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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Friedmann, Ina, Abnormalitaet (de-)konstruiert: Die Heilpaedagogische Abteilung der Wiener Universitaets-Kinderklinik und ihre Patient*innen in der ersten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. (Boehlaus Zeitgeschichtliche Bibliothek 43) 2022:6 (Boehlau, AU) <683-62>
ISBN 978-3-205-21541-7 hard ¥19,448.- (税込) EUR 80.00 *

Die Heilpaedagogische Abteilung als Evaluierungsinstanz kindlichen Verhaltens entfaltete ihre Wirkmacht im Zusammenspiel mit den Behoerden, die sie konsultierten. Tausende Minderjaehrige wurden von 1911 bis 1949 begutachtet und waren als Folge vielfach von einschneidenden Lebensveraenderungen betroffen. Eltern, Jugendaemter, Schulen, Gerichte und Aerzt*innen wandten sich mit dem Wunsch nach Begutachtung ihrer Schuetzlinge ab 1911 regelmaessig an die neugegruendete Heilpaedagogische Abteilung. Aufenthalte von einer Woche bis zu mehreren Monaten sollten durch Beobachtung und Testungen die Einschaetzung von Verhaltensweisen und deren bestmoegliche Foerderung oder Korrektur gewaehrleisten. Diese schliesslich umzusetzen war Aufgabe der Einrichtungen und Personen, die die entlassenen Patient*innen zusammen mit einer Massnahmenempfehlung in Empfang nahmen. Gepraegt von den aerztlichen Leitungsfiguren aenderten sich in der 1. Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts konzeptuelle Ansaetze, jedoch nicht Funktionsweise, Aufgaben und Kooperationen der Abteilung. Sie firmierte als klinisch-wissenschaftlicher Leitstern im Wiener Fuersorgesystem.

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Aichner, Christof / Mazohl, Brigitte (Hrsg.), Die Korrespondenz des Ministers fuer Cultus und Unterricht Leo Thun-Hohenstein (1849-1860): Auswahledition zu den Reformen von Unterricht und Bildung in der Habsburgermonarchie. (Veroeffentlichungen der Kommission fuer Neuere Geschichte Oesterreichs 122) 2022:10 (Boehlau, AU) <683-1075>
ISBN 978-3-205-21600-1 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) EUR 120.00 *

Leo Thun-Hohenstein war von 1849 bis 1860 der erste Minister fuer Cultus und Unterricht in der Habsburgermonarchie. In seiner Amtszeit als Minister fuehrten er und seine Mitarbeiter tiefgreifende Reformen an den oesterreichischen Universitaeten und Gymnasien durch. Dieses Buch veroeffentlicht ausgewaehlte Briefe von und an Leo Thun-Hohenstein aus dieser Zeit. Die private Korrespondenz gibt Einblick in die Planung und Umsetzung vieler Reformschritte und erlaubt es, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der oesterreichischen Bildungspolitik der neoabsolutistischen Aera zu werfen. Das Buch enthaelt eine ausfuehrliche Einleitung, in der Leben und Werk des Ministers sowie der historische Hintergrund seiner Reformpolitik erlaeutert und weiterfuehrende Forschungsansaetze, die sich aus den Briefen ergeben, ausgelotet werden.

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Bachin, Robin F. / Howard, Amy L. (eds.), Engaging Place, Engaging Practices: Urban History and Campus-Community Partnerships. (History and the Public) 215 pp. 2022:12 (Temple U. Pr., US) <683-1076>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2096-1 hard ¥23,449.- (税込) US$ 104.50 *
ISBN 978-1-4399-2097-8 paper ¥6,271.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

Colleges and universities in urban centers have often leveraged their locales to appeal to students while also taking a more active role in addressing local challenges. They embrace civic engagement, support service-learning, tailor courses to local needs, and even provide university-community collaborations such as lab schools and innovation hubs. Engaging Place, Engaging Practices highlights the significant role the academy, in general, and urban history, in particular, can play in fostering these critical connections.The editors and contributors to this volume address topics ranging from historical injustices and affordable housing and land use to climate change planning and the emergence of digital humanities. These case studies reveal the intricate components of a city's history and how they provide context and promote a sense of cultural belonging.This timely book appreciates and emphasizes the critical role universities must play as intentional-and humble-partners in addressing the past, present, and future challenges facing cities through democratic community engagement.

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Benson, Michael T., Daniel Coit Gilman and the Birth of the American Research University. 376 pp. 2022:12 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <683-1077>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4416-1 hard ¥12,329.- (税込) US$ 54.95 *

One of the most remarkable education leaders of the late nineteenth century and the creator of the modern American research university finally gets his due.Daniel Coit Gilman, a Yale-trained geographer who first worked as librarian at his alma mater, led a truly remarkable life. He was selected as the third president of the University of California; was elected as the first president of Johns Hopkins University, where he served for twenty-five years; served as one of the original founders of the Association of American Universities; and-at an age when most retired-was hand-picked by Andrew Carnegie to head up his eponymous institution in Washington, DC.In Daniel Coit Gilman and the Birth of the American Research University, Michael T. Benson argues that Gilman's enduring legacy will always be as the father of the modern research university-a uniquely American invention that remains the envy of the entire world. In the past half-century, nothing has been written about Gilman that takes into account his detailed journals, reviews his prodigious correspondence, or considers his broad external board service. This book fills an enormous void in the history of the birth of the "new" American system of higher education, especially as it relates to graduate education. The late 1800s, Benson points out, is one of the most pivotal periods in the development of the American university model; this book reveals that there is no more important figure in shaping that model than Daniel Coit Gilman.Benson focuses on Gilman's time deliberating on, discussing, developing, refining, and eventually implementing the plan that brought the modern research university to life in 1876. He also explains how many university elements that we take for granted-the graduate fellowships, the emphasis on primary investigations and discovery, the funding of the best laboratory and research spaces, the scholarly journals, the university presses, the sprawling health sciences complexes with teaching hospitals-were put in place by Gilman at Johns Hopkins University. Ultimately, the book shows, Gilman and his colleagues forced all institutions to reexamine their own model and to make the requisite changes to adapt, survive, thrive, compete, and contribute.

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Fuchs, Eckhardt / Henne, Kathrin, Mission Textbook: The History of the Georg Eckert Institute. 160 S. 2022:4 (Boehlau, GW) <683-1079>
ISBN 978-3-412-52469-2 hard ¥9,724.- (税込) EUR 40.00 *



Fuchs, Thomas, Professoren und Vereine: Ausseruniversitaere Taetigkeitsfelder Bonner Hochschulangehoeriger 1848-1914. (Bonner Schriften zur Universitaets- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte 12) 2022:6 (Bonn U. Pr., GW) <683-1080>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1440-6 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) EUR 60.00

Die Professionalisierung der wissenschaftlichen Praxis im 19. Jahrhundert fuehrte zu einem weniger breit gefaecherten oeffentlichen Engagement von Universitaetsangehoerigen in ausseruniversitaeren Bereichen. Die fortschreitende Vernetzung von Wissenschaftlern und die Moeglichkeiten freundschaftlicher Beziehungen wie auch der wissenschaftliche Austausch bestimmten zunehmend die Motive bei der Wahl ausseruniversitaerer Betaetigungen. Die Einbringung in themenferne Bereiche wurde durch die parallel stattfindende Professionalisierung weiterer Betaetigungsfelder, wie der Politik, erschwert und fuehrte zur Beschaeftigung und Kommentierung dieser Themenbereiche vor dem eigenen fachlichen Hintergrund. Thomas Fuchs arbeitet diese Entwicklung am Beispiel der Universitaet Bonn und ihrer Dozenten heraus. In the 19th century, a general tendency towards professionalization and specialization in science and academia, but also in politics and other areas of society, has resulted in a decrease of non-academic activities by university members. Instead, academics focused on public activities within their respective research fields, commented on political and social development mostly from the perspective of their own scientific expertise and increasingly reached out to other scientists rather than to members of the general public. Thomas Fuchs describes the processes underlying the professionalization in academic research as well as within scientific associations using the example of members of the University of Bonn.

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Marshall, Barbara, Die (Wieder-)Gruendung der Universitaet Erfurt. (Veroeffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission fuer Thueringen, Kleine Reihe 63) 2022:10 (Boehlau, GW) <683-1081>
ISBN 978-3-412-52579-8 hard ¥9,724.- (税込) EUR 40.00 *

Die Idee, in Erfurt eine Universitaet (wieder) zu gruenden, entstand aus einer Initiative ostdeutscher Buerger vor und nach der Wende 1989/90. Diese Versuche waren jedoch zum Scheitern verurteilt. Erst die Entschlossenheit der Landesregierung, in der Stadt eine neue, sorgfaeltig geplante, geisteswissenschaftlich orientierte Reformuniversitaet einzurichten, hatte Erfolg. Die in Erfurt bestehenden Einrichtungen wurden entweder geschlossen (Medizinische Akademie) oder wie die Paedagogische Hochschule in die Universitaet integriert; aus dem Philosophisch-Theologischen Studium wurde die (Katholische) Theologische Fakultaet. Mit dem angeschlossenen Max-Weber-Kolleg wurde eine damals neuartige Kombination von Forschungs- und Graduiertenkolleg etabliert. Zur Profilbildung trug ein engagiertes Fuehrungstrio unter dem bekannten Wissenschaftspolitiker Peter Glotz als Gruendungsrektor bei. Mit dessen Rueckzug mussten ambitionierte Reformplaene relativiert und den Thueringer Gegebenheiten angepasst werden. Die Universitaet Erfurt heute aehnelt nur noch in einigen Bereichen den Konzepten der Gruender.

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Rizzi, Michael T., America's Jesuit Colleges and Universities: A History. 512 pp. 2022:7 (Catholic U. America Pr., US) <683-1082>
ISBN 978-0-8132-3616-2 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

America's Jesuit Colleges and Universities provides a comprehensive history of Jesuit higher education in the United States, weaving together the stories of the fifty-four colleges and universities that the Jesuits have operated (successfully and unsuccessfully) since 1789. It emphasizes the connections among the institutions, exploring how certain Jesuit schools like Georgetown University gave birth to others like Boston College by sharing faculty, financial resources, accreditation, and even presidents throughout their history. The book also explores how the colleges responded to common challenges-including anti-Catholic prejudice in the United States, the push from government authorities to modernize their shared curriculum, and the pull from Roman authorities to remain loyal to Catholic tradition.The story is comprehensive, covering the colonial era to the present, and takes a fresh look at themes like the rise of the research university in the 1880s and the administrative reforms of the 1960s. It also provides a modern and timely perspective on the role of Jesuit colleges in racial justice, women's education, and other civil rights issues, drawing attention to underappreciated Jesuit contributions in these areas. Michael Rizzi draws from both published and archival sources on the history of each institution to construct a single narrative, identifying common themes, challenges, and trends. Through the eyes of Jesuit colleges, it traces the evolution of American higher education and the role of Catholics in the United States over more than two centuries.

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Tobin, Maighread, Constructions of Illiteracy in Twentieth Century Ireland: Contesting the Narrative of Full Literacy. (Routledge Research in Literacy) 200 pp. 2022:12 (Routledge, UK) <683-1083>
ISBN 978-1-03-221094-0 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Constructions of Illiteracy in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Contesting the Narrative of Full Literacy offers new insights into literacy and illiteracy in the context of twentieth-century Ireland.Through a close analysis of archived documentation from educational, military, and parliamentary sources, the book reveals a potent narrative of full literacy that promoted literacy proficiency as a facet of the Irish national identity and suppressed any formal acknowledgment of illiteracy within the adult population. Tobin applies a sociological approach and uses Foucauldian concepts of knowledge, power, discourse, and silence to examine how constructions of "illiteracy" and the "illiterate person" varied over time, while also being entwined with activities of nation-building in the twentieth century. Though focused on Irish society from 1900 to 1980, this volume also offers a resonant lens through which to approach the "Decade of Centenaries", an Irish Government initiative spanning 2012-2023 that commemorates significant events in the history of the Irish state.Relevant to any readers with an interest in the Irish experience of independence, decolonisation, and postcolonialism, this book will be a useful companion for scholars and postgraduate students of literacy and Irish studies more broadly.

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van der Vlies, Tina, Echoing Events: The Perpetuation of National Narratives in English and Dutch History Textbooks, 1920-2010. (Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe 152) 2022:8 (V & R unipress, GW) <683-1084>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1450-5 paper ¥13,370.- (税込) EUR 55.00

Echoing Events questions the perpetuation, actualization, and canonization of national narratives in English and Dutch history textbooks, wide-reaching media that tendentially inspire a sense of meaning, memory, and thus also identity. The longitudinal study begins in 1920, when the League of Nations launched several initiatives to reduce strong nationalistic visions in textbooks, and ends in the new millennium with the revival of national narratives in both countries. The analysis shows how and why textbook authors have narrated different histories ? which vary in terms of context, epoch, and place ? as ‘echoing events’ by subjecting them to the same interpretive methods and by using the same combinations of historical analogies. This innovative and original study thus investigates the resistance of national narratives to change from a new angle.

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