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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Aston, Nigel, Enlightened Oxford: The University and the Cultural and Political Life of Eighteenth-Century Britain and Beyond. 832 pp. 2023:3 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <684-21>
ISBN 978-0-19-924683-0 hard ¥34,584.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *

Enlightened Oxford aims to discern, establish, and clarify the multiplicity of connections between the University of Oxford, its members, and the world outside; to offer readers a fresh, contextualised sense of the University's role in the state, in society, and in relation to other institutions between the Williamite Revolution and the first decade of the nineteenth century, the era loosely describable (though not without much qualification) as England's ancien regime. Nigel Aston asks where Oxford fitted in to the broader social and cultural picture of the time, locating the University's importance in Church and state, and pondering its place as an institution that upheld religious entitlement in an ever-shifting intellectual world where national and confessional boundaries were under scrutiny. Enlightened Oxford is less an inside history than a consideration of an institutional presence and its place in the life of the country and further afield. While admitting the degree of corporate inertia to be found in the University, there was internal scope for members so inclined to be creative in their teaching, open new research lines, and be unapologetic Whigs rather than unrepentant Tories. For if Oxford was a seat of learning rooted in its past - and with an increasing antiquarian awareness of its inheritance - yet it had a surprising capacity for adaptation, a scope for intellectual and political pluralism that was not incompatible with enlightened values.

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Holden, Thomas, Hobbes's Philosophy of Religion. 224 pp. 2023:2 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <684-22>
ISBN 978-0-19-287132-9 hard ¥17,292.- (税込) GB£ 60.00 *

Hobbes's Philosophy of Religion presents a new scholarly interpretation of Hobbes's treatment of religious speech and practice. It argues that the key to Hobbes's treatment of religion is his theory of religious language. According to Hobbes, the proper function of religious language is not to describe, state facts, or affirm truths. Instead, such talk ought only to express attitudes of honour, reverence, and humility before the incomprehensible great cause of nature. His theory valorises the traditional discourses of theism, natural religion, and revealed religion, but only as an expression of reverence without descriptive import. Hobbes is sincerely pious, rejecting atheism and irreligion. But he also rejects literal-minded theism, and any realist conception of the divine attributes. The book provides a comprehensive study of Hobbes's highly original treatment of religion. It also offers an integrated account of Hobbes's philosophical thought around religious topics. The account brings out the connections between Hobbes's theoretical philosophy - including his philosophy of mind, language, and human nature - and his practical religious politics, including his views on religious toleration, ecclesiology, and the religious function of the civil state.

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Morejon, Gil, The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume. (Cycles) 216 pp. 2022:8 (Edinburgh U. Pr., UK) <684-23>
ISBN 978-1-399-50480-5 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

These three early modern philosophers understood that minds necessarily involve ideas and patterns of thinking that are not conscious. Gil Morejon shows that in this way they sharply distinguish themselves from other major early modern thinkers whose conceptions of the mind tended to identify thinking with consciousness, such as Descartes, Malebranche and Locke. This understanding of the thinking mind as conscious remains popular even today. By contrast, Leibniz, Spinoza and Hume argue instead that thought is not, as such, a matter of consciousness. Morejon explores the significance of this insight for their conceptions of freedom and ethics. By systematically and creatively analysing the major writings of these three thinkers and placing them in the context of the history of Western philosophy, he shows that together they provide us with a metaphysics of ideas that is uniquely helpful for thinking through important problems in contemporary political theory and philosophy of mind. In particular, it allows us to understand how it is possible for people to act against their own interests and in spite of their consciously knowing better.

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Richard, Odile / Stenger, Gerhardt (dir.), Les morales de Diderot: actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, du 10 au 17 aout 2020. (Colloque de Cerisy. Philosophie) 457 p. 2022:7 (Hermann, FR) <684-24>
ISBN 979-10-370-1960-8 paper ¥7,779.- (税込) EUR 32.00



