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掲載点数 全16件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Casella, Eleanor / Nevell, Michael / Steyne, Hanna (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Archaeology. (Oxford Handbooks) 736 pp. 2022:6 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <672-354>
ISBN 978-0-19-969396-2 hard ¥31,702.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *

Representing the first substantial English-language text on Industrial Archaeology in a decade, this handbook comes at a time when the global impact of industrialization is being re-assessed in terms of its legacy of climate change, mechanization, urbanization, the forced migration of peoples, and labour relations. Critical debates around the beginning of a new geological era - The Anthropocene - have emerged over the last decade. This approach interrogates the widespread exploitation of natural resources that forged industrialization from its early emergence in 18th century northern Europe to its contemporary ubiquity, environmental impacts, and social legacy within our globalized world. Through a broad international and multi-period set of chapters, this volume explores the complex origins, processes, and development of industrialization through both its physical remains and human consequences - both the good and the bad. It provides a diverse material framework for understanding our modern world, from its industrial origins through its future paths in the 21st century.

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Innerhofer, Ian, Kein Nutzen fuer die Wirtschaft: Das Konzept der "agrarischen Uebervoelkerung" Suedosteuropas vor und waehrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs. (Wissenschaft, Macht und Kultur in der modernen Geschichte 7) 416 S. 2021 (Boehlau, GW) <672-355>
ISBN 978-3-205-21449-6 paper ¥13,370.- (税込) EUR 55.00 *

Das Buch schliesst eine lang bestehende Forschungsluecke und beleuchtet erstmalig umfassend die Entwicklung des Konzepts der ?agrarischen Uebervoelkerung" und seine Anwendung auf Suedosteuropa. Zu diesem Zweck wurden viele Quellen aus mehreren Laendern zum ersten Mal ausgewertet. Unter ?agrarischer Uebervoelkerung" fassten Wissenschaftler damals fast alle soziooekonomischen Merkmale (u.a. traditionelle Agrarbewirtschaftung, niedrige Produktivitaet, hohe Geburtenrate) Jugoslawiens, Rumaeniens und Bulgariens zusammen. Neben den untersuchten Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Diskursen (u.a. Geopolitik, Rassismus und Eugenik) arbeitet das Buch in einem Vergleich der vorgeschlagenen Massnahmen zur Ueberwindung der ?Uebervoelkerung" das enge Verhaeltnis von Wissenschaft und Politik heraus. Deutschsprachige Wissenschaftler legitimierten mit der ?agrarischen Uebervoelkerung" der suedosteuropaeischen Laender deren Einbeziehung in einen von Deutschland dominierten Grosswirtschaftsraum. Suedosteuropaeische Eliten argumentierten anhand des Ueberbevoelkerungskonzepts hingegen ihre von Deutschland abgelehnten Industrialisierungsbestrebungen, waehrend vorwiegend englischsprachige Autoren des Voelkerbunds wiederum Wege praesentierten, groessere Migrationsbewegungen von Ost nach West zu verhindern.

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Lumba, Allan E. S., Monetary Authorities: Capitalism and Decolonization in the American Colonial Philippines. 232 pp. 2022:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <672-358>
ISBN 978-1-4780-1555-0 hard ¥23,101.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-1818-6 paper ¥6,046.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In Monetary Authorities Allan E. S. Lumba explores how the United States used monetary policy and banking systems to justify racial and class hierarchies, enforce capitalist exploitation, and counter movements for decolonization in the American colonial Philippines. Lumba shows that colonial economic experts justified American imperial authority by claiming that Filipinos did not possess the racial capacities to properly manage money. Financial independence, then, became a key metric of racial capitalism by which Filipinos had to prove their ability to self-govern. At the same time, the colonial state used its monetary authority to police the economic activities of colonized subjects and to curb movements for decolonization. It later offered a conditional form of decolonization that left the Philippines reliant on U.S. financial institutions. By showing how imperial governance was entwined with the racialization and regulation of monetary systems in the Philippines, Lumba illuminates a key mechanism through which the United States securitized the imperial world order.

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Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish / Quinlan, Michael, Unfree Workers: Insubordination and Resistance in Convict Australia, 1788-1860. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 349 pp. 2022:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <672-359>
ISBN 978-981-16-7557-7 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book examines how convicts played a key role in the development of capitalism in Australia and how their active resistance shaped both workplace relations and institutions. It highlights the contribution of convicts to worker mobilization and political descent, forcing a rethink of Australia's foundational story. It is a book that will appeal to an international audience, as well as the many hundreds of thousands of Australians who can trace descent from convicts. It will enable the latter to make sense of the experience of their ancestors, equipping them with the necessary tools to understand convict and court records. It will also provide a valuable undergraduate and postgraduate teaching tool and reference for those studying unfree labour and worker history, social history, colonization and global migration in a digital age.

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Moazzin, Ghassan, Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China: Banking on the Chinese Frontier, 1870-1919. (Cambridge Studies in the Emergence of Global Enterprise) 310 pp. 2022:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <672-360>
ISBN 978-1-316-51703-1 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

In this wide-ranging study, Ghassan Moazzin sheds critical new light on the history of foreign banks in late nineteenth and early twentieth century China, a time that saw a substantial influx of foreign financial institutions into China and a rapid increase of both China's foreign trade and its interactions with international capital markets. Drawing on a broad range of German, English, Japanese and Chinese primary sources, including business records, government documents and personal papers, Moazzin reconstructs how during this period foreign banks facilitated China's financial integration into the first global economy and provided the financial infrastructure required for modern economic globalization in China. Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China shows the key role international finance and foreign banks and capital markets played at important turning points in modern Chinese history.

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Nigrin, Tomas, The Rise and Decline of Communist Czechoslovakia's Railway Sector. 420 pp. 2022:5 (Central European U. Pr., HU) <672-361>
ISBN 978-963-386-476-0 hard ¥17,580.- (税込) GB£ 61.00 *

Once the pride of interwar Czechoslovakia, and key during the forced industrialization of the Stalinist period, during the 1970s and 1980s the Czechoslovak railway sector showed the symptoms of the political tiredness and economic exhaustion of the Soviet Bloc. This book examines the failure of central economic planning through the lens of this national transport system. Based on the presentation of its history and on the detailed scrutiny of the actors, institutions, internal mechanisms, and conditions of the railway sector, the analysis reveals the identities of the real stakeholders in the state administration. This case shows how the country was governed by Communist Party institutions and government ministries, and how developments in the transportation sector-like in every sector-reflected their priorities. Numerous tables with selected statistics underscore the economic analysis and black and white photos offer a glimpse on the technical base of the railway sector. The book is filled with enlightening comparisons of the Czechoslovak transportation industry with its counterparts in the whole Eastern Bloc. Integration into the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon) of the Bloc could have been an asset, yet the records have more to say about conflicts than cooperation.

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Paleczny, Alfred / Springer, Christian M. / Urban, Andreas, Die Geschichte der Brauerei Schwechat: Von den Bierbaronen Dreher und Mautner Markhof in die Gegenwart. 280 S. 2021:8 (Boehlau, GW) <672-362>
ISBN 978-3-205-21325-3 hard ¥8,508.- (税込) EUR 35.00 *

?Schwechater ... recht hat er". Seit fast 400 Jahren wird in der niederoesterreichischen Stadt Schwechat Bier gebraut. Das reich bebilderte Buch ?Die Geschichte der Brauerei Schwechat" beleuchtet deren historische Entwicklung und ihre praegenden Eigentuemerfamilien Dreher und Mautner Markhof. Rund die Haelfte ihres Bestehens fuehrten die Familien Dreher und Mautner Markhof die Schwechater Brauerei. In dieser Zeit wurde dort das Lagerbier erfunden, die erste kuenstliche Kuehlung durchgefuehrt und ein mitteleuropaeischer Bierkonzern geschaffen. Einige Jahrzehnte war Schwechat die groesste Brauerei des europaeischen Festlandes und deren Bierbarone zugleich bedeutende Persoenlichkeiten: Anton Dreher der Aeltere erfand das Lagerbier, das in der ganzen Welt nachgebraut wurde. Anton Dreher der Juengere war nicht nur Grossindustrieller, Grossgrund- und Rennstallbesitzer, sondern auch einer der letzten ?Wiener Kavaliere" der ausgehenden Kaiserzeit. Manfred Mautner Markhof und sein gleichnamiger Sohn gehoerten zu den schillerndsten Personen der Nachkriegszeit, die ein Lebensmittelimperium fuehrten und auch als Kunstfoerderer grosse Verdienste erwarben. Der Blick bis in die Gegenwart der Brauerei, die sich heute unter dem Dach der Brau Union befindet, komplettiert dieses Werk.

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Perovic, Jeronim, Rohstoffmacht Russland: Eine globale Energiegeschichte. 259 S. 2022:3 (Boehlau, GW) <672-363>
ISBN 978-3-412-52442-5 hard ¥9,480.- (税込) EUR 39.00 *

Noch in der spaeten Zarenzeit entwickelte sich Russland dank des Aufbaus einer modernen Erdoelindustrie im Kaukasus zu einem der weltweit fuehrenden Oelproduzenten und hat diese Stellung in der Sowjetzeit noch ausgebaut. Die Industrialisierung und der Aufstieg des Landes zur Weltmacht waren wesentlich mit der Faehigkeit des Landes verbunden, sein enormes Ressourcenpotential zu nutzen. Energie und Macht spielen auch heute zusammen. Das Putin-Regime naehrt sich aus den Milliarden-Renditen, die aus dem Verkauf von Oel, Gas und anderen fossilen Energietraegern erzielt werden. Dabei verlief die Entwicklung der russischen Energiewirtschaft in den letzten einhundert Jahren parallel zu einer immer engeren energetischen Verflechtung mit der Welt, und insbesondere mit Europa, dem wichtigsten Absatzmarkt fuer russische Rohstoffe. Dieses Buch zeigt auf, dass das Denken ueber Energie die Dynamik der Ost-West-Beziehungen weit staerker beeinflusst hat, als die bisherige Forschung dies vermuten laesst. Es war im Bereich des Handels mit Oel und Gas, wo sogar zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges und ueber den Eisernen Vorhang hinweg Zusammenarbeit moeglich war. Die Energiegeschichte und die Geschichte des Aussenhandels treten in den gaengigen Darstellungen zur russischen Geschichte hoechstens als Nebenschauplaetze in Erscheinung. Dieses Buch rueckt sie in den Mittelpunkt der Erzaehlung. Denn der Umgang Russlands mit seinem Rohstoffreichtum ist zentral, um den Entwicklungsweg des Landes und sein Verhalten in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zu verstehen.

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Ressel, Magnus, Protestantische Haendlernetze im langen 18. Jahrhundert: Die deutschen Kaufmannsgruppierungen und ihre Korporationen in Venedig und Livorno von 1648 bis 1806. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 107) 698 S. 2021:7 (Vandenhoeck, GW) <672-364>
ISBN 978-3-525-36329-4 hard ¥19,448.- (税込) EUR 80.00 *

The corporation of German traders in Venice, the "Nazione Alemana", which has resided in the Fondaco dei Tedeschi since the Middle Ages, was traditionally a symbol of the divided decline of Venice and the Upper German imperial cities in the 17th and 18th centuries On the other hand, it is shown here that the German traders in northern Italy, who came almost exclusively from imperial cities, developed a completely new activity in global trade in the 18th century - not only in Venice, but also in Livorno Formation of a "pietistic dealer network" in Venice as a figuration of German traders who also opened up to North German merchants and facilitated the development of reliable relationships of trust in long-distance trade. The resulting interaction between the imperial city traders in Livorno and Venice made it possible for them to reach out into the world.

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Schrauwers, Albert, Merchant Kings: Corporate Governmentality in the Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815-1870. 348 pp. 2021:4 (Berghahn, US) <672-365>
ISBN 978-1-80073-050-2 hard ¥32,538.- (税込) US$ 145.00 *

In the nineteenth century, the Netherlands and its colonial holdings in Java were the sites of dramatically increased industrialization. Led by a group of "merchant kings" who exemplified gentlemanly capitalism, this ambitious trading project transformed the small, economically moribund Netherlands into a global power. Merchant Kings offers a fascinating interdisciplinary exploration of this episode and reveals not only the distinctive nature of the Dutch state, but the surprising extent to which its nascent corporate innovations were rooted in early welfare initiatives. By placing colony and metropole into a single analytical frame, this book offers a bracing new approach to understanding the development of modern corporations.

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Scranton, Philip, Business Practice in Socialist Hungary. Volume 1: Creating the Theft Economy, 1945-1957. (Palgrave Debates in Business History) 306 pp. 2022:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <672-366>
ISBN 978-3-030-89183-1 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

This study aims to reconstruct the activities of enterprises and individuals over two decades in one developing country (Hungary), within and across four politico-economic domains (agriculture, infrastructure/construction, commerce, and manufacturing), from the initial Stalinist obsession with heavy industry (Volume 1: Creating the Theft Economy, 1945-1957) through later reforms paying greater attention to profitable farming and the provision of abundant consumer goods (Volume 2: From Chaos to Contradiction, 1957-1972, forthcoming 2023). It provides hundreds of grounded, granular stories for reflection, as reported by actors and direct observers, ranging from innovation and improvisation to obstruction, failure, and fraud. Further, it offers an otherwise-unobtainable close encounter with another world, familiar in some respects while amazingly peculiar in others. The social history of enterprise and work in postwar Central European nations "building socialism" has longbeen underdeveloped. Through extensive macro-level research on planning and policy in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and other Bloc countries, a grand narrative has been framed: reconstruction and breakneck industrialization under Soviet tutelage; then eventual mismanagement, stagnation and crisis, leading to collapse. This book seeks to explore what socialism actually looked like to those sustaining (or enduring} it as they faced forward into an unknowable future, to assess how and where it did (or didn't) work, and to recount how ordinary people responded to its opportunities and constraints. This study will appeal to readers interested in understanding how businesses worked day-to-day in a planned economy, how enterprise practices and technological strategies shifted during the first postwar generation, how novice managers and technicians emerged during rapid industrialization, how peasants learned to farm cooperatively, how organizations improvised and adapted, howpolitical purity and practical expertise contended for control, and how the controversies and convulsions of the postwar decades shaped a deeply flawed project to "build socialism."

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Snyder, Saskia Coenen, A Brilliant Commodity: Jews and Diamonds in a Modern Setting. 320 pp. 2022:11 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <672-367>
ISBN 978-0-19-761047-3 hard ¥8,523.- (税込) US$ 37.99 *

Following diamonds from African mines to the necklines of high society women, this international history shows why Jews were central to the transatlantic gem trade and its growth into a global industry. During the late nineteenth century, tens of thousands of diggers, prospectors, merchants, and dealers extracted and shipped over 50 million carats of diamonds from South Africa to London. The primary supplier to the world, South Africa's diamond fields became one of the formative sites of modern capitalist production. At each stage of the diamond's route through the British empire and beyond-from Cape Town to London, from Amsterdam to New York City-carbon gems were primarily mined, processed, appraised, and sold by Jews. In A Brilliant Commodity, historian Saskia Coenen Snyder traces how once-peripheral Jewish populations became the central architects of a new, global exchange of diamonds that connected African sites of supply, European manufacturing centers, American retailers, and western consumers. Centuries of restrictions had limited Jews to trade and finance, businesses that often heavily relied on internal networks. Jews were well-positioned to become key players in the earliest stage of the diamond trade and its growth into a global industry, a development fueled by technological advancements, a dramatic rise in the demand of luxury goods, and an abundance of rough stones. Relying on mercantile and familial ties across continents, Jews created a highly successful commodity chain that included buyers, brokers, cutters, factory owners, financiers, and retailers. Working within a diasporic ethnic community that bridged city and countryside, metropole and colony, Jews helped build a flourishing diamond industry, notably Hatton Garden in London and the Diamond District of New York City, and a place for themselves in the modern world.

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Turner, James Morton, Charged: A History of Batteries and Lessons for a Clean Energy Future. (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books) 2022:5 (U. Washington Pr., US) <672-290>
ISBN 978-0-295-75024-8 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

To achieve fossil fuel independence, few technologies are more important than batteries. Used for powering zero-emission vehicles, storing electricity from solar panels and wind turbines, and revitalizing the electric grid, batteries are essential to scaling up the renewable energy resources that help address global warming. But given the unique environmental impact of batteries-including mining, disposal, and more-does a clean energy transition risk trading one set of problems for another?In Charged, James Morton Turner unpacks the history of batteries to explore why solving "the battery problem" is critical to a clean energy transition. As climate activists focus on what a clean energy future will create-sustainability, resiliency, and climate justice-the history of batteries offers a sharp reminder of what building that future will consume: lithium, graphite, nickel, and other specialized materials. With new insight on the consequences for people and communities on the frontlines, Turner draws on the past for crucial lessons that will help us build a just and clean energy future, from the ground up.

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Kilpatrick, Andrew, After the Berlin Wall: A History of the EBRD. Volume 1. 420 pp. 2020:12 (Central European U. Pr., HU) <672-279>
ISBN 978-963-386-384-8 paper ¥7,205.- (税込) GB£ 25.00 *

After the Berlin Wall tells the inside story of an international financial institution, the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction (EBRD), created in the aftermath of communism to help the countries of central and eastern Europe transition towards open market-oriented democratic economies. The first volume of a history in two parts, After the Berlin Wall charts the EBRD's life from a fledgling high-risk, start-up investing in former socialist countries from 1991 to become an established member of the international financial community, which (as of April 2020) operates in almost 40 countries across three continents. This volume describes the multilateral negotiations that created this cosmopolitan institution with a 'European character' and the emergence of the EBRD's unique business model: a focus on the private sector and a mission to deliver development impact with sustainable financial returns. The author recounts the challenges that 'transition' countries faced in moving from a defunct to a better economic system and maps the EBRD's response to critical events, from the dissolution of the Soviet Union, to the safe confinement of the Chernobyl disaster site, the debt default in Russia and the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008.

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Kilpatrick, Andrew, Transforming Markets: A Development Bank for the 21st Century. A History of the EBRD. Volume 2. 496 pp. 2021:12 (Central European U. Pr., HU) <672-280>
ISBN 978-963-386-411-1 paper ¥8,342.- (税込) GB£ 28.95 *

The second volume of the history of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) takes up the story of how the Bank has become an indispensable part of the international financial architecture. It tracks the rollercoaster ride during this period, including the Bank's crucial coordinating role in response to global and regional crises, the calls for its presence as an investor in Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa and later Greece and Cyprus, as well as the consequences of conflicts within its original region. It shows how in face of the growing threat of global warming the EBRD, working mainly with the private sector, developed a sustainable energy business model to tackle climate change.Transforming Markets also examines how the EBRD broadened its investment criteria, arguing that transition towards sustainable economies requires market qualities that are not only competitive and integrated but which are also resilient, well-governed, green and more inclusive. This approach aligned with the 2015 Paris Agreement and the international community's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its core set of 17 sustainable development goals. The story of the EBRD's own transition and rich history provides a route map for building the sustainable markets necessary for future growth and prosperity.

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Zhang, Xiaojiang, The Industrial Processes of Large Economies: The Quartet of US, China, Germany and Japan. 185 pp. 2022:2 (Springer, GW) <672-283>
ISBN 978-981-16-8633-7 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book tries to build a broad view on industrial processes of large economies and their integration in the world. It provides insight into the industrialization progresses of the quartet of USA, China, Germany and Japan, all attaining individual industrialization success by distinct trade, fiscal and industrial policy path, the underlying principles of which can be traced back to respective nation's roots in civilization. The combination of their industrial output led to the integrated formation of international industrial distribution. While being highly productive, the current distributed pattern yields benefits that are unevenly dispersed among different regions, industries and societal groups within each participating nation and among engaging economies. To address the uneven benefits distribution at both domestic and international levels, large industrial economies took a plethora of policy actions that will impact industrial ecosystem and portfolio results. The book aims to help readers to build better investment strategies and robust risk management practice under the context of uncertainty and successfully navigate through choppy waters in the years ahead.

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