2024/12/25 update!
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掲載点数 全11件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Zhang, Yongjin,
Reimagining the International: Chinese World Ordering before the West. (Bristol Studies in East Asian International Relations) 224 pp. 2024:9 (Bristol U. Pr., UK) <717-782>
ISBN 978-1-5292-3734-4 hard ¥22,880.- (税込) GB£ 80.00
A rich and enlightening study of Chinese international relations, this book shows how engaging China's history can contribute to our search for global foundations of international thought. It examines international thought in ancient China, Chinese international relations in deep world history, and the evolution of contemporary Chinese academic IR as intellectual history. Offering a distinctive English School perspective, this volume is a call to put studies of Chinese international relations in their proper historical context, arguing that such an approach leads to a better understanding of Chinese ideas and statecraft and contributes to a fruitful pursuit of IR knowledge production in the construction of global IR.
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B.カンリフ著 考古学の証拠等を用いたインド洋の交易の歴史
Cunliffe, Barry,
Driven by the Monsoons: Through the Indian Ocean and the Seas of China. 544 pp. 2024:10 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <717-759>
ISBN 978-0-19-888681-5 hard ¥8,580.- (税込) GB£ 30.00
The Silk Road may be one origin of globalization, but the Indian Ocean is another. Barry Cunliffe examines the beginning of maritime trade using the evidence of archaeology and the tales of great travellers such as Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, and the Chinese Admiral, Zheng He. This story complements that of the land routes, showing how humans have been driven across thousands of years to create and maintain networks whatever the difficulties. Driven by the Monsoons illuminates maritime connections between the Indian Ocean and its surrounding water routes: the Arabian Gulf and the Red and China Seas. It begins with the movement of humans into South-East Asia and ends about 1600 CE when European companies emerge to takeover. It is tale of exotic goods, material needs, adventure, and desire. While conditions at sea and the abilities of the maritime communities provided a degree of stability, the direction and intensity of trade and the types of commodities on the move was determined by the fortunes and aspirations of distant empires, those of China in the east and South-West Asia and the Mediterranean in the west. This ever-changing pressure provided the dynamic situation in which society and economies in East Africa, India and South-East Asia flourished. Driven by the Monsoons explores the birth of the modern, connected, world.
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Kessler, Edward / Wenborn, Neil (eds.),
A Documentary History of Jewish-Christian Relations: From Antiquity to the Present Day. 550 pp. 2024:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <717-120>
ISBN 978-1-00-929216-0 hard ¥27,170.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *
Jews and Christians have interacted for two millennia, yet there is no comprehensive, global study of their shared history. This book offers a chronological and thematic approach to that 2,000-year history, based on some 200 primary documents chosen for their centrality to the encounter. A systematic and authoritative work on the relationship between the two religions, it reflects both the often troubled history of that relationship and the massive changes of attitude and approach in more recent centuries. Written by a team leading international scholars in the field, each chapter introduces the context for its historical period, draws out the key themes arising from the relevant documents, and provides a detailed commentary on each document to shed light on its significance in the history of the Jewish-Christian relationship. The volume is aimed at scholars, teachers and students, clerics and lay people, and anyone interested in the history of religion.
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Ammerer, Gerhard / Brauer, Michael / Ernst, Marlene (Hrsg.),
Bienen und Honig: Beitraege zu einer Kulturgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. (Gastrosophische Bibliothek 8) 324 S. 2023:10 (Studien Vlg., AU) <717-1218>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6133-4 paper ¥7,037.- (税込) EUR 29.90
Menschen und Bienen stehen seit Jahrtausenden in enger Beziehung, da Honig lange Zeit das einzige Suessungsmittel darstellte und auch die gesundheitlichen Wirkungen frueh erkannt sowie mannigfaltig genutzt wurden. Der vorliegende Sammelband nimmt dieses Verhaeltnis von Menschen, Bienen und Honig in den Blick und liefert Beitraege zu einer Kulturgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven aus Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft demonstrieren den hohen Stellenwert von Bienen, Honig und Imkereiwesen entlang folgender Themenbereiche: Honiggewinnung und -verarbeitung von der Antike bis heute; Honig in der mittelalterlichen Lebenswelt; Honig in Medizin und Diaetetik; Innovationen in der Bienenliteratur der Neuzeit.
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K.Barclay、P.N.スターンズ他編 幸福の歴史
Barclay, Katie / McMahon, D. M. / Stearns, Peter N. (eds.),
The Routledge History of Happiness. (Routledge Histories) 504 pp. 2024 (Routledge, UK) <717-1219>
ISBN 978-1-032-32319-0 hard ¥61,490.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *
Unmatched in originality, breadth, and scope, The Routledge History of Happiness features chapters that explore the history, anthropology, and psychology of happiness across the globe.Through a chronological approach that ranges from the Classical and Postclassical to the twenty-first century, this volume balances intellectual-history treatments and wider efforts to deal with relevant popular culture and experience, including consumerism. It explores how and why the history of happiness has emerged in recent decades, as well as psychological and social science approaches to happiness, with a history of how relevant psychological research has unfolded. Chapters examine early cultural traditions concerning happiness, including material on Buddhist and Chinese traditions, and how they continue to influence ideas about happiness in the present day. Overall, each section emphasises wide geographical coverage, with particular attention paid to East Asia, Latin America, Europe, Russia, and Africa.The Routledge History of Happiness is of great use to all undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars interested in the global history of emotions.
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Braeuer, Benjamin,
Historische Orientierungsgelegenheiten: Wie Irritationen historisches Denken anregen. (Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Forschung) 350 S. 2024:6 (Kohlhammer, GW) <717-1220>
ISBN 978-3-17-044533-8 paper ¥15,301.- (税込) EUR 65.00
Geschichtsdidaktische Theorien heben die Entwicklung und Reflexion von historischer Orientierung als wesentliches Lernziel hervor. Welchen Sinn Lernende zu zeitlichem Wandel bilden, gilt als Einflussgroesse auf ihre Identitaetskonstruktionen und Handlungsperspektiven. Dabei ist die Lernsituation stets davon gepraegt, dass die Lernenden eine bestimmte historische Orientiertheit bereits mitbringen. Benjamin Braeuer erfasst diese Orientiertheit als Ausgangsbedingung und deren irritierende Infragestellung als Anlass von Lernprozessen. Indem er geschichtsdidaktische und philosophische Forschungen zusammenfuehrt, entwickelt er ein differenziertes Verstaendnis fuer die Struktur historischer Orientiertheit und das Moment ihrer Irritation. Fluchtpunkt der Arbeit ist ausserdem die Frage, wie Unterricht das Potenzial verstaerken kann, dass Lernende solche Irritationen aufgreifen und produktiv verarbeiten.
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Leeming, David,
The World of Myth: An Anthology. 4th ed. 296 pp. 2024:3 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <717-124>
ISBN 978-0-19-768515-0 paper ¥11,272.- (税込) US$ 50.99 *
Rubel, Alexander,
Migration: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit. 380 S. 2024:6 (Kohlhammer, GW) <717-1052>
ISBN 978-3-17-044528-4 paper ¥8,239.- (税込) EUR 35.00
Seit es Menschen gibt, erschliessen sie sich neue Gebiete, begeben sich auf Wanderschaft und wechseln ihre Aufenthaltsorte. Manche freiwillig, um ihre Lebenssituation zu verbessern oder aus Neugier und Abenteuerlust. Andere unfreiwillig, um einer drohenden Gefahr zu entgehen. Migration und Mobilitaet sind eine historisch fassbare Konstante der Menschheitsgeschichte und wohl Teil unseres biologischen Programms. Ja, sie charakterisieren uns Menschen geradezu und sind durch alle Zeiten hindurch integraler Bestandteil unseres Menschseins, der conditio humana. Hunderttausende von Jahren, in welchen der homo sapiens und seine aufrechten Vorfahren durch Savannen und Steppen wanderten, haben sich vielleicht mehr in unser Erbgut und unsere kulturellen Muster eingepraegt, als wir das aus "wuestenrotscher Bausparerperspektive" wahrhaben wollen. Daher verfolgt Alexander Rubel die Migrationsgeschichte der Menschheit bis zu deren Anbeginn und nicht lediglich bis zur Neuzeit zurueck, in der die Wanderungsbewegungen weltweit in aller Deutlichkeit sichtbar werden. Migrationsgeschichte wird von ihm vor allem kulturgeschichtlich gedeutet: Durch von Migranten vermittelten Kulturkontakt und -austausch entsteht Neues. Ja man kann sogar sagen, der "Fortschritt" und die Entstehung neuer Kulturtechniken sowie ihre Verbreitung sind Konsequenzen menschlicher Wanderungen. In knappen Zuegen streicht der Autor die Entwicklungslinien der Migration ueber die Jahrhunderte und Jahrtausende heraus, zeigt Konstanten und Verwerfungen auf und entwickelt so klare Sichtachsen von der Gegenwart bis in die fernste Vergangenheit. Gerade die Darstellung von Wanderungsbewegungen in der Ur- und Fruehgeschichte sowie die einem breiten Publikum wahrscheinlich weniger bekannten Belege fuer Migration aus klassischem Altertum und Mittelalter koennen fuer eine Akzentverschiebung bei der Beurteilung von Migration fuehren, die oft weitgehend oder gar ausschliesslich auf neuzeitliche oder gegenwaertige Aspekte gegruendet ist. Ein absolutes Muss fuer jeden, der sich fuer Migration interessiert.
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Cherland, Summer,
Student-Centered Oral History: An Ethical Guide. (Practicing Oral History) 240 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-1125>
ISBN 978-1-032-32520-0 hard ¥38,610.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-32518-7 paper ¥10,578.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *
Student-Centered Oral History explores the overlaps of culturally relevant teaching, student-centered teaching, and oral history to demonstrate how this method empowers students, especially those from historically underrepresented communities. With tangible tools like lesson plans and reflection sheets, available to download as eResources from the book's website, each interactive chapter is applicable to classrooms and age groups across the globe. Educators from all levels of experience will benefit from step-by-step guides and lesson plans, all organized around guiding questions. These lessons coach students and educators from start to finish through a student-centered oral history. Background research, historical context, cultivating a culture of consent, analysis, promotion, and gratitude are among the many lessons taught beyond writing questions and interviewing. With a specific focus on the ethics influencing a teacher's role as guide and grader of a student-centered oral history, this book also highlights successful approaches across the world of students and teachers discovering oral history. These examples reveal how student-centered oral history empowers academic achievement, radicalizes knowledge, develops relationships, and promotes community engagement. This book is a useful tool for any students and scholars interested in oral history in an educational setting.
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George, Elizabeth / Newman, Mark (ed.),
Engaging the Past: Action and Interaction in the History Classroom. (Teaching History Today and in the Future) 140 pp. 2024:4 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <717-1130>
ISBN 978-1-4758-7005-3 hard ¥16,582.- (税込) US$ 75.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4758-7006-0 paper ¥7,075.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *
Green, Sharony,
Teaching Public History Creatively in Alabama: About (Public) Face. (Global Perspectives on Public History) 256 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-1159>
ISBN 978-1-03-256436-4 hard ¥38,610.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
This book chronicles a University of Alabama historian's efforts to engage public history over the course of a decade, highlighting personal and educational experiences inside and outside of the classroom.Each chapter reveals how Sharony Green, her students, and collaborators used various public places and spaces in Alabama, including the University of Alabama and Tuscaloosa, where she teaches, as "labs" to learn more about our shared past. Inspired by her familiar beginnings in a historic community in Miami, Florida, the author, a descendant of people from the American South and the Bahamas, unveils her encounters with the built environment, old documents and objects, motion pictures, music, and all kinds of historical actors. The book shares a variety of projects including exhibits and displays, images, videos, songs, and poetry, that serve as manifestations of her encounters with the places around her and her students. Together, these stories uncover an unexpected journey into public history, offering new ways to think about the field and humanities more generally.Teaching Public History Creatively in Alabama is an enlightening resource to both intentional and unintentional practitioners of public history, including scholars, students, and general readers interested in connecting with the past.
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