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掲載点数 全11件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Blancheton, Bertrand, Histoire des faits economiques: de la revolution industrielle a nos jours. 4e ed. (Maxi fiches) vi, 185 p. 2022:3 (Dunod, FR) <677-341>
ISBN 978-2-10-083374-0 paper ¥4,618.- (税込) EUR 19.00



Candy, Peter / Mataix Ferrandiz, Emilia (eds.), Roman Law and Maritime Commerce. 224 pp. 2022:4 (Edinburgh U. Pr., UK) <677-342>
ISBN 978-1-4744-7814-4 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

Bringing together specialists in ancient history, archaeology and Roman law, this book provides new perspectives on long-distance trade in the Roman world. Recent archaeological work has shown that maritime trade across the Mediterranean intensified greatly at the same time as the Roman state was extending its power overseas. This book explores aspects of this development and its relationship with changes in the legal and institutional apparatus that supported maritime commerce. It analyses the socio-legal framework within which maritime trade was conducted, and in doing so presents a new understanding of the role played by legal and social institutions in the economy of the Roman world.Chapters cover: Roman maritime trade, the influence of commercial considerations on navigational decision making, Roman legal responses to the threat of piracy, the conduct of Roman maritime trade from a socio-legal perspective, the role of written documentation in the transport process, maritime finance and the insights provided by the juristic interpretation of contracts of carriage-by-sea into aspects of Roman private law.

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Jenks, Stuart / Wubs-Mrozewicz, Justyna, Message in a Bottle: Merchants' Letters, Merchants' Marks and Conflict Management in 1533-34. A Source Edition. (Studies in European Urban History (1100 - 1800), 57) 250 pp. 2022:7 (Brepols, BE) <677-344>
ISBN 978-2-503-59540-5 hard ¥20,906.- (税込) EUR 86.00



Lubinski, Christina, Navigating Nationalism in Global Enterprise: A Century of Indo-German Business Relations. (Cambridge Studies in the Emergence of Global Enterprise) 300 pp. 2022:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <677-345>
ISBN 978-1-316-51128-2 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

Navigating Nationalism in Global Enterprise analyzes the role of nationalism in global business strategy, showing how multinationals act not just as drivers of globalization but also as sophisticated operators in a world of nations. Using the case study of German companies in colonial and post-colonial India, Christina Lubinski traces how nationalism's influence on business competitive strategies changed over the twentieth century and across major political turning points, such as two world wars and India's transition to independence. She highlights how national imaginings are both relational because they derive from comparisons with other nations, and historical because they mobilize the past to legitimize future aspirations. Lubinski stresses that learning from the past is how multinationals engage strategically with the content of nationalism - i.e., a nation's history, aspirations, and relationships with other nations. In India, German companies' competitiveness was continuously dependent on navigating nationalism and on understanding that nationalism and globalization are inextricably linked.

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N.モーリー他編 古典古代における資本
Koedijk, Max / Morley, N. (eds.), Capital in Classical Antiquity. (Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies) 357 pp. 2022 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <677-346>
ISBN 978-3-030-93833-8 hard ¥38,892.- (税込) EUR 159.99 *

This book discusses the extent to which Thomas Piketty's work can offer a model for ancient economic history, both methodologically and politically. The book derives from a research workshop in Berlin in April 2018, which brought together a group of established and early career scholars to discuss the implications of Piketty's work and related themes for classical antiquity. Key questions reflected in the text include:d: How should we characterise the 'development' of the economy/economies of the classical Mediterranean, in relation to the role of 'capital' and the prevalence of inequality? How was wealth, both public and private, evaluated and managed? How much of the wealth of their society did the ancient 1% control - and is their dominance better understood in terms of the power of capital, or the role of predation and state capture? How far did certain ancient polities - above all the Greek city-states - succeed in placing limits on the power of the rich and integrating their interests with those of the masses? Did inequality increase between the height of the Roman Principate and late antiquity, as is often believed? This book will be valuable reading for academics and students working in economic history, ancient history, and other related fields.

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Nemec, Richard / Schwedler, Gerald (Hrsg.), Architekturoekonomie: Die Finanzierung kirchlicher und kommunaler Bauvorhaben im spaeteren Mittelalter. (Vierteljahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte 255) 314 S. 2022:3 (F. Steiner, GW) <677-347>
ISBN 978-3-515-13062-2 hard ¥17,260.- (税込) EUR 71.00 *

Die urbanen Bauprojekte des spaeten Mittelalters dienten nicht nur militaerischen oder repraesentativen Zwecken, sie waren auch Beispiele eines flaechendeckenden Baubooms: Grossbauten mit beeindruckender architektonischer Qualitaet aus dieser Zeit ? die auch als "spaetmittelalterliche Gruenderzeit Europas" beschrieben werden kann ? praegen Europa. Obwohl das mittelalterliche Bauen bereits Gegenstand in zahlreichen soziooekonomischen Untersuchungen ist, fehlte bislang ein Ansatz, der die Finanzierung und die Baukunst vereinigt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren fuellen dieses Desiderat und legen den Fokus auf die oekonomischen und architektonischen Aspekte einzelner Bauwerke des Spaetmittelalters. Es zeigt sich, dass die Bauvorhaben individuelle Finanzierungsmodelle und -strategien benoetigten und selbst bei etablierten Baustellen die jaehrliche Finanzierung immer wieder neu zusammengesetzt werden musste. Schliesslich koennen die Phaenomene der mittelalterlichen Baukultur, wie zum Beispiel die Stile 'Gotik' und 'Spaetgotik', ohne Beruecksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Faktoren nicht erklaert werden.

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初期中世の景観における長距離交易 6~12世紀
Nol, Hagit (ed.), Riches Beyond the Horizon: Long-Distance Trade in Early Medieval Landscapes (ca. 6th-12th Centuries). (Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology 4) 320 pp. 2022:2 (Brepols, BE) <677-348>
ISBN 978-2-503-59981-6 paper ¥18,232.- (税込) EUR 75.00 *



Pitteloud, Sabine, Les multinationales suisses dans l'arene politique: 1942-1993. (Publications d'histoire economique et sociale internationale 47) 424 p. 2022:3 (Droz, SZ) <677-349>
ISBN 978-2-600-06328-9 paper ¥10,003.- (税込) EUR 41.15 *



Tuereguen, Adnan, Policy Responses to the Interwar Economic Crisis: Contending Ideas of the Economy. 294 pp. 2022:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <677-350>
ISBN 978-3-030-96952-3 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book is about national economic policy responses to the Great Depression of the interwar period. Taking off from a generally liberal starting point in the 1920s, states diverged greatly in their responses. Some were daring while others remained conservative. The two groups further differed among themselves in both degree and kind. The book gives a certain shape to this messy reality by identifying broad policy patterns (paradigms), and offers an explanation of it which emphasizes the ideational disposition of policy actors while recognizing the context that limits what they can do. More specifically, it argues that the ideas held by rulers and the strategies they consequently developed regarding three major groups of interest - business, labour, and, most critically, agrarians - largely determined economic policy variation across nations.

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Daermann, Iris / Winterling, Aloys (Hrsg.), Oikonomia und Oekonomie im klassischen Griechenland: Theorie - Praxis - Transformation. 226 S. 2022:2 (F. Steiner, GW) <677-197>
ISBN 978-3-515-12745-5 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) EUR 60.00 *

Die antike griechische Wirtschaftstheorie unterschied ? klassisch bei Aristoteles ? die Haushaltung (oikonomia) von einem als naturwidrig angesehenen, grenzenlosen Streben nach Geldgewinn (chrematistike). Die Praxis des zeitgenoessischen wirtschaftlichen Handelns war dagegen von polisuebergreifenden geldwirtschaftlichen Beziehungen und komplex vernetzten Haushalten gepraegt. Die Autoren suchen nach den Gruenden der Differenz beider Sachverhalte und fragen am Beispiel spaetmittelalterlicher und fruehmoderner Texte nach der Wirkung und Transformation der antiken Theorie in der nachantiken europaeischen Geschichte. Die Ergebnisse geben Anlass zum Ueberdenken der Bedeutung antiker oikonomia fuer eine Analyse der modernen Wirtschaft, aber auch zur methodischen Selbstreflexion moderner Konzeptualisierungen antiker ?Oekonomie".

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Vale, Adriano do, L'independance des banques centrales a l'aune de l'histoire de la pensee et des pratiques. (Bibliotheque de l'economiste 38) 378 p. 2022:3 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <677-198>
ISBN 978-2-406-12190-9 hard ¥17,989.- (税込) EUR 74.00
ISBN 978-2-406-12189-3 paper ¥8,508.- (税込) EUR 35.00 *



