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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



アメリカの人種・エスニック政治入門 第3版
Shaw, Todd / DeSipio, Louis / Pinderhughes, D. et al., Uneven Roads: An Introduction to U.S. Racial and Ethnic Politics. 3rd ed. 488 pp. 2024:5 (CQ Pr., US) <728-866>
ISBN 978-1-07-182456-6 paper ¥22,488.- (税込) GB£ 76.00 *

Uneven Roads helps students grasp how, when, and why race and ethnicity matter in U.S. politics. Using the metaphor of a road, with twists, turns, and dead ends, this incisive text takes students on a journey to understanding political racialization and the roots of modern interpretations of race and ethnicity. The book's structure and narrative are designed to encourage comparison and reflection. Students critically analyze the history and context of U.S. racial and ethnic politics to build the skills needed to draw their own conclusions. In the Third Edition of this groundbreaking text, authors Shaw, DeSipio, Pinderhughes, Frasure, and Travis bring the historical narrative to life by addressing the most contemporary debates and challenges affecting U.S. racial and ethnic politics. Students will explore important issues regarding voting rights, political representation, education and criminal justice policies, and the immigrant experience.

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Sithole, Tendayi, Hortense J. Spillers: Subject, Abject, and Insurgent in Black Radical Thought. (Living Existentialism) 176 pp. 2024:9 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-87>
ISBN 978-1-5381-9931-2 hard ¥21,631.- (税込) US$ 95.00

This book aims to show, in unique ways, in keeping with Spillers's innovative thinking, how not to treat subject, abject, and insurgent in a typological fashion, or teleology, but to account for ways in which, in their distinctive forms, also related to one another as they confront and combat dehumanization.Hortense J. Spillers: Subject, Abject, and Insurgent Black Radical Thought bears witness to the poetics of black radical thought in this right moment when black thought insists on its demands to have the world fundamentally changed. Hortense J. Spillers bears witness to the poetics of black radical thought in this right moment when black thought insists on its demands to have the world fundamentally changed.

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Kaufman, Joyce P. / Williams, Kristen P., Gender, Race, and Power: Examining IR through an Intersectional Lens. 180 pp. 2024:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-901>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8211-6 hard ¥21,631.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-1-5381-8212-3 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

There are currently many books and articles that look at aspects of gender or race and international relations but none that embrace a broad intersectional approach (in terms of both gender and race that goes beyond a postcolonial perspective) to the study of the field. After introducing the approach, Kaufman and Williams then proceed through critical issues in international relations and the ways in which an intersectional approach that examines race, gender, class, ethnicity, and power can help us arrive at better explanations for these IR issues. The approach in this text builds on what many of the feminist IR theorists called for to address traditional issues such as security and war. Feminist IR theorists, led by scholars such as Ann Tickner and Cynthia Enloe, asked the question "Where are the women?" as a guiding principle. Feminist approaches to IR have been a part of the field for decades, but it is only fairly recently that students of IR have broadened the approach to the field to incorporate the dimensions of race, ethnicity, and class as well as gender. Thus, we ask questions like: How does gender matter for understanding war and peace? How does race matter? Where are the men? What is intersectionality in IR? How does an intersectional approach change/broaden our understanding of international relations?

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Lacroix, Thomas, The Transnational State: Governing Migratory Circulations. 188 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-903>
ISBN 978-3-031-53637-3 hard ¥9,896.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This work in two parts examines the relations between transnational societies and states. The second volume of this work contends that current policies meant to control or enhance transnational flows have led to the emergence of a transnational policy apparatus coined the transnational state. This book proposes an innovative conceptual framework to grasp the transformations of the contemporary state in both sending and receiving countries. It shows how states expand beyond national territorial limits by reaching out to migrants where they are. In response to the migrants' endeavours to circumvent the constrains imposed by selective migration policies, public authorities expand the reach of their control beyond (externalisation), within (internalisation) and at (expansion) borders. A totalitarian temptation seems to have seized contemporary state bureaucracies, affecting the very nature of borders and societies. The core argument of this research is that the development of the transnational state is not random. It is a process shaping and shaped by the structures of the transnational society.

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Vergnano, Cecilia, Alpine Border Conflicts: Migration and Social Polarization in the Everyday Life of Intra-EU Borders. (Crossing Borders in a Global World: Applying Anthropology to Migration, Displacement, and Social Change) 172 pp. 2024:7 (Lexington Books, US) <728-932>
ISBN 978-1-66692-213-4 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00

Few places are more revealing than the Alps to grasp the uneven EU core-periphery dynamics intrinsic to the EU border regime. In 2015, the reintroduction of controls at northern Italian borders, as a response to asylum seekers' mobility, gave rise to a series of conflicts, contradictions and solidarities which this book explores. By contextualizing the governance of borders and migration in a broader framework, which includes the governance of EU states' debt, the book focuses on the effects of border regimes not only on migrants but also on EU societies. The ethnographic analysis of the everyday life of the French/Italian and Austrian/Italian borders makes visible the impacts of governance strategies which promote social polarization to contain potentially subversive moments of disruptions and transgressions. In particular, the book aims to challenge the idea of a supposed lack of morality of all non-white migration facilitators (derogatorily called "passeurs"), in contrast to white facilitators' ethical and political commitments; and the supposed incompatibility between white workers supporting reactionary populism and the New Left's "Welcome Culture".

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Momesso, Lara / Ivanova, Polina (eds.), Refugees and Asylum Seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan. (Palgrave Macmillan Studies on Human Rights in Asia) 399 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-977>
ISBN 978-981-9728-66-4 hard ¥12,371.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This edited volume fills a gap in current research on asylum seekers and refugees. By focusing on two East Asian countries, Japan and Taiwan, this volume offers material for comparison and reflection on an area of the world in which this theme is still relatively underdeveloped. By approaching the theme through the different perspectives of human rights, social construction through media representation and public opinion, and lived experiences, the book offers a multifaceted and sophisticated analysis of the phenomenon. The main aim of this collection is to expand current scholarship on refugee studies and offer policy recommendations on the timely topic of refugee and asylum seekers in East Asia. This is an open access book.

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Gronningsater, Sarah L. H., The Rising Generation: Gradual Abolition, Black Legal Culture, and the Making of National Freedom. (Early American Studies) 416 pp. 2024:7 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <728-537>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2631-9 hard ¥10,246.- (税込) US$ 45.00

Chronicles the history of emancipation through the cradle-to-grave experiences of a remarkable generation of black northerners The Rising Generation chronicles the long history of emancipation in the United States through the cradle-to-grave experiences of a generation of black New Yorkers. Born into precarious freedom after the American Revolution and reaching adulthood in the lead-up to the Civil War, this remarkable generation ultimately played an outsized role in political and legal conflicts over slavery's future, influencing both the nation's path to the Civil War and changes to the US Constitution. Through exhaustive research in archives across New York State, where the largest enslaved population in the North resided at the time of the American Revolution, Sarah L. H. Gronningsater begins by exploring how English colonial laws shaped late eighteenth-century gradual abolition acts that freed children born to enslaved mothers. The boys and girls affected by these laws were born into a quasi-free legal status. They were technically not enslaved but were nonetheless required to labor as servants until they reached adulthood. Parents, teachers, and mentors of these "children of gradual abolition" found multiple ways to protect and nurture the boys and girls in their midst. They supported and founded schools, formed ties with white lawyers and abolitionists, petitioned local and state officials for better laws, guarded against kidnapping and cruelty, and shaped New York's evolving identity as a free state. Black fathers used their votes during annual state elections in the early 1800s to influence legislative antislavery efforts. After many but not all black men in the state were disfranchised by a race-based property requirement in 1822, black citizens across New York organized to regain equal suffrage and to expand and protect other crucial, non-gendered features of state citizenship. Women and children were critical participants in these efforts. Gronningsater shows how, as the children of gradual abolition reached adulthood, they took the lessons of their youth into midcentury campaigns for legal equality, political inclusion, equitable common school education, and the expansion of freedom across the nation.

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Boerger, Anna, Proxy Migration Control under the European Convention on Human Rights: An Analysis on Complicity in Human Rights Violations against Migrants on the Move. (Schriften zum Migrationsrecht 46) 375 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <728-571>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1812-3 paper ¥29,452.- (税込) EUR 119.00

The book focusses on the question whether European states are responsible under international human rights law, in particular under European Convention on Human Rights, when they outsource their migration control to third states. The concepts of state responsibility and jurisdiction under the ECHR are analysed, linked to each other, and put into the context of proxy migration control. The book also includes an analysis on the responsibility of member states when the European Union is involved. Suggestions are made how the substantive rights of the Convention can apply in this context.

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Endres de Oliveira, Pauline, Safe Access to Asylum in Europe: Normative Assessment of Safe Pathways to Protection in the Legal Context of the European Union. (Schriften zum Migrationsrecht 45) 270 S. 2024:5 (Nomos, GW) <728-572>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0572-7 paper ¥22,027.- (税込) EUR 89.00 *

The book provides a comprehensive legal assessment of four different types of safe pathways to protection in the EU: the asylum visa, resettlement, ad hoc humanitarian admission and sponsorship programs. It investigates the effects these pathways can have on the asylum paradox, that is the paradoxical interplay in current EU asylum policy between the granting of territorial protection on the one hand and the prevention of access to territory on the other. Based on the assumption, that the asylum paradox is the result of a conflict of responsibility principles, the book develops an analytical tool, a responsibility framework, for the analysis and assessment. Overall, the book identifies normative differences, depending on the specific pathway and its details of implementation.

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Curington, Celeste Vaughan, Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal. (Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor) 236 pp. 2024:9 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-295>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2796-7 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2795-0 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal examines the everyday lives of an African-descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly "anti-racial" Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire. While much of the literature on global care work has focused on Asian and Latine migrant care workers, there is comparatively less research that explicitly examines African care workers and their migration histories to Europe. Sociologist Celeste Vaughan Curington focuses on Portugal-a European setting with comparatively liberal policies around family settlement and naturalization for migrants. In this setting, rapid urbanization in the late twentieth century, along with a national push to reconcile work and family, has shaped the growth of paid home care and cleaning service industries. Many researchers focus on informal work settings, where immigrant rights are restricted and many workers are undocumented or without permanent residence status. Curington instead examines workers who have accessed citizenship or permanent residence status and also explores African women's experiences laboring in care and service industries in the formal market, revealing how deeply colonial and intersectional logics of a racialized and international division of reproductive labor in Portugal render these women "hyper-invisible" and "hyper-visible" as "appropriate" workers in Lisbon.

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Foulis, Elena / Alex, Stacey / Martinez, Glenn A. (eds.), Working en comunidad: Service-Learning and Community Engagement with U.S. Latinas/os/es. 200 pp. 2024:9 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-298>
ISBN 978-0-8165-5353-2 hard ¥22,770.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-8165-5352-5 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Francisco-Menchavez, Valerie, Caring for Caregivers: Filipina Migrant Workers and Community Building during Crisis. (Critical Filipinx Studies) 192 pp. 2024:11 (U. Washington Pr., US) <728-299>
ISBN 978-0-295-75313-3 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75314-0 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

A transformative look at the lives of Filipina care workers and their mutual aid practicesMigrant workers have long been called upon to sacrifice their own health to provide care in facilities and private homes throughout the United States. What draws them to such exploitative, low-wage work, and how do they care for themselves? In Caring for Caregivers, Valerie Francisco-Menchavez centers the perspectives of Filipino caregivers in the San Francisco Bay Area from 2013 to 2021, illuminating their transnational experiences and their strategies and practices to help each other navigate the crumbling US healthcare system.These caregivers routinely endure arduous labor conditions, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, abuse, chronic injuries, and illness-and the COVID-19 pandemic pushed them further to the frontlines of care and risk. Despite this, they found ways to forge bonds and build networks that provided material and emotional support. Drawing on surveys, individual interviews, and caregivers' stories as told through kuwentuhan, a Philippine cultural practice of collective storytelling, this book offers an intimate examination of intergenerational care work in the Filipino American community.

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Deeb-Sossa, Natalia / Flores, Y. G. / Chabram, A. (eds.), Testimonios of Care: Feminist Latina/x and Chicana/x Perspectives on Caregiving Praxis. 232 pp. 2024:8 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-308>
ISBN 978-0-8165-5322-8 hard ¥22,770.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-8165-5321-1 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Golomski, Casey, God's Waiting Room: Racial Reckoning at Life's End. (Global Perspectives on Aging) 212 pp. 2024:12 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-351>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4061-4 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4060-7 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Can older racists change their tune, or will they haunt us further once they're gone? Rich in mystery and life's lessons, God's Waiting Room: Racial Reckoning at Life's End considers what matters in the end for older white adults and the younger Black nurses who care for them. An innovation in creative nonfiction, Casey Golomski's story of her years of immersive research at a nursing home in South Africa, thirty years after the end of apartheid, is narrated as a one-day, room-by-room tour. The story is told in breathtakingly intimate and witty conversations with the home's residents and nurses, including the untold story of Nelson Mandela's Robben Island prison nurse, and readers learn how ageism, sexism, and racism intersect and impact health care both in South Africa and in the United States, as well as create conditions in which people primed to be enemies find grace despite the odds. For copyright reasons, this edition is not available in the South African Development Community and Kenya.

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Byrd, Marilyn Y. / Scott, Chaunda L. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Antiracism in Human Resource Development. 614 pp. 2024:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-449>
ISBN 978-3-031-52267-3 hard ¥49,496.- (税込) EUR 199.99

This handbook examines the development of antiracism, the antithesis of racism, in the field of Human Resource Development (HRD) and discusses its relevance to the workplace and higher education. Contributing authors from HRD and HRD-related fields present their perspectives on anti-racism and explain how their framing of anti-racism makes a contribution to HRD research, theory, and practice. Though antiracism is a critical, emerging topic, it has received limited attention in the literature. Its focus is the eradication of racism while delivering justice and emancipation. This collection advances the concept by highlighting ways that research, theory, and practice are shifting the conversation to dismantling and eliminating racism. It shows how racism has traumatized marginalized individuals, limited their participation in the workforce and society, and hindered their psychological well-being. This Handbook is divided into 4 sections: the historical foundations of racism; knowledge derived from research, theory, and lived experiences; practical application of antiracism in educational and workplace settings; and the future of antiracism research. Coming at a time of racial unrest and much discourse on race, this work provides scholars, professionals, and students with a body of research and practical examples that introduces and informs them on the concept of antiracism in HRD. Though the focus is on the US, the arguments put forth in this handbook are not localized, they are universal and can be applied in multiple contexts.

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Hunt, Christopher W., Jimmy's Faith: James Baldwin, Disidentification, and the Queer Possibilities of Black Religion. 192 pp. 2024:11 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-163>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0880-7 hard ¥22,314.- (税込) US$ 98.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0881-4 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00

A novel approach to understanding the work of James Baldwin and its transformative potential The relationship of James Baldwin's life and work to Black religion is in many ways complex and confounding. What is he doing through his literary deployment of religious language and symbols? Despite Baldwin's disavowal of Christianity in his youth, he continued to engage the symbols and theology of Christianity in works such as The Amen Corner, Just Above My Head, and others. With Jimmy's Faith, author Christopher W. Hunt shows how Baldwin's usage of those religious symbols both shifted their meaning and served as a way for him to build his own religious and spiritual vision. Engaging Jose Esteban Munoz's theory of disidentification as a queer practice of imagination and survival, Hunt demonstrates the ways in which James Baldwin disidentifies with and queers Black Christian language and theology throughout his literary corpus. Baldwin's vision is one in which queer sexuality signifies the depth of love's transforming possibilities, the arts serve as the (religious) medium of knitting Black community together, an agnostic and affective mysticism undermines Christian theological discourse, "androgyny" troubles the gender binary, and the Black child signifies the hope for a world made new. In disidentifying with Christian symbols, Jimmy's Faith reveals how Baldwin imagines both religion and the world "otherwise," offering a model of how we might do the same for our own communities and ourselves.

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Lin, Yii-Jan, Immigration and Apocalypse: How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration. 296 pp. 2025:1 (Yale U. Pr., US) <728-174>
ISBN 978-0-300-25318-4 hard ¥10,246.- (税込) US$ 45.00

Tracing the metaphor of America as the Book of Revelation's New Jerusalem, Yii-Jan Lin shows how apocalyptic narratives have been used to exclude unwanted immigrants America appeared on the European horizon at a moment of apocalyptic expectation and ambition. Explorers and colonizers imagined the land to be paradise, the New Jerusalem of the Bible's Book of Revelation. This groundbreaking volume explores the conceptualization of America as the New Jerusalem from the time of Columbus to the Puritan colonists, through U.S. expansion, and from the eras of Reagan to Trump. While the metaphor of the New Jerusalem has been useful in portraying a shining, God-blessed refuge with open gates, it has also been used to exclude, attack, and criminalize unwanted peoples. Yii-Jan Lin shows how newspapers, political speeches, sermons, cartoons, and novels throughout American history have used the language of Revelation to define immigrants as God's enemies who must be shut out of the gates. This book exposes Revelation's apocalyptic logic at work in the history of Chinese exclusion, the association of the unwanted with disease, the contradictions of citizenship laws, and the justification for building a U.S.-Mexico wall like the wall around the New Jerusalem. This book is a fascinating analysis of the religious, biblical, and apocalyptic in American immigration history and a damning narrative that weaves together American religious history, immigration and ethnic studies, and the use of biblical texts and imagery.

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Mokoko Gampiot, Aurelien, Scripturalizing Jewishness through Blackness: Black Jews in France. (Scripturalization: Discourse, Formation, Power) 308 pp. 2024:8 (Fortress Academic, US) <728-183>
ISBN 978-1-9787-1656-8 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00

While conversions to Judaism are generally understudied in France, conversions of Black persons go unnoticed. The past three decades witnessed an increasing number of claims to Jewishness in Africa and conversions in the African diaspora and Israel. Their diverse life stories reflect deep spiritual quests. Scripturalizing Jewishness through Blackness: Black Jews in France describes the multiple ways in which they practice and claim their Judaism, relate to their fellow Jews, and reconstruct their identities. Whether former Christians or native Jews, they (re)define their racial and ethnic identities as members of two minority groups in their interactions with Jewish texts and communities, to find their place in the French Jewry and the broader French society, where they have to face both anti-Semitism and racism. After fifteen years of fieldwork, Aurelien Mokoko Gampiot offers an original analysis of their individual and collective itineraries.

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Smith-Shomade, Beretta E., Finding God in All the Black Places: Sacred Imaginings in Black Popular Culture. 284 pp. 2024:10 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-197>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3978-6 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3977-9 paper ¥5,680.- (税込) US$ 24.95

In Finding God in All the Black Places, Beretta E. Smith-Shomade contends that Black spirituality and Black church religiosity are the critical crux of Black popular culture. She argues that cultural, community, and social support live within the Black church and that spirit, art, and progress are deeply entwined and seal this connection. Including the work of artists such as Mary J. Blige, D'Angelo, Erykah Badu, Prince, Spike Lee, and Oprah Winfrey, the book examines contemporary Black television, film, music and digital culture to demonstrate the role, impact, and dominance of spirituality and religion in Black popular culture. Smith-Shomade believes that acknowledging and comprehending the foundations of Black spirituality and Black church religiosity within Black popular culture provide a way for viewers, listeners, and users not only to endure but also to revitalize. This book is also freely available online as an open-access digital edition.

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McDaniel, Paul N. / Rodriguez, Darlene Xiomara (eds.), Integration and Receptivity in Immigrant Gateway Metro Regions in the United States. 346 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1199>
ISBN 978-1-66695-578-1 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00

Despite the velocity and scale of the cumulative changes of immigrant integration and receptivity infrastructures in fast growing regions of the United States, less research has focused on the new and evolving experiences in these regions in recent years. Editors Paul N. McDaniel and Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez and the contributors in Integration and Receptivity in Immigrant Gateway Metro Regions in the United States fill this gap through case studies of different types of immigrant gateway metro areas. They provide insight into how immigrant settlement, integration, and receptivity processes and practices within each metro area have continued to evolve beyond the nascent experiences documented in the early 2000s. This interdisciplinary volume examines ongoing processes in not only well-established immigrant gateways, but also in previously overlooked regions. This book is a resource for researchers, students, and practitioners to contextualize the ongoing changes in new destination metropolitan regions in the United States and to learn from the challenges, opportunities, and best practices emerging from different metropolitan regional contexts.

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Petocz, Orsolya Katalin / Segal, Naomi (eds.), Dwelling: Cultural Representations of Inhabited Places. 307 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-1205>
ISBN 978-3-031-56839-8 hard ¥32,171.- (税込) EUR 129.99

Dwelling is both an action and a location; it combines the spatial idea of habitation (dwelling in) with the temporal idea of lingering (dwelling on). We live not only in bricks and mortar, a tent, a hut or a spaceship, but also in that most changeful of forms, our body, or in a remembered or virtual home. Especially since COVID-19 we have seen changes in the topography of everyday life. In this multi-disciplinary collection, a complex of meanings is approached from a variety of specific, often personal angles.Framed by two longer essays which theorise how the psychology of home may change under sudden pressure and how social relations are embodied in windows, doors, walls and stairs, the book includes 18 further essays. Part I, 'Informal settlements', shows how a slum, urban development or nomadic life may create a self-sustaining identity; in Part II, 'Huts and bridges', impermanence shapes the state of dwelling, while Part III, 'Liminal bodies', presents bodies suspended at thresholds of change. Movement in time and space characterises the last three sections: Part IV, 'Moving home', depicts transitions and arrivals, Part V, 'Dwelling in Memory', focuses on recollections of past places and Part VI, 'Are we there yet?', points the way to a future in which the consulting-room changes to 2D, a family is exiled onto the small screen or we imagine breaking away altogether into outer space.

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Martinez, Rafael A., Illegalized: Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States. (BorderVisions) 264 pp. 2024:10 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-1226>
ISBN 978-0-8165-4864-4 hard ¥22,770.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-8165-4863-7 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00



Alston, Tasha L. / Lemmons, B. P. / Rollins, L. S. (eds.), Health, Parenting, and Community Perspectives on Black Fatherhood: Defying Stereotypes and Amplifying Strengths. (The Black Atlantic Cultural Series: Revisioning Artistic, Historical, Literary, Psychological, and Sociological Perspectives) 208 pp. 2024:10 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1232>
ISBN 978-1-66695-390-9 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00

From slavery to present day, the narratives of Black fatherhood have been fraught with biases and stereotypes, failing to accurately capture the voices and lived experiences of Black fathers. Contrary to these narratives, Black fathers play an important role in the lives of their children and families. Health, Parenting, and Community Perspectives on Black Fatherhood: Defying Stereotypes and Amplifying Strengths, edited by Tasha L. Alston, Brianna P. Lemmons, and Latrice S. Rollins, celebrates Black fatherhood and highlights the ways Black men defy stereotypes and embrace their role as fathers with unwavering resilience. Drawing on the expertise of well-regarded experts in the field and using a strengths-based perspective, this comprehensive book provides insight into the experiences of Black fathers in three key areas: health, parenting, and community. The contributors explore the salience of the co-parenting relationship for Black fathers, community-based participatory research with Black fathers, the Black father-daughter relationship, the male in-law relationship in Black families, support systems for Black fathers parenting autistic children, and more. This volume is an essential resource for scholars in social work, psychology, sociology, child development, allied health, and similar disciplines and professions.

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Erlinghagen, Marcel / Hank, Karsten (eds.), Transnational Family Relations of German Emigrants. (Familienforschung) 173 pp. 2024:6 (Springer VS, GW) <728-1233>
ISBN 978-3-658-44542-3 paper ¥22,271.- (税込) EUR 89.99

Drawing on unique data from the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS), the present book comprises empirical studies on various aspects of recent German emigrants' transnational relationships to core family members, specifically intimate partners, parents, and children. Moreover, we reflect on conceptual and empirical challenges in previous work on transnational family relations, suggesting avenues for future research. We thereby aim to strengthen the integration of two closely related strands of social research - the sociologies of migration and families - and add an important new facet to the study of transnational families more generally.

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Cooper, Joseph N., Black Sporting Resistance: Diaspora, Transnationalism, and Internationalism. (Critical Issues in Sport and Society) 214 pp. 2025:1 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1241>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3986-1 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3985-4 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

In recent years, there has been increased attention towards activism in sporting spaces. A vast majority of these contributions have focused on intra-nation tensions and impact. Yet, there is a dearth of scholarship that has engaged in a theoretically grounded analysis of how Black sportspersons have exhibited resistance in and through sport across national borders across time, space, and context. In this text, Joseph N. Cooper introduces the Black Sporting Resistance Framework (BSRF) as an analytic lens to examine how resistance actions in and through sport have contributed to the advancement of local and global racial justice efforts. Key concepts such as African (Black) diaspora, transnationalism, internationalism, sporting resistance typology, and sport activism typology are incorporated throughout the book. Black sporting resistance is also analyzed alongside broader social movements such as the Black Liberation Struggle, Black Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and Black Radicalism. Insights on the ways in which sport can be used to advance social justice in the future are presented.

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Heberling, Lydia / Kamper, David / Ponting, Jess (eds.), Waves of Belonging: Indigeneity, Race, and Gender in the Surfing Lineup. 2024:12 (U. Washington Pr., US) <728-1243>
ISBN 978-0-295-75340-9 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75341-6 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Showcases surfing as a site of social belonging and power formationThe surf zone-the place between ocean and shore-offers a powerful space to reflect on the dynamic contemporary politics of our worlds. Surfing always occurs on Indigenous lands, and centering Indigeneity in surfing studies both recognizes this fundamental fact and creates a different starting point for connecting surfing, storytelling, power, and relationships. In Waves of Belonging, Lydia Heberling, David Kamper, and Jess Ponting gather essays by scholars and practitioners that grapple with power, identity, and belonging while remaining grounded in a sense of hope and futurity.Contributors explore how Black, Indigenous, Latinx, queer and trans, and female-identifying communities transform surfing culture into possibilities for new imagined relations. The essays also interrogate the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and twenty-first century racial protest movements as they manifest in surfing communities, geographies, and cultures across the world. Throughout the volume, surfing emerges as a method for decolonizing, righting historical wrongs, and restoring relationship with lands and waters and as a praxis for language learning.Original and timely, Waves of Belonging challenges the histories of exclusivity associated with surfing and demonstrates how Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ people have drawn on surfing's counterculture reputation to construct new spaces of hope and community.

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Giroux, Monique, Metis Music: Stories of Recognition and Resurgence. (McGill-Queen's Indigenous and Northern Studies) 240 pp. 2024:10 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1282>
ISBN 978-0-228-02225-1 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-228-02226-8 paper ¥8,868.- (税込) US$ 38.95

What makes music Metis, and who gets to decide? Complex dynamics of recognition, non-recognition, and erasure have played out over a history of Metis music-making, from the Red River Resistance all the way to the present day.Monique Giroux argues that Metis music reflects broader social relationships, in particular the politics of recognition. Drawing on newspaper articles, archival documents, interviews with Metis and non-Metis musicians, and over a decade of research at cultural festivals, she charts a history of reframings: a changing but problematic relationship whereby settlers define the boundaries of acceptance to assert control over Metis identity and culture. Complicating this narrative, Giroux points to the many ways Metis have resisted settler recognition and erasure - both within mainstream old-time fiddling and at Metis-run events where people have continued to gather, tell stories, and draw on music to rebuild relationships in a time of resurgence.Metis Music critically examines music as a shifting site of encounter, showing its readers what to listen for, how to learn by listening, and the importance of acting intentionally with the learning gained through listening.

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Protassova, Ekaterina / Yelenevskaya, Maria, Everyday Linguistic and Cultural Practices of the Russophone Diaspora. (Studies in Slavic, Baltic, and Eastern European Languages and Cultures) 352 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1308>
ISBN 978-1-79363-865-6 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00

The Russian language has evolved into a lingua franca in post-Soviet immigrant communities, prompting an analysis of its use in different domains. Everyday Linguistic and Cultural Practices of the Russophone Diaspora explores the language maintenance of Russian abroad, emphasizing the role of educational ventures and transnational communications facilitated by the internet. This book researches specific aspects of migrant life, including occupational practices, homemaking, family dynamics, cultural engagement, and linguistic hybridity, and makes use of extensive empirical data spanning Soviet, post-Soviet, and non-Soviet migrant generations collected from European, North American, and Asian communities. Relations between different migration waves are not always friendly, but are mediated through online discussion forums, which help to foster mutual understanding. Like all migrants, Russophones seek better opportunities by establishing new homes, revealing intergenerational differences in lifestyle and adaptation. This volume focuses on the emigration waves between 1990 and 2020, and points to shifts in values and migration expectations and reflecting on the evolution of diasporic communities and the dynamic adaptation of the Russian language.

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Mellinger, Gwyneth, Racializing Objectivity: How the White Southern Press Weaponized Journalism Standards to Defend Jim Crow. 288 pp. 2024:12 (U. Massachusetts Pr., US) <728-1343>
ISBN 978-1-62534-811-1 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-1-62534-810-4 paper ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95

When the civil rights movement began to challenge Jim Crow laws, the white southern press reframed the coverage of racism and segregation as a debate over journalism standards. Many white southern editors, for instance, designated Black Americans as "Negro" in news stories, claiming it was necessary for accuracy and "objectivity," even as white subjects went unlabeled. These news professionals disparaged media outlets that did not adhere to these norms, such as the Black press. In this way, the southern white press weaponized journalism standards-and particularly the idea of objectivity-to counter and discredit reporting that challenged white supremacy. Through deep engagement with letters and other materials in numerous archives from editors, journalists, and leaders of newswire services, Racializing Objectivity interrogates and exposes how the white southern press used journalism standards as a professional rationalization for white supremacy and a political strategy to resist desegregation. Gwyneth Mellinger argues that white skin privilege gave these news professionals a stake in the racial status quo and was thus a conflict of interest as they defended Jim Crow. Her study includes an examination of the Southern Education Reporting Service, an objectivity project whose impartiality, she contends, instead affirmed systemic racism. In a pointed counternarrative, Mellinger highlights Black editors and academics who long criticized the supposed objectivity of the press and were consequently marginalized and often dismissed as illegitimate, fanciful, and even paranoid. Elegant and incisive, Racializing Objectivity unequivocally demonstrates that a full telling of twentieth-century press history must reckon with the white southern press' cooptation of objectivity and other professional standards to skew racial narratives about Black Americans, as well as northern whites and democracy itself.

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McClaurin, Irma, Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. 25th Anniversary Ed. 296 pp. 2024:11 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1369>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4330-1 hard ¥34,155.- (税込) US$ 150.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4329-5 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

In the discipline's early days, anthropologists by definition were assumed to be white and male. Women and black scholars were relegated to the field's periphery. From this marginal place, white feminist anthropologists have successfully carved out an acknowledged intellectual space, identified as feminist anthropology. Unfortunately, the works of black and non-western feminist anthropologists are rarely cited, and they have yet to be respected as significant shapers of the direction and transformation of feminist anthropology. In this volume, Irma McClaurin has collected-for the first time-essays that explore the role and contributions of Black feminist anthropologists. She has asked her contributors to disclose how their experiences as Black women have influenced their anthropological practice in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States and how anthropology has influenced their development as Black feminists. Every chapter is a unique journey that enables the reader to see how scholars are made. The writers present material from their own fieldwork to demonstrate how these experiences were shaped by their identities. Finally, each essay suggests how the author's field experiences have influenced the theoretical and methodological choices she has made throughout her career. Not since Diane Wolf's Feminist Dilemmas in the Field or Hortense Powdermaker's Stranger and Friend have we had such a breadth of women anthropologists discussing the critical (and personal) issues that emerge when doing ethnographic research.

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Alshoubaki, Wa'ed, Navigating Integration Policies of Forced Migration in the United States: The Case of Syrian Refugees. 175 pp. 2024 (Springer, GW) <728-1379>
ISBN 978-3-031-58790-0 hard ¥29,696.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book investigates the integration of Syrian refugees in the United States, and it identifies the challenges that hinder their successful integration. After providing a comprehensive analysis of the U.S. legal instruments in national and international laws and obligations to receive forced migrants, the book then highlights the resettlement process and programs as a coordinated interagency process that entails a collaboration between the UN Refugee Agency and the related U.S. departments and agencies and the nongovernmental partners and refugee advocacy organizations. Moreover, it delves into integration as a proxy theory and governance that entails an analytical component from a theoretical lens to understand some aspects of realities that revolve around the resettlement of forced migrants' concepts, principles, and policies. Built on rich qualitative data from Syrian refugees in the U.S. to understand their resettlement experiences and their integration in multidimensional analysis, the book shows how the lack of federally driven integration policies and institutions in the U.S. negatively affects just integration. Relying on voluntary organizations leads to uneven outcomes among forced migrants, affecting social equity. Alongside this book's theoretical and practical implications, it highlights the ethical consideration of studying forced migrants and the synergy between forced migrants' vulnerability and cultural sensitivity. Ultimately, the book discusses the roadmap for implementing integration policies in the U.S. Among the topics covered: Introduction: The History of Managing Forced Migration in the U.S.: Political Climate and Global EventsThe U.S. Legal and Institutional Frameworks of the Resettlement of Syrian RefugeesThe Syrian Refugees' Integration Challenges in the U.S. and the Roadmap for Integration Policies Navigating Integration Policies of Forced Migration in the United States: The Case of Syrian Refugees is relevant reading for researchers who are interested in integration and refugee-related topics; academics who conduct research in social policies, refugee integration, and resettlement; public policymakers who are involved in formulating refugee integration policies; practitioners at various levels who assist resettled forced migrants; and graduate students studying political science, public administration, social work, and sociology. Politicians with left-wing views who are advocating for improved human security for everyone also would find the book a useful resource.

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Caldwell, Joseph, A Theology of Power and Privilege: An Evangelical Perspective on Race. 370 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-138>
ISBN 978-1-9787-1650-6 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00

A Theology of Power and Privilege makes the bold assumption that it is possible to develop an antiracist theology within a constructive evangelical theological method. It examines Black Liberation Theology's claims of embedded racism within White theological systems and then asks both if Reformed North American Evangelicalism evidences racism within its theology, and if so, how might that be addressed biblically and doctrinally while remaining true to the theological essence of evangelicalism. Along the way, the author engages critically with an evangelical tradition represented by John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hobbs, and Carl F. H. Henry and considers it in the light of the critique of James Cone. Having identified racism within the theological tradition the author then offers a constructive evangelical theology of power and privilege that he accesses as truly antiracist. In pursuit of this theological conclusion, the author explores biblical texts on liberation, subjection, and obedience and applies his conclusions to constructive work on the Doctrine of God. This is done within an evangelical hermeneutical methodology that privileges the biblical text. This book will be of interest to evangelicals who are engaged in debates around race, racism, and social justice either theologically or historically, and theologians generally interested in the application of hermeneutics to theological method. It will also be of interest to anyone regardless of tradition as a guide to how white theologians can take seriously the contributions and value of the Black intellectual tradition to their work.

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Aylward, Christopher Patrick, Beothuk: How Story Made a People (Almost) Disappear. 272 pp. 2024:9 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1381>
ISBN 978-0-228-02203-9 hard ¥10,234.- (税込) US$ 44.95

The well-known story of the Beothuk is that they were an isolated people who, through conflict with Newfoundland settlers and Mi'kmaq, were made extinct in 1829. Narratives about the disappearance of the Beothuk and the reasons for their supposed extinction soon became entrenched in historical accounts and the popular imagination.Beothuk explores how the history of a people has been misrepresented by the stories of outsiders writing to serve their own interests - from Viking sagas to the accounts of European explorers to the work of early twentieth-century anthropologists. Drawing on narrative theory and the philosophy of history, Christopher Aylward lays bare the limitations of the accepted Beothuk story, which perpetuated but could never prove the notion of Beothuk extinction. Only with the integration of Indigenous perspectives, beginning in the 1920s, was this accepted story seriously questioned. With the accumulation of new sources and methods - archaeological evidence, previously unexplored British and French accounts, Mi'kmaq oral history, and the testimonies of Labrador Innu and Beothuk descendants - a new historical reality has emerged.Rigorous and compelling, Beothuk demonstrates the enduring power of stories to shape our understanding of the past and the impossibility of writing Indigenous history without Indigenous storytellers.

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Bejarano, Cynthia / Morales, Maria Cristina (eds.), Frontera Madre(hood): Brown Mothers Challenging Oppression and Transborder Violence at the U.S.-Mexico Border. (The Feminist Wire Books) 368 pp. 2024:9 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-1382>
ISBN 978-0-8165-4668-8 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00



Boni-Claverie, Isabelle, Too Black to Be French. Tr. by J. D. Jordan. 272 pp. 2025:2 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-1383>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0808-1 hard ¥7,957.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Winner, Grand Prize, French Voices Award In Too Black to Be French, Isabelle Boni-Claverie navigates the complexities of identity, race, and family in a world that constantly questions her belonging. Boni-Claverie's singular account interweaves the extraordinary life experiences of three generations of her family: her grandfather from Ivory Coast, who married a middle-class white woman from southern France in the 1930s; her biological parents, and her mixed-race aunt and white upper-class uncle who adopted her; as well as her own life as a successful film director and writer faced with abiding stereotypes and discrimination. Written with humor and aplomb, Boni-Claverie's narrative examines the enduring effects of France's colonial past and the deep-seated structural prejudices affecting Black people in a country that prides itself on stories of its hospitality toward African Americans fleeing segregation. Updating this picture to reveal the complexities and challenges of being Black in France where discussion of race is often taboo, Boni-Claverie offers an American readership rare insights into racial dynamics on both sides of the Atlantic. Too Black to Be French is at once a sociological portrait of France, a multicultural family album, and a transatlantic coming-of-age story. It will appeal to readers eager for a passionate fresh voice devoted to better understanding the challenges of today's world and the courage it takes to overcome them. Through vivid storytelling, Boni-Claverie invites readers to traverse a path filled with emotional depth, cultural introspection, and a quest for acceptance.

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Calvente, Lisa B. Y., Moving Blackness: Black Circulation, Racism, and Relations of Homespace. 188 pp. 2025:1 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1387>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4065-2 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4064-5 paper ¥5,680.- (税込) US$ 24.95

Moving Blackness: Black Circulation, Racism, and Relations of Homespace delves into the intricate connections between communication, culture, power, and racism in relation to blackness. Through a blend of interviews, oral histories, and meticulous archival research, this book sheds light on the multifaceted narratives surrounding Black identity. It explores how these stories circulate, serving as tools of resistance, negotiation, and affirmation of diverse manifestations and representations of blackness. By emphasizing the significance of storytelling as a means through which blackness affirms itself, transcending time and space, the book underscores how communicative embodiments of Black identity enable individuals to persevere within marginalized contexts. Engaging with theories of anti-Black racism, modernity, coloniality, and the Black diaspora, the book frames storytelling and the circulation of narratives as performances deeply rooted in the everyday lives of Black people across the diaspora. Starting with an examination of the racial construction of movement during colonialism and slavery, the book traces how this history shapes contemporary interactions. With its exploration of how Black circulation transforms movement and space, the book introduces a forward-thinking approach to the Black diaspora, anchored in a politics of identification rather than being confined to the past or a specific location. Moving Blackness argues that the desire for homespace, a yearning for belonging that transcends any particular physical space, fuels this envisioned future, rooted in the historical and material conditions of racism and marginalization.

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Canty, Jayme N., Snapping Beans: Voices of a Black Queer Lesbian South. (SUNY Series in Black Women's Wellness) 252 pp. 2024:8 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-1388>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9890-4 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *



Chapola, Jebunnessa, A Decolonial and Anti-Racist Transformative Autoethnographic Journey toward Reconciliation: A Racialized Immigrant Woman's Empowering Stories. (Decolonial Options for the Social Sciences) 230 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1389>
ISBN 978-1-66697-265-8 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00

While many non-Indigenous academic researchers have introduced the concept of reconciliation in their work, they have not adequately explored what it means for transnational immigrants and refugee communities to view reconciliation as a source of knowledge and understanding. How can assuming responsibility for reconciliation empower immigrant and refugee women communities? Why should immigrant and refugee communities embrace decolonial and anti-racist ways of knowing and acting to foster meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities? What does it entail to comprehend 'decolonial and anti-racist learning and practice'-as a system of reciprocal social relations and ethical practices-as a framework for reconciliation? Decolonial and Anti-racist Transformative Autoethnographic Journey toward Reconciliation: A Racialized Immigrant Woman's Empowering Stories aims to address these interdisciplinary questions. It endeavors not only to challenge our static comprehension of reconciliation but also to demonstrate how assuming responsibility for relearning decolonial and anti-racist meanings in our everyday practices is essential. These include: cultivating respectful relationships with Indigenous peoples, honoring Indigenous Treaties, taking steps to decolonize our ways of knowing and acting, understanding the impacts of colonial education processes, preserving our Land and environment, ensuring food security and nutritional adequacy, fostering intercultural spaces for social interactions, and promoting transnational empowerment.

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Clark-Kazak, Christina R. (ed.), Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. (McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies) 584 pp. 2024:11 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1391>
ISBN 978-0-228-02217-6 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Forced migration shaped the creation of Canada as a settler state and is a defining feature of our contemporary national and global contexts. Many people in Canada have direct or indirect experiences of refugee resettlement and protection, trafficking, and environmental displacement.Offering a comprehensive resource in the growing field of migration studies, Forced Migration in/to Canada is a critical primer from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Researchers, practitioners, and knowledge keepers draw on documentary evidence and analysis to foreground lived experiences of displacement and migration policies at the municipal, provincial, territorial, and federal levels. From the earliest instances of Indigenous displacement and settler colonialism, through Black enslavement, to statelessness, trafficking, and climate migration in today's world, contributors show how migration, as a human phenomenon, is differentially shaped by intersecting identities and structures. Particularly novel are the specific insights into disability, race, class, social age, and gender identity.Situating Canada within broader international trends, norms, and structures - both today and historically - Forced Migration in/to Canada provides the tools we need to evaluate information we encounter in the news and from government officials, colleagues, and non-governmental organizations. It also proposes new areas for enquiry, discussion, research, advocacy, and action.

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Curtin, Mary Ellen, She Changed the Nation: Barbara Jordan's Life and Legacy in Black Politics. (Politics and Culture in Modern America) 480 pp. 2024:9 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <728-1394>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2580-0 hard ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

An important new biography of Barbara Jordan, the first Black woman from the South to serve in Congress During her keynote speech at the 1976 Democratic Party convention, Barbara Jordan of Texas stood before a rapt audience and reflected on where Americans stood in that bicentennial year. "Are we to be one people bound together by a common spirit, sharing in a common endeavor, or will we become a divided nation? For all of its uncertainty, we cannot flee the future." The civil rights movement had changed American politics by opening up elected office to a new generation of Black leaders, including Jordan, the first Black woman from the South to serve in Congress. Though her life in elected politics lasted only twelve years, in that short time, Jordan changed the nation by showing that Black women could lead their party and legislate on behalf of what she called "the common good." In She Changed the Nation, biographer Mary Ellen Curtin offers a new portrait of Jordan and her journey from segregated Houston, Texas, to Washington, DC, where she made her mark during the Watergate crisis by eloquently calling for the impeachment of President Nixon. Recognized as one of the greatest orators of modern America, Jordan inspired millions, and Black women became her most ardent supporters. Many assumed Jordan would rise higher and become a US senator, Speaker of the House, or a Supreme Court justice. But illness and disability, along with the obstacles she faced as a Black woman, led to Jordan's untimely retirement from elected office-though not from public life. Until her death at the age of fifty-nine, Jordan remained engaged with the cause of justice and creating common ground, proving that Black women could lead the country through challenging times. No change in the law alone could guarantee the election of Black leaders. It took courage and ambition for Barbara Jordan to break into politics. This important new biography explores the personal and the political dimensions of Jordan's life, showing how she navigated the extraordinary pressures of office while seeking to use persuasion, governance, and popular politics as instruments of social change and betterment.

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Delgadillo, Theresa, Geographies of Relation: Diasporas and Borderlands in the Americas. 328 pp. 2024:9 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <728-1396>
ISBN 978-0-472-07693-2 hard ¥22,770.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-472-05693-4 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Geographies of Relation demonstrates how examining texts created throughout the Americas about diaspora and borderlands offers a lens to think about representations of race, ethnicity, and gender. Theresa Delgadillo crosses interdisciplinary and canonical borders to investigate the interrelationships of African-descended, Latinx and mestizx peoples through an analysis of Latin American, Latinx, and African American literature, film, and performance. Not only does Delgadillo offer a rare extended analysis of Black Latinidades in Chicanx literature and theory, but she also considers over a century's worth of literary, cinematic, and performative texts to support her argument about the significance of these cultural sites and overlaps. Chapters illuminate the significance of ToNa La Negra in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, reconsider feminist theorist's Gloria AnzaldUa offerings to revise exclusionary Latin American ideologies of mestizaje, unpack encounters between African Americans and Black Puerto Ricans in texts about twentieth-century New York, explore the expression of the African diaspora in colonial and contemporary Peru through literature and performance, and revisit the centrality of Black power in ending colonialism in various narratives. Thus, Geographies of Relation demonstrates the long histories of diaspora networks and exchanges across the Americas as well as the interrelationships among Indigenous, mestizx, Chicanx, and Latinx peoples. It offers a compelling argument that geographies of relation are as significant as national frameworks at structuring cultural formation and change in this hemisphere.

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Fielder, Elizabeth Rodriguez, The Revolution Will Be Improvised: The Intimacy of Cultural Activism. 228 pp. 2024:10 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <728-1400>
ISBN 978-0-472-07704-5 hard ¥20,493.- (税込) US$ 90.00
ISBN 978-0-472-05704-7 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

The Revolution Will Be Improvised: The Intimacy of Cultural Activism traces intimate encounters between activists and local people of the civil rights movement through an archive of Black and Brown avant-gardism. In the 1960s, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) activists engaged with people of color working in poor communities to experiment with creative approaches to liberation through theater, media, storytelling, and craftmaking. With a dearth of resources and an abundance of urgency, SNCC activists improvised new methods of engaging with communities that created possibilities for unexpected encounters through programs such as The Free Southern Theater, El Teatro Campesino, and the Poor People's Corporation. Reading the output of these programs, Elizabeth Rodriguez Fielder argues that intimacy-making became an extension of participatory democracy. In doing so, Fielder supplants the success-failure binary for understanding social movements, focusing instead on how care work aligns with creative production. The Revolution Will Be Improvised returns to improvisation's roots in economic and social necessity and locates it as a core tenet of the aesthetics of obligation, where a commitment to others drives the production and result of creative work thus, this book puts forward a methodology to explore further the improvised, often ephemeral, works of art activism.

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Garrison, James, Black Bodies That Matter: Mourning, Rage, and Beauty. (Philosophy of Race) 324 pp. 2024:9 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1403>
ISBN 978-1-79364-468-8 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00

Responding to interconnected tragedies affecting minority populations in America, Black Bodies That Matter: Mourning, Rage, and Beauty brings together the Black Lives Matter movement with the framework developed by Judith Butler in Bodies That Matter. Butler's analysis of subject life as a kind of melancholy-preempted mourning where loss itself is lost-and her advocacy of public forms of grieving like the AIDS Quilt, which brings lost lives out of the shadows, highlight the problematic connection between memory and loss when it comes to subjects who do not fully matter as they should. Taking her remarks on public memorials like the AIDS Quilt, her reading of Michel Foucault's idea of the subject as a self-surveilling prisoner, and her examination of Louis Althusser's scene where the voice of police authority bellows "Hey, you there!" and creates the "you" that turns around beholden to conscience, James Garrison examines resonances with black experience in America, which itself is marked by violence, surveillance, imprisonment, and encounters with the ominous voice of police authority. Investigating a wide array of black cultural expression, Black Bodies That Matter brings new insight to how mourning, vulnerability and invulnerability, rage, and beauty connect to human dignity and the depth and breadth of black loss.

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Goldenberg, Barry M., Strength through Diversity: Harlem Prep and the Rise of Multiculturalism. 268 pp. 2025:1 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1407>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2340-2 hard ¥28,462.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2339-6 paper ¥7,957.- (税込) US$ 34.95

For nearly seven years, from 1967 to 1974, many hundreds of bright, college-going youth-most of whom had previously been labeled as high school "dropouts"-would proudly celebrate their graduation from Harlem Prep, a small educational experiment that grew to become a nationally renowned, cherished community institution in the iconic Black neighborhood of Harlem. Operating in a repurposed supermarket that used blackboards as classroom dividers, the school's unique multicultural philosophy inspired all who stepped foot inside. This philosophy, exemplified by the school's motto of "unity through diversity," shaped the school's ethos, fostered student achievement, and, most of all, made Harlem Prep distinct from any other educational institution, past or present. In Strength through Diversity, Barry M. Goldenberg shares the history of this one-of-a-kind multicultural institution from its rise to its apex and decline, revealing the collective stories of hope, struggle, and love from administrators, teachers, community members, and students. Using history as a blueprint, Goldenberg illustrates the untapped potential of multicultural education in the ongoing quest for educational equity.

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Green, Hilary N., Unforgettable Sacrifice: How Black Communities Remembered the Civil War. (Reconstructing America) 400 pp. 2025:2 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-1409>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0853-1 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0852-4 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

Rediscover the Civil War through the voices that refused to be silenced Unforgettable Sacrifice offers a groundbreaking exploration into the heart of African American memory of the Civil War, challenging conventional narratives and revealing a rich history preserved through oral traditions and communal efforts. Through extensive archival research and stories shared on the porches of African American families, Hilary Green provides a detailed examination of how diverse Black communities across the United States have actively preserved and contested the memory of the Civil War, from the nineteenth century to the present. By rejecting the reduction of their experiences to mere footnotes in history, African Americans have established a vibrant commemorative culture that respects the complexity of their ancestors' sacrifices and struggles. From the rural landscapes of Black Pennsylvanians to the heart of emancipated communities in the South, Green connects the narratives of those who not only fought on battlefields but also in the realms of memory and heritage, ensuring their stories of resilience, courage, and patriotism are remembered. Unforgettable Sacrifice brings to light the untold stories of ordinary African Americans who took extraordinary steps in remembrance and resistance. By refusing to accept diluted narratives and lies, they have ensured the legacy of the Civil War includes the end of slavery, the valor of Black soldiers and civilians, and the ongoing struggle for democracy and full citizenship. This book is a testament to the enduring power of memory and the steadfast spirit of the African American community. It is an indispensable addition to the libraries of scholars, general readers, and descendant communities alike, offering new perspectives on the lasting impact of the Civil War on American identity and the persistent pursuit of justice and equality.

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Hall, Crystal C. / Hernandez, Mindy, Antiracist By Design: Reimagining Applied Behavioral Science. 192 pp. 2024:11 (MIT Pr., US) <728-1411>
ISBN 978-0-262-54946-2 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00



Inksetter, Leila, Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century. Tr. by B. Inksetter. (McGill-Queen's Indigenous and Northern Studies) 504 pp. 2024:9 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1414>
ISBN 978-0-228-02213-8 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-228-02214-5 paper ¥11,372.- (税込) US$ 49.95

The nineteenth century was a time of upheaval for the Algonquin people. As they came into more sustained contact with fur traders, missionaries, settlers, and other outside agents, their ways of life were disrupted and forever changed. Yet the Algonquin were not entirely without control over the cultural change that confronted them in this period. Where the opportunity arose, they adapted by making decisions and choices according to their own interests.Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century traces the history of settler-Indigenous encounter in two areas around the modern Ontario-Quebec border, in the period after colonial incursion but before the full effects of the Indian Act of 1876 were felt. While Lake Timiskaming was the site of commercial logging operations beginning in the 1830s, the Lake Abitibi region had much less contact with outsiders until the early twentieth century. These different timelines permit comparison of social and cultural change among Indigenous peoples of these two regions. Drawing on nineteenth-century archival sources and twentieth-century ethnographic accounts, Leila Inksetter sheds new light on band formation and governance, the introduction of elected chiefs, food provisioning, environmental changes, and the interaction between Indigenous spirituality and Catholicism.Cultural change among the nineteenth-century Algonquin was experienced not only as an uninvited imposition from outside but as a dynamic response to new circumstances by Indigenous people themselves. Inksetter makes a case for greater recognition of Algonquin agency and decision making in this period before the implementation of the Indian Act.

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Lauria Santiago, Aldo A. / Berg, Ulla D. (eds.), Latinas/os in New Jersey: Histories, Communities, and Cultures. (Ceres: Rutgers Studies in History) 350 pp. 2025:1 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1419>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2618-2 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2617-5 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Since the 1890s, New Jersey has attracted hundreds of thousands of Caribbean and Latin American migrants. The state's rich economic history, high-income suburbs, and strong public sector have all contributed to attracting, retaining, and setting the stage for Latin American and Caribbean immigrants and secondary-step migrants from New York City. Since the 1980s, however, Latinos have developed a more complex presence in the state's political landscape and institutions. The emergence of Latino-majority towns and cities and coalition politics facilitated the election of Latino mayors, council persons, and many social and community leaders, as well as the election of statewide officers. This collection brings together innovative and empirically grounded scholarship from different disciplines and interdisciplinary fields of study and addresses topics including the demographic history of Latinos in the state, Latino migration from gateway cities to suburban towns, Latino urban enclaves, Latino economic and social mobility, Latino students and education, the New Jersey Dream Act and in-state tuition act organizing, Latinos and criminal justice reform, Latino electoral politics and leadership, and undocumented communities. Contributors: Yamil Avivi; Jennifer Ayala; Ulla D. Berg; Giovani Burgos; Elsa Candelario; Laura Curran; Lilia Fernandez; Ismael Garcia Colon; Olga Jimenez de Wagenheim; Benjamin Lapidus; Aldo A. Lauria Santiago; Johana Londono; Kathleen Lopez; Giancarlo Muschi; Melanie Z. Plasencia; Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas; Elena Sabogal; Raymond Sanchez Mayers; William Suarez Gomez; Alex F. Trillo; Daniela Valdez; Anil Venkatesh; Lyna L. Wiggins

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Lundskow, George, White Supremacy and Anti-Supremacy Forces in the United States: A Sociohistorical and Social-Psychological Approach. (Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research 12) 198 pp. 2024 (Springer, GW) <728-1421>
ISBN 978-3-031-60562-8 hard ¥32,171.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book applies the most recent research in social psychology to decisive historical events that arguably built white supremacy as a cultural force, institutional system, and dominant social character. Simultaneously, the discussion considers the progressive counter-forces that have and continue to challenge white supremacy, and how this dialectical battle has brought the United States to the polarizations of the present day. The book builds a four-part argument. First, it considers the origins of white supremacy in the United States, and how some people uphold it today. Second, it discusses personality types that find white supremacy appealing. Third, it lays out the sociohistorical patterns that promoted white supremacy, rewarded people who practiced it, and created generations of people who find meaning and comfort in racist, misogynist, and heteronormative domination. Fourth, it discusses the social counterforces that challenge white supremacy and links these to personality types as well. Overall, the book examines how social character correlates with differing personality types, resulting in very different social movements, cultural expressions, political activities, and daily interactions.

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Madokoro, Laura, Sanctuary in Pieces: Two Centuries of Flight, Fugitivity, and Resistance in a North American City. (McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies) 336 pp. 2024:10 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1422>
ISBN 978-0-228-02287-9 paper ¥7,957.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Over the past two decades, the Sanctuary City movement has resulted in hundreds of jurisdictions declaring themselves safe spaces for undocumented migrants and people without status. Although they often draw on historical precedent, public sanctuary efforts amongst settler societies are markedly different from how refuge was conceptualized in the past.To explore these broad shifts, Sanctuary in Pieces looks at the history of protection and hospitality in Montreal/Mooniyaang/Tiohtia:ke over two hundred years. Laura Madokoro traces the movements and experiences of fugitives from slavery, wanted criminals, internationally renowned anarchists, and war resisters before turning to instances of public sanctuary practices since the 1970s. As people sought and forged refuge, they navigated a web of social connections, political agendas, and economic realities, testing the notion of the city and whom it was for. Even as those in search of sanctuary imagined, and often enacted, possible futures in the city, sanctuary was far from easy: it lay in an underground marked by refusal and denial, selective compassion and solidarity, and sometimes outright animosity. This contested and tumultuous history offers a profound challenge to the symbolism and substance of contemporary sanctuary city efforts.Conceptually innovative, Sanctuary in Pieces speaks to activist and policy considerations in the present, the making and unmaking of community, and how historical practice can accommodate silence in studies of intimate experiences of mobility and, on occasion, refuge.

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