integration in the context of cultural intimacy, precarity and temporariness. By providing rich empirical evidence, this book provides a valuable resource for students and scholars in migration studies, political science, anthropology, sociology and public administration disciplines as wellas policy makers, stakeholders and the general public.

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Denk, Larissa, Jubuntu: Giving and Belonging in the Jewish Diaspora of Cape Town. 434 pp. 2023:2 (J. B. Metzler, GW) <698-683>
ISBN 978-3-662-66886-3 paper ¥21,875.- (税込) EUR 89.99

This study investigates the nexus between giving, belonging and Jewishness in South Africa. Charitable interactions are as much manifestations of inequalities as an expression of the giving individual's desire to alleviate them. Structuring aspects like class, race, economics, and post-apartheid politics are at the basis of this study. At the same time, though, it is individual agency reproducing inequalities and making sense of the ambiguity of the charitable interaction. In the context of the Jewish community in South Africa this analysis shows how the community's organisations, practices and concepts are connected to charitable giving. The author carved out three dimensions, which are entangled, reinforced, or at times contradict each other: Belonging, diaspora and charitable giving. Along with shared values and practices it relates to, volunteering or charitable giving connects one individual to a group, while possibly excluding another from it. Expressing belonging to the Jewish collective as a diaspora community, relates individuals or collectives to the triadic relationship between local diaspora group, host society and homeland and other local communities of the same diaspora.

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Sansone, Livio, Field Station Bahia: Brazil in the Work of Lorenzo Dow Turner, E. Franklin Frazier and Frances and Melville Herskovits, 1935-1967. (Africa Multiple 1) 280 pp. 2023:3 (Brill, NE) <698-692>
ISBN 978-90-04-52393-7 hard ¥21,635.- (税込) EUR 89.00

This book offers a new perspective on the making of Afro-Brazilian, African-American and African studies through the interrelated trajectory of E. Franklin Frazier, Lorenzo Dow Turner, Frances and Melville Herskovits in Brazil. The book compares the style, network and agenda of these different and yet somehow converging scholars, and relates them to the Brazilian intellectual context, especially Bahia, which showed in those days much less density and organization than the US equivalent. It is therefore a double comparison: between four Americans and between Americans and scholars based in Brazil.

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Hey-Colon, Rebeca L., Channeling Knowledges: Water and Afro-Diasporic Spirits in Latinx and Caribbean Worlds. (Latinx: The Future Is Now) 280 pp. 2023:7 (U. Texas Pr., US) <698-699>
ISBN 978-1-4773-2724-1 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4773-2725-8 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *



Jerry, Anthony Russell, Blackness in Mexico: Afro-Mexican Recognition and the Production of Citizenship in the Costa Chica. (New World Diasporas) 240 pp. 2023:5 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <698-701>
ISBN 978-0-8130-6966-1 hard ¥19,074.- (税込) US$ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-0-8130-8012-3 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

An up-close view of the movement to make "Afro-Mexican" an official cultural categoryThrough historical and ethnographic research, Blackness in Mexico delves into the ongoing movement toward recognizing Black Mexicans as a cultural group within a nation that has long viewed the non-Black mestizo as the archetypal citizen. Anthony Jerry focuses on this process in Mexico's Costa Chica region in order to explore the relational aspects of citizenship and the place of Black people in how modern citizenship is imagined.Jerry's study of the Costa Chica shows the political stakes of the national project for Black recognition; the shared but competing interests of the Mexican government, activists, and townspeople; and the ways that the state and NGOs are working to make "Afro-Mexican" an official cultural category. He argues that that the demand for recognition by Black communities calls attention to how the mestizo has become an intuitive point of reference for identifying who qualifies as "other." Jerry also demonstrates that while official recognition can potentially empower African descendants, it can simultaneously reproduce the same logics of difference that have brought about their social and political exclusion.One of few books to center Blackness within a discussion of Mexico or to incorporate a focus on Mexico into Black studies, this book ultimately argues that the official project for recognition is itself a methodology of mestizaje, an opportunity for the government to continue to use Blackness to define the national subject and to further the Mexican national project.A volume in the series New World Diasporas, edited by Kevin A. Yelvington Publication of this work made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Kuehnel, Ferdinand / Mikulova, S. / Stankovic, S. (eds.), East Central European Cemeteries: Ethnic, Linguistic, and Narrative Aspects of Sepulchral Culture and the Commemoration of the Dead in Borderlands. (Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe 41) 154 pp. 2022:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <698-751>
ISBN 978-3-631-78448-8 paper ¥12,320.- (税込) SFR 50.00

This edited volume asks what earlier and contemporary cemeteries and memorials can tell us about manifestations of past times. How do they testify of contradictory dimensions of memorial behavior: from commemoration or celebration to forgetting? The chapters in this volume address the work of cultural remembrance connected mostly to various minority groups in East Central Europe while enquiring into tangible and intangible intertwining spheres-visible and hidden signs, traces and lifeworlds of memories, emotions, stories, and historical interpretations.

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Maclennan, Alexandra (ed.), The Irish Catholic Diaspora: Five centuries of global presence. (Reimagining Ireland 118) 254 pp. 2022:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <698-166>
ISBN 978-1-80079-516-7 paper ¥15,276.- (税込) SFR 62.00

≪The Irish missionary momentum in the 19th century attests to the vitality of a Christian community whose richness and great diversity this book illustrates, with particular emphasis placed on the considerable effort made in the field of education, a privileged way for human promotion and the proclamation of the Gospel.≫ (Bernard Ardura, President, Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences) ≪This book is a wonderful read: well researched, fascinating, clear, insightful and learned. It is an exceptional testimony of the achievements of the Irish Religious Diaspora. It is fundamental reading during a period in which our country has become a destination country, hosting so many from all parts of the globe. Although a small country on the periphery of Europe, Ireland was capable of projecting its values and culture globally through its diaspora. The Irish religious diaspora, as illustrated so deftly in this book, is a notable example of this throughout the ages. This book informs us and reminds us so well of the extraordinary efforts and tireless endeavours of the Hiberno-Roman missionaries in exporting Irish Catholic values globally over past centuries. The book is a pleasure to read.≫ (Patricia O’Brien, Ambassador of Ireland in Rome) Sourcing the circulation, settlement and influence of the Irish religious groups in continental Europe, the Americas, Australia and South Africa, the volume starts in Lisbon in the sixteenth century. How did Lisbon become the hub of Irish trade and the seat of the Irish Catholic Church in exile after the Reformation? Where did it move on from there in modern and contemporary times? At a time when Irish missionaries have largely returned home to a country that has often been described as ≪post-Catholic≫, this collection brings together historians and literary critics who trace the trajectories, destinies, acculturation and shifting senses of identity of Irish Catholic clerics and missionaries across the globe from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries. Studies of postwar Europe, Latin America and South Africa show the modern expression of the Irish Catholic missionary movement, as well as some of the same spiritual and ethical preoccupations that are captured in the literary works of some of the most famous French, Irish and Irish-American authors.

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Maharaj, Pranitha (ed.), Migrant Traders in South Africa. (Sustainable Development Goals Series) 267 pp. 2023:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <698-241>
ISBN 978-3-031-21150-8 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This edited book examines the social realities of migrant traders in the informal economy in South Africa. It draws on original research conducted with migrant traders in order to understand their lived experiences in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. With chapters on the diverse types of informal trading, urban versus rural settings, migrant women, xenophobia, crime, poverty, well-being and policy responses, the book will be a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, policymakers and development practitioners whose work relates to SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

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T.ファロラ他著 アフリカの難民
Falola, Toyin / Yacob-Haliso, Olajumoke, African Refugees. 634 pp. 2023:1 (Indiana U. Pr., US) <698-413>
ISBN 978-0-253-06441-7 hard ¥11,220.- (税込) US$ 50.00 *

African Refugees is a comprehensive overview of the context, causes, and consequences of refugee's lives, discussing issues, policies, and solutions for African refugees around the world. It covers overarching topics such as human rights, policy frameworks, refugee protection, and durable solutions, as well as less-studied topics such as refugee youths, refugee camps, LGBTQ refugees, urban refugees, and refugee women. It also takes on rare but emergent topics such as citizenship and the creativity of African refugees.Toyin Falola and Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso showcase the voices and experiences of individual refugees through the sweep of history to tell the African refugee story from the long ago past through current developments, covering the full range of experience from the causes of flight to living in exile, all while maintaining a persistent focus on the complicated search for solutions.African Refugees recognizes African agency and contributions in pursuit of solutions for African refugees over time but avoids the pitfalls of the colonial gaze-where refugees are perpetually pathologized and Africa is always the sole cause of its own problems-seeking to complicate these narratives by recognizing African refugee issues within exploitative global, colonial, and neo-colonial systems of power.

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Crowley, Brandon Thomas, Queering Black Churches: Dismantling Heteronormativity in African American Congregations. 280 pp. 2023:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <698-128>
ISBN 978-0-19-766261-8 hard ¥28,050.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-0-19-766262-5 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Queering Black Churches provides a systematic approach for dismantling heteronormativity within African American congregations. Using the lenses of practical theology, ecclesiology, Queer theology, and gender studies, Brandon Thomas Crowley examines the heteronormative histories, theologies, morals, values, and structures of Black churches and how their longstanding assumptions can be challenged. Drawing on the experiences of several historically Black churches that became open and affirming (ONA), Queering Black Churches explores how historically Black churches have queered their congregations. Crowley examines the similarities and differences in their approaches and synthesizes them into a methodology called Black ecclesial Queering: a theoretical analysis and a practical method of queering that centers on the lived experiences of Black Queer folks seeking to subvert the puritanical ideologies of Black churches. Crowley argues for a systematic approach to dismantling homophobia within African American congregations that moves beyond surface-level allyship toward actual structural renovation. With its groundbreaking documentation of ONA congregations and its practical proposals for change, this book will be a valuable resource for students, scholars, and clergy alike.

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