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掲載点数 全17件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Bartolotti, Fabien / Lambert, Olivier / Raveux, O. (dir.), Les mondes de l'economie: XVIIIe-XXIe siecle: arpenter l'histoire avec Xavier Daumalin. (Confluent des sciences) 325 p. 2024:11 (Pr. U. de Provence, FR) <740-312>
ISBN 979-10-320-0531-6 paper ¥6,864.- (税込) EUR 30.00



グローバルな小麦貿易史-アクターとダイナミクス 1840~1914年
Bertilorenzi, Marco / Fumian, Carlo / Gozzini, G. (eds.), A History of the Global Wheat Trade: Actors and Dynamics (1840-1914). (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 256 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-313>
ISBN 978-1-032-64229-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

During the second half of the nineteenth century, a new global market for wheat came to the fore. Ever since, scarce and perishable food has been transformed into a modern global commodity, millions of tons of which is sold, bought and transported across the oceans, providing the "daily bread" for a fast-growing world population.This book explores the historical origin of the global wheat market, offering an actor-centred view of the history of this new global commodity. The contributions to this volume demonstrate that the development of the global wheat trade through the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has not only impacted the world food regime, it also led to the dissemination of new economic institutions. Countless technological innovations, such as elevators or telegraphic lines, have paved the way to the creation of new financial tools for trade, such as futures and grain exchanges, which transformed the market. The book also examines new global actors, such Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, or Burge y Born, who took advantage of the new opportunities provided by the interlinked and globalized world grain trade. For the first time in history, the price of a single commodity which was crucial for human life ended up being decided in the areas of production by the producers and started to be fixed further afield, in specific and anonymous trading places.The book will be of great interest to historians of economics, business, trade, agriculture, globalization and commodities.

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Campien, Arnaud (ed.), 150 ans de la Caisse publique de prets sur gages: 1872-2022. (Varia) 120 p. 2024:11 (Droz, SZ) <740-314>
ISBN 978-2-600-06560-3 paper ¥5,033.- (税込) EUR 22.00



Castelli, Thibaut, Des amphores, du grain et des hommes: les relations politiques et economiques des cites de l'ouest de la mer Noire avec le monde grec (Ve-Ier siecle a.C.). (Scripta antiqua) 579 p. 2024:11 (Ausonius, FR) <740-315>
ISBN 978-2-35613-619-0 paper ¥6,864.- (税込) EUR 30.00



Eloranta, Jari / Land, J. / Kuorelahti, E. et al. (eds.), The Routledge Economic History of War. (Routledge Handbooks in Economic History) 512 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-316>
ISBN 978-1-032-23025-2 hard ¥64,009.- (税込) GB£ 230.00

The Routledge Economic History of War presents a broad overview of the latest research on the long-lasting changes and effects that collapsing security in international relations have had on the world's economies and societies.Arranged around five key themes - Fiscal and Military Capacity, Military Spending, Economic Effects of War, War and Institutions, and Business and War - this handbook features contributions from an international range of scholars, on varying methodological approaches, theories, and geographical arenas. Encompassing a range of disciplinary approaches, the main focus is on how economic history can provide insights on the societal impact of war, addressing issues such as how war preparations and arms races affect government spending; the direct economic effects of war; and how societies adjust to the economic realities of rearmament and recovery. The volume also explores whether wars change or alter institutions such as governments, religion, and democracy. It also looks at what lessons we can learn from the past about military spending, state capacity, and the effects of war on both individual societies and global cooperation.Ultimately, this book provides a broad overview of the methodological, geographical, and multidisciplinary range of the economic history of war and demonstrates how war, economics, institutions, and society are inextricably linked throughout history.

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Hocquet, Jean-Claude, The Merchant of Venice: The Activity of Patricians in the Late Middle Ages. (Medieval Mediterranean 144) 320 pp. 2025:4 (Brill, NE) <740-318>
ISBN 978-90-04-70691-0 hard ¥38,667.- (税込) EUR 169.00

For the first time, The Merchant of Venice looks at the place and role of the late medieval merchant nobility in the great international trade that took place in the world known at the time, from China and Asia to Flanders and England. These merchants who travelled the world were also shipowners, sailors and bankers. They used modern banking techniques and credit based on bills of exchange held no secrets for them. They traded spices, porcelain, cotton and silk, dyes and glassware for drapery, wool and metals. These merchants used part of their profit to embellish their city, which amazed foreign visitors, and were always on the lookout for the latest discoveries and inventions. Venice was at the height of its power at the time, but it was also on the eve of its weakening.

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Humair, Cedric / Chachereau, Nicolas, L'energie en Suisse: de 1800 a nos jours. (Le savoir suisse. Histoire) 158 p. 2024:11 (Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, SZ) <740-319>
ISBN 978-2-88915-639-9 paper ¥3,408.- (税込) EUR 14.90



Meixner, Wolfgang / Siegl, Gerhard, Innovativ und wandlungsfaehig: Die Tiroler Industrie seit den 1970er Jahren. 192 S. 2024:5 (Studien Vlg., AU) <740-322>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6397-0 hard ¥9,128.- (税込) EUR 39.90

Nach Jahrzehnten des nahezu kontinuierlichen wirtschaftlichen Wachstums in der Nachkriegszeit kehrte ab den 1970er Jahren auch in Oesterreich und Tirol wieder die ?oekonomische Normalitaet“ mit Auf- und Abschwuengen von Konjunkturzyklen ein. Auf starke Konjunkturjahre folgten teils krisenartigen Abschwuenge (z.B. Oelpreiskrisen 1973 und 1979, Finanz- und Bankenkrise 2007/09, Coronakrise 2020/22), die Anpassungsprobleme nach sich zogen. Zudem setzte durch weltweite Innovationen im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (?Computerzeitalter“) und der zunehmenden Digitalisierung ein Wandel der Arbeits- und Lebenswelt ein, der in seinen Dimensionen nicht vorhersehbar war. Umso mehr war die Tiroler Industrie herausgefordert, mit Innovationen und Wandlungsfaehigkeit in diesem turbulenten halben Jahrhundert zu bestehen. Dieses Buch folgt auf die 1992 erschienene ?Geschichte der Tiroler Industrie“ von Helmut Alexander und benennt die strukturellen Veraenderungen in der Tiroler Industrie seit den 1970er Jahren. Die Autoren zeigen die dahinterliegenden treibenden Kraefte auf und beleuchten den Stellenwert der Tiroler Industrie, die wesentlich zum Wohlstand des Landes und seiner Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner beitraegt.

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Rideau-Kikuchi, Catherine (ed.), Contrats du livre imprime (Italie du Nord, 1470-1528): et ainsi les parties se sont accordees... (Archives du travail) 183 p. 2024:11 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <740-323>
ISBN 978-2-406-17382-3 hard ¥16,702.- (税込) EUR 73.00
ISBN 978-2-406-17381-6 paper ¥5,720.- (税込) EUR 25.00



Rosa, Alberto Dalla (etudes reunies et ed.), Etudes sur la propriete imperiale et l'economie dans l'Asie Mineure romaine. (Scripta antiqua) 162 p. 2024:11 (Ausonius, FR) <740-324>
ISBN 978-2-35613-614-5 paper ¥4,347.- (税込) EUR 19.00



Roulet, Eric (dir.), Genre et investissement: la part des femmes dans les societes par actions a l’epoque moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles). (Rencontres) 272 p. 2024:11 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <740-325>
ISBN 978-2-406-17422-6 hard ¥18,075.- (税込) EUR 79.00
ISBN 978-2-406-17423-3 paper ¥7,321.- (税込) EUR 32.00



Scharr, Kurt / Siegl, Gerhard (Hrsg.), Historische Kataster in Europa. Quellen und Forschungsstand. (Jahrbuch fuer Geschichte des laendlichen Raumes 20) 300 S. 2024:12 (Studien Vlg., AU) <740-326>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6212-6 paper ¥6,840.- (税込) EUR 29.90

Die systematische und schrittweise Einrichtung von (Grundsteuer-) Katastern im Verlauf des Langen 19. Jahrhunderts wird von der Forschung uebereinstimmend als wichtiger Beitrag zur Modernisierung europaeischer Oekonomien interpretiert. Kataster trugen aber auch ganz wesentlich zur Entstehung moderner Staaten bei. Mit Blick auf die gerade waehrend dieser Periode fortschreitende Vereinheitlichung von Rechtsraeumen, die Bodenbewertung und das Steuerwesen (Vermessung, Parzellierung, Bewertung, Besteuerung) koennen Kataster mithin als gelungener Versuch gesehen werden, wirtschaftliche, administrative und rechtliche Grossregionen (Zentralstaaten) zu schaffen. Die hier praesentierten und diskutierten Beitraege sind Ergebnis einer internationalen Konferenz, die 2020 in Innsbruck stattgefundenhat. Das JGLR 2023 legt daher seinen Fokus auf die Entstehungskontexte und Wirkung verschiedener europaeischer Kataster im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert im Vergleich. Kontinuitaeten wie Brueche in deren Anlegung und Fuehrung werden dabei ebenso in den Blick genommen wie ihre Bedeutung fuer die soziooekonomische Entwicklung der jeweiligen Staaten bis in die Gegenwart.

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Truxes, Thomas M. / Shovlin, John (eds.), The Amity Papers, 1690: The Siege of Limerick and Franco-Irish Mercantile Networks. (Records of Social and Economic History 68) 350 pp. 2025:3 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-327>
ISBN 978-0-19-726789-9 hard ¥39,796.- (税込) GB£ 143.00

The Amity Papers, 1690 reproduces 74 documents seized from the Irish vessel Amity trading with France at the height of the Williamite War (1689-1691). Mostly letters written by merchants (with a smaller number penned by Jacobite soldiers), the ship's papers illustrate particularly the plight of civilians during the 1690 siege of Limerick, which ended just weeks before the Amity sailed. The writers and their correspondents-mostly living in France-were part of two mercantile networks, one Catholic and the other Quaker. The collaboration between the two enabled Franco-Irish trade to continue despite wartime challenges. The letters also illuminate the economic consequences of wartime conditions in Ireland: requisitioning, the forced circulation of rapidly depreciating brass money, and the risks of buying or selling goods in this context.

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Kasper, Michael, 100 Jahre Energie aus Vorarlberg. 432 S. 2024:4 (Studien Vlg., AU) <740-238>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6399-4 hard ¥9,128.- (税込) EUR 39.90

"100 Jahre Energie aus Vorarlberg" beschreibt die Entwicklung der Vorarlberger Illwerke von ihrer Gruendung 1924 bis zum heutigen Tage und richtet den Blick weiter in die Zukunft der Energieversorgung. Auf der Basis unterschiedlichster Quellen wird auch das Schicksal der Zwangsarbeitskraefte in den Jahren des Zweiten Weltkrieges erlaeutert. Zeitzeugen beleuchten wirtschaftliche, politische und gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Vorarlberger Energiewirtschaft, die besonders durch die Moeglichkeit der Pumpspeicherung eine immer bedeutendere Rolle fuer die Stabilisierung des europaeischen Stromnetzes einnimmt. Visionaere, Pioniere, jahrzehntelange Partnerschaften, technische Meisterleistungen, historische Ereignisse und das zaehe Ringen der Verantwortlichen um die Heimfallsrechte des Landes Vorarlberg - in beeindruckenden Bildern wird die Geschichte des Unternehmens und der Menschen, die es gepraegt haben, nachgezeichnet. Damit wird ein wichtiges Stueck Vorarlberger Wirtschaftsgeschichte lebendig.

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Lin, James, In the Global Vanguard: Agrarian Development and the Making of Modern Taiwan. (Asia Pacific Modern) 303 pp. 2025:4 (U. California Pr., US) <740-247>
ISBN 978-0-520-39866-5 paper ¥7,650.- (税込) US$ 34.95

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. In just half a century, Taiwan transformed from an agricultural colony into an economic power, spurred by efforts of the authoritarian Republic of China government in land reform, farmers associations, and improved crop varieties. Yet overlooked is how Taiwan brought these practices to the developing world. In the Global Vanguard elucidates the history and impact of the "Taiwan model" of agrarian development by incorporating how Taiwanese experts took the country's agrarian success and exported it throughout rural communities across Africa and Southeast Asia. Driven by the global Cold War and challenges to the Republic of China's legitimacy, Taiwanese agricultural technicians and scientists shared their practices, which they claimed were better suited for poor, tropical societies in the developing world. These development missions, James Lin argues, were projected in Taiwan as proof of the ruling government's modernity and technical prowess and were crucial to how the state sought to hold onto its contested position in the international system and its rule by martial law at home.

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Espuelas, Sergio, An Economic History of the Spanish Welfare State: The Political Economy of Social Policy from the Mid-19th Century to the Present. (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 272 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-266>
ISBN 978-0-367-45666-5 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This monograph analyses the evolution of the welfare state in Spain from qualitative and quantitative perspectives. It basically relies on estimates of public social spending from 1850 to the present and offers comparisons with the rest of Europe.As a whole, the volume sheds light on the historical, political and economic conditions at play during the relatively late development of the Spanish welfare state. Three key driving factors are explored: the political regime, social inequality, and Spain's exposure to international markets. While economic backwardness and demographic factors explain part of the story, Espuelas demonstrates that inequality explains much of the pre-1936 gap; the lack of democracy and the Franco dictatorship were crucial up to the 1970s, and globalization, rather than having a clear positive or negative effect, has mainly influenced the way social policy is financed.This volume will be of interest to advanced students and researchers of economic history, welfare states, European history and social policy.

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Zuelow, Eric G. E. / James, Kevin J. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Tourism History. (Oxford Handbooks) 736 pp. 2025:4 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <100-6519>
ISBN 978-0-19-088955-5 hard ¥49,471.- (税込) US$ 226.00

The Oxford Handbook of Tourism History provides an essential reference resource that consolidates innovative research into the history of tourism while mapping new trajectories that embrace scholars working in a variety of national contexts. The collection's original essays give advanced students, instructors, and researchers an overview of the field as it exists today and chart a course forward -- particularly as regards the nascent histories of various "niche" tourism practices, which have yet to receive adequate historical analysis. The handbook showcases what we now know and highlights what we do not, serving as a necessary starting point for those anxious to craft the future history of tourism. Moreover, it offers coherence to the exploration of tourism historiography by offering readers a resource in which a common set of axes of analysis -- specifically nationhood, sexuality, race, gender and class -- are systematically explored across a wide expanse of time and space in discrete engagements with core themes in tourism history.

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