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掲載点数 全3件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Kuchenbuch, Ludolf, Marx, feudal: Beitraege zur Gegenwart des Feudalismus in der Geschichtswissenschaft, 1975-2021. 464 S. 2022 (Dietz, GW) <670-304>
ISBN 978-3-320-02390-4 paper ¥7,267.- (税込) EUR 29.90 *

Kaum ein Historiker kennt sich mit Marx’ Theorie und dem Feudalismus gleichermassen gut aus wie Ludolf Kuchen-buch. Er setzt Marx’ Forschungsmaximen mittels kritischer Quellenforschung um, reflektiert Begrifflichkeiten, sucht metho-disch neue Wege. Der Sammelband ist keine einfache Dokumen-tation. Er soll vielmehr ein Gespraech eroeffnen, zwischen an Marx Interessierten, fuer die Mediaevistik ein Fremdwort ist und die mit Feudalismus als streng historischem Ideologem bzw. eurozentri-schem Epochensignum eher fremdeln.Die versammelten Texte aus ueber 40 Jahren verdanken sich spezifischen Entstehungsumstaenden. Diese werden jeweils ein-leitend umrissen: Was war die jeweilige Motivation, den Beitrag zu schreiben, was der konkrete gesellschaftliche Hintergrund, welche Debattenkonstellation entschied? Manche Beitraege sind teilweise noch nicht veroeffentlicht, nur einer wurde aktualisiert. Damit bietet der Band nicht nur einen Einstieg in die Marx- und Feudalismus--Forschung, sondern auch einen Einblick in die Geschichtswissenschaften (beider deutscher Staaten) nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Dabei zeigt das Themenfeld Feudalismus, wie fruchtbar es sein kann, mit Marx gegen Marx zu argumentieren.

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Menon, Dilip M. / Zaidi, Nishat / Malhotra, S. et al., Ocean as Method: Thinking with the Maritime. 148 pp. 2022:4 (Routledge, UK) <670-2748>
ISBN 978-1-03-223456-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-224677-2 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

Ocean as Method presents a new way of thinking about the humanities and the social sciences. It explores maritime connections in social and humanistic research and puts forward an alternative to national histories and area studies. As global warming and rising sea levels ring alarm bells across the world, the chapters in the volume argue that it is time to think through oceans to realign discourses which better understand our future. The volume:* Engages with the paradigms of oceanic narratives to identify connections between continents through trade, migration, and economic processes, thinking beyond the artificial distinctions between the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans;* Discusses oceanic travel accounts by Muslim travellers to counter the idea that the colonial era was marked by European travel to Asia and Africa, without a counterflow of "native travel";*Examines the connections between South Africa, South Asia, and South East Asia through histories of Indian indenture and the slave trade, and engages with the idea of the ocean and enforced movement;*Compares and connects recent scholarship in the social sciences and the humanities centring the ocean to break away from inherited paradigms which have shaped world history so far.As a unique transdisciplinary collaboration, this volume will be of much interest to scholars and researchers of history, especially oceanic history, historiography, critical theory, literature, geography, and Global South studies.

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I.カッツネルソン他著 歴史社会科学のための量的分析
Wawro, Gregory J. / Katznelson, Ira, Time Counts: Quantitative Analysis for Historical Social Science. 232 pp. 2022 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <670-24>
ISBN 978-0-691-15504-3 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-691-15505-0 paper ¥7,168.- (税込) US$ 31.95 *

How to study the past using dataQuantitative Analysis for Historical Social Science advances historical research in the social sciences by bridging the divide between qualitative and quantitative analysis. Gregory Wawro and Ira Katznelson argue for an expansion of the standard quantitative methodological toolkit with a set of innovative approaches that better capture nuances missed by more commonly used statistical methods. Demonstrating how to employ such promising tools, Wawro and Katznelson address the criticisms made by prominent historians and historically oriented social scientists regarding the shortcomings of mainstream quantitative approaches for studying the past.Traditional statistical methods have been inadequate in addressing temporality, periodicity, specificity, and context-features central to good historical analysis. To address these shortcomings, Wawro and Katznelson argue for the application of alternative approaches that are particularly well-suited to incorporating these features in empirical investigations. The authors demonstrate the advantages of these techniques with replications of research that locate structural breaks and uncover temporal evolution. They develop new practices for testing claims about path dependence in time-series data, and they discuss the promise and perils of using historical approaches to enhance causal inference.Opening a dialogue among traditional qualitative scholars and applied quantitative social scientists focusing on history, Quantitative Analysis for Historical Social Science illustrates powerful ways to move historical social science research forward.

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