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掲載点数 全4件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Borg-Barthet, Jutice / Trimmings, Katarina et al. (eds.), From Theory to Practice in Private International Law: Gedaechtnisschrift for Professor Jonathan Fitchen. 464 pp. 2024 (Hart, UK) <690-415>
ISBN 978-1-5099-5664-7 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

This book, compiled in honour of the work and life of Professor Jonathan Fitchen, brings together preeminent scholars from across the private international law world to address a wide spectrum of subject matter in the discipline. It offers substantial new insights into our understanding of private international law - from theory to practice. The contributions in the book analyse a variety of conceptual and substantive problems in private international law and consider current developments in the discipline, from conceptual analyses of the evolving nature and scope of private international law to substantive problems across a range of longstanding issues on which there is insufficient scholarly analysis. These include contemporary problems of great political importance, such as environmental protection, gender-based discrimination, asymmetries of private power, and the proper delineation of public and private intervention. The authors also address emerging problems in commercial law, such as cryptocurrencies, longstanding definitional concerns in family law, and broader emerging systemic concerns, such as the treatment of authentic instruments and the place of human rights protection in global supply chains. The book is a valuable resource for the judiciary, legal practitioners, policy makers, and scholars and students of private international law.

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H.ドライアー編 H.Hofmann記念論集
Dreier, Horst (Hrsg.), Repraesentation und Legitimitaet im Verfassungs- und Umweltstaat: Gedaechtnissymposion fuer Hasso Hofmann. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte 105) 207 S. 2022:9 (Duncker, GW) <690-416>
ISBN 978-3-428-18673-0 paper ¥12,129.- (税込) EUR 49.90 *

This volume brings together the papers presented at the memorial symposium for Hasso Hofmann in November 2021 in Munich. The spectrum ranges from an analysis of his writings on constitutional law to the connections between the ≫Rechtsfragen der atomaren Entsorgung≪ (Legal Questions of Nuclear Waste Disposal) of 1981 and the climate decision of the Federal Constitutional Court as well as to the democratic dimension of his concept of representation to questions about the significance of Adolf J. Merkl for Hans Kelsen's ≫Reine Rechtslehre≪. At the end, there is an in-depth appreciation of those writings that deal with works of art and literature.

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Schliesky, Utz / Schulz, Soenke E. (Hrsg.), Der einzelne Akteur im demokratischen Rechtsstaat: Symposium zum 80. Geburtstag von Edzard Schmidt-Jortzig. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte 107) 189 S. 2022:10 (Duncker, GW) <690-417>
ISBN 978-3-428-18657-0 hard ¥14,560.- (税込) EUR 59.90 *

Der Mensch steht im Mittelpunkt des demokratischen Rechtsstaates, wie ihn das Grundgesetz konstituiert ? und auch im Mittelpunkt des wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Wirkens von Edzard Schmidt-Jortzig. Daher beleuchtet der Band, der das Symposium aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Edzard Schmidt-Jortzig dokumentiert, verschiedene Auspraegungen des einzelnen Akteurs im demokratischen Rechtsstaat. Die Bedeutung des Individuums jeweils als Buerger, als Unionsbuerger, als Abgeordneter, als Beamter, als Richter und als Bundespraesident fuer den demokratischen Rechts- und Verfassungsstaat wird herausgearbeitet. Zugleich wird verdeutlicht, dass es in der Demokratie, die vom Volk als Kollektivsubjekt getragen ist, letztlich doch immer wieder auf die oder den Einzelnen ankommt.

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A.P.Simester編 現代刑法-G.R.Sullivan記念論集
Simester, A. P. (ed.), Modern Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of G. R. Sullivan. 352 pp. 2024:12 (Hart, UK) <690-418>
ISBN 978-1-5099-5614-2 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

This book brings together leading scholars from the next generation of UK criminal lawyers to celebrate the work of GR Sullivan, Emeritus Professor at University College London, in the year of his retirement from writing Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine. The contributors examine many of the areas in which GR (Bob) Sullivan's own writing has been influential, ranging from general doctrines such as causation and culpability, across specific offences like theft and fraud, through defences including necessity and insanity; before turning, finally, to matters affecting the criminal process, notably challenges to the doctrine of precedent in criminal law. Taken together, the essays are a powerful tribute to Bob's standing and influence upon modern criminal law. At the same time, individually they make sophisticated contributions to our understanding of some pressing issues in contemporary criminal law. The essays illustrate the increasing importance of theoretical argument in modern criminal law, as well as the manner in which doctrinal debates have become interwoven with arguments about criminalisation norms. The resulting collection is thus a tribute also to the character of modern academic criminal law, a character that Bob and the writers of his generation did so much to develop.

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