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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Giordano, Sig / Sara, Labs of Our Own: Feminist Tinkerings with Science. 214 pp. 2025:2 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-73>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4037-9 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4036-2 paper ¥7,957.- (税込) US$ 34.95

From climate change to COVID-19 to reproductive justice, there has been deep political polarization around science. Labs of Our Own provides a unique entry point into these twenty-first-century science wars by focusing on our affective relationships to science. The book delves into various sites where scientists, teachers, artists, and activists claim to create more democratic access to science-from DIY biology community labs to feminist classrooms to activist science practitioners. The reader will find that these claims for and attempts at democratic sciences not only impact what counts as science and who counts as a scientist but reconfigure who is included in the proper public. Instead of arguing for a knee-jerk defense of science against right-wing attacks, Labs of Our Own builds the case for a feminist, antiracist, decolonial, queer science tinkering practice that intentionally, politically, and ethically acts to produce new challenges to the definition and boundaries of the human.

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Glazebrook, Patricia / Claxton, Susanne (eds.), Heidegger, Dasein, and Gender: Thinking the Unthought. (New Heidegger Research) 296 pp. 2024:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-74>
ISBN 978-1-5381-9863-6 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00

This book takes Heidegger to task on gender by assessing his views on women as thinkers and exploring what his work offers to contemporary LGBTQ+ and women's studies. Scholars come together whose Heidegger research engages bioethics, pregnancy, motherhood and maternal Dasein; whether Dasein can be gender neutral or non-binary, and what it means when 'neutrality' and gender are defined by patriarchy rather than the spectrum of lived genders; the question of human capacity for transcendence in the immanence of flesh; and the possibility of re-imaging Dasein as gendered, i.e., born into embodiment and bound to memory, and the capacity to create new futures by transitioning the present as it slips into history. Authors ask who and what, including animals, can be Dasein and bring Heidegger to issues of sexual abuse and violence, men's experience when thrust into women's daily (and not so daily) routine, and the intersection of queerness and death. The book aims not to provide final answers, but to open possibilities for further thinking with, on, against, through and because of Heidegger.

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Kaufman, Joyce P. / Williams, Kristen P., Gender, Race, and Power: Examining IR through an Intersectional Lens. 180 pp. 2024:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-901>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8211-6 hard ¥21,631.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-1-5381-8212-3 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

There are currently many books and articles that look at aspects of gender or race and international relations but none that embrace a broad intersectional approach (in terms of both gender and race that goes beyond a postcolonial perspective) to the study of the field. After introducing the approach, Kaufman and Williams then proceed through critical issues in international relations and the ways in which an intersectional approach that examines race, gender, class, ethnicity, and power can help us arrive at better explanations for these IR issues. The approach in this text builds on what many of the feminist IR theorists called for to address traditional issues such as security and war. Feminist IR theorists, led by scholars such as Ann Tickner and Cynthia Enloe, asked the question "Where are the women?" as a guiding principle. Feminist approaches to IR have been a part of the field for decades, but it is only fairly recently that students of IR have broadened the approach to the field to incorporate the dimensions of race, ethnicity, and class as well as gender. Thus, we ask questions like: How does gender matter for understanding war and peace? How does race matter? Where are the men? What is intersectionality in IR? How does an intersectional approach change/broaden our understanding of international relations?

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Evans, Stephanie Y., Black Feminist Writing: A Practical Guide to Publishing Academic Books. 272 pp. 2024:9 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-5>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9926-0 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-1-4384-9927-7 paper ¥5,680.- (税込) US$ 24.95



Nesiah, Vasuki, International Conflict Feminism: Theory, Practice, Challenges. (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) 304 pp. 2024:10 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <728-584>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2634-0 hard ¥15,926.- (税込) US$ 69.95

Analyzes the impact of International Conflict Feminism's alliance with powerful global institutions In this book, Vasuki Nesiah tells the story of the astonishing uptake of International Conflict Feminism (ICF) in the most powerful institutions of global governance. ICF refers to a repertoire of policy agendas and legal strategies allied with those institutions to focus on women's vulnerabilities, fight impunity for sexual violence, and promote women's roles in peace-building processes. ICF emerged from feminist networks anchored in the Global North that gained momentum in the aftermath of the Cold War. Although this volume offers a testament to ICF's remarkable success, it also analyzes how this success was intertwined with the defeat of alternative visions and agendas, including a range of dissident and heterodox feminisms that were eclipsed as ICF gained traction. Emerging from Nesiah's dual occupations in academia and international law and policy practice, International Conflict Feminism shows how centrally the ICF agenda has shaped fields such as peace building, international criminal law, transitional justice, and post-conflict economic policy. Each section pauses at different sites in the international governance architecture to analyze the distributive impact of ICF and its allied global policy agendas to examine what is privileged, legitimized, and empowered, and what is subordinated, marginalized, and further excluded. ICF is a project of ideas and passions, legal proposals, and policy orientations. Today, when the most powerful countries of the world are describing their military, economic, and political interventions as a "feminist foreign policy," the task of understanding and assessing the ICF project is especially urgent. Nesiah argues that, rather than obfuscating and denying the power of the ICF agenda, grappling with ICF's power is essential to achieving solidarity with feminisms that don't have a seat at the table, in particular those dissident feminist traditions with priorities and interests that challenge the dominant world order and its injustices and hierarchies.

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Chamberlen, Anastasia / Bandyopadhyay, Mahuya (eds.), Geographies of Gendered Punishment: Women's Imprisonment in Global Context. (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology) 323 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-648>
ISBN 978-3-031-61276-3 hard ¥37,121.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This edited book ?explores new and enduring themes in the gendered experience of incarceration across the world. Capturing global debates and research on women's treatment, their coping and resistances in penal settings, the collection promotes a feminist agenda that is attuned to the inherently patriarchal and intersectionally oppressive structures of contemporary punishment. It seeks to map policies and campaigns around women's criminalisation across the world and offers one of the most comprehensive overviews of women's imprisonment experiences across the Global North and Global South. Each chapter focusses on a different geographic context and theme and aims to provide the intellectual groundwork for a critical, world-wide movement advocating for women's decarceration. As a whole, the collection offers a robust empirical understanding of women's punishment in non-western, Global South contexts and also revisits ongoing debates in feminist accounts of punishment in the Global North. In doing so, the collection examines hierarchical geopolitical relations between privileged and underprivileged nations, reflecting global inequalities and structural violence rooted in legacies of imperialism and colonialism. Overall, the edited collection shows how centering women's peripheralized experiences can radically reshape our understanding of punishment and offers a new intellectual, methodological, and political means through which to think about gendered identity and imprisonment in the 21st Century.

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Craig, Elaine, Mainstreaming Porn: Sexual Integrity and the Law Online. 392 pp. 2024:9 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-649>
ISBN 978-0-228-02239-8 hard ¥7,957.- (税込) US$ 34.95

The ubiquity of streaming sites such as Pornhub has transformed the social role of sexually explicit content today. Online porn is no longer a shady corner of the internet; it is mainstream. Its production, commodification, and consumption on data-driven online platforms has changed - and is changing - our personal relationships, social and legal systems, and sexual norms.Online porn platforms are shaping sexual desires and practices in the same way that Google and Facebook have affected social relationships and the circulation of information: porn is now consumed on data-driven platforms with algorithms designed to engage the attention of users, encourage the production of user-generated videos, and filter content. Through frank examination of mainstream content with themes of incest, intoxication, and so-called consensual rough sex, issues that play out in life and in court, Elaine Craig shows how the platformization of mainstream pornography is shaping our sexual culture in real time. Mainstreaming Porn maps a complicated web of legal culture and legal actors, from corporate lawyers and platform content regulation to the criminal, civil, and administrative contexts in which porn companies operate and the legal interpretation of sexual assault defences. All have profound implications for the promotion and protection of everyone's sexual integrity, and especially that of women and girls.Mainstreaming Porn is an unflinching, carefully balanced perspective on a divisive topic. Without demonizing pornography or its consumption, Craig makes a powerful argument for applying legal mechanisms to corporate-owned online platforms while offering a sober evaluation of the limits of the law in governing pervasive cultural norms and social understandings of sexuality.

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Keighley, Rachel, Researching Hate as an Activist: Exploring LGBTQ+ Online Hate, Its Impacts, and Our Responsibility Towards Equality. (Palgrave Hate Studies) 180 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-657>
ISBN 978-3-031-57088-9 hard ¥9,896.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book examines research as activism through a case study of online hate targeting LGBTQ+ young people. It focuses on key issues concerning defining online hate, LGBTQ+ young people's experiences of and the harms of online hate. The book introduces the reader to research as activism, exploring how academic research has an obligation to be accountable to the communities we serve. It presents a reconsideration of researching hate that prioritizes the knowledge and expertise of community members above the academic researcher. Drawing on empirical data, the book is a call to action which argues for a moral and personal duty to address social injustices using our privilege as academics. Research as activism requires you to go beyond the four walls of your university to actively respond to socio-political injustices. Thus, the book discusses how researchers can use their academic tools for change. It speaks to academics, students, and practitioners interested in LGBTQ+ identities, hate studies, online safety, and research as activism.

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Curington, Celeste Vaughan, Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal. (Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor) 236 pp. 2024:9 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-295>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2796-7 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2795-0 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal examines the everyday lives of an African-descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly "anti-racial" Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire. While much of the literature on global care work has focused on Asian and Latine migrant care workers, there is comparatively less research that explicitly examines African care workers and their migration histories to Europe. Sociologist Celeste Vaughan Curington focuses on Portugal-a European setting with comparatively liberal policies around family settlement and naturalization for migrants. In this setting, rapid urbanization in the late twentieth century, along with a national push to reconcile work and family, has shaped the growth of paid home care and cleaning service industries. Many researchers focus on informal work settings, where immigrant rights are restricted and many workers are undocumented or without permanent residence status. Curington instead examines workers who have accessed citizenship or permanent residence status and also explores African women's experiences laboring in care and service industries in the formal market, revealing how deeply colonial and intersectional logics of a racialized and international division of reproductive labor in Portugal render these women "hyper-invisible" and "hyper-visible" as "appropriate" workers in Lisbon.

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Keliiaa, Caitlin, Refusing Settler Domesticity: Native Women's Labor and Resistance in the Bay Area Outing Program. (Indigenous Confluences) 300 pp. 2024:9 (U. Washington Pr., US) <728-301>
ISBN 978-0-295-75298-3 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75300-3 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Traces young Native women's lives and experiences as Bay Area domestic workersIn the early twentieth century, the Bay Area Outing Program coercively recruited over a thousand Native girls and women from boarding schools to labor as live-in domestic workers across the San Francisco Bay Area. Outing removed Native people from their communities and transferred them to white homes, farms, and businesses to work as menial laborers. In exchange for room, board, and meager pay, Native women and girls as young as twelve cooked, cleaned, and lived in the homes of their employers. Despite oppressive living and working conditions, they strategically resisted the worst aspects of outing, including Indian child removal, sexual surveillance, criminalization, and exploitation. Throughout, they forged social connections and navigated relationships to refuse domestication and assert their agency. In this groundbreaking work, historian Caitlin Keliiaa examines Native women's lived experiences of federal policy and connects outing to the region's longer history of coerced Native labor. Refusing Settler Domesticity explores the unexpected story of Native women in the Bay Area, decades before Indian Relocation, illuminating the women who helped shape the Bay Area Indian community as we know it today. This book, as indictment, expands the existing work on Indian boarding

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Hanson, Ardis / Levin, Bruce Lubotsky (eds.), Women's Behavioral Health: A Public Health Perspective. 339 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <728-334>
ISBN 978-3-031-58292-9 hard ¥24,251.- (税込) EUR 97.99

This book examines women's behavioral health (defined as alcohol, drug use, and mental health) problems from a population or public health perspective. It provides the current state of knowledge for women's behavioral health and examines the need for behavioral health services and implications for policy. It also reviews major issues in the organization, financing, and provision of women's behavioral health services. Global and national studies show that women are nearly twice as likely as men to have selected mental disorders. There also has been increasing attention to the social, behavioral, institutional, and economic determinants of health that result in service inequities for women in the United States compared to women in other countries. This textbook highlights mental and substance use disorders of particular concern to women, emphasizes services research issues in women's behavioral health, incorporates the social determinants of health, and provides a discussion of these critical issues from an interprofessional and interdisciplinary public health perspective. It also presents an overview of the epidemiology of mental and substance use disorders across the lifespan of women and service delivery issues from a population and system-level perspective. Applied services research chapters comprise the book's 14 chapter contributions that are organized into three parts: Part I. Framing Women's Behavioral Health;Part II. Selected At-Risk Populations; andPart III. Services Delivery issues. Women's Behavioral Health: A Public Health Perspective is a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in many academic disciplines, including the social and behavioral sciences, public health, women's studies, medical anthropology, and medical sociology. It also is useful for postdoctoral students in public health, population health, and the health professions. This volume can serve as a reference book for academicians and researchers in community and social psychology, community health, community nursing, community and preventive medicine, and public health; practitioners and policymakers at various levels of government; and behavioral health professionals at mental health and substance use programs in various national and global healthcare organizations.

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Powell, Gary N., Gender in Management. 6th ed. 320 pp. 2024:3 (Sage, UK) <728-411>
ISBN 978-1-07-191035-1 paper ¥35,803.- (税込) GB£ 121.00 *

In the Sixth Edition of Gender in Management, author Gary N. Powell provides a comprehensive survey and review of the literature on sex, gender, and organizations. With the title change from Women and Men in Management to Gender in Management, the new edition adopts a more inclusive lens that acknowledges the diverse identities and experiences within the gender spectrum. Fully updated sections on intersectionality, public events such as COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement, and the prevalence of AI in hiring decisions provide context to the evolving nature of gender in the workplace and society. Powell provides specific research-based strategies for promoting an organizational culture of nondiscrimination, diversity, and inclusion.

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Hagengruber, Ruth Edith (ed.), Teaching Women Philosophers: Ideas and Concepts from Women philosophers' Writings over 2000 Years. (Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences 21) 282 pp. 2024:9 (Springer, GW) <728-43>
ISBN 978-3-031-59297-3 hard ¥32,171.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book expands the known canon by presenting arguments and concepts from women philosophers, from all periods of the history of philosophy, from antiquity to the present day. The collaborative collection is an undertaking that emerged from intensive discussions on how to expand the philosophical canon, which formed the conclusion of the Libori Summer School 2019. This Libori Summer School, the third in a row, was held to enhance the study of texts written by women philosophers from Antiquity up to now and intended to give opportunity to young scholars to connect and to build networks. Presenting such a collection is even more urgent today because a diversification of the canon has long been called for. Nevertheless, to date there is little explicit material available for this purpose. To make this book suitable for both academics and students, it is structured in such a way that readers can use excerpts and individual chapters from it that suit their needs, be it in moral philosophy, politics, or phenomenology, etc. Containing chapters on women such as Suor Juana, Emilie Du Chatelet, and Nisia Floresta and supplemented by contextualization, namely by some brief biographical information and by the systematic integration of her argument into the debates of the respective periods, this book is an important resource highlighting the achievements and value of women in philosophy and calling for a further diversification of the canon.

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Hays, Christopher B. / Hays, Richard B., The Widening of God's Mercy: Sexuality Within the Biblical Story. 288 pp. 2024:9 (Yale U. Pr., US) <728-159>
ISBN 978-0-300-27342-7 hard ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00

A fresh, deeply biblical account of God's expanding grace and mercy, tracing how the Bible's narrative points to the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in Christian communities Discussions of the Bible and human sexuality often focus on a scattered handful of specific passages. But arguments about this same set of verses have reached an impasse, two leading biblical scholars believe; these debates are missing the forest for the trees. In this learned and beautifully written book, Richard and Christopher Hays explore a more expansive way of listening to the overarching story that scripture tells. They remind us of a dynamic and gracious God who is willing to change his mind, consistently broadening his grace to include more and more people. Those who were once outsiders find themselves surprisingly embraced within the people of God, while those who sought to enforce exclusive boundaries are challenged to rethink their understanding of God's ways. The authors-a father and son-point out ongoing conversations within the Bible in which traditional rules, customs, and theologies are rethought. They argue that God has already gone on ahead of our debates and expanded his grace to people of different sexualities. If the Bible shows us a God who changes his mind, they say, perhaps today's Christians should do the same. The book begins with the authors' personal experiences of controversies over sexuality and closes with Richard Hays's epilogue reflecting on his own change of heart and mind.

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Hunt, Christopher W., Jimmy's Faith: James Baldwin, Disidentification, and the Queer Possibilities of Black Religion. 192 pp. 2024:11 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-163>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0880-7 hard ¥22,314.- (税込) US$ 98.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0881-4 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00

A novel approach to understanding the work of James Baldwin and its transformative potential The relationship of James Baldwin's life and work to Black religion is in many ways complex and confounding. What is he doing through his literary deployment of religious language and symbols? Despite Baldwin's disavowal of Christianity in his youth, he continued to engage the symbols and theology of Christianity in works such as The Amen Corner, Just Above My Head, and others. With Jimmy's Faith, author Christopher W. Hunt shows how Baldwin's usage of those religious symbols both shifted their meaning and served as a way for him to build his own religious and spiritual vision. Engaging Jose Esteban Munoz's theory of disidentification as a queer practice of imagination and survival, Hunt demonstrates the ways in which James Baldwin disidentifies with and queers Black Christian language and theology throughout his literary corpus. Baldwin's vision is one in which queer sexuality signifies the depth of love's transforming possibilities, the arts serve as the (religious) medium of knitting Black community together, an agnostic and affective mysticism undermines Christian theological discourse, "androgyny" troubles the gender binary, and the Black child signifies the hope for a world made new. In disidentifying with Christian symbols, Jimmy's Faith reveals how Baldwin imagines both religion and the world "otherwise," offering a model of how we might do the same for our own communities and ourselves.

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M.E.ウィズナー・ハンクス著 女性と宗教改革-グローバルヒストリー
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E., Women and the Reformations: A Global History. 368 pp. 2024:10 (Yale U. Pr., US) <728-204>
ISBN 978-0-300-26823-2 hard ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A compelling, authoritative history of how women shaped the Reformations and transformed religious life across the globe The Reformations, both Protestant and Catholic, have long been told as stories of men. But women were central to the transformations that took place in Europe and beyond. What was life like for them in this turbulent period? How did their actions and ideas shape Christianity and influence societies around the world? In this rich and definitive study, renowned scholar Merry Wiesner-Hanks explores the history of women and the Reformations in full for the first time. Wiesner-Hanks travels the globe, examining well-known figures like Teresa of Avila, Elizabeth I, and Anne Hutchinson, as well as women whose stories are only now emerging. Along the way, we meet converts in Japan, Spanish nuns in the Philippines, and saints in Ethiopia and America. Wiesner-Hanks explores women's experiences as monarchs, mothers, migrants, martyrs, mystics, and missionaries, revealing that the story of the Reformations is no longer simply European-and that women played a vital role.

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Lutz, Amy / Lee, Sujung (Crystal) / Bokayev, Baurzhan, Mothering in the Time of Coronavirus. 256 pp. 2025:1 (U. Massachusetts Pr., US) <728-1237>
ISBN 978-1-62534-837-1 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-1-62534-836-4 paper ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95

When stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic erased the division between home and school, many parents in the United States were suddenly expected to become their children's teachers. Despite this new arrangement, older gender norms largely remained in place, and these extra child rearing responsibilities fell disproportionately on mothers. Mothering in the Time of Coronavirus explores how they juggled working, supervising at-home learning, and protecting their children's emotional and physical health during the outbreak. Focusing on both remote and essential workers in central New York, Amy Lutz, Sujung (Crystal) Lee, and Baurzhan Bokayev argue that the pandemic transformed an already intensive style of contemporary American child rearing, in which mothers are expected to be constantly available to meet their children's needs even when they are working outside the home, into extremely intensive mothering. The authors investigate the consequences of this shift, and how it is influenced by issues such as class and race. They also bring attention to how and why current public policies are not conducive to the de-intensification of motherhood. Locating their study within larger intersections of gender, family, and education, they contend that to fully appreciate the broader social consequences of COVID-19, we must understand the experiences of mothers.

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Heberling, Lydia / Kamper, David / Ponting, Jess (eds.), Waves of Belonging: Indigeneity, Race, and Gender in the Surfing Lineup. 2024:12 (U. Washington Pr., US) <728-1243>
ISBN 978-0-295-75340-9 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75341-6 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Showcases surfing as a site of social belonging and power formationThe surf zone-the place between ocean and shore-offers a powerful space to reflect on the dynamic contemporary politics of our worlds. Surfing always occurs on Indigenous lands, and centering Indigeneity in surfing studies both recognizes this fundamental fact and creates a different starting point for connecting surfing, storytelling, power, and relationships. In Waves of Belonging, Lydia Heberling, David Kamper, and Jess Ponting gather essays by scholars and practitioners that grapple with power, identity, and belonging while remaining grounded in a sense of hope and futurity.Contributors explore how Black, Indigenous, Latinx, queer and trans, and female-identifying communities transform surfing culture into possibilities for new imagined relations. The essays also interrogate the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and twenty-first century racial protest movements as they manifest in surfing communities, geographies, and cultures across the world. Throughout the volume, surfing emerges as a method for decolonizing, righting historical wrongs, and restoring relationship with lands and waters and as a praxis for language learning.Original and timely, Waves of Belonging challenges the histories of exclusivity associated with surfing and demonstrates how Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ people have drawn on surfing's counterculture reputation to construct new spaces of hope and community.

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Maguire, Geoffrey, Bodies of Water: Queer Aesthetics in Contemporary Latin American Cinema. (SUNY series in Latin American Cinema) 214 pp. 2024:9 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-125>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9917-8 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00



Brady, Miranda J., Mother Trouble: Mediations of White Maternal Angst after Second Wave Feminism. 136 pp. 2024:10 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <728-1271>
ISBN 978-1-4875-5693-8 hard ¥8,538.- (税込) US$ 37.50

Mother Trouble traces white maternal angst in popular culture across a span of more than fifty years, from the iconic Rosemary's Baby to anti-vaxx mom memes and HGTV shows. The book narrows in on popular media to think about white maternal angst as a manifestation of feminism's unrealized possibilities and continued omissions since the second wave. It interrogates intersecting systems of power which make mothers and their children the most impoverished people in the world and urges a greater appreciation in academic and popular thinking of the work that mothers do. The book calls for an analytical expansion beyond gender to better address the erasure of reproductive labour, and especially that performed by migrants and people of colour. It illustrates the continued marginalization of racialized mothers and the disproportionate amount of labour performed by all mothers in a society where their work is devalued. Ultimately, Mother Trouble reveals how the unease around white motherhood in the media has become a proxy for the troubles faced by all mothers.

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Greene, Amanda K., Glitchy Vision: A Feminist History of the Social Photo. 216 pp. 2024:11 (MIT Pr., US) <728-1283>
ISBN 978-0-262-55082-6 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Morrison, Benedict, Eccentric Laughter: Queer Possibilities in Postwar British Film Comedy. (SUNY series, Horizons of Cinema) 272 pp. 2024:11 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-1300>
ISBN 979-88-558-0003-6 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00



Rodriguez, Fernando Lopez, A Queer History of Flamenco: Diversions, Transitions, and Returns in Flamenco Dance (1808-2018). Tr. by R. Rockmore. 248 pp. 2024:11 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <728-1312>
ISBN 978-0-472-07712-0 hard ¥17,077.- (税込) US$ 75.00
ISBN 978-0-472-05712-2 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

A Queer History of Flamenco offers a groundbreaking exploration of flamenco through the lenses of queer theory and cultural studies. Previous histories have provided a largely distorted image about why, where, and how people have done flamenco-as well as who has performed flamenco. Yet feminists, transvestites, butches, femmes, the Spanish Roma, disabled people, guiris, and "incomprehensible" artists have been determined to do things differently without giving up their flamenco status. In this skillful translation of his book Historia Queer del Flamenco, Fernando LOpez RodrIguez draws on diverse archival materials as well as his own lived experience and artistic practice, unearthing queer flamenco histories, voices, and perspectives that were previously unknown, avoided, or purposely hidden. Tracing flamenco's development from its birth up to the contemporary era, the book places flamenco within significant historical periods such as the Spanish Civil War, Franco's dictatorship, the transition to democracy, and the economic crisis of 2008, up to contemporary performances of the late 2010s. In taking a queer approach to History, the author abandons antiquated debates about purities and impurities; anecdotes about the lives of artists that are completely detached from their processes of creation; and myths about geniuses who seem to make art alone and completely detached from their collaborators and the historical, social, economic and artistic moment in which they lived. A Queer History of Flamenco is not only about the present and the queerness of people living, performing, or creating in it, but also about flamenco's past in which so many queer artists and practices and their lives have remained unearthed and unaddressed.

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McClaurin, Irma, Black Feminist Anthropology: Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics. 25th Anniversary Ed. 296 pp. 2024:11 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1369>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4330-1 hard ¥34,155.- (税込) US$ 150.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4329-5 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

In the discipline's early days, anthropologists by definition were assumed to be white and male. Women and black scholars were relegated to the field's periphery. From this marginal place, white feminist anthropologists have successfully carved out an acknowledged intellectual space, identified as feminist anthropology. Unfortunately, the works of black and non-western feminist anthropologists are rarely cited, and they have yet to be respected as significant shapers of the direction and transformation of feminist anthropology. In this volume, Irma McClaurin has collected-for the first time-essays that explore the role and contributions of Black feminist anthropologists. She has asked her contributors to disclose how their experiences as Black women have influenced their anthropological practice in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States and how anthropology has influenced their development as Black feminists. Every chapter is a unique journey that enables the reader to see how scholars are made. The writers present material from their own fieldwork to demonstrate how these experiences were shaped by their identities. Finally, each essay suggests how the author's field experiences have influenced the theoretical and methodological choices she has made throughout her career. Not since Diane Wolf's Feminist Dilemmas in the Field or Hortense Powdermaker's Stranger and Friend have we had such a breadth of women anthropologists discussing the critical (and personal) issues that emerge when doing ethnographic research.

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Bejarano, Cynthia / Morales, Maria Cristina (eds.), Frontera Madre(hood): Brown Mothers Challenging Oppression and Transborder Violence at the U.S.-Mexico Border. (The Feminist Wire Books) 368 pp. 2024:9 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-1382>
ISBN 978-0-8165-4668-8 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00



Canty, Jayme N., Snapping Beans: Voices of a Black Queer Lesbian South. (SUNY Series in Black Women's Wellness) 252 pp. 2024:8 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-1388>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9890-4 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *



Chapola, Jebunnessa, A Decolonial and Anti-Racist Transformative Autoethnographic Journey toward Reconciliation: A Racialized Immigrant Woman's Empowering Stories. (Decolonial Options for the Social Sciences) 230 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1389>
ISBN 978-1-66697-265-8 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00

While many non-Indigenous academic researchers have introduced the concept of reconciliation in their work, they have not adequately explored what it means for transnational immigrants and refugee communities to view reconciliation as a source of knowledge and understanding. How can assuming responsibility for reconciliation empower immigrant and refugee women communities? Why should immigrant and refugee communities embrace decolonial and anti-racist ways of knowing and acting to foster meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities? What does it entail to comprehend 'decolonial and anti-racist learning and practice'-as a system of reciprocal social relations and ethical practices-as a framework for reconciliation? Decolonial and Anti-racist Transformative Autoethnographic Journey toward Reconciliation: A Racialized Immigrant Woman's Empowering Stories aims to address these interdisciplinary questions. It endeavors not only to challenge our static comprehension of reconciliation but also to demonstrate how assuming responsibility for relearning decolonial and anti-racist meanings in our everyday practices is essential. These include: cultivating respectful relationships with Indigenous peoples, honoring Indigenous Treaties, taking steps to decolonize our ways of knowing and acting, understanding the impacts of colonial education processes, preserving our Land and environment, ensuring food security and nutritional adequacy, fostering intercultural spaces for social interactions, and promoting transnational empowerment.

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Curtin, Mary Ellen, She Changed the Nation: Barbara Jordan's Life and Legacy in Black Politics. (Politics and Culture in Modern America) 480 pp. 2024:9 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <728-1394>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2580-0 hard ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

An important new biography of Barbara Jordan, the first Black woman from the South to serve in Congress During her keynote speech at the 1976 Democratic Party convention, Barbara Jordan of Texas stood before a rapt audience and reflected on where Americans stood in that bicentennial year. "Are we to be one people bound together by a common spirit, sharing in a common endeavor, or will we become a divided nation? For all of its uncertainty, we cannot flee the future." The civil rights movement had changed American politics by opening up elected office to a new generation of Black leaders, including Jordan, the first Black woman from the South to serve in Congress. Though her life in elected politics lasted only twelve years, in that short time, Jordan changed the nation by showing that Black women could lead their party and legislate on behalf of what she called "the common good." In She Changed the Nation, biographer Mary Ellen Curtin offers a new portrait of Jordan and her journey from segregated Houston, Texas, to Washington, DC, where she made her mark during the Watergate crisis by eloquently calling for the impeachment of President Nixon. Recognized as one of the greatest orators of modern America, Jordan inspired millions, and Black women became her most ardent supporters. Many assumed Jordan would rise higher and become a US senator, Speaker of the House, or a Supreme Court justice. But illness and disability, along with the obstacles she faced as a Black woman, led to Jordan's untimely retirement from elected office-though not from public life. Until her death at the age of fifty-nine, Jordan remained engaged with the cause of justice and creating common ground, proving that Black women could lead the country through challenging times. No change in the law alone could guarantee the election of Black leaders. It took courage and ambition for Barbara Jordan to break into politics. This important new biography explores the personal and the political dimensions of Jordan's life, showing how she navigated the extraordinary pressures of office while seeking to use persuasion, governance, and popular politics as instruments of social change and betterment.

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Mobley, Steve D., Jr. / Njoku, Nadrea R. et al. (eds.), Embracing Queer Students' Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty. 238 pp. 2024:10 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1430>
ISBN 978-1-9788-1613-8 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-1609-1 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Embracing Queer Students' Diverse Identities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Primer for Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty is both a call to action and a resource for historically Black college and university (HBCU) leaders and administrators, focusing on historical and contemporary issues related to expanding inclusionary policies and practices for members of HBCU communities who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+). The essays, by HBCU presidents, faculty, administrators, alumni, and researchers, explore the specific challenges and considerations of serving LGBTQ+ students within these distinct college and university settings, with the ultimate goal of summoning HBCU communities, higher education scholars, and scholar-practitioners to take thoughtful and urgent action to support and recognize LGBTQ+ students. With this book as a primary resource, HBCUs can work toward becoming fully inclusive campus communities for all of their students.

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Anderson, Patrick, The Lamentations: A Requiem for Queer Suicide. 272 pp. 2024:9 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-1446>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0827-2 hard ¥20,037.- (税込) US$ 88.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0828-9 paper ¥5,680.- (税込) US$ 24.95

A moving journey through the shadows of queer suicide and a tribute to lives marked by struggle and beauty The Lamentations explores the struggles and resilience within the queer community, offering a unique blend of historical analysis and emotional tribute to those affected. Author Patrick Anderson examines the phenomenon of queer suicide across various art forms such as film, theatre, and literature, tracing its evolution from the twentieth century to today. Anderson brings to light the personal stories of individuals in the queer community who have ended their lives, compiling narratives from sources like newspaper articles, obituaries, and case studies. The book confronts the harsh realities of loneliness, shame, and oppression faced by many LGBTQ+ individuals, providing a poignant reflection on the societal challenges they face. The Lamentations is more than a meditation on death; it's a narrative of survival, mourning, and healing. Sharing personal accounts, including the losses of loved ones and friends, Anderson highlights the importance of memory and storytelling in celebrating the vibrancy of queer life amidst the sorrow of loss. Accessible to a broad readership, the book transcends academic boundaries to address themes of love, loss, and the human spirit. It's a compelling read for anyone interested in queer studies or anyone seeking to understand human experience through the lens of loss and legacy.

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Breu, Christopher, In Defense of Sex: Nonbinary Embodiment and Desire. 224 pp. 2024:11 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-1449>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0876-0 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0877-7 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Examines the need to recenter the category of sex-theorizing sex itself as nonbinary-in contemporary studies of gender and sexuality Gender has largely replaced sex as a category in critical theory, in progressive cultural circles, and in everyday bureaucratic language. Much of this development has been salutary. Gender has become a crucial site for theorizing trans identifications and embodiments. Yet, without a concomitant theory of sex, gender's contemporary uses also intersect with late neoliberalism's emphasis on micro-identities, flexibility, avatar culture, and human capital. Contemporary culture has also grown more ambivalent about sexual desire and its expression. Sex is seen as both ubiquitous and ubiquitously a problem. In Defense of Sex theorizes sex as both a nonbinary form of embodiment (one that can complement recent trans conceptions of gender as multiple and nonbinary) and a crucial form of social desire. Drawing on intersex and trans theory as well as Marxist theory, feminist new materialism, psychoanalysis, and accounts of the flesh in Black studies, author Christopher Breu argues for a materialist understanding of embodiment and the workings of desire as they structure contemporary culture. Moving from critique to theorizing embodiment, desire, and forms of bioaccumulation, In Defense of Sex concludes by proposing the unabashedly utopian project of building a sexual and embodied commons.

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Crosby, Alison / Evans, Heather (eds.), Memorializing Violence: Transnational Feminist Reflections. (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights) 224 pp. 2025:2 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1454>
ISBN 978-1-9788-4326-4 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-4325-7 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Memorializing Violence brings together feminist and queer reflections on the transnational lives of memorialization practices, asking what it means to grapple with loss, mourning, grief, and desires to collectively remember and commemorate-as well as urges to forget-in the face of disparate yet entangled experiences of racialized and gendered colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence. The volume uses a transnational feminist approach to ask, How do such efforts in seemingly unconnected remembrance landscapes speak to, with, and through each other in a world order inflected by colonial, imperial, and neoliberal logics, structures, and strictures? How do these memorializing initiatives not only formulate within but move through complex transnational flows and circuits, and what transpires as they do? What does it mean to inhabit loss, mourning, resistance, and refusal through memorialization at this moment, and what's at stake in doing so? What might transnational feminist analyses of gender, race, sexuality, class, and nation have to offer in this regard?

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Daumas, Maurice, Le mariage amoureux: histoire du lien conjugal sous l'Ancien Regime. (Mnemosya) 326 p. 2024:5 (A. Colin, FR) <728-1457>
ISBN 978-2-200-63778-1 paper ¥6,187.- (税込) EUR 25.00



Davies, Adam / Greensmith, Cameron (eds.), Queering Professionalism: Pitfalls and Possibilities. 368 pp. 2024:12 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <728-1458>
ISBN 978-1-4875-5251-0 hard ¥20,493.- (税込) US$ 90.00
ISBN 978-1-4875-5092-9 paper ¥10,234.- (税込) US$ 44.95

With a focus on neoliberalism and its intersection with systems of oppression, inequalities, and the regulation of queer knowledge and subjectivities, Queering Professionalism provides a distinct contribution to the emerging literature on the regulation and professionalization of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and others marginalized by cisheteronormativity within the helping and social service professions. This collection seeks to queer and disrupt ideas and understandings of the "helping professions" as benevolent and inherently caring by bringing together a diverse range of authors from different fields within the helping professions, such as child and youth care, education, early childhood education, dietetics, and social work. The book draws connections between neoliberalism, professionalization, structures of cisheteronormativity, and other intersecting oppressions to examine the possibilities and pitfalls of professionalism. Contributors come from various social service and helping professions to collectively critique how neoliberalism operates to silence and regulate marginalized perspectives within the various social service and education fields. By thinking with and employing queer theoretical frameworks, Queering Professionalism reimagines and disrupts neoliberal regimes that rationalize the violent conditions within and outside of helping institutions and orientations.

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DeWard, Sarah, #Gender: An Introduction to Gendered Social Problems. 2nd ed. 196 pp. 2024:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-1459>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8063-1 hard ¥14,800.- (税込) US$ 65.00
ISBN 978-1-5381-8064-8 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00

Research indicates that adults aged 18-24 are the largest users of Facebook (25.7%), Instagram (32%), and TikTok (45%). The average adult consumes two and a half hours of social media per day, which continued to increase during the COVID-19 pandemic. College students utilize social media for entertainment and communication as well as news stories and current events, and as a result, social media, known for brief sound bites, video clips, and short blurbs of information, has increasingly become the way students interact with the world. While current gender textbooks provide the academic foundation to gender analysis, #Gender: Gendered Social Problems through a Social Media Lens leverages social media content to critically examine gendered social problems and further students' understanding and application of concepts. Chapter topics include toxic masculinity, sexual assault and #metoo, the gender pay gap, reproductive rights, intimate partner violence, and politics. The textbook begins with an introduction outlining terminology and ends with a conclusion discussing social change and feminism. Using this book, undergraduate students will learn practical ways in which gender informs their individual lives and wider societal structures. In addition, readers are provided talking points to help them become conversational in present day issues around gender and sexuality. Instructor ancillaries for the text include a test bank and videos links (such as TED Talks, media clips, and commercial examples to further illustrate concepts).

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Eisenbichler, Konrad (ed.), Masculinities and Representation: The Eroticized Male in Early Modern Italy and England. 304 pp. 2024:11 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <728-1460>
ISBN 978-1-4875-5697-6 hard ¥20,493.- (税込) US$ 90.00

In studies on premodern masculinities that have enriched scholarship in recent years, relatively little attention has been paid to the eroticizing of the male body. Masculinities and Representation seeks to fill this lacuna, illustrating how gender construction served to affirm but also diversify premodern masculinity. In so doing, this collection details how, as a social construct, masculinity was not a single concept, but a dynamic and intricate notion. Focusing on the premodern period, Masculinities and Representation reveals how heteronormative masculinity was affirmed, but also how it was challenged when the male body was eroticized in art, literature, and devotion, or when "masculine" norms were transgressed by the assumption of "feminine" behaviours. Ultimately, the book demonstrates how masculinity itself could be transgressive in its focus of affection or in its inherent ambiguities.

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Lincoln, Margarette, Perfection: 400 Years of Women's Quest for Beauty. 368 pp. 2024:9 (Yale U. Pr., US) <728-1474>
ISBN 978-0-300-26458-6 hard ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A colourful account of women's health, beauty, and cosmetic aids, from stays and corsets to today's viral trends Victorian women ate arsenic to achieve an ideal, pale complexion, while in the 1790s balloon corsets were all the rage, designed to make the wearer appear pregnant. Women of the eighteenth century applied blood from a black cat's tail to problem skin, while doctors in the 1880s promoted woollen underwear to keep colds at bay. Beautification and the pursuit of health may seem all-consuming today, but their history is long and fantastically varied. Ranging across the last four hundred years, Margarette Lincoln examines women's health and beauty in fascinating detail. Through first-hand accounts and reports of physicians, quacks, and advertising, Lincoln captures women's lived experience of consuming beauty products, and the excitement-and trauma-of adopting the latest fashion trends. Considering everything from body sculpture, diet, and exercise to skin, teeth, and hair, Perfection is a vibrant account of women's body-fashioning-and shows how intimately these practices are related to community and identity throughout history.

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Lorenz, Tierney / Hope, Deb / Holland, Kathryn (eds.), Gender Resilience, Integration and Transformation. (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 70) 136 pp. 2024:8 (Springer, GW) <728-1475>
ISBN 978-3-031-61968-7 hard ¥37,121.- (税込) EUR 149.99 *

There has been a surge in research on gender and sexuality in the last decade, which has predominantly focused on discrimination, dysphoria, and disparities. And much of what we hear in the news about issues relating to gender and sexuality is deeply negative, with seemingly endless attacks on people who are marginalized by their gender and/or sexuality-attacks that are both physical and political. While such issues are extremely important, this one-sided focus casts the experience of minoritized people as intrinsically negative. A deficit model implies the best one can hope for is to avoid negative outcomes, which limits the possibilities of authentic gender and sexual identity and expression, intimate connection, and personal and professional success. We need more nuanced and methodologically rigorous approaches to understanding resiliency and wellbeing within minoritized groups, including women, queer (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, demisexual), and transgender and gender diverse people. If all we ever hear about the experiences of minoritized people is pain, we diminish the strength of these communities and the richness of their humanity. When we expand our view to include the positive, we reclaim humanity-not to mention, strengthen our science by developing theories and conducting research that address the incredible range of human experience around gender and sexuality. The 70th Annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation focused on understanding resiliency, joy, pleasure and well-being in women, queer folks and gender-diverse people. In bringing together a diverse international and interdisciplinary group of scholars and scientists, we created a space to explore joy, to break with narratives of deficiency, and honor wellbeing with the same scientific vigor and rigor as we give to pain. The chapters of this volume represent this effort, all centered on the question: What would it look like if your field of study-the study of gender and sexuality-truly centered wellbeing and resilience as the foundation of theory and research?

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McGraw, Eliza, Astride: Horses, Women, and a Partnership That Shaped America. (Horses in History) 224 pp. 2025:1 (U. Pr. Kentucky, US) <728-1479>
ISBN 978-1-9859-0127-8 hard ¥13,662.- (税込) US$ 60.00
ISBN 978-1-9859-0128-5 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00



Ruiz, Ish, LGBTQ+ Educators in Catholic Schools: Embracing Synodality, Inclusivity, and Justice. 212 pp. 2024:9 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-1485>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8962-7 hard ¥19,809.- (税込) US$ 87.00
ISBN 978-1-5381-8963-4 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00

Since 2007, a Catholic LGBTQ organization called New Ways Ministry has documented over 60 cases of LGBTQ+ educators and allies who have been fired from Catholic schools throughout the US. The firings are met with significant local and national public outcry, resulting in a fragmented, polarized, and wounded Catholic school communities throughout the nation. Who are these educators? Why are they fired? And is there a better way to respond to the presence of LGBTQ employees (as well as students and families) in Catholic education? Dr. Ish Ruiz responds to this controversy with a new theological framework, based on Pope Francis's vision for a synodal Church, that will aid Catholic schools in an effort to include LGBTQ+ educators while remaining faithful to the Catholic tradition. His framework offers a multifaceted approach to this issue by examining the fields of pastoral ministry, sexual morality, ecclesiology, and Catholic social teaching to craft an inclusive synodal vision for Catholic education. More importantly, Ruiz answers Pope Francis's calls for a Church that listens by lifting up the stories of LGBTQ+ educators and their invaluable contributions to Catholic schools. This book calls upon Catholic school leaders (including bishops, diocesan officials, school administrators, and other stakeholders) to treat LGBTQ+ educators with compassionate justice and to foster a school environment where all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, can feel respected, welcomed, and cherished as beings made in the Image of God.

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Schwartzwald, Robert / Simon, Sherry (eds.), Worldwise: Edouard Roditi's Twentieth Century. 288 pp. 2024:10 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-1486>
ISBN 978-0-228-02291-6 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-228-02292-3 paper ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95

Critic, translator, essayist, and gay man, Edouard Roditi (1910-1992) was a singular witness to the twentieth century. His writings over six decades are a unique account of a life lived at the flashpoints of history and at the margins of society, providing acute and unsparing observations of literature and political events.Worldwise brings together a wide range of Roditi's writings, renewing appreciation for the polyglot writer. With editors offering insightful background information on Roditi - who was born in Paris and had Sephardic Jewish ancestors of Greek, Spanish, and Italian origin on his father's side and Catholic and Ashkenazi Jewish connections on his mother's - the book covers topics as diverse as gay life, Sephardic Judaism, and postwar Europe. A published surrealist poet by eighteen, Roditi would become an interpreter at the Nuremberg trials, a highly regarded literary translator, and a perceptive social analyst whose outspoken views irritated American, Soviet, and French authorities by turns. Roditi had a knack for spotting promising minds and created literary connections across continents and languages over a long, eclectic, and creative lifetime.With accounts of his family history and childhood, essays on writers such as Hart Crane and Andre Breton, and forays into literary, artistic, and political subcultures between the world wars, Worldwise highlights the crucial role Roditi played as a cultural mediator and broker, while revealing his trenchant views on art and history in the twentieth century, views that remain salient and enduring in our time.

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Stavrianopoulou, Eftychia, Agir et subir: femmes et familles face aux mutations de l'epoque hellenistique. (Mondes anciens) 212 p. 2024:5 (Belles lettres, FR) <728-1487>
ISBN 978-2-251-45569-3 paper ¥6,657.- (税込) EUR 26.90



Twomey, Lesley, Catherine of Lancaster and her Religious Court Poets. (Queenship and Power) 449 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-1488>
ISBN 978-3-031-58479-4 hard ¥29,696.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book offers an integrated study of the English princess and Castilian queen Catherine of Lancaster (1373-1418), drawing on available archival, architectural, and poetic sources in England and Spain. Catherine's mother, Queen of Castile in exile, and father, the powerful military commander John of Gaunt, raised her to take the Castilian throne. This volume connects Catherine's early life, providing insights into those who promoted her cause from birth as Princess of Castile, and her later life as Princess of Asturias, then Queen-consort, and finally Dowager and Co-regent of Castile. Her influence on the Castilian court's poetic circles has not previously been connected to her English heritage. Poetry written about her and influenced by her was compiled into a songbook presented to her son, Juan II. The book brings new understanding of the role an Englishwoman played in Trastamara Castile's turbulent history.

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Vanderheiden, Elisabeth / Mayer, Claude Helene (eds.), Shame and Gender in Transcultural Contexts: Resourceful investigations. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <728-1489>
ISBN 978-3-031-54592-4 hard ¥37,121.- (税込) EUR 149.99



Kuljian, Christa, Our Science, Ourselves: How Gender, Race and Social Movements Shaped the Study of Science. (Activist Studies of Science & Technology) 352 pp. 2024:9 (U. Massachusetts Pr., US) <728-109>
ISBN 978-1-62534-819-7 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-1-62534-818-0 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

When Christa Kuljian arrived on the Harvard College campus as a first-year student in the fall of 1980 with copies of Our Bodies, Ourselves and Ms. magazine, she was concerned that the women's movement had peaked in the previous decade. She soon learned, however, that there was a long way to go in terms of achieving equality for women in academia and that social movements would continue to be a critical force in society. She began researching the history of science and gender biases in science, and how they intersect with race, class, and sexuality. In Our Science, Ourselves, Kuljian tells the origin story of feminist science studies by focusing on the life histories of six key figures-Ruth Hubbard, Rita Arditti, Evelyn Fox Keller, Evelynn Hammonds, Anne Fausto-Sterling, and Banu Subramaniam. These women were part of a trailblazing network of female scientists in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s who were drawn to the Boston area-to Harvard, MIT, and other universities-to study science, to network with other scientists, or to take a job. Inspired by the social and political activism of the women's movement and organizations such as Science for the People, the Genes and Gender Collective, and the Combahee River Collective, they began to write and teach about women in science, gender and science, and sexist and racist bias and exclusion. They would lead the critiques of E. O. Wilson's sociobiology in 1975 and Larry Summers' comments about women in science thirty years later. Drawing on a rich array of sources that combines published journal articles and books with archival materials and interviews with major luminaries of feminist science studies, Kuljian chronicles and celebrates the contributions that these women have made to our collective scientific knowledge and view of the world.

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