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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Riedinger, Lee / Ekkebus, Al / Smith, Ray et al., Critical Connections: The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge from the Dawn of the Atomic Age to the Present. 488 pp. 2024:6 (U. Tennessee Pr., US) <717-80>
ISBN 978-1-62190-654-4 hard ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

The bombing of Pearl Harbor set off a chain of events that included the race to beat German scientists to build the atomic bomb. A tiny hamlet tucked away in the southern Appalachians proved an unlikely linchpin to win the race. The Manhattan Project required the combination of four secret sites--Clinton Laboratories, Y-12, K-25, and S-50--75,000 workers, and the nation's finest scientists to create the Secret City, Oak Ridge. From the beginning, the effort was aided by the nearby University of Tennessee, which provided expertise to make the weapon possible. Following World War II, it was not clear what role this huge research and development program would play, but pioneering scientists and administrators were determined that one option--dismantling the whole thing--would not happen.Critical Connections chronicles how Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the Y-12 National Security Complex, and their partners became outstanding examples of the militaryindustrial-educational complex from the Cold War to the present day. At the beginning of the 1950s, Oak Ridge became a flourishing, less-secret city, and the authors show how, decade by decade, ORNL became the source of major breakthroughs in physics, biology, computing, and other fields--and how these achievements required ever-closer connections with UT. By the mid-1990s, after many successful joint initiatives between UT and ORNL, UT was poised to compete to become the manager of ORNL. In 2000, UT-Battelle LLC won the bid from the Department of Energy: UT was charged with providing scientific direction and key personnel; its partner Battelle would oversee ORNL's operations and chart its technology direction. The authors highlight the scientific developments these connections have brought, from nanotechnology to nuclear fission, from cryogenic experiments on mice to the world's fastest supercomputer. The partnerships between a university, a city, and federal facilities helped solve some of the greatest challenges of the twentieth century--and point toward how to deal with those of the twenty-first.

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Daacke, Kirt von / Douglas, Andrea (eds.), After Emancipation: Racism and Resistance at the University of Virginia. (The American South Series) 240 pp. 2024:3 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <717-1033>
ISBN 978-0-8139-4925-3 hard ¥21,631.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-8139-4926-0 paper ¥7,399.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

Assessing a university's legacy in the age of segregation This anthology reckons with the University of Virginia's post-emancipation history of racial exploitation. Its fifteen essays highlight the many forms of marginalization and domination at Virginia's once all-white flagship university to uncover the patriarchal, nativist, and elitist assumptions that shaped university culture through the late nineteenth century and well into the twentieth. Including community responses ranging from personal reflections to interviews with local leaders to poems, this accessible volume will be essential reading for anyone with ties to UVA or to Charlottesville, as well as for anyone concerned with the legacy of slavery and segregation in America's universities.

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Mueller, Reinhard, Das elementare Schulwesen im Montafon 1774-1869: vor dem Hintergrund gesamtstaatlicher Entwicklungen. (Montafoner Schriftenreihe 33) 336 S. 2023 (Studien Vlg., AU) <717-1115>
ISBN 978-3-7030-6599-6 hard ¥8,560.- (税込) EUR 34.90

Das Jahr 1774 steht fuer die bildungspolitische Zeitenwende mit den ausgesprochenen Zielen ?Schulbildung fuer Alle‘ und ?Ueberwindung des Analphabetentums‘. Das erste staatliche Schulgesetz setzte im elementaren Bildungsbereich eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung in Gang. Im Zuge dessen kam es in der gesamten Monarchie zu zahllosen Gruendungen von Trivialschulen (spaeter als Volksschulen bezeichnet). Bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts lassen sich allein im Montafon annaehernd 30 Schulstandorte nachweisen. Im Dorf waren es die Pfarrschulen, in den abgelegenen Weilern die Filialschulen. Trotz anfaenglicher Widerstaende, anhaltender Unzulaenglichkeiten, oekonomischer Schwierigkeiten und mit amtlicher Duldung mancher Provisorien gelang es den Schulverantwortlichen gemeinsam mit bildungsnahen Personen, die sich haeufig genug auch als Goenner in Schulstiftungen einbrachten, waehrend der Jahre 1774 bis 1869 ein stabiles Schulnetz aufzubauen, umfangreiche Baumassnahmen zu verwirklichen, die Schulbesuchsquote zu steigern, die Lehrerqualifikation zu verbessern und die Alphabetisierung grosser Teile der Bevoelkerung voranzutreiben. 1869 ging die ereignisreiche, vielfach konfliktbeladene Aufbau- und Konsolidierungsphase zu Ende. Darauf aufbauend brachte nachfolgend das zweite grosse Schulgesetz einen enormen Entwicklungsschub Richtung neuzeitlicher Volksschule.

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Wilock, David, Testing the Elite: Yale College in the Revolutionary Era, 1740-1815. (Routledge Advances in American History) 136 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-1117>
ISBN 978-1-03-254005-4 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This volume explores the extent to which the Revolutionary period (1740-1815) impacted the faculty, students and institutional life of Yale College and how those changes shed insight into the nature of the American Revolution itself as a conservative or radical event.Throughout the eighteenth century, Yale continued a tradition of producing individuals who would perpetuate the economic and social status quo. At the same time, the institution was undergoing an evolution reflective of the broader movements in America that would persist into the era of the early republic. In order to examine Yale's influence on those who attended, this study uses the student experience as a major source of evidence. Yale's curriculum and culture prior to 1776 were beginning to embrace Enlightenment ideas, though not fully, and due in no small part to the petitions of students. From literary societies to student militias, there were ways for students to engage in an exchange of ideas about new courses and new modes of national government outside the classroom.The book is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students as well as general readers who are interested in the history of higher education, the American Revolutionary Era and the history of Connecticut.

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