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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Bates, Jennifer,
The Origins of Agriculture in the Bronze Age Indus Civilization. 398 pp. 2024:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <717-255>
ISBN 978-1-00-942444-8 hard ¥28,600.- (税込) GB£ 100.00
The Indus civilization in South Asia (c. 320 - 1500BC) was one of the most important Old World Bronze Age cultures. Located at the cross-roads of Asia, in modern Pakistan and India, it encompassed ca. one million square kilometers, making it one the largest and most ecologically, culturally, socially, and economically complex among contemporary civilisations. In this study, Jennifer Bates offers new insights into the Indus civilisation through an archaeobotanical reconstruction of its environment. Exploring the relationship between people and plants, agricultural systems, and the foods that people consumed, she demonstrates how the choices made by the ancient inhabitants were intertwined with several aspects of society, as were their responses to social and climate changes. Bates' book synthesizes the available data on genetics, archaeobotany, and archaeology. It shows how the ancient Indus serves as a case study of a civilization navigating sustainability, resilience and collapse in the face of changing circumstances by adapting its agricultural practices.
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ブリストル・インド西部砂糖交易における危機と弾力性 1783~1802年
Buckles, Peter,
Crisis and Resilience in the Bristol-West India Sugar Trade, 1783-1802. (Eighteenth Century Worlds 13) 232 pp. 2024:1 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <717-326>
ISBN 978-1-80207-883-1 hard ¥27,170.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *
Additional resources for this book are available on our Manifold site, which can be accessed via https://liverpooluniversitypress.manifoldapp.org/projects/crisis-and-resilience How did merchants deal with crises? From warfare to financial upheaval, from political machinations to the abolition of the slave trade, merchants and their networks in the eighteenth century faced a range of challenges. But they also demonstrated remarkable resilience. Providing new levels of detail on Britain's sugar trade, this authoritative account explores how Bristol's sugar merchants embodied cogs in the plantation machine, using their position of influence in Britain to maintain the production of sugar and violent systems of enslavement. It demonstrates how, as shipowners, these merchants protected their shipping, led the organisation of convoys, and took advantage of cheapening insurance. It reveals the inner workings of the sugar market and the strategies merchants used to remain profitable, showing how merchants navigated the transitions between peace and war. Finally, it uncovers their methods for managing credit and safeguarding their investments. Throughout, the nature of commerce in the eighteenth century is analysed in detail, from business networks to bills of exchange. Demonstrating meticulous, interdisciplinary research and thorough analysis of merchant business records, this book speaks broadly to the nature and experience of crisis in the eighteenth century and what this meant for the burgeoning systems of capitalism.
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大戦間期の対外投資の政治経済-ポーランドにおける経済的ナショナリズムとフランスの資本 1918~39年-
Lazor, Jerzy,
The Political Economy of Interwar Foreign Investment: Economic Nationalism and French Capital in Poland, 1918-1939. (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 232 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-327>
ISBN 978-1-03-245141-1 hard ¥38,610.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
France was interwar Poland's main ally, and the biggest source of the country's foreign investment. The two roles were closely connected: Paris used its position in Warsaw to win preferential treatment for its firms, while Polish authorities depended on France to finance their modernization policies and military spending. The relationship's asymmetric character bred conflict, and in the 1930s dissenting voices compared French actions in Poland to imperialism and colonial expansion. This book untangles the complex mix of economics, policy, and politics in Franco-Polish relations. Based on government and company-level sources, it evaluates the part played by French capital in Poland and discovers the mechanisms ruling French FDI and public loans. Exploring case studies of specific sectors and themes, it asks questions about the modernizing potential of FDI, interwar economic imperialism, the workings of asymmetric investment, and the interactions between investments and politics. Understanding the unequal footing of Warsaw and Paris, it goes beyond imperialistic interpretations, and examines the leeway available to the weaker partner of the relationship. The book contributes to economic history of Central and Eastern Europe, and, more generally, to our understanding of the position of peripheral countries in the interwar global system.
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Moreno Zacares, Javier,
Residential Capitalism: Rent Extraction and Capitalist Production in Modern Spain (1833-2023). (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy) 256 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-328>
ISBN 978-1-032-07925-7 hard ¥38,610.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
Over the last decade, Spain has become an emblem of the contradictory relationship between capitalism and housing. During the house-price boom of the 2000s, Spain built homes on an unprecedented scale, with output levels that overshadowed those of every major European economy. Nevertheless, when the fortunes of real estate markets turned, a wave of repossessions ensued, and a massive number of households were thrown out into the street as a sizeable portion of the housing stock was lying vacant. In turn, the implosion of Spanish residential capitalism triggered an intense wave of unrest that has come to shape a decade of political turmoil.This book uses the Spanish case to bring to light, and theorise, the workings of residential capitalism. The author traces the evolution of residential provision from the nineteenth century to the present, situating the transformation of the housing market in a context of ongoing social change and conflict. The book shows how the present needs to be understood by looking at the historical process through which residential provision became subsumed under the logic of capitalist accumulation but also at a long genealogy of struggles around urbanisation and housing, the outcomes of which remain crystallised in Spain's urban institutions. The author reveals how both residential capitalist development and urban social conflict have constituted each another, casting light on the historical relationship between housing crises, urban unrest, and the evolution of real estate markets. The book develops a historicist framework to understand residential capitalism, an important contribution for an age in which real estate markets have come to determine the rhythms of global capital.Addressing key issues and debates in the field, including the financialisation of housing, the politics of scale and urban entrepreneurialism, the political economy of the Eurozone, and the history of capitalist development, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of political economy, as well as those engaged in crossover fields such as housing studies, urban geography, or financial geography.
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