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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Kaminer, Matan, Capitalist Colonial: Thai Migrant Workers in Israeli Agriculture. 256 pp. 2024:11 (Stanford U. Pr., US) <725-235>
ISBN 978-1-5036-4051-1 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5036-4109-9 paper ¥6,765.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

For decades, the agricultural settlements of Israel's arid Central Arabah prided themselves on their labor-Zionist commitment to abstaining from hiring outside labor. But beginning in the late 1980s, the region's agrarian economy was rapidly transformed by the removal of state protections, a shift to export-oriented monoculture, and an influx of disenfranchised, ill-paid migrants from northeast Thailand (Isaan). Capitalist Colonial, Matan Kaminer's ethnography of the region and its people, argues that the paid and unpaid labor of Thai migrants has been essential to resolving the clashing demands of the bottom line and Zionist ideology here as elsewhere in Israel's farm sector. Kaminer's account mobilizes capitalism and colonialism as a combined analytical frame to comprehend the forms of domination prevailing in the Arabah. Placing the findings of fieldwork as a farm laborer within the ecological, economic, and political histories of the Arabah and Isaan, Kaminer draws surprising connections between the violent takeover of peripheral regions, the imposition of agrarian commodity production, and the emergence of transnational labor flows. Insisting on the liberatory possibilities immanent in the "interaction ideologies" found among both migrant workers and settler employers, and raising the question of the place of migrants who are neither Jewish nor Arab in visions of decolonization, this book demonstrates anthropology's ongoing relevance to the struggle for local and global transformations.

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Barton, Bernadette / Brents, Barbara G. / Jones, A. (eds.), Sex Work Today: Erotic Labor in the Twenty-First Century. 400 pp. 2024:11 (New York U. Pr., US) <725-243>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2131-0 hard ¥22,324.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4798-2134-1 paper ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

A cutting-edge volume on current trends in sex work, from sugar relationships and cyber brothels to financial domination, sex worker activism, and feminist porn Sex is for sale in more ways than ever. It can be bought and sold online, in sex clubs, on the street, and around the world. As with many industries, discrimination, exploitation, and inequality persist in sex work. Yet it also offers autonomy, job satisfaction, and even pleasurable experiences for those involved. Sex Work Today explores these contradictions, offering an intimate look at the benefits and challenges of sex work across geographic contexts. Featuring thirty-one original essays by sex workers, advocates, researchers, and activists, Sex Work Today is the first compilation of research on new forms of digital sex such as camming, sugar dating, and AI sex dolls. Providing a lens to understand contemporary labor dynamics and the nature of sex work itself, this collection captures formerly ignored aspects of the sex industry including: fatphobia and disability; transmasculine and nonbinary sex workers; racialized emotional labor in the digital sex industry; high job satisfaction among professional dominatrixes; and sex worker scholars. With federal policies ostensibly aimed at combating sex trafficking-affecting all sex workers-understanding this industry is more vital than ever. Decentering Western, white, cisgender voices, Sex Work Today underscores the global repercussions of these misaligned policies, which make sex work more challenging and less safe, and provides valuable insights for those seeking to shape policies, challenge prejudices, and foster a safer and more equitable world for all.

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Brown, Rachel H., Unsettled Labors: Migrant Care Work in Palestine/Israel. 328 pp. 2024:8 (Duke U. Pr., US) <725-244>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2635-8 hard ¥24,341.- (税込) US$ 107.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3059-1 paper ¥6,527.- (税込) US$ 28.95 *

In Unsettled Labors, Rachel H. Brown explores the overlooked labor of migrant workers in Israel's eldercare industry. Brown argues that live-in eldercare in Palestine/Israel, which is primarily done by migrant workers, is an often invisible area where settler colonialism is reproduced culturally, economically, and biologically. Situating Israeli labor markets within a longer history of imperialism and dispossession of Palestinian land, Brown positions migrant eldercare within the resulting tangle of Israeli laws, policies, and social discourses. She draws from interviews with caretakers, public statements, court documents, and first-hand fieldwork to uncover the inherently contradictory nature of elder care work: the intimate presence of South and Southeast Asian workers in the home unsettles the idea of the Israeli home as an exclusively Jewish space. By paying close attention to the comparative racialization of migrant workers, Palestinians, asylum seekers, and Mizrahi and Ashkenazi settlers, Brown raises important questions of labor, social reproduction, displacement, and citizenship told through the stories of collective care provided by migrant workers in a settler colonial state.

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Freeman, Nahanni / Slusser, Bren, Examining Creativity in the Workplace: Applying Polanyi's Theory of Tacit Knowledge to Maximize Fulfillment at Work. 272 pp. 2024:9 (Routledge, UK) <725-245>
ISBN 978-1-032-34582-6 hard ¥36,751.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-34577-2 paper ¥13,849.- (税込) GB£ 48.99 *

This scholarly book explores the intersection of social cognition with a democratic philosophy of human resource management to advance a theory of workplace function that maximizes creativity. It examines how the work of Polanyi on tacit knowledge provides a useful theoretical structure for understanding person perception and self-fulfilling prophecy effects in the workplace, with a focus on gender, culture, and race as diversity variables. Based on a broad range of interdisciplinary empirical evidence and theories, this book provides a foundational set of concepts to build new applied intervention strategies. The authors create new, testable theories based on a synthesis of several major areas of research in social psychology and human resource management, moving beyond the narrow confines of trends in a particular subdomain. Part 1 offers a literature review of the field, ranging from theoretical, historical, and philosophical psychology to social psychology and neurocognition. Each chapter in this section offers a novel theory that is pertinent to workplace innovation, synthesized from existing evidence. Part 2 reveals applications of tacit knowledge to the field of human resource management, with a focus on cross-cultural applications for low- and high-power distance settings. This insightful text presents the authors' original, qualitative research around workplace creativity and tacit knowledge and is valuable reading for scholars and advanced students in industrial-organizational psychology and human resource management.

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Islam, Asiya, A Woman's Job: Making Middle Lives in Urban India. (South Asia in the Social Sciences) 200 pp. 2024:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <725-246>
ISBN 978-1-009-53665-3 paper ¥8,477.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *

Against the backdrop of rapid socio-economic change in post-1990 India, scholars and policy makers have expressed surprise at the low rate of women's participation in the workforce, particularly in urban areas. A Woman's Job presents a unique urban ethnography of young lower middle class women's lives in Delhi as they weave in and out of service employment, education, and domestic contracts. Urban, educated, and skilled, these young women seek employment in cafes, malls, call centres, and offices in the globalising landscape of Delhi. Their participation in work enables access to 'things', such as, jeans, smartphones, English language, and the metro, that symbolise global modernity. However, caught in a web of gender, class, and caste inequalities, their identification as 'working' women also generates social anxieties. The book shows how women adopt 'middle-ness' as a strategy of life-making at the multiple sites of work, home, and leisure.

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Lane, Carrie M., More Than Pretty Boxes: How the Rise of Professional Organizing Shows Us the Way We Work Isn't Working. 288 pp. 2024:11 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <725-248>
ISBN 978-0-226-83277-7 hard ¥6,200.- (税込) US$ 27.50 *

This study of organizing and decluttering professionals helps us understand-and perhaps alleviate-the overwhelming demands society places on our time and energy. For a widely dreaded, often mundane task, organizing one's possessions has taken a surprising hold on our cultural imagination. Today, those with the means can hire professionals to help sort and declutter their homes. In More Than Pretty Boxes, Carrie M. Lane introduces us to this world of professional organizers and offers new insight into the domains of work and home, which are forever entangled-especially for women. The female-dominated organizing profession didn't have a name until the 1980s, but it is now the subject of countless reality shows, podcasts, and magazines. Lane draws on interviews with organizers, including many of the field's founders, to trace the profession's history and uncover its enduring appeal to those seeking meaningful, flexible, self-directed work. Taking readers behind the scenes of real-life organizing sessions, More Than Pretty Boxes details the strategies organizers use to help people part with their belongings, and it also explores the intimate, empathetic relationships that can form between clients and organizers. But perhaps most importantly, More Than Pretty Boxes helps us think through an interconnected set of questions around neoliberal work arrangements, overconsumption, emotional connection, and the deeply gendered nature of paid and unpaid work. Ultimately, Lane situates organizing at the center of contemporary conversations around how work isn't working anymore and makes a case for organizing's radical potential to push back against the overwhelming demands of work and the home, too often placed on women's shoulders. Organizers aren't the sole answer to this crisis, but their work can help us better understand both the nature of the problem and the sorts of solace, support, and solutions that might help ease it.

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Maslach, Christina / Leiter, Michael P., The Burnout Challenge: Managing People's Relationships with Their Jobs. 272 pp. 2024:9 (Harvard U. Pr., US) <725-249>
ISBN 978-0-674-29727-2 paper ¥4,497.- (税込) US$ 19.95 *

A Forbes Best Business Book"Vital reading for today's and tomorrow's leaders." -Arianna Huffington "Burnout seems to be everyone's problem, and this book has solutions. As trailblazers in burnout research, Christina Maslach and Michael Leiter didn't just clear the path to study the causes-they've also discovered some of the cures." -Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Think Again "A thoughtful and well researched book about a core issue at the heart of the great resignation." -Christian Stadler, Forbes "Provides the path to creating a better world of work where people can flourish rather than get beaten down." - Marcel Schwantes, Inc. Burnout is among the most significant on-the-job hazards facing workers today. It is also among the most misunderstood. In particular, we tend to characterize burnout as a personal issue-a problem employees should fix themselves by getting therapy, practicing relaxation techniques, or changing jobs. Christina Maslach and Michael P. Leiter show why burnout also needs to be managed by the workplace. Citing a wealth of research data and drawing on illustrative anecdotes, The Burnout Challenge shows how organizations can change to promote sustainable productivity. Maslach and Leiter provide useful tools for identifying the signs of employee burnout and offer practical, evidence-driven guidance for implementing change. The key, they argue, is to begin with less-taxing changes that employees nonetheless find meaningful, seeding the ground for more thorough reforms in the future. As priorities and policies shift across workplaces, The Burnout Challenge provides pragmatic, creative, and cost-effective solutions to improve employee efficiency, health, and happiness.

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Michaelson, Christopher / Tosti-Kharas, Jennifer, The Meaning and Purpose of Work: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Considering What Work is For. 152 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <725-250>
ISBN 978-1-03-230934-7 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-230933-0 paper ¥10,173.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *

Two seminal crises of the early 21st century - the 9/11 terrorist attacks and COVID-19 pandemic - have led emerging generations of workers to prioritize the meaning and purpose of work. At the same time, other social and environmental crises are threatening, capitalism is evolving, and technology is advancing. In this book, a philosopher and organizational psychologist who together research meaningful work consider what these forces mean for whether work might give meaning and purpose to our lives or take it away.The authors introduce key concepts - meaning, purpose, and work, among others - and consider how they show up in individuals' experience of work, what role organizations play in cultivating them, and the responsibilities of markets and states to the individuals and organizations working within them. Each chapter includes questions and prompts for review and reflection for students and workers who read the book. The final chapter concludes by introducing an original "6 P" framework for making sense of the functional and moral purpose of work among individuals, organizations, and systems: to pursue and perform, provide and produce, and price and protect work.Readers will emerge with an understanding of the meaning of meaning as well as a practical appreciation for the role of meaning in their own work, the managerial responsibilities they may have for serving the purpose of the organization they work for, and the societal challenges that make the quest for meaningful work a timely imperative

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Parker, Caroline M., Carceral Citizens: Labor and Confinement in Puerto Rico. 176 pp. 2024:11 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <725-251>
ISBN 978-0-226-83621-8 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *
ISBN 978-0-226-83623-2 paper ¥6,765.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

A nuanced take on how carceral expansions are changing labor and social life. In Carceral Citizens, anthropologist Caroline M. Parker offers an ethnographic portrait of therapeutic communities in Puerto Rico, the oldest colony in the Americas. As nonprofits nested within the carceral state, therapeutic communities serve as reeducation and recovery centers for the mostly male drug offenders who serve out their sentences engaged in manual labor and prayer. The most surprising aspect of these centers, however, is that their "graduates" often remain long after the completion of their term, working as self-appointed peer counselors in a mixture of volunteer and low-wage positions. Parker seeks to explain this dynamic by showing how, in these therapeutic communities, criminalized men find new and meaningful ways of living in the shadow of the prison. Through their participation in the day-to-day functioning of the centers, they discover and cultivate alternative forms of belonging, livelihood, and citizenship, despite living within the restrictions of the carceral state. Situating her study against the backdrop of Puerto Rico's colonial history, and with findings that extend across Latin America, Parker challenges common assumptions about confinement, labor, and rehabilitation. By delving into lives shaped by the convergence of imperialism, the carceral state, and self-help, she offers a fresh understanding of the transformations of labor and social life brought about by mass incarceration.

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Rahman, Hatim A., Inside the Invisible Cage: How Algorithms Control Workers. 288 pp. 2024 (U. California Pr., US) <725-252>
ISBN 978-0-520-39553-4 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-39554-1 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

In a world increasingly run by algorithms and artificial intelligence, Hatim Rahman traces how organizations are using algorithms to control workers in an "invisible cage." Inside the Invisible Cage uses unique longitudinal data to investigate how digital labor platforms use algorithms to dictate the actions of high-skilled workers by determining accepted behaviors, work opportunities, and even success. As Hatim Rahman explains, employers can use algorithms to shift rules and guidelines without notice, explanation, or recourse for workers. The invisible cage signals a profound shift in the way markets and organizations categorize and ultimately control people. Unlike previous forms of labor control, the invisible cage is ubiquitous, yet it is also opaque and shifting, which makes breaking free from it difficult for workers. This book traces how the invisible cage was developed over time and the implications it has for the spread of new technology, such as generative artificial intelligence. Inside the Invisible Cage also provides organizations, workers, and policymakers with insights on how to ensure the future of work has truly equitable, mutually beneficial outcomes.

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Sadowski, Jathan, The Mechanic and the Luddite: A Ruthless Criticism of Technology and Capitalism. 332 pp. 2025:1 (U. California Pr., US) <725-253>
ISBN 978-0-520-39806-1 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-39807-8 paper ¥5,625.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

This short book demystifies how the two systems of technology and capitalism work together and equips readers with practical tools to dismantle them and build a better world, bit by bit. Our society is constantly made to serve the needs of two systems: technology and capitalism. Neither exists outside humans, but both are treated as above and beyond us. The Mechanic and the Luddite offers the critical tools needed to deconstruct these systems-how they work, whom they work for, and what work they do in our lives. With signature style and energy, Jathan Sadowski presents a provocative one-stop shop for understanding the political economy of technology and capitalism. Each chapter breaks down key features of technological capitalism, offering sharp, synthetic, and authoritative analysis of topics like innovation, labor, data, and risk. It's not enough to know how the machinery of capitalism is put together and how its parts operate; we must also know whom the machines serve and when they should be taken apart, to be rebuilt for new purposes or destroyed for good. The Mechanic and the Luddite provides the political guidance needed to make these crucial decisions.

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Tompkins, Christien Philmarc, A Burdensome Experiment: Race, Labor, and Schools in New Orleans after Katrina. (Atelier: Ethnographic Inquiry in the Twenty-First Century 18) 283 pp. 2024:10 (U. California Pr., US) <725-254>
ISBN 978-0-520-40094-8 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans public school board fired nearly 7,500 teachers and employees. In the decade that followed, the city created the first urban public school system in the United States to be entirely contracted out to private management. Veteran educators, collectively referred to as the "backbone" of the city's Black middle class, were replaced by younger, less experienced, white teachers who lacked historical ties to the city. In A Burdensome Experiment, Christien Philmarc Tompkins argues that the privatization of New Orleans schools has made educators into a new kind of racialized worker. As school districts across the nation backslide on school integration, Tompkins asks, who exactly deserves to teach our children? The struggle over this question exposes the inherent antiblackness of charter school systems and the unequal burdens of school choice.

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Wilson, Eli Revelle Yano, Handcrafted Careers: Working the Artisan Economy of Craft Beer. 256 pp. 2024:9 (U. California Pr., US) <725-185>
ISBN 978-0-520-40155-6 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-40156-3 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Unpacks the problems and privileges of pursuing a career of passion by exploring work inside craft breweries. As workers attempt new modes of employment in the era of the Great Resignation, they face a labor landscape that is increasingly uncertain and stubbornly unequal. With Handcrafted Careers, sociologist Eli Revelle Yano Wilson dives headfirst into the everyday lives of workers in the craft beer industry to address key questions facing American workers today: about what makes a good career, who gets to have one, and how careers progress without established models. Wilson argues that what ends up contributing to divergent career paths in craft beer is a complex interplay of social connections, personal tastes, and cultural ideas, as well as exclusionary industry structures. The culture of work in craft beer is based around "bearded white guy" ideals that are gendered and racialized in ways that limit the advancement of women and people of color. A fresh perspective on niche industries, Handcrafted Careers offers sharp insights into how people navigate worlds of work that promote ideas of authenticity and passion-filled careers even amid instability.

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