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  • 労働史・労働運動史・社会主義史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Jaures, Jean, La voix du socialisme. (Oeuvres de Jean Jaures 14) 2022:12 (Fayard, FR) <696-878>
ISBN 978-2-213-72509-3 paper ¥8,508.- (税込) EUR 35.00



共産党とソヴィエトのシステムの形成 1921~41年
Kokosalakis, Yiannis, Building Socialism: The Communist Party and the Making of the Soviet System, 1921-1941. (New Studies in European History) 330 pp. 2023:2 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <696-879>
ISBN 978-1-00-921886-3 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

By placing the party grassroots at the centre of its focus, Building Socialism presents an original account of the formative first two decades of the Soviet system. Assembled in a large network of primary party organisations (PPO), the Bolshevik rank-and-file was an army of activists made up of ordinary people. While far removed from the levers of power, they were nevertheless charged with promoting the Party's programme of revolutionary social transformation in their workplaces, neighbourhoods, and households. Their regular meetings, conferences and campaigns have generated a voluminous source base. This rich material provides a unique view of the practical manifestation of the Party's revolutionary mission and forms the basis of this insightful new narrative of how the Soviet republic functioned in the period from the end of the Russian Civil War in 1921 to its invasion by Nazi Germany in 1941.

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Notz, Gisela (Hrsg.), August Bebel oder: Der revolutionaere Sozialdemokrat. 200 S. 2023:7 (Dietz, GW) <696-880>
ISBN 978-3-320-02404-8 paper ¥3,403.- (税込) EUR 14.00 *

August Bebel (1840?1913 ) , Sohn einer alleinerziehenden Mutter, lernte das Drechslerhandwerk, ging als Handwerksgeselle auf Wanderschaft und fand nach einigen Umwegen zur Sozialdemokratie. Er wurde 1867 in den Reichstag des Norddeutschen Bundes gewaehlt und Praesident des Verbandes Deutscher Arbeitervereine. Als 1890 die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) gegruendet wurde, wurde Bebel einer der beiden Vorsitzenden. Oft wird August Bebel als ≫Arbeiterkaiser≪ oder ≫Kaiser der kleinen Leute≪ bezeichnet. Ihm wird diese Bezeichnung nicht gefallen haben, denn er war ein Todfeind der bestehenden Monarchie und wollte sie beseitigen. Er kaempfte fuer Sozialismus, Vergesellschaftung und die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter; bekaempfte Kapitalismus, Militarismus, Antisemitismus und Kolonialismus, bis zu seinem Tode 1913.

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Troyansky, David G., Entitlement and Complaint: Ending Careers and Reviewing Lives in Post-Revolutionary France. 248 pp. 2023:7 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <696-882>
ISBN 978-0-19-763875-0 hard ¥18,625.- (税込) US$ 83.00 *

Entitlement and Complaint explores the early history of the right to retirement and the shaping of the modern life course, applying cutting-edge insights from social, cultural, and political history as well as gerontology to an extraordinarily rich collection of retirement dossiers from the post-Revolutionary French Ministry of Justice. David G. Troyansky tells two intertwined stories. He traces the origins of state pensions in nineteenth-century France, which were increasingly understood by retirees as a right as opposed to a reward. Alongside the empirical data, Troyansky examines the ways retiring magistrates used their written requests for state pensions as an opportunity to engage in "life reviews." Through the analysis of more than five hundred individual dossiers, Troyansky uncovers the personal narratives of those working in a multitude of French political regimes. As employees aged and one cohort replaced another, their attempts to make sense of their careers and lives formed a larger story of post-revolutionary survival.

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Stepan-Norris, Judith / Kerrissey, J., Union Booms and Busts: The Ongoing Fight Over the U.S. Labor Movement. 304 pp. 2023 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <696-229>
ISBN 978-0-19-753985-9 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

Union Booms and Busts takes a bird's eye view of the shifting fortunes of U.S. workers and their unions on the one hand, and employers and their organizations on the other. Using detailed data, this book analyses union density across 11 industries and 115 years, contrasting the organizing and union building successes and failures across decades. With attention to historical developments and the economic, political, and legal contexts of each period, it highlights workers' and their unions' actions, including strikes, union elections, and organizing strategies as well those of employers, who aimed to disrupt union organizing using legal maneuvers, workforce-based strategies, and race and gender divisions. By demonstrating how workers used strikes, elections, and other strategies to win power and employers used legal maneuvers, workforce-based strategies, and race and gender divisions to disrupt unions, the authors reveal data-driven truths about the ongoing history of unionization. Chapters follow time periods: the early unregulated period where unions took hold in only a handful of industries; the mid-century regulated period where strikes, elections, and union density grew across industries; and the later dis-regulated period where union trajectories diverged, with some industries seeing drastic decline and others holding steady. The book concludes by turning toward what might come next for workers and unions in America and provides access to on-line data for readers who want to take a closer look

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