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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Chautard, Leon, Escapes from Cayenne: A Story of Socialism and Slavery in an Age of Revolution and Reaction. Ed. with an intro. by M. Roy. (Race in the Atlantic World, 1700-1900) 148 pp. 2023:9 (U. Georgia Pr., US) <706-737>
ISBN 978-0-8203-6588-6 hard ¥25,793.- (税込) US$ 114.95 *
ISBN 978-0-8203-6480-3 paper ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

In September 1857, Jean-Leon Chautard, Charles Bivors, and Hippolyte Paon arrived in Salem, Massachusetts. These refugees from the French Revolution of 1848 were "homeless, penniless, friendless, strangers in a strange land, among a people of strange speech," as one of their advocates, the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, later put it. The only thing they had was a story to tell-an affecting, yet thrilling story of revolutionary upheaval, forced exile, and hairbreadth escapes over three continents, which Chautard managed to write in English and to have published as a pamphlet. Following the June Days uprising in Paris, the three French socialists had been transported first to Algeria, then to Cayenne. After years of hard labor, they had escaped the penal colony and made their way to the United States via British Guiana. These experiences brought them into close contact with the colonial frontiers and slave societies of the Americas. In Salem, Chautard soon published an account of their trials under the title Escapes from Cayenne (1857). His pamphlet, which has long sunk into oblivion, deserves rediscovery. Escapes from Cayennesheds light on the ideological connections between the European "spirit of 1848" and U.S. radical abolitionism and reveals the scope of cosmopolitan solidarities available to fugitives of different national and racial origins in the mid-nineteenth-century Atlantic world. Written in English by a Frenchman, and reminiscent of literary traditions such as the slave narrative and the picaresque novel, it is a tale of adventure as well as a passionate cri de coeurfor universal justice.

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Neubauer, Sebastian, Louis Althusser und das politische Denken der Fruehen Neuzeit: Zwischen Marx und der postmarxistischen Theorie. (Schriftenreihe der Sektion Politische Theorien und Ideengeschichte der Deutschen Vereinigung fuer Politische Wissenschaft 43) 375 S. 2023:5 (Nomos, GW) <706-107>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0053-1 paper ¥21,635.- (税込) EUR 89.00 *

Althusser ist der dunkle Fleck der politischen Theorie. Seine verfemten und kaum erforschten Beitraege sind dennoch praegend fuer das kritische Denken der Gegenwart. Interessanterweise beruhen seine Interventionen wiederum zentral auf seinen eigenen umfangreichen und nachgelassenen Lektueren des politischen Denkens der Fruehen Neuzeit. Die Studie zeichnet daher erstmals und umfaenglich Althussers Bearbeitungen von Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau und Montesquieu nach. Darauf aufbauend wird verdeutlicht, wie sich hieraus Althussers bis heute wirkende Neubegruendung des Marxismus erhebt. Dabei wird sichtbar, wie sich gerade das von Althussers vielen bedeutenden Schuelern fortgefuehrte postmarxistische Paradigma durch dessen Lektueren der buergerlichen Denker des Staates formiert.

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