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  • アジア・中東・アフリカ・ラテンアメリカ・オセアニア

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Brands, Hal, The Eurasian Century: Hot Wars, Cold Wars, and the Making of the Modern World. 336 pp. 2025:2 (Norton, US) <732-840>
ISBN 978-1-324-03694-4 hard ¥6,201.- (税込) US$ 29.99

Eurasia is a strategic prize without equal-which is why the world has been roiled, reshaped, and nearly destroyed by clashes over that supercontinent and the oceans around it. Since the early twentieth century, autocratic land powers, from Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II to the Soviet Union, have sought to seize commanding positions in the world's strategic heartland. And offshore sea powers, namely the United Kingdom and America, have sought to make the world safe for democracy by keeping Eurasia in balance. Now China and Russia lead a new axis of authoritarians that aims to create a radically revised international order. If they succeed, America and other democracies will be vulnerable and insecure. The Eurasian Century explains the revolutions in technology and warfare, and the rise of toxic ideologies of conquest, that made Eurasia the center of twentieth-century geopolitics-with pressing implications for the struggles that will define the twenty-first.

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Ko, Sangtu / Leisse, Olaf (eds.), Integration Under Pressure - Regionalisation of Globalisation in Northeast Asia and Europe. (Schriften zur internationalen Politik 61) 232 S. 2024:8 (Kovac, GW) <732-849>
ISBN 978-3-339-14092-0 paper ¥20,185.- (税込) EUR 87.80 *



G.レークヴィッグ著 北欧的平和均衡と北東アジア-紛争構造の変換のためのアプローチ、解決手法とその原理-
Rekvig, Gunnar, The Nordic Peace and Northeast Asia: Approaches, Solutions, and Principles of Conflict Transformation. (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History) 242 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <732-888>
ISBN 978-981-9727-48-3 hard ¥22,986.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book offers a new analysis of the Nordic Peace after its onset in 1814, the year that marks the end to centuries of warfare between the Nordic countries, and the applicability of the Nordic solutions and principles for North East Asian conflicts. Through an analysis of three key post-1814 conflicts that the Nordic region resolved peacefully - the Union of Norway and Sweden (1814-1905), the issue on the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein between Denmark and Germany (1864-1920 & 1955), and the Aaland Islands problem between Finland and Sweden (1809-1922), the book examines how the solutions that underlie the Nordic Peace transcended causes for conflict, and if there is universal potential in the Nordic solutions for similar conflicts in North East Asia

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佐橋亮、松田康博、青山和佳編 アジアの台頭-東・南・東南アジアにおける歴史と国際関係ハンドブック-
Sahashi, Ryo / Matsuda, Yasuhiro / Aoyama, Waka (eds.), Asia Rising: A Handbook of History and International Relations in East, South and Southeast Asia. (The University of Tokyo Studies on Asia) 304 pp. 2024:10 (Springer, GW) <732-889>
ISBN 978-981-9743-74-2 hard ¥11,491.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open-access book offers a clear and thorough exploration of Asia's history from an international relations perspective. The book investigates key political, economic, and cultural forces defining Asia. It highlights the historical and current significance of the Indo-Pacific region, particularly shedding light on its strategic role in global geopolitics. Through detailed historical analyses, the authors guide readers toward a comprehensive understanding of Asia's complex international relations, from colonization and imperialism, through the Cold War, into decolonization and the wave of democratization in the region, to the rise of China, unpacking the various dimensions of regionalism in Asia. This book serves as a practical scholarly resource for advanced students, researchers, and lecturers interested in understanding the region's past and its implications for future geopolitical dynamics. It is relevant to historians focused on Asia and to international relations and political science scholars interested in the shift to an Asian world order, from past to present.

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Yilmaz, Ihsan / Shukri, Syaza, Islamist Parties and Power in Democratic Nation-States: A Comparative Analysis of Six Muslim-Majority Countries. 302 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <732-143>
ISBN 978-981-9743-42-1 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

By exploring the trajectories of Islamist parties in six diverse countries (Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Malaysia), this book provides a comparative analysis of the strategies employed by Islamist groups to confront established political structures through electoral processes and their subsequent governance practices if and when they assume power. The latter aspect is less explored than the predominant focus on Islamist opposition movements. The book analyses how these Islamist political parties navigate and negotiate with oppositional forces and establishments, concisely discussing the complex dynamics at play within each country. The book also bridges the gap between North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Asia Minor, providing a comparative analysis across regions. Primarily serving as an introductory text to the subject of Islamist parties, the book functions as a comprehensive reader and handbook. Each chapter covers a range of key issues and themes relevant to the governance and political activities of the Islamist party of the country studied in the chapter, offering a general overview of Islamist party experiences across various themes and different historical periods.

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