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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Albrow, Martin, Integrity: The Rise of a Distinctive Western Idea and Its Destiny. 200 pp. 2024:7 (Wiley, US) <723-497>
ISBN 978-1-5095-5986-2 hard ¥5,610.- (税込) US$ 25.00

Public life is dominated from time to time by media storms around integrity. The behaviour of elected politicians like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson has led many to decry the deterioration in standards and the lack of integrity in public life. But what is integrity, and where does our concern with integrity in public life come from?In this book Martin Albrow argues that integrity has been an essential component of the rise of the West and a key feature that distinguishes the West from other civilizations. He traces the idea of integrity back to its roots in Ancient Greece and Rome, where philosophical debates gave us the special meaning of integrity: the idea that the unity of any entity, human beings included, depends on the adherence to rules outside of it. He then follows the story of integrity through the mediaeval Christian period up to the present day. By the time we reach the twenty-first century, integrity has become a free-floating signifier that attaches to anything and everything. The result is a constant questioning of integrity without conclusive answers. We have now reached the point, argues Albrow, where the West needs to relinquish its fond belief in its singularity and strive with the rest of the world to create an order where honesty, trust and reliability in our relationships with others, friends and strangers, personal or corporate, are paramount.This highly original account of an idea that lies at the heart of Western culture will be of interest to anyone concerned about the state and future of our public life.

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Bergmann, Eirikur, Weaponizing Conspiracy Theories. (Conspiracy Theories) 160 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-498>
ISBN 978-1-03-260849-5 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-260738-2 paper ¥10,371.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

This book analyses the discursive weaponization of conspiracy theories.In an era where truth and fiction converge, nativist populist leaders wield conspiracy theories as political weapons. This text examines the interplay between populism and conspiracism, probing their impact on democratic processes and exploring their broader political implications. The work dissects three predominant conspiracy theories: the Eurabia theory in Europe, the Deep State in the United States, and anti-Western narratives in Russia. It shows their evolution from fringe ideas to mainstream political tools and reveals the leaders' triple strategy: constructing external threats, demonizing internal elites, and positioning themselves as protectors of the 'true people.' It also examines how digital media facilitates the spread of these narratives, undermining institutional trust and fuelling extremism.Weaponizing Conspiracy Theories serves as a guide to recognize and navigate the distorted realities reshaping our world. It offers essential insights into the complex dynamics of 21st-century global politics. The author argues that to properly understand the functions of contemporary politics, into which conspiracy theories and populism are now deeply integrated, we must both examine the impact that conspiracy theories have on people's understandings of the world and how populist politicians can appeal to these beliefs.It will be of interest to students and scholars of conspiracy theories, populism and contemporary politics.

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Butter, Michael / Hatzikidi, Katerina et al. (eds.), Populism and Conspiracy Theory: Case Studies and Theoretical Perspectives. (Conspiracy Theories) 424 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <723-499>
ISBN 978-1-03-275482-6 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-275421-5 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99

This book explores the close connections between populism and conspiracy theory.Populism and Conspiracy Theory contributes to filling the gap in the research in this area. The individual contributions in Part I provide in-depth analyses of specific configurations of populism and conspiracy theory. Part II includes nuanced considerations of more theoretical issues. The case studies cover both right-wing and left-wing manifestations of populism, while highlighting that populist movements often cut across the traditional left-right divide. Chapters focus on the twenty-first century and the first half of the twentieth century, as well as the impact of history and memory on contemporary discourses. Geographically, the case studies consider the Americas as well as Europe and Northern Africa. Theoretical discussions include the aesthetics and forms of populist conspiracism, or its dependence on new media. The disciplines represented in the volume range from political science and sociology via anthropology and history to linguistics and cultural studies.It will appeal to those interested in politics, specifically conspiracy theory, populism, democracy, and leadership.

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Coles, Stewart M. / Lane, Daniel S. (eds.), Race and Ethnicity as Foundational Forces in Political Communication. 137 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-500>
ISBN 978-1-03-282185-6 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

Race and ethnicity are increasingly central to our lived experiences of politics, yet they are often absent from studies of urgent questions in contemporary political communication. This volume responds to this crucial issue in the field, illuminating a multitude of ways that identity and power shape the interpersonal, mediated, and technological dimensions of politics. The book empirically illustrates the lack of race-focused scholarship in this area, while demonstrating how studying race/ethnicity as endogenous to politics sheds new light on the "big questions" facing multiracial, multiethnic societies.Contributions address both heavily studied topics (e.g., misinformation, political trust) as well as topics that emerge through a centering of race/ethnicity (e.g., Hispandering, politically relevant entertainment media). They do so through diverse methodologies (e.g., ethnography, computational text analysis) and communities (e.g., Black & Hispanic Americans, the Vietnamese diaspora). Collectively, this scholarship aims to catalyze challenging conversations about how race and ethnicity can and should be integrated into the core of global political communication scholarship.A groundbreaking contribution to the field of political communication, Race and Ethnicity as Foundational Forces in Political Communication will be a key resource academics, researchers and advanced students of communication studies, politics, media studies and sociology. This book was originally published as a special issue of Political Communication.

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Eichhorn, Mathias, Politisch denken: Eine Propaedeutik. (Votum. Beitraege zur politischen Bildung und Politikwissenschaft 7) 200 S. 2024:2 (Nomos, GW) <723-501>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1249-7 paper ¥9,480.- (税込) EUR 39.00 *

Interesse an einem Wissenschaftsgebiet setzt zumindest rudimentaere Kenntnisse seiner Fachsprache voraus, zumindest der Grundbegriffe, auf denen Urteilsbildung und Schlussfolgern beruhen. In die Fachsprache des Politischen fuehrt diese Propaedeutik ein. Sie ist nicht verbindlich und kann es auch gar nicht sein. Die Sprache, in der ueber Politik gesprochen wird, ist keine dem Wissenschaftsbetrieb vorbehaltene Fachsprache. Um so mehr bedarf es fuer jene, die sich oeffentlich ueber das politische Geschehen aeussern wollen, einer propaedeutischen Vorueberlegung darueber, wie Begriffe anzuwenden sind, insbesondere dann, wenn die Anwendung bei anderen in Frage gestellt werden soll.

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Finley, Eleanor, Practicing Social Ecology: From Bookchin to Rojava and Beyond. (FireWorks) 192 pp. 2025:2 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-502>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4690-8 paper ¥4,896.- (税込) GB£ 16.99

How can we harness society's potential to change the trajectory of the climate crisis? So many of us feel helpless in the face of corporate environmental destruction, however, in Practicing Social Ecology Eleanor Finley shows that there is an amazing well of untapped power in our communities, we just need to know how to use it. Drawing from her experience of working in democratic ecology movements from the revolution in Rojava to Barcelona's municipalist movement and beyond, she shows how to develop assemblies, confederations, study groups, and permaculture projects. Looking to history, she maps out how social ecologists, such as Murray Bookchin, have led inspirational struggles around climate and energy, agriculture and biotechnology, globalisation and economic inequality. This guide is perfect for anyone curious about how to challenge unending capitalist growth through the democratic power of social ecology.

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Graziano, Valeria / Mars, Marcell / Medak, Tomislav, Pirate Care: Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity. (Vagabonds) 144 pp. 2024:10 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-503>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4980-0 paper ¥4,319.- (税込) GB£ 14.99

In many places around the world, the freedom to simply care for one another is under attack by the powerful, and acts of solidarity are being made illegal. In a moment of struggle defined by the rollback of social welfare programs, the criminalisation of migration, and the right-wing clampdown on bodily autonomy, radical networks of care are fighting back. From volunteer rescue boats in the Mediterranean to underground labs for preparing gender-affirming hormones, from the sharing of copyrighted health knowledge to the provision of abortion and contraception, people are reclaiming the means to care for one another in defiance of a system that devalues and exploits the labour of care. Against atomised despair, Pirate Care shows that fighting back isn't only about legal and legislative changes but also about organizing, direct action, and disobedient care.

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Haddour, Azzedine, Frantz Fanon: Gender, Torture and the Biopolitics of Colonialism. 240 pp. 2025:1 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-504>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4154-5 paper ¥7,201.- (税込) GB£ 24.99

Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) was a visionary thinker whose legacy continues to shape conversations on identity, power and resistance. Here, leading Fanon scholar Azzedine Haddour explores themes of gender, revolutionary struggle and the decolonisation of the mind in the first comprehensive study of Fanon's lesser known work, Studies in a Dying Colonialism (1959). Drawing on archival material, the author explores the historical developments that determined the colonial consensus and the social transformation prompted by the Algerian liberation struggle. Haddour engages with the biopolitics of French colonialism to support Fanon's claim that the medical establishment acted in complicity with colonialism. He recounts various assimilationist laws that resulted in the gendering of colonial space and shows how the wars alter the perception of the colonised population through modern western technologies like the radio. In an era where global struggles for independence and self-determination persist, this book is an essential journey into the mind of a groundbreaking philosopher and icon of revolution.

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J.A.ホール著 国民、国家、帝国
Hall, John A., Nations, States and Empires. 244 pp. 2024:6 (Polity Pr., UK) <723-505>
ISBN 978-1-5095-6324-1 hard ¥14,573.- (税込) US$ 64.95
ISBN 978-1-5095-6325-8 paper ¥5,149.- (税込) US$ 22.95

This book traces the interactions between nations, states and empires in the making of the modern world. It is commonly assumed that nation states succeeded and replaced empires, relegating empires to the past: Hall argues that this is not the case. Empires have continued alongside nation states, shadowing them and overseeing them in the industrial era. The two world wars were imperial wars, rather than wars between nation states. Even after rapid decolonization in the 1950s and 1960s, empires persisted in the USA and the USSR. Furthermore, empires are not finished: the USA retains enormous power whilst Russia and China increasingly show imperial dispositions. Furthermore, empires and nation states do not exist in separate compartments- rather, they often overlap. Consider the USA-at once highly nationalist and the greatest empire in the history of the world. This highly original book will be essential reading for students and scholars in sociology and politics and for anyone interested in the political forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, the modern world.

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Hombach, Bodo / Richter, Frank / Dienstbuehl, D. (Hrsg.), Rueckzug des Staats?: Das Spannungsfeld zwischen staatlicher und privater Sicherheit. (Die Brost-Bibliothek. Impulse aus dem Ruhrgebiet 5) 198 S. 2023:11 (Tectum-Vlg., GW) <723-506>
ISBN 978-3-8288-4919-8 paper ¥9,480.- (税込) EUR 39.00

Die Gewaehrleistung von Sicherheit ist eines der wichtigsten Versprechen des Staates an seine Buergerinnen und Buerger und darueber hinaus ein entscheidender Wirtschafts- und Standortfaktor ? ganz besonders fuer eine Region wie das Ruhrgebiet, die neben der Industrie vor allem durch eine hohe Bevoelkerungsdichte und kulturelle Vielfalt gepraegt ist. Doch die Rolle der fuer die Innere Sicherheit und Ordnung zustaendigen Akteure ist im Wandel. Der Sammelband nimmt das Spannungsfeld zwischen oeffentlichen und privaten Akteuren in den Blick: Was koennen die Sicherheitsbehoerden leisten, wo sind private Anbieter gefragt? Welche Herausforderungen gibt es? Und welche Rolle spielen sicherheitsrelevante Phaenomene wie Datensicherheit, Cyber- sowie Wirtschaftskriminalitaet? Mit Beitraegen von Dennis Barkhausen Dorothee Dienstbuehl Christian Endress Bodo Hombach Friedrich P. Koetter Christian Kromberg Andreas M. Marlovits Harald Olschok Birgitta Radermacher Herbert Reul Frank Richter Klaus Schoenenbroicher Ralf Wagener Heiko Weigelt

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James, Joy (ed.), Engage: Indigenous, Black, and Afro-Indigenous Futures. 336 pp. 2024:12 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-507>
ISBN 978-0-7453-5030-1 paper ¥5,760.- (税込) GB£ 19.99

Engage is a tribute to the power of self-determined stories. This dynamic anthology of writings includes reflections by Black and Indigenous organizers and educators speaking in defiance of the violence and theft that has oppressed them for so long, imagining a future ripe for revolution. Both raw and disciplined, Engage discusses spirituality through environmentalism, security, freedom, autonomy, anti-Blackness and family. It is an invitation to dismantle colonial oppressions and a toolkit to build a future free from the harmful legacies of racism and genocide. Engage includes contributions from under-platformed writers from diverse political perspectives. It emphasises the role of non-academic collaborators as stewards of progressive, radical, and revolutionary projects to realise an optimistic future, that is not a repetition of the violent past.

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Kagarlitsky, Boris, The Long Retreat: Strategies to Reverse the Decline of the Left. Tr. by R. Clarke. (Transnational Institute) 304 pp. 2024:5 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-508>
ISBN 978-0-7453-5028-8 paper ¥7,201.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *

'A man of enormous intellect, knowledge and bravery' - Jeremy Corbyn MP 'Perhaps the most prominent Marxist thinker in the post-Soviet space' - Open Democracy Authoritarianism is rampant across the globe. Right-wing governments from Russia to America oversee wars from Ukraine to Palestine, while capitalism lurches from crisis to crisis, its citizens mired in poverty. Imprisoned Putin critic Boris Kagarlitsky confronts this stark reality, demanding a clear strategy from the left to dismantle this ever-darkening nightmare. As well as bringing Russian and Western thinkers into dialogue, Kagarlitsky draws upon his experiences as a Russian dissident since the latter days of the Soviet Union in this detailed analysis of leftist strategy. As a Marxist, he engages in radical ideas including Universal Basic Income and decentralised collective ownership, as well as looking at historical and contemporary examples of revolution and dissent, covering the left's response to the war in Ukraine. Written just before Kagarlitsky's imprisonment, The Long Retreat stands as a testament to subversive Russian literature. It asks if the left can put aside its paralysing sectarianism and conceits of ideological purity in order to transform society for the benefit of the global working class. Kagarlitsky believes it can, as long as it is unafraid to look critically at its own ideas and actions.

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Kanafani, Ghassan, Ghassan Kanafani: Selected Political Writings. Ed. by L. Brehony et al. 272 pp. 2024:10 (Pluto Pr., UK) <723-509>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4937-4 paper ¥5,472.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

Ghassan Kanafani (1936 - 1972) is perhaps the greatest Palestinian novelist, whose books including Men in the Sun and Returning to Haifa documented the horrors of war and occupation. His literature was deeply inspired by his life as a political thinker, strategist and revolutionary. Here, his writings on theory and contemporary politics are collected for the first time. From reflections on his readings of Marxist theory, to historical studies and blazing analyses of contemporary geopolitical developments, this collection shows a fascinating intellectual evolution and a commitment to the fight for liberation. Containing new commentary from leading contemporary writers, this collection is a testament to Kanafani's continuing relevance. Like many of his peers, Kanafani was assassinated by agents of Israel, but the impact of his work remains a testament to the power of revolutionary Palestinian struggle and anti-Zionist Arab thought.

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D.M.コッツ著 今日のための社会主義-資本主義の残酷さから逃れる
Kotz, David M., Socialism for Today: Escaping the Cruelties of Capitalism. 224 pp. 2024:6 (Polity Pr., UK) <723-510>
ISBN 978-1-5095-6146-9 hard ¥14,573.- (税込) US$ 64.95
ISBN 978-1-5095-6147-6 paper ¥5,149.- (税込) US$ 22.95

Capitalism is failing us. Instead of bringing a decent life for the majority, it generates an outrageous gap between the rich and the rest, unaffordable housing, a profit-driven healthcare system, skyrocketing educational debt, racial and gender inequality, and the threat of climate disaster. Economist David Kotz argues that it's time we built a new socialism for the unique challenges of the twenty-first century.The problems of capitalism are too profound for reform, Kotz writes. Reform can help, but only temporarily, and not for all. Nor can we turn back to the socialist experiments of the twentieth century. But we can learn from those experiments, both their successes and failures, to build a democratic and participatory economic and political system. The result would be a sustainable future of economic justice, equality, material comfort, human development, and meaningful freedom. The journey towards a new socialism may be difficult. But Kotz combines a clear and rigorous account of how socialism can be made to work with a realistic strategy for how to get there. This is the book we need to help us escape the cruelties of our capitalist present.

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Mohamed, Yehia A., Arabic for Politics and International Relations. 254 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-512>
ISBN 978-1-03-242852-9 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-242851-2 paper ¥10,371.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

Arabic for Politics and International Relations is the first textbook for high-intermediate to advanced students of Arabic that focuses on Arabic as it is used in the fields of politics, diplomacy, governance and international relations.Thematically organised, each chapter includes a selection of authentic reading texts that exemplify the language in use while introducing students to a key topic or theme such as political systems, government, human rights, conflict resolution and defence. Each chapter has a range of exercises that include comprehension questions, questions designed to develop vocabulary, understanding of morphology, rhetoric and style, and a range of activities that allow students to practice all four language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Arabic for Politics and International Relations is ideal for advanced-level Arabic courses.

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Turczynski, Roman Paul, Fundamente liberalen und republikanischen politischen Denkens: Subjektivistische und objektivistische Grundannahmen in Theorien der Civil Society. (Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Muenster, Reihe VII: Sozialwissenschaften 34) 510 S. 2023:12 (Olms, GW) <723-515>
ISBN 978-3-487-16681-0 paper ¥13,127.- (税込) EUR 54.00

Wenn im Namen der Freiheit oder Gerechtigkeit kontraere politische Forderungen erhoben werden, lassen sich Diskurse schwerlich nach parteipolitischen Standpunkten aufschluesseln. Republikanismus und Liberalismus koennen als dienstaelteste politische Denktraditionen gelten, aber ihre Spezifika und Grenzen sind gerade deswegen umstritten. Diesem Problem wird an dieser Stelle mit Hilfe der theoretischen Philosophie begegnet. Waehrend der liberale oder republikanische Gehalt politischer Theorien umstritten sein mag, ist die Frage nach der Subjektivitaet oder Objektivitaet eines Phaenomens entscheidbar. Dies wird hier zur Analyse politischer Theorien und Forderungen nutzbar gemacht und schliesslich gezeigt, dass eine belastbare und folgenschwere Verbindung zwischen Subjektivismus und Liberalismus sowie zwischen Objektivismus und Republikanismus besteht.

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Sypnowich, Christine, G. A. Cohen: Liberty, Justice and Equality. (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 288 pp. 2024:6 (Polity Pr., UK) <723-56>
ISBN 978-1-5095-2993-3 hard ¥15,695.- (税込) US$ 69.95
ISBN 978-1-5095-2994-0 paper ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95

G. A. Cohen was one of the towering political philosophers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. His intellectual career was unusually wide-ranging, and he was celebrated internationally not only for his for his penetrating ideas about liberty, justice, and equality, but for his method, a highly original and influential combination of analytical philosophy and Marxism. Christine Sypnowich guides readers through the rich body of Cohen's work. By identifying five 'paradoxes' in his thought, she explores the origins of his interest in analytical philosophy, his engagement with the ideas of right-wing libertarianism, his critique of John Rawls's work, his late-career turn to conservatism, and the tension between his preoccupation with individual responsibility and the idea of a socialist ethos. Sypnowich acknowledges the strengths of Cohen's positions as well as their tensions and flaws, and presents him as a thinker of startling insight. This compelling introduction is a go-to resource for students and scholars of modern political philosophy.

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Robertson, David G., Religion and Conspiracy Theories: An Introduction. (Engaging with Religion) 176 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-124>
ISBN 978-1-03-236040-9 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-236041-6 paper ¥10,083.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

Religion and Conspiracy Theories: An Introduction is the first accessible volume to systematically examine the relationship between religion and conspiracy theories in the contemporary world in critical and historical perspective.It lays out the historical development of these important categories, considers different theoretical approaches and looks at case studies of conspiracy theories in religion, about religion and as religion. It maintains a critical perspective throughout on the relationship between truth and power, and in the process provides a fresh perspective on belief and worldviews in our modern world.Designed for use in the classroom, the book features helpful diagrams and resources for teachers. It is an essential read for all students of religion and conspiracy theories, as well as scholars of politics, religious studies, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies.

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Vekovic, Marko / Jevtic, Miroljub (eds.), When Politics Meets Religion: Navigating Old Challenges and New Perspectives. (Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics) 320 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-131>
ISBN 978-1-03-269933-2 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

When Politics Meets Religion presents a fresh exploration of the relationship between religion and politics worldwide.The volume includes topics covering Europe such as the European far right, the contours of "European identity", and how religious cleavages affect value orientation of Europeans. It also covers country-focused issues and events, such as the influence of Orthodox Christianity in Russia, Christian nationalism in the United States, the influence of religion on Turkish foreign policy, the political role of the Catholic Church in the Philippines, Chinese attitudes towards religious deprivatization, and how liberation theology found its way from Latin America to the Holy Land. The volume is supplemented with several analyzes on the intersection between law, society, and religion. It deals with religious mediation and political conflicts, how the current religious governance in France affects the Orthodox Jewish community, as well as how taxing the church's economic activities can be a contributor to the common good, and why Muslims should treat Sharia law as only a moral code in the context of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Through rigorous research, case studies, and critical analysis, this volume explains how religion and politics mix in different settings, and why it is important for us to study this complex relationship. The volume will appeal to scholars and graduate students of political science and religious studies, as well as interested professionals working for NGOs or governments.

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Modood, Tariq / Sealy, Thomas, The New Governance of Religious Diversity. 180 pp. 2024:6 (Polity Pr., UK) <723-114>
ISBN 978-0-7456-5378-5 hard ¥14,573.- (税込) US$ 64.95
ISBN 978-0-7456-5379-2 paper ¥5,149.- (税込) US$ 22.95

Religious diversity is a key feature of countries across the world today, but it also presents governments with very real challenges. Controversies around religious free speech, symbols, social values and morals, and the role of faith leaders as critical voices, are just a few of the issues that have given rise to fierce social, political and scholarly debate. So how do states include and accommodate religious diversity and should this change? What are the key difficulties facing states when it comes to governing religious diversity? Understanding this complex phenomenon means thinking through secularism, liberalism, multiculturalism and nationalism in theory and practice. In this new book, Tariq Modood and Thomas Sealy draw on original research to present new ways of analysing the governance of religious diversity in different regions of the world. Identifying the key challenges at stake, they also argue for a new statement of multiculturalism in relation to the governance of religious diversity, that of 'multiculturalised secularism', which represents a constructive and productive response to the reality of religiously plural societies.

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