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  • 労働史・労働運動史・社会主義史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Li, Huaiyin, The Master in Bondage: Factory Workers in China, 1949-2019. 320 pp. 2023:3 (Stanford U. Pr., US) <693-391>
ISBN 978-1-5036-3454-1 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5036-3528-9 paper ¥7,180.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

Drawing on a rich set of original oral histories conducted with retired factory workers from industrial centers across the country, this book provides a bottom-up examination of working class participation in factory life during socialist and reform-era China. Huaiyin Li offers a series of new interpretations that challenge, revise, and enrich the existing scholarship on factory politics and worker performance during the Maoist years, including the nature of the Maoist state as seen in the operation of power relations on the shop floor, as well as the origins and dynamics of industrial enterprise reforms in the post-Mao era. In sharp contrast with the ideologically driven goal of promoting grassroots democracy or manifesting workers' status as the masters of the workplace, Li argues that Maoist era state-owned enterprises operated effectively to turn factory workers into a well-disciplined labor force through a complex set of formal and informal institutions that functioned to generate an equilibrium in power relations and work norms. The enterprise reforms of the 1980s and 1990s undermined this preexisting equilibrium, catalyzing the transformation of the industrial workforce from predominantly privileged workers in state-owned enterprises to precarious migrant workers of rural origins hired by private firms. Ultimately, this comprehensive and textured history provides an analytically astute new picture of everyday factory life in the world's largest manufacturing powerhouse.

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Costaguta, Lorenzo, Workers of All Colors Unite: Race and the Origins of American Socialism. (Working Class in American History) 256 pp. 2023:3 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <693-1446>
ISBN 978-0-252-04492-2 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08707-3 paper ¥6,283.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

As the United States transformed into an industrial superpower, American socialists faced the vexing question of how to approach race. Lorenzo Costaguta balances intellectual and institutional history to illuminate the clash between two major points of view. On one side, white supremacists believed labor should accept and apply the ascendant tenets of scientific theories of race. But others stood with International Workingmen's Association leaders J. P. McDonnell and F. A. Sorge in rejecting the idea that racial and ethnic division influenced worker-employer relations, arguing instead that class played the preeminent role. Costaguta charts the socialist movement's journey through the conflict and down a path that ultimately abandoned scientific racism in favor of an internationalist class-focused and racial-conscious American socialism. As he shows, the shift relied on a strong immigrant influence personified by the cosmopolitan Marxist thinker and future IWW cofounder Daniel De Leon. The class-focused movement that emerged became American socialism's most common approach to race in the twentieth century and beyond.

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Kelly, Blair, Black Folk: The Roots of the Black Working Class. 304 pp. 2023:6 (Liveright, US) <693-1469>
ISBN 978-1-63149-655-4 hard ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

There have been countless books, articles, and televised reports in recent years about the almost mythic "white working class," a tide of commentary that has obscured the labor, and even the very existence, of entire groups of working people, including everyday Black workers. In this brilliant corrective, Black Folk, acclaimed historian Blair LM Kelley restores the Black working class to the center of the American story. Spanning two hundred years-from one of Kelley's earliest known ancestors, an enslaved blacksmith, to the essential workers of the Covid-19 pandemic-Black Folk highlights the lives of the laundresses, Pullman porters, domestic maids, and postal workers who established the Black working class as a force in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Taking jobs white people didn't want and confined to segregated neighborhoods, Black workers found community in intimate spaces, from stoops on city streets to the backyards of washerwomen, where multiple generations labored from dawn to dusk, talking and laughing in a space free of white supervision and largely beyond white knowledge. As millions of Black people left the violence of the American South for the promise of a better life in the North and West, these networks of resistance and joy sustained early arrivals and newcomers alike and laid the groundwork for organizing for better jobs, better pay, and equal rights. As her narrative moves from Georgia to Philadelphia, Florida to Chicago, Texas to Oakland, Kelley treats Black workers not just as laborers, or members of a class, or activists, but as people whose daily experiences mattered-to themselves, to their communities, and to a nation that denied that basic fact. Through affecting portraits of her great-grandfather, a sharecropper named Solicitor, and her grandmother, Brunell, who worked for more than a decade as a domestic maid, Kelley captures, in intimate detail, how generation after generation of labor was required to improve, and at times maintain, her family's status. Yet her family, like so many others, was always animated by a vision of a better future. The church yards, factory floors, railcars, and postal sorting facilities where Black people worked were sites of possibility, and, as Kelley suggests, Amazon package processing centers, supermarkets, and nursing homes can be the same today. With the resurgence of labor activism in our own time, Black Folk presents a stirring history of our possible future.

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Fattmann, Rainer / Wiede, Wiebke / Wolf, Johanna (Hrsg.), Gender Pay Gap: Vom Wert und Unwert von Arbeit in Geschichte und Gegenwat. (Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte 113) 220 S. 2023:4 (Dietz Nachf., GW) <693-1519>
ISBN 978-3-8012-4258-9 paper ¥7,779.- (税込) EUR 32.00 *

Der Gender Pay Gap ist ein vielschichtiges historisches Phaenomen. Es ist verknuepft mit ungleichen Bewertungen von Arbeit auf den Arbeitsmaerkten, mit Geschlechterbildern, die sich im Zeitverlauf nur langsam wandeln, und einer ungleichen Verteilung von Haus-, Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit. Die Autorinnen zeichnen die Bedingungen der ungleichen Bezahlung aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven exemplarisch nach. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verdienten Frauen im Jahr 2021 pro Arbeitsstunde etwa 18 Prozent weniger als Maenner. Der Abstand in der Entlohnung wird seit Langem politisch und wissenschaftlich diskutiert. Dennoch verringert sich die Ungleichheit nur langsam. Existenz und Dauerhaftigkeit des Phaenomens sind allerdings laenderuebergreifend. Der Band fragt aus der Perspektive von Geschichtswissenschaft, Soziologie, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften nach historischen und gegenwaertigen Auspraegungen und Ursachen des Gender Pay Gaps.

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Annese, Lorenzo, Vita da Gastarbeiter: Von Apulien zu VW in Wolfsburg. Die Geschichte des ersten auslaendischen Betriebsrats in Deutschland. 208 S. 2022:9 (Dietz Nachf., GW) <693-1709>
ISBN 978-3-8012-0650-5 paper ¥4,862.- (税込) EUR 20.00 *

Geboren 1937 in dem Dorf Alberobello, verlebte Lorenzo Annese eine entbehrungsreiche Jugend und schwierige Zeit als Landarbeiter in einer bitterarmen Gegend Apuliens. 1958, mit 21 Jahren, wanderte er nach Deutschland aus ? ein italienischer "Gastarbeiter" der ersten Stunde. Er fand eine "neue Welt" voller Moeglichkeiten, aber manchmal auch Feindseligkeiten. Er war der erste italienische Mitarbeiter der Volkswagen AG und blieb ihr ueber drei Jahrzehnte eng verbunden. 1965, als "IG-Metaller", wurde der zum ersten nicht deutschen Betriebsrat der Bundesrepublik gewaehlt und setzte sich unermuedlich fuer die Integration der grossen italienischen Gemeinde in Wolfsburg ein. Heute lebt er, der "Emigrant", vielfach geehrt mit seiner Frau Frieda in Deutschland, aber er werde immer "ein Nomade bleiben, nicht nur geografisch, sondern auch in Geist, Gewissen und Herz". "Lorenzo ist ein unvergleichlicher Geschichtenerzaehler: Sein hervorragendes Gedaechtnis, seine theatralische Stimme und seine anziehende Art zu sprechen machen ihn zu einem fesselnden Redner. Ich habe mich in der Vergangenheit oft gefragt, woher diese Gabe stammt, aber irgendwann habe ich verstanden, dass es eigentlich nicht wichtig war zu wissen, ob Natur oder Kultur ihm zu dieser Faehigkeit verholfen haben, wichtig ist, dass Letztere zusammen mit zuvorkommender Menschlichkeit und Entschiedenheit im Handeln eine der Grundlagen seines Seins darstellt." (Pasquale Annese)

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Erlich, Mark, The Way We Build: Restoring Dignity to Construction Work. (Working Class in American History) 144 pp. 2023:7 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <693-1711>
ISBN 978-0-252-04519-6 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08733-2 paper ¥5,149.- (税込) US$ 22.95 *

The construction trades once provided unionized craftsmen a route to the middle class and a sense of pride and dignity often denied other blue-collar workers. Today, union members still earn wages and benefits that compare favorably to those of college graduates. But as union strength has declined over the last fifty years, a growing non-union sector offers lower compensation and more hazardous conditions, undermining the earlier tradition of upward mobility. Revitalization of the industry depends on unions shedding past racial and gender discriminatory practices, embracing organizing, diversity, and the new immigrant workforce, and preparing for technological changes. Mark Erlich blends long-view history with his personal experience inside the building trades to explain one of our economy's least understood sectors. Erlich's multifaceted account includes the dynamics of the industry, the backdrop of union policies, and powerful stories of everyday life inside the trades. He offers a much-needed overview of construction's past and present while exploring roads to the future.

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Gooding, Frederick W., Jr. / Yellin, Eric S. (eds.), Public Workers in Service of America: A Reader. (Working Class in American History) 272 pp. 2023:8 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <693-1713>
ISBN 978-0-252-04517-2 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08731-8 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

From white-collar executives to mail carriers, public workers meet the needs of the entire nation. Frederick W. Gooding Jr. and Eric S. Yellin edit a collection of new research on this understudied workforce. Part One begins in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth century to explore how questions of race, class, and gender shaped public workers, their workplaces, and their place in American democracy. In Part Two, essayists examine race and gender discrimination while revealing the subtle contemporary forms of marginalization that keep Black men and Black and white women underpaid and overlooked for promotion. The historic labor actions detailed in Part Three illuminate how city employees organized not only for better pay and working conditions but to seek recognition from city officials, the public, and the national labor movement. Part Four focuses on nurses and teachers to address the thorny question of whether certain groups deserve premium pay for their irreplaceable work and sacrifices or if serving the greater good is a reward unto itself.Contributors: Eileen Boris, Cathleen D. Cahill, Frederick W. Gooding Jr., William P. Jones, Francis Ryan, Jon Shelton, Joseph E. Slater, Katherine Turk, Eric S. Yellin, and Amy Zanoni

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Jorgensen, Jesper / Mikkelsen, Flemming (eds.), Trade Union Activism in the Nordic Countries since 1900. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements) 358 pp. 2023:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <693-1714>
ISBN 978-3-031-08986-2 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

Providing a Nordic historical perspective, this collection aims to further our understanding of trade union activism and its role in modern society. Contributions from a range of leading scholars analyse the organisational conditions of mobilisation that were deployed by Nordic unionists, and explore the way that they interacted with other forms of social and political protest during the twentieth century. Covering illegal or so-called wildcat strikes, blockades, demonstrations and other activist measures, the authors examine the way that trade union activism in the Nordic countries aimed to move the political combat zone from the meeting rooms of the respective confederations into the streets and the public domain. The collection focuses on cases from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, but comparisons are also made with countries such as Iceland, Germany, and the USA. Exploring the ways in which political parties have intervened in Nordic trade union activism since the early twentieth century, this unique collection offers new insights for those interested in labour market dynamics and the complex process behind the formation of salary and employment conditions.

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Machcewicz, Anna, Rebellion: The Shipyard Strikes in Poland and the Birth of Solidarnosc in August 1980. (FOKUS 9) 403 S. 2023:3 (Schoeningh, GW) <693-1717>
ISBN 978-3-506-79044-6 hard ¥12,129.- (税込) EUR 49.90



Riddell, William D., On the Waves of Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Merchant Sailors, 1872-1924. (Working Class in American History) 240 pp. 2023:7 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <693-1718>
ISBN 978-0-252-04516-5 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08730-1 paper ¥5,834.- (税込) US$ 26.00 *

In the aftermath of the Spanish-American War, the United States' acquisition of an overseas empire compelled the nation to reconsider the boundary between domestic and foreign--and between nation and empire. William D. Riddell looks at the experiences of merchant sailors and labor organizations to illuminate how domestic class conflict influenced America's emerging imperial system. Maritime workers crossed ever-shifting boundaries that forced them to reckon with the collision of different labor systems and markets. Formed into labor organizations like the Sailor's Union of the Pacific and the International Seaman's Union of America, they contested the U.S.'s relationship to its empire while capitalists in the shipping industry sought to impose their own ideas. Sophisticated and innovative, On the Waves of Empire reveals how maritime labor and shipping capital stitched together, tore apart, and re-stitched the seams of empire.

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Roggero, Gigi, Italian Operaismo: Genealogy, History, Method. Tr. by C. Pope. (Insubordinations: Italian Radical Thought) 224 pp. 2023:3 (MIT Pr., US) <693-1719>
ISBN 978-0-262-04792-0 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Shackel, Paul A., The Ruined Anthracite: Historical Trauma in Coal-Mining Communities. (Working Class in American History) 256 pp. 2023:8 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <693-1720>
ISBN 978-0-252-04514-1 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08728-8 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Once a busy if impoverished center for the anthracite coal industry, northeastern Pennsylvania exists today as a region suffering inexorable decline--racked by economic hardship and rampant opioid abuse, abandoned by young people, and steeped in xenophobic fear. Paul A. Shackel merges analysis with oral history to document the devastating effects of a lifetime of structural violence on the people who have stayed behind. Heroic stories of workers facing the dangers of underground mining stand beside accounts of people living their lives in a toxic environment and battling deprivation and starvation by foraging, bartering, and relying on the good will of neighbors. As Shackel reveals the effects of these long-term traumas, he sheds light on people's poor health and lack of well-being. The result is a valuable on-the-ground perspective that expands our understanding of the social fracturing, economic decay, and anger afflicting many communities across the United States. Insightful and dramatic, The Ruined Anthracite combines archaeology, documentary research, and oral history to render the ongoing human cost of environmental devastation and unchecked capitalism.

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