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掲載点数 全15件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Beaucher, Steven, Boston in Transit: Mapping the History of Public Transportation in The Hub. 592 pp. 2023:3 (MIT Pr., US) <693-451>
ISBN 978-0-262-04807-1 hard ¥15,708.- (税込) US$ 70.00 *



Blaszczyk, Regina Lee / Suisman, David (eds.), Capitalism and the Senses. (Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture) 304 pp. 2023:6 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <693-452>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2420-9 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *

Capitalism and the Senses is the first edited volume to explore how the forces of capitalism are entangled with everyday sensory experience. If the senses have a history, as Karl Marx wrote, then that history is inseparable from the development of capitalism, which has both taken advantage of the senses and influenced how sensory experience has changed over time. This pioneering collection shows how seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching have both shaped and been shaped by commercial interests from the turn of the twentieth century to our own time. From the manipulation of taste and texture in the food industry to the careful engineering of the feel of artificial fabrics, capitalist enterprises have worked to commodify the senses in a wide variety of ways. Drawing on history, anthropology, geography, and other fields, the volume's essays analyze not only where this effort has succeeded but also where the senses have resisted control and the logic of markets. The result is an innovative ensemble that demonstrates how the drive to exploit sensorial experience for profit became a defining feature of capitalist modernity and establishes the senses as an important dimension of the history of capitalism. Contributors: Nicholas Anderman, Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Jessica P. Clark, Ai Hisano, Lisa Jacobson, Sven Kube, Grace Lees-Maffei, Ingemar Pettersson, David Suisman, Ana Maria Ulloa, Nicole Welk-Joerger.

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Cubeiro Rodriguez, Didac, The Pearl of the East: The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 231 pp. 2023:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <693-453>
ISBN 978-3-031-21673-2 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

This book analyzes the economic impact of the early development of railways in different Asian countries, linking the inlands with port cities and with a global network of connections. This is looked at in the context of the rise of imperialism in the last decades of the 19th century and the redistribution of spheres of influence in Asia. The book considers the increase of exports of plantation economies in the context of the global market and the importance of China, and the struggle between the great powers for the economic penetration in the Chinese empire. Its comparative approach provides an original contribution to global economic history and will be valuable reading for students and researchers of economic history, transport economics, and Asian history more broadly.

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He, Yaomin, The Agricultural Civilization of Ancient China. 156 pp. 2023:2 (Springer, GW) <693-454>
ISBN 978-981-19-8468-6 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book provides a systematic account of the development of agriculture and agricultural civilization in ancient China. It mainly discusses the birth of traditional agriculture, the characteristics and advantages of traditional agricultural economy, traditional agricultural knowledge and technology system, flexible land relations and ownership structure, extensive irrigation system and water conservancy projects, complete policies and measures to emphasize agriculture, the three agricultural expansion processes, the value pursuit of revering agriculture, and the plight and decline of traditional agriculture.

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Hyden-Hanscho, Veronika / Stangl, Werner (eds.), Formative Modernities in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond: Identities, Polities and Glocal Economies. (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History) 291 pp. 2023:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <693-456>
ISBN 978-981-19-8416-7 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book offers a new perspective on the concept of modernity. Since its invention as a contrast to Antiquity or the Middle Ages, modernity has been tied to ideas of superiority, progress, and efficiency. As a counterpart to the Marxist "history of class struggle", "modernization theories" have transformed modernity into an almost teleological concept of historical development. These strong connotations obstruct a clear look at other forms of modernity. The contributions of the volume will show in a comparative perspective how modernity can also be understood and analyzed as multiple responses of societies and polities to organize themselves in facing ever more complex and integrated interactions at ever larger scales.

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Pertz, Klaus Josef, Ist das viel?: Ueber historische Wertvergleiche. 160 S. 2022:9 (Metropolis, GW) <693-458>
ISBN 978-3-7316-1523-1 paper ¥6,028.- (税込) EUR 24.80 *

Wer etwas ueber Geld und die Fallstricke auf dem Weg zum Reichtum erfahren will, kann sich an eine Finanzberatung wenden. Besser noch ist es, Romane der Weltliteratur zu lesen wie die von Jane Austen und Honore Balzac. In den im 19. Jahrhundert verfassten Werken der beiden spielt Geld eine zentrale Rolle, die allerdings nur versteht, wer die damaligen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Verhaeltnisse in England und in Frankreich sowie deren weitere Entwicklung kennt und darueber hinaus eine Vorstellung davon hat, wie historische Geldbetraege aus heutiger Sicht einzuordnen sind. In ?Ist das viel?“ wird das Thema historischer Wertvergleiche aus der Perspektive des Oekonomen betrachtet, indem eroertert wird, welche Moeglichkeiten des Vergleichs von Preisen, Einkommen und Vermoegen ueberhaupt bestehen, wie sich diese unterscheiden und was das Mittel der Wahl ist, um abzuschaetzen, ob ein bestimmter historischer Geldbetrag ?viel“ ist. Dies wird an einpraegsamen, teils spektakulaeren Beispielen verdeutlicht, die sich im Falle von England mit Hilfe eines online zugaenglichen Programms zur Umrechnung historischer Geldbetraege ueberpruefen lassen. So ist es mit relativ wenig Aufwand moeglich, z.B. das Vermoegen des einst ?Bonaparte der Finanzwelt“ genannten Bankiers Nathan Mayer Rothschild mit dem heutiger Superreiche zu vergleichen. Das Ergebnis mag manche Leser erstaunen.

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Peters, Florian, Von Solidarnosc zur Schocktherapie: Wie der Kapitalismus nach Polen kam. (Studien zur Geschichte der Treuhandanstalt) 576 S. 2023:4 (Ch. Links, GW) <693-459>
ISBN 978-3-96289-190-9 hard ¥8,508.- (税込) EUR 35.00



Rodriguez, Nestor P., Capitalism and Migration: The Rise of Hegemony in the World-System. (World-Systems Evolution and Global Futures) 208 pp. 2023:1 (Springer, GW) <693-460>
ISBN 978-3-031-22066-1 hard ¥24,306.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book explores the role of capital and labor migration in the expansion of the capitalist world-system. It presents comprehensive case studies on various historical periods of hegemony recognized by world-system theory: the Dutch hegemony (1625-1675), British hegemony (1815-1873), and US hegemony (1945-1970). Moreover, the book identifies an earlier period of economic dominance in Western Europe when merchant-bankers from Florence dominated the regional wool trade in the early thirteenth century. In these four intervals of dominance, i.e., from the medieval period to the late twentieth century, capital and labor migration formed the basis of capitalist development in the hegemonic core states as well as in peripheral regions under their economic and political influence. In turn, the book analyzes the migration patterns associated with the rise of hegemony from the perspectives of class relations between employers and workers, technological advances at the workplace, economic cycles, and state policies on labor migration. It concludes with a projection that heightened migration will continue to characterize the capitalist world system, especially as many poor and displaced populations in peripheral regions resort to migration for survival. Accordingly, it appeals to scholars in the fields of politics, sociology, history, anthropology, and economics who are interested in globalization and world-system analysis.

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Schaeffler, Eva, Der Weg in die Marktwirtschaft: Tschechien und die Privatisierung in den 1990er Jahren. (Studien zur Geschichte der Treuhandanstalt) 320 S. 2023:4 (Ch. Links, GW) <693-461>
ISBN 978-3-96289-191-6 hard ¥7,293.- (税込) EUR 30.00



V.シュミル著 発明とイノベーション-誇大広告と失敗小史
Smil, Vaclav, Invention and Innovation: A Brief History of Hype and Failure. 232 pp. 2023:2 (MIT Pr., US) <693-462>
ISBN 978-0-262-04805-7 hard ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *



Suesse, Marvin, The Nationalist Dilemma: A Global History of Economic Nationalism, 1776-Present. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <693-464>
ISBN 978-1-108-83138-3 hard ¥8,646.- (税込) GB£ 30.00 *

Nationalists think about the economy, Marvin Suesse argues, and this thinking matters once nationalists hold political power. Many nationalists seek to limit global exchange, but others prioritise economic development. The potential conflict between these two goals shapes nationalist policy making. Drawing on historical case studies from thirty countries - from the American Revolution to the rise of China - this book paints a broad panorama of economic nationalism over the past 250 years. It explains why such thinking has become influential, despite the internal contradictions and chequered record of many nationalist policy makers. At the root of economic nationalism's appeal is its ability to capitalise upon economic inequality, both domestic and international. These inequalities are reinforced by political factors such as empire building, ethnic conflicts, and financial crises. This has given rise to powerful nationalist movements that have decisively shaped the global exchange of goods, people, and capital.

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Strauss, Philipp, Die Soziooekonomisierung der Antike: Aufstieg und Fall eines Forschungsansatzes zwischen Nationaloekonomie und Altertumswissenschaft. (Beitraege zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Oekonomie 50) 250 S. 2022:10 (Metropolis, GW) <693-207>
ISBN 978-3-7316-1518-7 paper ¥11,668.- (税込) EUR 48.00 *

In der zweiten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, lange nach der Renaissance und waehrend die Industrialisierung ganze Gesellschaften umkrempelte, wurde ausgerechnet die Antike fuer einige Wissenschaftler noch einmal zum Schluessel fuer das Verstaendnis der Gegenwart. Denn auf der Ebene der Gesellschaftsentwicklung liessen sich ? so die Vorstellung der Historischen Schule der Nationaloekonomie ? kulturuebergreifende Regelmaessigkeiten entdecken, die auf die Existenz von im Hintergrund wirkenden Gesetzen hindeuteten. Mit der Erkenntnis einer solchen allgemeinen Gesellschaftsentwicklung, hoffte man, der gegenwaertigen Sozialpolitik die Richtung weisen und die Geschichtsschreibung revolutionieren zu koennen. Die vorliegende Studie unternimmt einen Streifzug durch die Fruehgeschichte der deutschen Gesellschaftsgeschichtsschreibung des Altertums und beginnt in einer Zeit, in der die Idee, das Verstaendnis der Vergangenheit auf die Erforschung der damals herrschenden Gesellschaftsverhaeltnisse zu stuetzen, selbst noch neu war und entsprechend faszinierende Erkenntnisse versprach. Sie untersucht den Ursprung soziooekonomischer Antikebetrachtungen im Umfeld der Historischen Schule der Nationaloekonomie und verfolgt das Herueberwachsen ihrer theoretisch-methodischen Vorstellungen in die Geschichts- und Altertumswissenschaften. Schliesslich zeichnet sie den Niedergang dieses von der Historischen Schule inspirierten Forschungsprogramms nach, der sich infolge der verschiedenen Methodenstreitigkeiten der Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften unweigerlich ergab. Von der Scharnierstelle einer Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Oekonomie, der Geschichts- sowie der Altertumswissenschaft aus werden in uebergreifender Perspektive insbesondere auch die Beitraege von Robert von Poehlmann, dem eine eigene Fallstudie gewidmet ist, sowie des jungen Max Weber in eine gemeinsame Tradition mit Roscher, Hildebrand, Knies Rodbertus und Lorenz von Stein eingeordnet.

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Abegaz, Berhanu, Understanding Economic Transitions: Plan and Market Under the New Globalization. 310 pp. 2023:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <693-244>
ISBN 978-3-031-21583-4 paper ¥18,229.- (税込) EUR 74.99 *

Understanding Economic Transitions explains the genesis, operation, and transformation of the centrally-planned socialist economy, which figured prominently in the lives of billions of people in twentieth-century Europe and Asia. Just as importantly, the centrally-planned socialist economy's demise coincided with the shift from nonindustrial to industrial economy (and de-industrialization in some cases) and the onset of ICT-driven globalization. Using theory, empirics, and selected country case studies, this book teases out the enduring lessons from the myriad and fraught pathways of transition from socialism to capitalism. Understanding Economic Transitions provides a self-contained, comprehensive, and authoritative treatment of modern economic systems. This textbook has four features of particular use to students: (i) Using the prism of comparative institutionalism, it melds theory and evidence to revisit the varieties of planned and market-driven systems today; (ii) It takes economic planning seriously in theory and practice (central, cooperative, or indicative) as the most prominent marker of the ever-changing boundaries between state and market; (iii) It focuses on the dynamics of systemic transition in formerly socialist countries by contextualizing them in terms of the whence (central planning), the how (modalities of transition), and the whither (illiberal or liberal capitalism) of politico-economic transformation; and (iv) It examines the profound impact on these structural processes of the post-1990 phase of economic globalization. With its clear, comprehensive content and useful pedagogical features, this textbook will prepare students to understand how economies transition and why.

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Huang, Shan Shanne, The Political Economy of Reforms and the Remaking of the Proletarian Class in China, 1980s-2010s: Demystifying China's Society and Social Classes in the Post-Mao Era. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 274 pp. 2023:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <693-273>
ISBN 978-3-031-20454-8 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book comprehensively investigates the position of China's working class between the 1980s and 2010s and considers the consequences of economic reforms in historical perspective. It argues the case that, far from the illusion during the Maoist period that a new society had been established where the working classes held greater political and economic autonomy, economic reforms in the post-Mao era have led to the return of traditional Marxist proletariats in China. The book demonstrates how the reforms of Deng Xiaoping have led to increased economic efficiency at the expense of economic equality through an extensive case study of an SOE (state-owned enterprise) in Sichuan Province as well as wider discussions of the emergence of state capitalism on both a micro and macroeconomic level. The book also discusses workers' protests during these periods of economic reform to reflect the reformation of class consciousness in post-Mao China, drawing on Marx's concept of a transition from a 'class-in-itself' to a 'class-for-itself'. It will be valuable reading for students and scholars of Chinese economic and social history, as well as political economy, sociology, and politics.

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Jiang, Yu, A New World is Possible: The Modernization of China. (Understanding China) 434 pp. 2023:3 (Springer, GW) <693-274>
ISBN 978-981-19-8917-9 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book gives a panoramic review of China's 70 years of modernization, reveals the historical process and logic of the formation of the modernization path with Chinese characteristics, especially focuses on the key decision-making process in the history of China's modernization, theoretically compares the Chinese model and the western mainstream model and summarizes the characteristics and experience of China's development model. At the same time, it reveals the causes of the global crisis from a historical perspective and puts forward the future of China based on historical experience. The book tries to answer the following hot-debating questions: What is the core of Chinese experience? Is China model a new model of modernization? Is China's model sustainable? Is this model compatible with the mainstream model? What is the relationship between China's revolution and modernization? How will China's development affect the world? This book will be found helpful by all scholars, students and the public who are interested in China's development path.

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