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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Hornsey, Richard, Imperial Engineers: The Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. 432 pp. 2022:5 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <673-403>
ISBN 978-1-4875-0686-5 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

Established in 1871 on the outskirts of London, the Royal Indian Engineering College at Coopers Hill was arguably the first engineering school in Britain. For thirty-five years the college helped staff the government institutions of British India responsible for the railways, irrigation systems, telegraph network, and forests. Founded to meet the high demand for engineers in that country, it was closed thirty-five years later because its educational innovations had been surpassed by Britain's universities - on both occasions against the wishes of the Government of India. Imperial Engineers offers a complete history of the Royal Indian Engineering College. Drawing on the diaries of graduates working in India, the college magazine, student and alumni periodicals, and other archival documents, Richard Hornsey details why the college was established and how the students' education prepared them for their work. Illustrating the impact of the college and its graduates in India and beyond, Imperial Engineers illuminates the personal and professional experiences of British men in India as well as the transformation of engineering education at a time of social and technological change.

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Barron, Hester, The Social World of the School: Education and Community in Interwar London. 304 pp. 2022:7 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <673-1506>
ISBN 978-1-5261-5075-2 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *

This book shows why the study of schooling matters to the history of twentieth-century Britain, integrating the history of education within the wider concerns of modern social history. Drawing on a rich array of archival and autobiographical sources, it captures in vivid detail the individual moments that made up the minutiae of classroom life. It focuses on elementary education in interwar London, arguing that schools were grounded in their local communities as lynchpins of social life and drivers of change. Exploring crucial questions around identity and belonging, poverty and aspiration, class and culture, behaviour and citizenship, it provides vital context for twenty-first century debates about education and society, showing how the same concerns were framed a century ago.

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Curran, Conor, Physical Education in Irish Schools, 1900-2000: A History. (Sport, History and Culture 11) 254 pp. 2021:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <673-1507>
ISBN 978-1-78997-842-1 paper ¥15,276.- (税込) SFR 62.00



Derichs, Dana, Die Medizinstudentinnen der Universitaet Erlangen in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus. (Medizingeschichte im Kontext 23) 352 S. 2022:1 (P. Lang, SZ) <673-1508>
ISBN 978-3-631-86080-9 hard ¥18,480.- (税込) SFR 75.00 *

Das Buch fuehrt die Themen Medizin-, Universitaets- und Frauengeschichte mit lokalem Fokus auf die Erlanger Universitaet zusammen. Die Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg galt waehrend des Nationalsozialismus als die ≫braunste≪ Universitaet Deutschlands, deren Studentenschaft sich schon 1929 als erste zu diesem bekannte. Vor dem Hintergrund einer vom Nationalsozialismus berauschten Studentenschaft werden die Entwicklung der Frauenbewegung, ihr Kampf gegen wiederkehrende Diskriminierung und ihre Forderungen fuer den Zugang zu Hochschulbildung und akademischen Berufen anhand vieler erstmals untersuchter Quellen und statistischem Material dokumentiert und die Verbindung von Medizin und Nationalsozialismus analysiert. Die beruflichen Werdegaenge von Aerztinnen jener Zeit sowie die Schicksale juedischer Studentinnen und Aerztinnen lassen die historische Darstellung anschaulich werden.

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Erker, Linda, Die Universitaet Wien im Austrofaschismus: Oesterreichische Hochschulpolitik 1933 bis 1938, ihre Vorbedingungen und langfristigen Nachwirkungen. (Schriften des Archivs der Universitaet Wien 29) 326 S. 2021:11 (Vienna U. Pr., AU) <673-1509>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1362-1 hard ¥12,155.- (税込) EUR 50.00

Waehrend es ueber Oesterreichs Hochschulen nach dem ≫Anschluss≪ 1938 zahllose Studien gibt, sind die fuenf Jahre davor universitaetshistorisch kaum aufgearbeitet. Diese erstaunliche Forschungsluecke wird durch den vorliegenden Band geschlossen, der eindruecklich zeigt, wie sehr die Universitaet Wien unter der Dollfuss/Schuschnigg-Diktatur Schaden nahm. Es kam einerseits zu radikalen Sparmassnahmen, die man fuer politische und antisemitische ≫Saeuberungen≪ des Lehrkoerpers nuetzte. Andererseits griffen die Machthaber mittels neuer Gesetze in die universitaere und studentische Selbstverwaltung ein. Diese selbstverschuldete Provinzialisierung wurde ab 1945 nahtlos fortgesetzt, als man insbesondere beim universitaeren Fuehrungspersonal durchwegs auf fruehere austrofaschistische Funktionaere zurueckgriff. While there are countless studies on Austria’s universities after the ≫Anschluss≪ in 1938, the five years before have hardly been covered in terms of university history. This astonishing research gap is closed by the present book, which impressively shows how much the University of Vienna suffered under the Dollfuss/Schuschnigg dictatorship. On the one hand, there were radical economy measures, which were used for political and anti-Semitic ≫purges≪ of the teaching staff. On the other hand, the rulers intervened in university and student self-administration by means of new laws. This self-inflicted provincialization was seamlessly continued after 1945, when former Austrofascist functionaries were used throughout, especially in the university leadership.

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Nelson, Robert, A History of Inspiration through Metaphors of Learning: The Height of Teaching. (Routledge Research in Education) 280 pp. 2022:6 (Routledge, UK) <673-1511>
ISBN 978-1-03-223050-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

In this book, Robert Nelson reminds us that one of the most important elements of teaching and learning is to inspire and to be inspired. Given that inspiration itself has evolved through metaphor, the inquiry distinguishes inspirational learning by its peculiarly metaphoric character.We acknowledge that students respond to passion and enthusiasm, that they seek stimulation, purpose, motivation and inspiration. But because these triggers operate through mysterious language and arrive at their modern usage through metaphor, we have no means of penetrating their structure or gaining access to their powers. We mishandle educational practice through a focus on technical process and machinery rather than the imaginary animating vision that propagates inspired study through metaphor. This book corrects the imbalance and argues that metaphors are intrinsic to all our educational ambitions. It reveals the wide metaphorical backdrop of learning and teaching that works on an unconscious level and is only revealed through analysing the language that describes what matters most. Inviting readers to explore learning in a non-traditional way, this book will be of interest to researchers and students in education seeking to understand better the nature of inspiration.

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Yim, Denise, A Genlis Education and Enlightenment Values: Mrs Chinnery (1766-1840) and her Children. 240 pp. 2022:7 (Routledge, UK) <673-1513>
ISBN 978-1-03-217180-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Offering a unique approach to the study of late eighteenth-century/early nineteenth-century education, this book explores the life and motivations of a strong-minded, self-educated and enlightened English gentlewoman, Mrs Margaret Chinnery, who put Madame de Genlis's educational ideas into practice with marked success. Beginning with a brief outline of Margaret's own childhood and her adolescent efforts to educate herself, drawing largely on readings recommended by Genlis, the book continues through to her marriage, her children's early and adolescent education, and ends with the benefits that the children gained in adulthood from their education. This book is not limited to a biography, as each section on the daily business of education is interspersed with a discussion and comparison of contemporary education authors and other writers, the values they espoused, which ones Margaret followed and why. It also draws on valuable surviving Chinnery documents which trace the Chinnery children's education, Margaret's correspondence with Genlis and a comprehensive catalogue of the Chinnery library. The book offers a unique opportunity to follow a real family from cradle to grave, and provides an intriguing illustration, at an individual level, of a female-crafted education embedded in Enlightenment values. This book will be of great interest to postgraduate students and scholars researching the history and philosophy of education as well as women in the Enlightenment.

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Baker, Paul, Outrageous!: The Story of Section 28 and Britain's Battle for LGBT Education. 336 pp. 2022:2 (Reaktion Books, UK) <673-1441>
ISBN 978-1-78914-561-8 hard ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *

On 23 May 1988, Paul Baker sat down with his family to eat cake on his sixteenth birthday while The Six O'Clock News played in the background. But something was not quite right. There was muffled shouting - 'Stop Section 28!' - and a scuffle. The morning papers would announce: 'Beeb Man Sits on Lesbian'.The next day Section 28 passed into law, forbidding local authorities from teaching 'the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship'. It would send shockwaves through British society, silencing gay pupils and teachers while galvanizing mass protests and the formation of the LGBTQ+ rights groups OutRage! and Stonewall.Now available in paperback, Outrageous! tells the full story: the background to the Act, how the press fanned the flames and what politicians said during debates, how protestors fought back to bring about the repeal of the law in the 2000s, and its eventual legacy. Based on detailed research, interviews with key figures - including Ian McKellen, Michael Cashman and Angela Mason - and personal recollection, it is an impassioned, warm, often moving account of unthinkable prejudice enshrined within law, and of the power of community to overcome it.'Baker's chatty, tart tone and personal asides serve to throw the heady extremes of a not-so-distant era into even sharper relief.' - BBC History Magazine'Peppered with wry asides and anecdotes.' - History Revealed magazine'An important and fascinating deep dive into one of the most damaging pieces of legislation in modern history.' - Matthew Todd, author of Straight Jacket and Pride'A lovely conversational social history.' - Paul Flynn, author of Good As You

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Pauer, Erich / Mathias, Regine (eds.), Accessing Technical Education in Modern Japan. 2 vols. 580 pp. 2022 (Renaissance Books, UK) <673-1054>
ISBN 978-1-912961-25-2 hard ¥48,994.- (税込) GB£ 170.00 *

This collection of fourteen key papers deriving from CEEJA's second international conference exploring the Japanese history of technology, concentrates on the routes to acquiring and transmitting technical knowledge in Japan's modern era - from the very earliest endeavours in establishing opportunities for acquiring a technical education to the translation of foreign textbooks and manuals. Published in two volumes and thematically structured in three Parts, this wide-ranging work both complements and expands on the subject-matter contained in the first volume entitled Technical Knowledge in Early Modern Japan (2020).

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