2025/03/13 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Santhosh, Sreedevi / TH, Samjaila / Suresh, S. et al. (eds.),
Interstices of Space and Memory. 298 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-985>
ISBN 978-1-032-99907-4 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-99909-8 paper ¥11,963.- (税込) GB£ 42.99
The conference intersectionally locates memory and space that reconstruct city chronotopes to explore how identities are reconfigured in metropolitan Indian cities. In taking recourse in locating turning points that could be historical, political or cultural in the life of 'Metropolitan Indian Cities' the perspective that is brought together with personal and collective stories that are recorded in Art /Literature /Curated Projects /Museums is that these moments reshape human values/ ethos in Cities. The assumption made is that at specific moments in time / turning points, with the pandemic for instance the spirit of the city changes. It highlights how human beings in cities account for such changes (the IIHS runs a postcard project on human lives during the plague and corona) being an example. It uses focal moments in the City as the lens to discuss Art, Literature and City Design.
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Trojanowska, Monika,
Therapeutic Landscape Research Evidence in Eco-neighbourhood Design. 182 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-990>
ISBN 978-1-032-80001-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book presents how to recreate therapeutic landscapes in everyday places of eco-neighbourhoods. The concept of eco-neighborhoods goes beyond the traditional form of a residential district. Eco-neighborhoods are characterized by many aspects related to sustainability, including protection of the environment, building social capital, ensuring a high quality of life with low economic costs, and promoting social and environmental justice. The presented work aims to systematize these phenomena and interpret them.The action to take care of our common home, the Earth, starts locally. Creating townscapes that can promote everyday health could improve the standards of living on our planet. In both hemispheres, the majority of people live in cities, therefore examples of good practices described in this book come from all inhabited continents. Education is the most empowering tool, which can change the future for many. Implementing eco-neighbourhoods, may bring well-deserved change and hope to people in less-favoured locations of the globe.This book will be of interest to practitioners and students of architecture, civil and environmental engineering, landscape design, spatial management, urban planning, and related fields.
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V, Subramaniyaswamy / Revathy, G. / Ravi, L. et al. (eds.),
Deep Learning and Blockchain Technology for Smart and Sustainable Cities. (Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence) 392 pp. 2025:5 (Auerbach, US) <740-992>
ISBN 978-1-032-74857-3 hard ¥47,311.- (税込) GB£ 170.00
In this digital era, a smart city can become an intelligent society by using advances in emerging technologies. Specifically, the rapid adoption of deep learning (DL) in fusion with blockchain technology has led to a new digital smart city ecosystem. A broad spectrum of deep learning and blockchain applications promise solutions for problems in areas ranging from risk management and financial services to cryptocurrency to public and social services. Furthermore, the convergence of AI and blockchain technology is revolutionizing the smart city network architecture to build sustainable ecosystems. However, these advances in technology bring both opportunities and challenges in creating sustainable smart cities.To help planners and developers to meet these challenges and exploit these opportunities, Deep Learning and Blockchain Technology for Smart and Sustainable Cities takes a deep dive into the technologies and applications that enable smart and sustainable cities. It provides a comprehensive literature review of the security issues and problems that impact the deployment of blockchain systems in smart cities. It presents a detailed discussion of key factors in the convergence of blockchain and DL technologies that help form sustainable smart societies. The book also discusses blockchain security enhancement solutions and summarizes main key points necessary for developing various blockchain and DL-based intelligent transportation systems.The book concludes with a discussion of open issues and future research direction. These include new security suggestions and guidelines for a sustainable smart city ecosystem. Also discussed is 6G-enabled DL and blockchain in real time applications
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Wajid, Mohammad Saif / Terashima-Marin, Hugo et al. (eds.),
Digital Twins for Smart Cities and Urban Planning: From Virtual to Reality. 328 pp. 2025:4 (CRC Pr., US) <740-994>
ISBN 978-1-032-83631-7 hard ¥36,179.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
This book discusses the concept of the digital twin, which has the potential to change how systems are managed and created. It also discusses the metaverse as a new technology with literary roots, cross-platform avatars, and artificial intelligence-related cybersecurity risks.Digital Twin for Smart Cities and Urban Planning from Virtual to Reality provides practitioners with concrete problem-solving methodologies while covering the most recent and cutting-edge Digital Twin application technologies in diverse fields. It highlights the benefits of Digital Twins in terms of data visualization, real-time data analytics, and learning, which leads to increased confidence in decision making. The book discusses the metaverse as a new technology with literary roots, cross-platform avatars, and artificial intelligence-related cybersecurity risks. It also evaluates the opportunities that DT can provide for smart cities and discusses the prerequisites for secure, safe, and sustainable smart cities. It also explores the mix between industrial internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and software analytics with spatial network graphs to construct living digital simulation models that update and alter in response to changes in their physical counterparts. The chapters also focus on Digital Twin Driven smart design which establishes a foundation for the adoption of digital twin technology in product design by drawing on the most recent industry practice and research.The book is an excellent resource for practitioners and scholars in manufacturing, operations research, and communications who are thinking about digitizing their assets and related services. It is also a helpful resource for graduate students and academics looking to better understand pioneering Digital Twins technologies.
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Young, Sarah L. / Redding, Carly L.,
Community Change in Action: A Roadmap for Students. (Community Development Research and Practice Series) 212 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-996>
ISBN 978-1-032-36774-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-36775-0 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
Community Change in Action guides students through the process of turning their personal passion into goal-driven action for community development. Using an evidence-based curriculum, the book breaks down exactly how to initiate and drive social change in a way that speaks to the unique characteristics of Gen Zs.Each chapter provides step-by-step actions, analyzes real-life examples, and supplies the necessary tools for success. The authors' multiple decades of experience leading students in community development, both in the United States and abroad, spawn a rich and engaging source for these examples. Each step is highlighted through Gen Zs narrated examples of using the guide and the associated toolkits to implement major social change initiatives, from rural America to Sri Lanka and beyond.This book takes best practice approaches to youth leadership, community development, and social change beyond the classroom, inspiring and illustrating how Gen Z students can take their passion and turn it into social action.
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Zaidan, Esmat / Ibrahim, Imad Antoine / Azar, Elie (eds.),
Smart Cities to Smart Societies: Moving Beyond Technology. (Routledge Studies in Sustainability) 268 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-997>
ISBN 978-1-032-57429-5 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-57430-1 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
This book explores the governance of smart cities from a holistic approach, arguing that the creation of smart cities must consider the specific the circumstances of each country to improve the preservation, revitalisation, liveability, and sustainability of urban areas. The recent push for smart cities is part of an effort to reshape urban development through megaprojects, centralised master planning, and approaches that convey modernism and global affluence. However, moving towards a citywide smart transition is a major undertaking, and complexities are expected to grow exponentially. This book argues that a comprehensive approach is necessary to consider all relevant aspects. The chapters seek to identify the potential and pitfalls of the smart transformation of urban communities and its role in sustainability goals, share state-of-the-art practices concerning technology, policy and social science dimensions in smart cities and communities, and develop opportunities for cooperation and partnership in wider and larger research and development programmes. Divided into three sections, the first part of the book highlights the significance of various societal elements and factors in facilitating a successful smart transition, with a particular emphasis on the role of human capital. The second part delves into the challenges associated with technology and its integration into smart city initiatives. The final part of the book examines the current state of regulations and policies governing smart cities. The book will be an important asset for students and researchers studying law, engineering, political science, international relations, geopolitics, economics and engineering.
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van Eerd, Maartje / Banerjee, Banashree (eds.),
Urban River Restoration and Waterfront Development in Asian Cities: The Social Question. 230 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-800>
ISBN 978-1-032-29151-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-99313-3 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
The book looks at recent initiatives for river restoration and riverfront intended to contribute to making Asian cities clean, resilient and investment worthy. It uses an interdisciplinary perspective to assert that insufficient consideration of social issues in the planning and management of urban riverscapes leads to social exclusion. Utilising diverse entry points and theoretical orientations, every chapter of the volume contributes to the exploration of the way urban river restoration is entwined with questions around urban citizenship, violation of international housing rights, poverty and vulnerability, livelihoods, and the use of common property resources. It explores the social aspects of well-known cases and examples of river restoration projects from Asian megacities such as Lahore, Dhaka, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangkok, Manila, and secondary cities in India. While touching on the technical, ecological, and recreational aspects of urban river restoration and riverfront development, the book focuses upon social issues related to displacement, contestations around land and water, the right to adequate housing and the interconnected rights to livelihoods, health, and food security.Enriched with empirical evidence and theoretical underpinnings, this book will be useful for students, teachers and researchers of urban studies, urban geography, urban planning, urban ecology, sociology, community development, and policy and governance. It will also provide valuable case material for practitioners in those disciplines.
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有賀隆編 持続可能なアーバニズムのための日本の環境デザイン及び管理-里山から学ぶ
Ariga, Takashi (ed.),
Japanese Environmental Design and Management for Sustainable Urbanism: Learning from Satoyama. (Planning, Heritage and Sustainability) 242 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-801>
ISBN 978-1-032-79824-0 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book responds to the need to rehabilitate the holistic urban environment by introducing planning approaches which focus on the Japanese idea of "Satoyama.""Sustainable development" has become a prime concern of planning, and society is expending great efforts to achieving this end. Appreciation of cities' environmental assets has become more widely accepted and deeply taken to heart-not only by specialists, but also by citizens and communities. The balance between human settlements and the natural environment has changed. This has posed an environmental issue in that urban settlements engulf the greenbelts and water networks that help sustain the urban natural environment. Given these issues, we must consider a morphology toward creating a more sustainable urban system that regenerates the relationship between human settlements, utilizing the architectural resources within our urban fabric, and its interaction with the surrounding natural environments. This book is a guide to the theory, methodologies and practical applications of environmental design and city and regional planning of regenerative systems towards sustainable urbanism. This book also explores the socio-cultural and economic implications of sustainable urbanism, and examines urban forms, land use patterns and their built-up environments that can result from the applications.This book will appeal to a wide range of readers including researchers and students of architectural design, urban planning, heritage protection and sustainable development, but also professionals who are involved in improving the relationship of human settlements with natural resources.
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浅川達人、橋本健二、平原幸輝著 不平等と都市空間-東京圏の社会地図 1990~2010年
Asakawa, Tatsuto / Hashimoto, Kenji / Hirahara, Yuki,
Inequality and Urban Space: Social Atlas of Tokyo Metropolitan Area 1990-2010. 176 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-802>
ISBN 978-1-032-85126-6 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
Asakasa, Hashimoto and Hirahara explores the widening inequality and its social consequences in Tokyo Metropolitan area by using two approaches, one from social class and social stratification theory and the other from urban sociology. The book uses social atlases to visualize the socio-spatial structure of Tokyo, the most populous metropolitan area in the world using the analysis from the 1990, 2000 and 2010 National Census data. Until the 1970s, Japanese society had relatively small economic disparity between social classes. Today, Japan is a society of great inequality, with a huge number of people with low socio-economic status and many problems caused by poverty. The socio-spatial structure of thirty years of widening inequality in the metropolitan Tokyo area, which is fraught with many social problems, such as urban polarization, emergence of underclasses and health disparities are explored in this book. The structure and dynamics of class disparities among Tokyo Metropolitan area residents is also analysed. Overall, this book visualises three decades of widening inequality. A vital resource for researchers, graduate students, undergraduates, urban policy makers and urban planners who are interested about Tokyo as a metropolis in East Asia and those keen on understanding the widening inequality and its social consequences in Tokyo Metropolitan area.
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Lin, Zhongjie,
Constructing Utopias: China's New Town Movement in the 21st Century. 352 pp. 2025:6 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <740-812>
ISBN 978-0-19-779329-9 hard ¥21,671.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-0-19-779330-5 paper ¥8,753.- (税込) US$ 39.99
Amid its groundbreaking political reforms and "largest mass migration ever seen in human history," China created over 3,800 new towns to accommodate its burgeoning urban population and sustain economic growth. Economic marketization, global trade, inter-city competition, and the exponentially growing real estate industry have driven tremendous investment in infrastructure and large-scale developments, stimulating continuous urban expansion. Surpassing any urbanization initiatives in history, contemporary Chinese new towns emerged as the national campaign to reimagine Chinese cities while reshaping the global geo-economic landscape. Constructing Utopias examines four decades of Chinese urbanization through the lens of urbanism and utopianism. After exploring the theoretical foundations and historical precedents of new town development, the book delves into a series of "model new towns" that showcase innovative planning, design, technologies, policies, and China's broader vision for a modern urban nation. Case studies of the Suzhou Industrial Park, One City and Nine Towns in Shanghai, prototypical eco-cities, and the notorious "ghost towns" form the core of this book, highlighting fundamental issues in urbanization including economic vitality, cultural identity, environmental sustainability, and socio-spatial dynamics. The author scrutinizes these new towns not only as grand visions of governments, planners, and developers but also as physical spaces embodying the struggles and aspirations of residents and migrant workers. By examining both the successes and failures of Chinese new town planning and development, this book illuminates the complex interplay between space production and social transformation within the context of neoliberalism and globalization.
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Shin, Hyun Bang / Zhao, Yimin / Koh, Sin Yee (eds.),
The Urbanising Dynamics of Global China: Speculation, Articulation, and Translation in Global Capitalism. 115 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-818>
ISBN 978-1-041-02995-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
The book focuses on the urban dimension of global China, especially regarding the impacts of its urbanising dynamics on the (re)imaginings and manifestations of global urban futures. It situates China's urban question in contemporary global change, and vice versa, by understanding the rise of global China as an urban process that weaves together compressed spaces, variegated times and trans-scalar power dynamics in the making of global capitalism.The overseas expansion of China's economic influence has long been foregrounded in media reports and policy debates, especially with the rise of the Belt and Road Initiative that has turned China into one of the key investors in the global South. The term Global China has been widely adopted to depict the geopolitical dimension of this immense flow of capital. This edited volume explores the urban manifestation of "Global China" at different scales and involving diverse actors, discussing the ways in which the urban has been reconfigured by China's global expansion and uncovering the differentiated modes of speculative and spectacular urban production at present. Observing from Ghana, India, Malaysia and China, chapters in this book collectively make theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions to recognise the dynamics of speculation, articulation and translation in global capitalism, where China plays an increasingly significant role. Three main themes have guided the book's interrogation of what global China implies. These include: (a) transplanting models and urbanism; (b) multi-scalar construction of temporality; and (c) situating the urban China model in global capitalism.These aspects mark the core of the book's endeavour to extend the critique of our changing urban conditions at present. This book was originally published as a special issue of Urban Geography.
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O'Connor, Sara,
Civic Activism in Authoritarian Space: Urban Development Interventions in Kazakhstan. (Post-Soviet Politics) 192 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-829>
ISBN 978-1-032-75867-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book is about citizenship under globalized governance, and how people in urban spaces manoeuvre overlapping authorities to advance their common interests. It shows how citizens can affect change in the policy implementation process by creating spaces and opportunities for political participation, while at the same time staying "safe" and free from surveillance in settings of political repression. The comparative case study of political participation in urban development politics in three cities in Kazakhstan, shows that, despite the centralized and authoritarian nature of Kazakhstan's government, there are variations in governance within a centralized sovereign state. This volume offers new ways to think creatively about political activism and collective agency by describing novel, citizen-created modes of effective political participation in a non-democratic setting. It will appeal to students of political science, global studies, post-Soviet studies, natural resource politics and international development. Further, this book will be of great interest to civil society organizations, government officials and activists operating under authoritarian and transitioning regimes, or in resource rich states.
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Alraouf, Ali A. / Al-Jayyousi, Odeh / Al-Kodmany, K. (eds.),
City Re-construction: Urban Policy Innovation Towards Sustainable Cities in MENA Region. (Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City) 310 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-857>
ISBN 978-1-032-85761-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
Focusing on the MENA region, this book discusses the complexities of rebuilding cities amid wars and conflicts, highlighting the importance of harnessing global knowledge.It explores innovative approaches to urban planning, emphasizing the transformative power of "creative destruction" in shaping intelligent, diverse cities. Through the lens of mission-oriented innovation policies, it advocates for sectoral collaboration to tackle grand challenges, such as Sustainable Development Goals and climate change. It delves into the systemic nature of mission-oriented policies, drawing on science and innovation to address urban challenges and transform socio-technological regimes.The book's three parts unfold a comprehensive exploration, encompassing historical reflections, current challenges, and future possibilities in city reconstruction. It provides a nuanced understanding of past endeavors, examines contemporary issues, and offers forward-thinking perspectives, creating a rich tapestry for urban planners, policymakers, and scholars.
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Dawson, Hannah J,
Making a Life: Young Men on Johannesburg's Urban Margins. 208 pp. 2025:5 (Wits U. Pr., SA) <740-888>
ISBN 978-1-77614-954-4 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-77614-953-7 paper ¥4,378.- (税込) US$ 20.00
Thieme, Tatiana,
Hustle Urbanism: Making Life Work in Nairobi. 360 pp. 2025:3 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-913>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1798-2 hard ¥26,268.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1799-9 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00
Exploring hustle as a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon in contemporary Nairobi In Nairobi's underserved neighborhoods, "hustle" has emerged as both a vital survival strategy and a way of life for youth. Exploring the multiple meanings and manifestations of the hustle economy across different scenarios of provisioning, distribution, exchange, learning, and mobilizing, Hustle Urbanism draws on more than a decade of ethnographic engagement to center the logics, perspectives, and inventive strategies of a group of youth who constantly navigate job scarcity, inadequate basic services, and climate-induced harms. Tatiana Thieme shows how young people develop tools of resistance against the legacies of colonial violence and uneven urban development while carving out spaces of opportunity for themselves and their peers. The stories she includes bring thick ethnographic detail and longitudinal perspective to the lives and livelihoods of youth whose diverse skill sets and knowledges span from circular economies and eco-activism to hip hop and local leadership. Filling a significant gap in both existing scholarship and popular discussion, Hustle Urbanism offers critical theorization of precarious urban environments and the affirmative modes of making life work in the city against the odds. While Thieme cautions against fetishizing hustle as a form of social and economic uplift, she calls for a greater recognition of the ingenuity and skill involved in hustle urbanism, arguing that studying hustle narratives and practices opens up timely empirical and theoretical questions about overlapping urban struggles and possibilities that coexist in the everyday city. Retail e-book files for this title are screen-reader friendly with images accompanied by short alt text and/or extended descriptions.
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Wyman, Katrina M. / Spiegel-Feld, Danielle,
Local Greens: Cities and 21st Century Environmental Problems. 280 pp. 2025:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <740-963>
ISBN 978-1-316-51541-9 hard ¥23,655.- (税込) GB£ 85.00
ISBN 978-1-009-01197-6 paper ¥7,789.- (税込) GB£ 27.99
Bahmanteymouri, Elham,
Cities and Digital Platforms. 200 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-968>
ISBN 978-1-032-40275-8 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-40276-5 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
Cities and Digital Platforms unravels the transformative impact of digital platforms such as Airbnb and Zoom on urban landscapes, illustrating their profound influence on housing, city planning, and the broader economic fabric.Through rigorous case studies from cities such as Amsterdam, Auckland, Sydney, and Singapore, this book delves into the operational dynamics of these platforms as part of the broader "Cybernetic Capital Cycle", a concept developed by the author to describe the nuanced interplay between digital innovations and capitalist cycles. This thorough analysis examines the dual roles of digital platforms as both disruptors and catalysts for urban transformation. It confronts the challenges of spatial inequality and probes the potential of digital solutions in fostering equitable urban development.This book is an essential read for policymakers, urban planners, and anyone intrigued by the intersection of technology, economy, and urban life, providing critical insights into the evolving dynamics of our cities in the digital age.
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Barbero, Silvia / Timpe, Axel (eds.),
Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Renewal in Post-Industrial Cities. 320 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-969>
ISBN 978-1-032-75623-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-75621-9 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99
This book, based on the experiences and insights gained during the Horizon 2020 project proGIreg, offers a detailed overview of targeted nature-based solutions and their impacts on various key sustainability areas, guiding readers through the spatial analysis, co-design, and implementation processes of cities in Europe and Asia. Chapters shed light on the challenges and opportunities encountered in each location, including Germany, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Portugal, and Romania, and China. It also shares essential lessons learned and a wide range of indicators crucial for assessing the benefits of nature-based solutions on social innovation, circular economy, biodiversity, and health. Finally, the focus of the book shifts to the future of nature-based solutions as catalysts for new and green community economies as well as policies aimed at addressing climate change and urban renewal. The lessons and insights from the projects highlighted in this book will be valuable for urban planners and policymakers worldwide, as well as for a broader audience interested in nature-based solutions and urban regeneration.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.
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Coyne, Richard,
AI and Language in the Urban Context: Conversational Artificial Intelligence in Cities. 334 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-970>
ISBN 978-1-032-87992-5 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-87990-1 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99
In a world influenced increasingly by artificial intelligence (AI), the city emerges as a dynamic hub of digital conversations. AI and Language in the Urban Context offers a novel exploration of how AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), is transforming urban environments. Moving beyond the typical technological narratives, this book draws on the author's unique expertise in design, semiotics and hermeneutics to present a critical cultural perspective on AI's role in the city.Focusing on the intersection of urban theory and AI, the book reveals how conversational AI is reshaping social interactions, decision-making processes, and media in urban spaces. By merging practical knowledge of AI algorithms with an understanding of urban practices, the author highlights the opportunities and challenges AI presents for modern cities.This book is essential for anyone interested in the future of urban living. It provides a deep dive into the technical, social and cultural implications of AI in cities, offering practical examples and philosophical insights. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI is influencing the design, governance and dynamics of urban life in the digital age.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
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Denman, Derek S.,
Fortress Power: Hostile Designs and the Politics of Spatial Control. 232 pp. 2025:7 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-972>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1792-0 hard ¥21,890.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1793-7 paper ¥5,472.- (税込) US$ 25.00
A compelling treatise on the relationship between power and enclosureFortress Power presents a genealogy of fortification as a material and political technology intent on obstruction, tracing its implementation across battlefields, borders, and urban environments. Drawing on the influential work of philosophers Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, Derek S. Denman places the fortress alongside the archetypes of the prison and the camp, citing them as paradigmatic of how space is transformed into a tool of domination and control. Focusing on the defensive architecture of bastion fortresses, urban design, and border landscapes, Fortress Power charts the rise of a form of governance grounded in hostility, extending the scope of its subject from a piece of military construction to a much broader political concept. Detailing how power manifests in everything from city centers to international boundaries, the book analyzes the logic of fortification as it moves through various contexts in the advancement of surveillance, exploitation, warfare, and political authority. Through a unique blend of architecture and design studies, political theory, international relations, geography, and migration studies, Denman outlines the disquieting legacy of the fortress to highlight its role in the formation of modern government and the enactment of violence. In an era marked by the increasing prevalence of authoritarian power and conflicting geopolitical boundaries, he presents an insightful investigation of the weaponization of the built environment.
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Garcia, Patricia / Pike, David (eds.),
Urban Undergrounds: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Perspectives. 214 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-973>
ISBN 978-1-032-90554-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-91463-3 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
Research in urban development in the social sciences has increasingly emphasized the importance of underground infrastructure for envisaging sustainable cities and for critiquing the economies of extraction. Urban Undergrounds: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Perspectives demonstrates the urgency of integrating a below-ground perspective into the emerging field of urban humanities.The collection is divided into three thematic sections that cluster and revisit different sets of well-known motifs in underground studies: "Displaced", "Wasted" and "Buried." It showcases the intermedial nature of underground-focused analyses in literature, extending from literary texts to a wider range of cultural forms, including films, graphic novels and videogames. The contributors build on recent scholarship that has expanded the field into new interdisciplinary areas, including intersections with memory studies, ecocriticism and decolonial perspectives. Urban Undergrounds also explores lesser-studied subterranes, including Warsaw, Athens, Mexico City, Johannesburg and Santiago de Chile. The book's substantial introduction offers a guiding theoretical and methodological framework for future scholars working with underground perspectives in literary and cultural studies.This thought-provoking and illuminating collection is a valuable resource for students and scholars of comparative Literature in the areas of Literary Urban Studies, Underground Studies and Geocriticism, and more broadly in the Urban Humanities and Spatial Humanities.
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Karunaratne, Gihan (ed.),
Displaced Urbanism. (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design) 304 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-975>
ISBN 978-1-032-74828-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book critically interrogates dominant narratives surrounding displacement by offering an in-depth examination of how it unfolds across diverse urban and rural settings worldwide. It addresses the intricate realities of displacement and its impact on the built environment.Through a series of case studies spanning cities, refugee camps, and small towns, the book reveals how communities are uprooted and resettled not solely due to conflict or political unrest but also to economic shifts, environmental changes, and urban development. Challenging conventional dichotomies between voluntary and forced migration and formal and informal resettlement, this volume advocates for a nuanced understanding of displacement that captures the lived experiences of affected communities. Examining the politics of space-making in urban contexts, the book interrogates the roles of governments, private corporations, and individuals in shaping displacement dynamics. Thematic sections provide diverse perspectives on the creation, transformation, and contestation of urban spaces in the context of mobility and migration.This volume critically analyzes the socio-spatial transformations prompted by displacement, bringing together scholars from anthropology, architecture, urban planning, and related fields. It examines the socio-spatial shifts triggered by displacement, emphasising the role of human agency in navigating and reshaping environments under displacement conditions. This collection is essential for scholars and students in architecture, urban studies, sociology, and migration studies, as well as practitioners and professionals engaged in urban development and policymaking.
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Kato, Yuki,
Gardens of Hope: Cultivating Food and the Future in a Post-Disaster City. 320 pp. 2025:5 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-976>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2737-4 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-2740-4 paper ¥7,004.- (税込) US$ 32.00
Social changes through urban gardening and farming Gardens are often spaces of hope, expected to solve many problems in a city including food insecurity and climate resilience. In fact, there has been a historical trend of urban gardening gaining popularity during times of crisis. Gardens of Hope is the story of urban gardening in New Orleans in the decade after Hurricane Katrina. Yuki Kato highlights the impact urban gardens have on communities after disasters and the efforts of well-intended individuals envisioning alternative futures in the form of urban farming. Drawing on repeated interviews with residents who began cultivation projects in New Orleans between 2005 and 2015, Kato explains how good intentions and grit were not enough to implement or sustain urban gardeners' visions for the post-disaster city's future. Coining the term "prefigurative urbanism," Kato illustrates how individuals tried to realize alternative ways of living and working in the city through pragmatism and innovation. Gardens of Hope asks key questions about what inspires and enables individuals to pursue prefigurative urbanism and about the potential and limitations of this form of civic engagement to bring about short- and long-term changes in cities undergoing transformation, from gentrification, post-pandemic recovery, to climate change.
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Lee, Sungduck / Talen, Emily,
Urban Density Contextualized: Design Strategies for Building Density in Cities. 164 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-977>
ISBN 978-1-032-34909-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-34910-7 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99
Urban Density Contextualized provides planners with the tools to understand, assess, and implement urban density successfully.It systematically explores the social context of urban density, and how it plays a role in urban design and planning strategies. Cities and places have unique cultures and identities, and a wide range of considerations need to be considered in the attempt to insert more density. This book acknowledges this relationship - between urban density and social and physical context - and investigates the ways in which density can use this context to enhance livability and promote a more sustainable world. Chapters include the following topics: density and housing, accessibility, affordability, zoning, typology, and history, as well as case studies of design strategy from across the US.It is essential for urban planners, architects, landscape architects and others working in design and planning fields.
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Mahmoudi, Matt,
Migrants in the Digital Periphery: New Urban Frontiers of Control. 272 pp. 2025:2 (U. California Pr., US) <740-979>
ISBN 978-0-520-39700-2 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39701-9 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95
As the fortification of Europe's borders and its hostile immigration terrain has taken shape, so too have the biometric and digital surveillance industries. And when US Immigration Customs Enforcement aggressively reinforced its program of raids, detention, and family separation, it was powered by Silicon Valley corporations. In cities of refuge, where communities on the move once lived in anonymity and proximity to familial and diaspora networks, the possibility for escape is diminishing. As cities rely increasingly on tech companies to develop digital urban infrastructures for accessing information, identification, services, and socioeconomic life at large, they also invite the border to encroach further on migrant communities, networks, and bodies. In this book, Matt Mahmoudi unveils how the unsettling convergence of Silicon Valley logics, austere and xenophobic migration management practices, and racial capitalism has allowed tech companies to close in on the final frontiers of fugitivity-and suggests how we might counteract their machines through our own refusal.
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Moore, Kathryn / Nikologianni, Anastasia et al. (eds.),
Integrated Landscapes in Policy, Practice and Everyday Life. 430 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-980>
ISBN 978-0-367-45873-7 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-0-367-45874-4 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99
Exploring the ways in which an integrated landscape vision can help deliver regional, national and international agendas, this book investigates how a new idea of landscape can reimagine governance, policy, economics, culture, identity, health, transport and development priorities by connecting in a more powerful and meaningful way with local aspirations and demands. Developed in fieldwork undertaken over the last decade, the capacity of a landscape-led approach to deal with problems such as rapid urbanisation, water and food security, climate change, air pollution and health is both timely and topical. Divided into three main sections, it includes illustrated case studies from the UK, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, and more. As part of a strategy to capture, build and disseminate expertise in this approach, the book aims to develop an interdisciplinary body of work that will appeal to academics and professionals, by bringing together a number of contributors who are operating at the cutting edge of landscape led large-scale transformation. This book is essential for practitioners and academics of landscape architecture, as well as students in the architecture and design fields.
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Olcar, Cumhur,
Urbanised Society in the Age of Cities: Spatial Governance for Transforming the Urban Space. 346 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-982>
ISBN 978-1-032-75239-6 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book details the transformation processes that impinge on constitutionally ordained governance, by drawing on the new theoretical approaches in the Urban Sciences. It is unique in terms of its focused content, which thoroughly analyses the transformation of space and governance in Turkey and beyond, and how urban institutions have emerged and changed since their inception.Underlining the distinct structural characteristics, this book unearths the significant socio-political and economic processes which are critical to the political articulation of governance in cities. It follows a multi-disciplinary approach which helps understand 'the social churning' that has radically altered the conventions of urban politics. The book also attempts to draw-out the theoretical implications of cities' peculiar socio-economic and political processes, based on a rigorous empirical investigation, in which 'political' is visioned, as well as fashioned.This book will be useful to students, researchers and teachers working in the field of urban and social science, public administration, urban sociology, political economy, and urban politics. It will also be an invaluable and interesting reading for those invested in Asian studies.
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Sageidet, Barbara Maria / Mueller-Eie, D. et al. (eds.),
A Nordic Smart Sustainable City: Lessons from Theory and Practice. (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 268 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-984>
ISBN 978-1-032-81211-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book critically explores research and development on the smart sustainable city, emphasizing the tension and association between smartness and sustainability, both as a concept and as a phenomenon in a Nordic context.Worldwide, increasing urbanization and its related challenges, along with urgent environmental issues, have sped up the international interest for smart, sustainable cities as a concept that could increase the efficiency of services, minimize environmental impacts, and improve the quality of living in cities and urban areas. This book discusses the provenance, substance, and processes of the smart sustainable city, with illustrative examples of how it is translated into urban realities in a medium-sized city, drawing upon Stavanger, one of the first, and one of the leading smart sustainable cities in Europe. The book's multidisciplinary perspectives and thematic lenses include education and knowledge, arts and culture, safety, climate and sustainability, mobility and transport, economics, democracy, participation, innovation and entrepreneurship, data, and communication. While demonstrating the academic breadth and wide-ranging impact of the smart sustainable city concept, the book promotes and updates the ground for mutual understanding, communication, and collaboration between multiple disciplines and stakeholders involved in developing functional, democratic, and sustainable solutions for the urban present and future.A Nordic Smart Sustainable City: Lessons from Theory and Practice presents an overview of current approaches in a readable format for practitioners and administrators in municipalities and related businesses, for researchers, academics, educators, students, and stakeholders.
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Trupia, Francesco,
Islamophobia in European Cities: Solidarities, Responses and Dilemmas for Young Balkan Muslims. (Routledge Advances in Minority Studies) 204 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-174>
ISBN 978-1-032-96480-5 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
The demise of socialism in Southeast Europe coincided with the breakout of wars and genocidal violence against local Muslim populations. After being displaced and forced to migrate to different European countries, those former socialist citizens quickly developed institutions of sociability and unobtrusively enacted postulates of solidarity. This book brings a spotlight on the "generations after" born to Balkan Muslim families whose repatriation could not take place due to the continuous political instability and insecurity in their homeland. It investigates the new modes of these "second generations" to respond to the current crisis of liberal democracy and rampant Islamophobia in their places of residence. By relating spatial issues to broader religious and political questions, this study shines a light on the civic engagement, religious practices and political sensitivities of young Muslims with Balkan roots in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Poland. The book will be of interest to academics, researchers and policy-makers working in the areas of Islamic Studies, Migration Studies, Anthropology of Religion and Memory Studies.
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Hayden, Tiana Bakic / Martin, Joaquin Perez (eds.),
Urban Food Systems in Latin America: Territories, Mobilities and Governance. (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) 268 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-222>
ISBN 978-1-032-75006-4 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-75005-7 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
Drawing on a range of case studies from across Latin America, this book highlights the ways that urbanization shapes the food systems that feed this region's cities, approaching the problem of food in cities as a particularly urban problem.Latin America is the most urbanized area in the world, with nearly eighty percent of the population living in cities, where rates of food and nutritional insecurity are persistently high, and where the social and spatial organization is characterized by inequality and segregation. The broader questions addressed in this volume are: How do the specific processes and dynamics of Latin American urbanization influence or shape food systems? How can urban food systems develop forms of governance that supports food security and sustainability? After a general introduction, this volume is organized in three main sections: territories, mobilities, and governance. The chapters consider how specific elements such as urban planning, zoning, migration, gentrification, informal settlements, logistics, retailers, wholesale markets and street vendors, among others, contribute to shaping how food is distributed, sold and bought in cities. Drawing on studies and theoretical approaches written by scholars and practitioners from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico, this book provides a Latin American perspective on global discussions surrounding the role of cities in ensuring food access to urban populations.This volume will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers interested in food systems, food studies, urban planning, sustainable urban development and Latin American studies.
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M.ソコロフスキー、新保史生編 スマートシティと日本のエネルギー移行-過去、現在、将来
Sokolowski, Maciej / Shimpo, Fumio (eds.),
Smart Cities and Japan's Energy Transition: Past, Present, and Future. (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies) 300 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-241>
ISBN 978-1-032-74900-6 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book offers a complex and problem-based analysis of the past, present, and future of smart cities in Japan's energy transition.With 92% of Japanese living in urban areas and a goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Japan's energy future will depend largely on how its cities can become smarter, greener, and more resilient. To reach these ambitions, a collective effort is required, with actions coming from Tokyo to Kumamoto, from Yokohama to Sapporo, and throughout dozens of Japanese smaller and bigger urban structures. The book addresses the key issues that have emerged or may emerge in various Japanese cities that are pursuing smart energy initiatives. The authors examine several issues including international cooperation, heating decarbonisation, foreign direct investments, city planning, housing policies, or technology-related risks in the context of Japan's energy transition.Drawing on case studies from different regions of Japan and sectors of Japanese economy significant for reaching carbon neutrality, this book will be a valuable resource for all interested in energy transition, climate action, and smart cities, where Japan and Japanese smart cities serve as excellent benchmarks.
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M.ソコロフスキー、新保史生編 日本のエネルギー移行-スマートシティとスマートな解決策
Sokolowski, Maciej M. / Shimpo, Fumio (eds.),
The Energy Transition in Japan: Smart Cities and Smart Solutions. (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies) 244 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-242>
ISBN 978-1-032-74896-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book offers a distinctive and comprehensive view of the energy transition of Japan, with a particular focus on the rise of smart cities.Drawing on real examples from Japan's journey towards carbon neutrality, this volume examines a variety of topics ranging from laws and policies to technological and managerial solutions, discussing them in the context of Japan's energy transition. Among the issues covered by the book are climate action planning, sustainable waste management, energy poverty, decarbonisation, e-methane, transport policies, and smart grids. The book also explores the regulatory tools that either support or hinder the development of smart cities in Japan, and how Japan can leverage its national solutions globally. In this way, this book serves as a guide for global climate action and energy transitions around the world.Focusing on both stories of success and lessons learned, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of energy transitions, climate action, smart cities, as well as Asian and Japanese studies more broadly.
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Prytherch, David L.,
Reclaiming the Road: Mobility Justice beyond Complete Streets. 296 pp. 2025:6 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-256>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1644-2 hard ¥23,641.- (税込) US$ 108.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1645-9 paper ¥5,910.- (税込) US$ 27.00
Imagining equitable streets for all For the past century, our roadways have been engineered as pipes for cars, but they offer vast potential as public spaces. From New York and Boston to Portland and Los Angeles, cities are rethinking their streets, going beyond sidewalks and bike lanes to welcome nonmotorists to share the asphalt roadway itself. Reclaiming the Road traces the historical evolution of America's streets and explores contemporary movements to retake them from cars-temporarily and permanently-for diverse forms of mobility and community life. To share the street raises important questions of equity, in transportation and beyond. David L. Prytherch proposes a bold, intersectional vision of a more just street. Reclaiming the Road connects cutting-edge theory, policy analysis, and firsthand accounts from those leading the charge in transforming our streets to advocate for changing how we think about and design roads. Prytherch features case studies of nine major cities in the United States to show how experiments in reclaiming streets accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic to become lasting changes. Through in-depth interviews, he shares stories of how planners, transportation advocates, and community leaders have implemented innovative programs for slowing neighborhood streets, opening roads for walking and biking, and reconstructing roadways with public parklets and street plazas as social spaces for curbside conversation. Examining movements to transform streets through the lenses of equity and justice, Reclaiming the Road tackles the conceptual challenge of defining mobility justice and the practicalities of planning a more just public street, offering a compelling vision for the future of America's public spaces. Retail e-book files for this title are screen-reader friendly with images accompanied by short alt text and/or extended descriptions.
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