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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Carta, Stefano, From Biology to Psychology in Jungian and Evolutionary Theory: The Infinite Ladder. 240 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-76>
ISBN 978-1-032-95730-2 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-95729-6 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

This ground-breaking book re-positions C.G. Jung's legacy, and the field of analytical psychology, within the panorama of contemporary knowledge in biology, psychology and anthropology, on the grounds of the role of affects and emotion as the foundation of all psychic activity.Within this new volume, Stefano Carta aims to provide a new, up-to-date way of understanding Jung's work and to show the effect his central positions can be understood much better in relation to topics such as the nature of the psyche, of the self, of the collective unconscious, and of archetypal theory. From an evolutionary and biological perspective, this book describes, with extensive substantiations and an original discussion, the transformation of the biological processes into psychological ones. Additionally, the book aims to identify current tendencies which view analytical psychology in increasingly reductionistic ways and reaffirm the dynamism of Jung's paradigm.With international appeal and original and interdisciplinary in scope, this will be of great interest to Jungian scholars and analysts, as well as students and those on Jungian-oriented training courses.

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Valentine, Richard, Shamanism and Psychology in Ancient Greece and India: The Evolution of Psyche. (A New History of Western Psychology) 308 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-852>
ISBN 978-1-041-02117-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-041-02109-4 paper ¥12,241.- (税込) GB£ 43.99

This book offers a historical introduction to psychology. It investigates the evolutionary origins of our capacity to practice psychology, including its language and the cultural containers in which it can emerge, such as those of ancient Greece and ancient India. This is the second book in a new series, which intends to present the emergence of Western psychology in a global context.The author begins by constructing a bridge between evolutionary psychology and the history of psychology. An element of this bridge is an evolutionary account of human culture. Another is a narrative of human evolution with the latest fossil and genetic evidence. Finally, linguistics and anthropology link the appearance of our species with the emergence of ancient psychologies. A crucial link is the role of the shaman-figure in ancient cultures, from our evolutionary origins onwards. This is connected to the origins of psychological language, especially of a religious or transpersonal nature. The key words 'psyche' (mind, conscious and unconscious) and 'logos' (talk, discourse, reason) find their permanent meanings in Greece, where they are combined to form 'psychology' in Plato. Their parallel terms in India such as 'atman' (the universal self) and 'manas' (mind) also find their range of meanings. Ancient Europe and ancient India, two wings of the Indo-European world, are introduced as distinct cultures related by language, developing psychological traditions in related media. Descriptions and explanations of mental phenomena are traced in Greek literature from Homer to Plato, and in India's oral texts from the Vedas to the Upanishads. In each case these are related to the competing 'psychologies' of religious cults as manifestations of shamanism. Each history follows the convergence of Stone Age, Bronze Age and nomadic cults, emphasising the leading roles of shaman-figures in the respective cultures.Presented in an accessible manner, this is an excellent resource for students and teachers of psychology, philosophy, history, linguistics, archaeology, and anthropology, as well as general readers who want to learn more about the origins of this fascinating subject on a global stage.This title follows on from The Global Origins of Psychology: Neurology, Language and Culture in the Ancient World.

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Andrade, Gabriel, Medical Ethics and Moral Psychology: An Intergrative Approach. 218 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-95>
ISBN 978-1-032-89197-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-89196-5 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Medical Ethics and Moral Psychology: An Integrative Approach is a pioneering book which provides a comprehensive exploration of the ethical challenges in contemporary healthcare. Seamlessly combining insights from medical ethics and moral psychology, this interdisciplinary work illuminates critical issues that have become particularly relevant in recent times, especially in the context of culture wars.This integrative approach enables readers to gain a deeper understanding of how moral decision-making is influenced by cognitive biases, societal attitudes, and philosophical frameworks. The book meticulously examines the complexities of vaccine mandates, addressing psychological resistance and conspiracy theories, while discussing self-defense arguments in abortion debates and the cognitive dissonance surrounding fetal personhood. It further provides a balanced analysis of euthanasia by navigating the nuanced distinctions between killing and letting die, and it interrogates the ethical implications of Assisted Reproductive Technologies amidst the clash of technological advancement and traditional values.By highlighting issues of justice in healthcare resource distribution, including systemic racism and equity, this work also equips readers with the tools necessary to engage thoughtfully with contemporary ethical dilemmas and the moral psychology aspects that contextualize them, fostering informed decision-making and the development of just healthcare policies with greater sensitivity and depth.Drawing on insights from psychology, sociology, anthropology and history to offer a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics shaping medical ethical decision-making, this is ideal reading for students and researchers in moral psychology, medical ethics, philosophy and public health. It is also designed for healthcare professionals, ethicists and policymakers.

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P.バニアード、C.フラナガン著 心理学における倫理問題-批判的入門
Banyard, Philip / Flanagan, Cara, Ethical Issues in Psychology: A Critical Introduction. 192 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-96>
ISBN 978-1-032-77870-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-77401-5 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Ethical Issues in Psychology: A Critical Introduction offers readers a clear review of current ethical practices and ideas in psychology and goes on to challenge some of the agreed wisdom on ethics.Ethical issues within psychology are not easy to resolve and debates continue as we encounter new dilemmas. This book introduces ethics and their importance, and uses examples from psychological research to consider key ethical issues; ethical principles and guidelines for psychologists, including BPS guidelines; ethics in practice in psychology; ethical problems within psychology, such as racism; and methods for ethical research, including socially sensitive research, internet-mediated research, and the use of animals in psychological research. Fully up-to-date, this book considers recent challenges for researchers and teachers including privacy and consent dilemmas in the use of social media for psychological research, the rise of the open science movement and an awareness of research misconduct and fraud, and the narrow focus of psychological research that positions itself as objective and scientific while sitting in a European, and therefore predominantly white, context.Offering a comprehensive examination of ethical issues in psychology across a wide range of fields, the book encourages readers to consider the ethics-related questions they should be asking when undertaking their own research. The book is essential reading for undergraduate and pre-undergraduate students of psychology and related subjects.

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Reshe, Julie / McGowan, Todd (eds.), Death and Love: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Perspectives. 188 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-60>
ISBN 978-1-032-66344-9 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-66342-5 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

Death and Love brings together notable psychoanalytic and philosophical theorists to explore the connection between death and love.The book examines how these phenomena shape human existence and relationships, challenging the conventional dichotomy between life-affirming and death-driven dimensions. The volume features contributions from international scholars who illustrate these ideas through various lenses, including literature, film, and theology. The chapters consider the role of the death drive in shaping social bonds, the transformative power of love beyond individual existence, and the notion that, both philosophically and psychoanalytically, love aligns with the realm of death.Death and Love will be essential reading for academics and students of philosophy, psychoanalysis, existentialism, theology, and psychology. It will also be of interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training, and to all readers wishing to explore this thought-provoking topic.

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Rossi, Mauro / Tappolet, Christine (eds.), Ill-Being: Philosophical Perspectives. 312 pp. 2025:7 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-61>
ISBN 978-0-19-286541-0 hard ¥24,490.- (税込) GB£ 88.00

Nearly all of us aspire to live a prudentially good life. To achieve this, we must understand which things are good for us and which things are bad for us - in other words, we must understand what well-being and ill-being consist in. While well-being has been the subject of significant philosophical inquiry, ill-being has received far less attention. The handful of philosophers who have considered ill-being have challenged the common belief that ill-being is the symmetrical counterpart of well-being and argued that deriving accounts of ill-being from existing theories of well-being is more complex than it appears. The present collection of fifteen original essays offers an in-depth exploration of the philosophical issues surrounding ill-being. Issues covered include the role of ill-being in everyday practice, the aggregation of goods and bads, degrees of well- and ill-being, how existing theories of well-being can account for ill-being, the role of adaptive preferences in ill-being, and how to understand the badness of pain. By examining the relation of ill-being to a variety of connected phenomena, such as unhappiness, negative emotions and affects, pain, disability, disease, and failure, the essays will illuminate the important notions of ill-being and well-being. Given the broad relevance of these issues, this collection will be indispensable not only to philosophers but also to scholars and graduate students in fields such as psychology, sociology, and economics.

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Thys, Michel, On the Edge of Human Imagination: Philosophical Psychoanalytic Perspectives. 284 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-70>
ISBN 978-1-032-84988-1 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-80212-1 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

In this fascinating book, Michel Thys explores the limitations of human imagination and symbolisation, showing the potentially destructive result of a mind that cannot confront reality. His wide-ranging research takes us into the domain of the unimaginable, unthinkable and unspeakable.Divided into four parts, On the Edge of Human Imagination sees Thys adopt a phenomenological perspective to move through experiences encountered in the analyst's room, from depression and psychosis to PTSD. Through a dialogue with philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Blanchot and Emmanuel Levinas, Thys investigates the relationship between fascination, identification, socio-cultural phenomena and aesthetic pleasure. Throughout, he uses the paintings of Edward Hopper, Sophocles' Antigone, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis and Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times to support his ideas. Integrating Freudian, Kleinian and Bionian theories, he shows the psychic impact of humanity's attempt to balance fear and passion on the edge of the imaginable, and the liminality of the search for meaning. The book brings together psychoanalytic theory and practice and philosophical anthropology, confronting, in the end, Freud's ideas of the death drive with Sartre's understanding of the desire for being as the main driving force in human existence. This book offers an illuminating evaluation of what it means to be human, making it an important read for psychoanalysts, psychologists and psychotherapists, as well as philosophers interested in the intersection between psychoanalytic, philosophical and phenomenological thought.

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Katevarapu, Sundeep / Singh, Anand Pratap et al., Health Psychology in Integrative Health Care. 274 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-302>
ISBN 978-1-032-98046-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-98049-2 paper ¥11,963.- (税込) GB£ 42.99

The 8th International Conference of Indian Academy of Health Psychology (ICIAHP 2023) gathered leading experts, researchers, and professionals to exchange insights and explore innovations in mental and physical well-being. Featuring workshops on trauma release, hypnotherapy basics, mindfulness-based CBT, and suicide prevention, ICIAHP offered a diverse learning experience. Distinguished speakers from national and international universities attended the conference. The conference catered to health psychology professionals, researchers, educators, and scholars. ICIAHP 2023 stood out for its comprehensive program, renowned speakers, and ample networking, providing a platform for holistic learning and collaboration.

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Koppes Bryan, Laura / Vinchur, Andrew J. (eds.), Key Thinkers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (Key Thinkers in Psychology and Neuroscience) 306 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-371>
ISBN 978-1-032-51645-5 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-50634-0 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

Key Thinkers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology explores the lives, ideas, contributions, and impact of key figures who have shaped and developed industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology.Through a chronological lens, the book traces the history and context behind the groundbreaking work of a diverse group of individuals who have influenced the field. Among those featured are pioneers such as Walter Dill Scott, Charles S. Myers, Lillian Evelyn Moller Gilbreth, Francizka Baumgarten-Tramer, Chen Li, and Bernard M. Bass. The book offers the reader a comprehensive understanding of the evolving ideas and discoveries that have shaped I-O research and practice over time.This book is an invaluable resource for all scientists and practitioners of I-O psychology and historians of psychology, as well as anyone interested in how psychology has transformed workplaces and influenced organizational practices.

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O'Leary-Kelly, Anne / Rawski, Shannon (eds.), What the #MeToo Movement Highlights and Hides about Workplace Sexual Harassment: Spotlights and Shadows. (Applied Psychology Series) 306 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-384>
ISBN 978-1-032-29304-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-29301-1 paper ¥8,345.- (税込) GB£ 29.99

What the #MeToo Movement Highlights and Hides about Workplace Sexual Harassment seeks to examine both the spotlights (Part I) and the shadows (Part II) of the #MeToo Movement, setting a research agenda to examine both more carefully in management research, and constructing an integrative case to introduce insights to student and practitioner audiences.Sexual harassment is not a new phenomenon in organizations - it has been the topic of scholarly inquiry since the 1970s and has existed as a form of dysfunctional organizational behavior and abuse of power for much longer. Even so, the #MeToo Movement thrust this organizational issue into the spotlight, raising new awareness and concern about an age-old problem, including digital forms of sexual harassment, bystander behavior, and organizational and societal ideas around masculinity and gender-based violence. At the same time, #MeToo kept other aspects of sexual harassment in the dark. Shadows addressed include the more mundane and common forms of low-severity micro-sexual harassment, how to help targets heal from trauma, the complex intersectional experiences of women of color, the experiences of male targets and those in low SES jobs, and the implications of #MeToo on legal theory.Insights from #MeToo highlight the power of social movements to frame the public's understanding of the issue of sexual harassment and to spark counter-movements that challenge that frame. This volume will be of interest to researchers, scholars, students, practitioners, and policymakers.

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Daniels, Aaron B. (ed.), A Phenomenology of the Alien: Encounters with the Weird and Inscrutable Other. (Psychology and the Other) 192 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-44>
ISBN 978-1-032-85629-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-85627-8 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

A Phenomenology of the Alien: Encounters with the Weird and Inscrutable Other considers both literal and figurative experiences of the alien from a psychological, psychoanalytic, and philosophical perspective.Throughout the book, the authors wrestle with the unexplained, ineffable, unspeakable, sublime, uncanny, abject, and Mieville's abcanny. This collection provides phenomenologies of encounters with the inscrutably alien from lights in the sky, dark corners of Weird fictional landscapes, architecture, technology, or the clinical symptom. The chapters examine fictional and non-fictional encounters with what exceeds the capacity to "make sense," taking a new approach to the topic of alterity and inviting the reader to examine how these encounters reflect our contemporary condition culturally, individually, clinically, theologically, and philosophically.Bridging cultural, psychoanalytic, literary, clinical, media, and religious studies, the novel approaches in this volume will be of interest to students and scholars alike.

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Dunn, Jeffrey Charles / Chambers, Suzanne Kathleen, Rising to the Challenge of Life After Cancer: Expert Advice for Finding Wellness. (BPS Ask The Experts in Psychology Series) 136 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-291>
ISBN 978-1-032-63882-9 hard ¥37,570.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-032-63881-2 paper ¥5,562.- (税込) GB£ 19.99

Rising to the Challenge of Life After Cancer: Expert Advice for Finding Wellness is an easy-to-read self-help guide for people facing cancer diagnosis and treatment. Following an effective Q&A format and based on a unique Wellbeing Essentials framework, it offers a valuable 'dip in and out' approach with signposting to evidence-based guidance on major challenges that those diagnosed with cancer and their family and friends may face. If you or someone close to you has had a cancer diagnosis, then this book is for you.With a focus on wellness and taking control, questions addressed include 'Is there a best way to cope with cancer?', 'What strategies can help me make an informed decision about treatment?', 'What is prehabilitation and how can this help me?', and 'Who am I now?'. The book covers an array of essential guidance from maintaining social health and wellbeing, to accessing care and support in the community. It is written for both those living with or beyond cancer as well as their support network. The book also includes Jeff and Suzanne's personal stories about their lived experience of cancer and a Resources and Connections section with tips for further information and support.Written by academic experts who are also 'experts by experience', this book is indispensable for people with cancer and their families, and anyone wanting to understand more about the condition, as well as health and social care professionals and students of social care, health care and nursing.

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Frazier, Leslie, The Psychology of Health and Illness: A Multicultural Perspective. 598 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-295>
ISBN 978-1-032-64305-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-63981-9 paper ¥12,241.- (税込) GB£ 43.99

The Psychology of Health and Illness is a thoroughly updated version of Leslie Frazier's previous textbook on health psychology, which provides an engaging and contemporary approach to understanding health psychology from a truly international perspective. Combining both biopsychosocial and lifespan developmental perspectives, the book integrates core theory, research, and practice on global and cross-cultural health issues. It includes thoughtful and deliberately inclusive coverage of marginalized groups, especially BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other underrepresented groups, designed to raise diversity- and racial- consciousness in a globally integrative way.Alongside classic health psychology concepts, the author introduces students to cutting edge scientific and medical topics such as epigenetics, the gut microbiome and the non-medical use of prescription drugs. The book also focuses on global public health and health disparities and promotes a strengths-based approach to health, rather than a deficits-based approach. It includes a wide range of pedagogical features including real-world applications, engaging anecdotes and case studies, opportunities for self-reflection and numerous text boxes.This is essential reading for undergraduate students on Health Psychology courses as well as those in related fields such as nursing and the allied health professions.

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Helgeson, Vicki S. / Balhan, Krystle M. / Winterrowd, Erin, Psychology of Gender/Sex. 7th ed. 744 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1214>
ISBN 978-1-032-64349-6 hard ¥69,575.- (税込) GB£ 250.00
ISBN 978-1-032-63896-6 paper ¥36,179.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

Now in its 7th edition, Psychology of Gender/Sex reviews the research and issues surrounding gender from multiple perspectives, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and public health. It explores the ways in which gendered experiences are varied across development, social identities, and locations, focusing on the construct of gender/sex, as well as the implications of gender/sex for school, work, relationships, and health.Going far beyond discussions of biological sex and gender identity, the text explores the gender/sex roles that society assigns to people, the various ways in which people break and bend those roles, and the other variables that co-occur with gender/sex, such as status and power.Key features of this edition include:- Updated and integrated coverage of LGBTQ+ issues, identities, and experiences- Expanded emphasis on the intersectionality of gender/sex- Renewed focus on abortion/bodily autonomy and reproduction- Expanded discussions of emerging topics such as online interactions and social media, the impact of COVID on gender/sex inequalities, gender/sex in the workplace, and social justice and activism.Engaging and readable, Psychology of Gender/Sex is an essential text for all students of gender from psychology, women's studies, gender studies, sociology, and anthropology.

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Carta, Stefano, A Jungian and Evolutionary Approach to Psychology and Culture: The Infinite Ladder. 214 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1343>
ISBN 978-1-032-95768-5 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-95767-8 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

This ground-breaking book re-positions C.G. Jung's legacy, and the field of analytical psychology, within the panorama of contemporary knowledge in neurobiology, psychology, culture and anthropology.Within this new volume, Stefano Carta aims to provide a new, up-to-date way of understanding Jung's work and to show the effect his central positions can be understood much better in relation to topics such as the nature of the psyche, of the self, of the collective unconscious, and of archetypal theory. This book describes, with extensive substantiations and an original discussion, the transformation of psychological processes into cultural ones, leading to the formation of various forms of symbolic institutions.With international appeal and original and interdisciplinary in scope, this will be of great interest to Jungian scholars and analysts, as well as students and those on Jungian-oriented training courses.

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Dovalis, Joanna / Izod, John, Cinema and Psyche in Analytical Psychology: Individuation as a Pathway to Love. 188 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1347>
ISBN 978-1-032-89961-9 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-89944-2 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

Peering into the unconscious through cinema can give audiences an uncanny feeling about what lives in the beyond, something alien to consciousness. This book creates psychological interpretations of films that lend themselves to the depths, and investigates the personal and cultural appeal of cinema as a powerful art form.The selected films examined in this book circle around the process of individuation, focussing on different aspects of intellectual and emotional life from a Jungian lens. The first group of movies centres on three films, following plotlines that extend beyond the norms of routine drama, delving into alien territory. The second group presents three more films that, by comparison with the first, can be seen as typical dramas that focus on motifs of relationships. In the final chapter, the authors reflect on their own individuation journeys and life experiences that have informed the productive nature of their work together.This book will be of interest for therapists, students and academics working in film studies, looking to engage in psychological studies in depth, as well as film goers who want to explore their relationship to the screen.

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M.W.アイゼンク著 心理学再考
Eysenck, Michael W., Rethinking Psychology: Finding Meaning in Misconceptions. 398 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1349>
ISBN 978-1-032-98011-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-97818-5 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Can subliminal messages motivate behaviour? Can you train your brain to increase your intelligence? Does parenting style affect personality?Psychologists and non-psychologists looking to understand human behaviour and cognition are forced to contend with a number of complexities unique to the field. Not least amongst these, is the fact that psychology lacks the superficially attractive precision of theories in the hard sciences. It is inevitable, then, that non-psychologists are susceptible to numerous psychological myths.In this thought-provoking exploration of 44 of the most common psychological myths, Mike Eysenck examines the complexity of psychological science as well as the distortion of data, not only through the media, but also by researchers, textbook writers, and individuals themselves. He challenges the notion that the substantial progress made by psychology has provided enough convincing experimental evidence to successfully demolish these inaccuracies and explores the ways in which psychological research should be systematically improved so that psychology can take its place as a robust scientific discipline. Highly engaging, this is an informative read for psychologists at all levels, as well as members of the general public interested in challenging their own psychological understanding.

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Finiello Zervas, Diane, Enchanting the Unconscious: Jung's Reception in Great Britain, The Red Book and his First English Seminars, 1919 and 1920. 286 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1350>
ISBN 978-1-032-23058-0 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-23452-6 paper ¥10,015.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

This original volume explores Jung's earliest English seminars, held in 1919 and 1920, in relation to the impact of Liber Novus and The Red Book and his new exoteric and esoteric concepts of analytical psychology created during the Great War.The groundbreaking seminars presented in the book yield important insights about Jung's application of analytical methods and the psychological concepts he developed in response to his confrontation with the unconscious, recorded in Liber Novus and in his Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology, edited by Dr. Constance Long, one of his first English analysands and colleagues. The English seminars illuminate the extent to which Jung shared, or alluded to, material from Liber Novus and The Red Book, supported by evidence from Long's journal which contains a wealth of additional material about Jung's method of supervision, views on transference, her own analysis, and the eventual break-up of the London group.Enchanting the Unconscious is an important and timeless contribution to Jungian history and our understanding of early formulations of Jung's conceptual model of the psyche, making it of great interest to Jungian analysts, analytical psychologists, students of Jungian history, and general readers interested in exploring Jung's earliest teaching seminars previously undocumented or distorted by hearsay.

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Kanazawa, Satoshi (ed.), Genes, Environments, and Differential Susceptibility: Current Topics in Evolutionary Developmental Psychology. 340 pp. 2025:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <740-1353>
ISBN 978-1-009-36395-2 hard ¥27,830.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

The evolutionary perspective has influenced many subfields of psychology and related social sciences in the last three decades. However, developmental psychology has remained largely immune to evolutionary thinking. What does evolutionary thinking have to offer developmental psychology and the study of child development? This book invites some of the leading figures in evolutionary developmental psychology to discuss cutting-edge research and its significance in related fields. By laying out the utility and importance of evolutionary thinking in developmental science, each chapter shows how the evolutionary perspective both opens new avenues of research by posing novel questions and providing insightful answers to age-old questions and debates. In the process, their overviews pay particular attention to the theoretical and empirical contributions of Jay Belsky, a pioneering developmental psychologist who has paved the way forward for the field. A short tribute and biography follow the chapters to pay homage to his work.

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Karlis, Nicole, Your Brain on Altruism: The Power of Connection and Community during Times of Crisis. 238 pp. 2025:3 (U. California Pr., US) <740-1354>
ISBN 978-0-520-39759-0 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39760-6 paper ¥5,461.- (税込) US$ 24.95

In an era when "self-care" often revolves around consumption and profit, a health and science journalist emphasizes the genuine health advantages of a culture of caring. Helping others can enhance our physical and mental well-being, boost resilience, and nurture a sense of fulfillment and connection beyond crises. In Your Brain on Altruism, health and science journalist Nicole Karlis delves into the science behind generosity and the benefits of fostering a culture of care for our health. She explores cutting-edge research on the sociology and psychology of altruism, revealing how acts of kindness during crises-such as COVID-19, natural disasters, and wars-inspire people to set aside differences and help one another. Through interviews with innovators creating infrastructures for social connection-from a former entrepreneur leading a social prescribing movement, to doctors prescribing volunteer work and acts of kindness-Karlis shows how we all can contribute to cultivating kindness. A powerful call for a culture of caring, this book urges us to see taking care of one another as a social strength. By embracing this mindset and viewing ourselves as stewards of kindness, we can combat the epidemic of loneliness and build a more compassionate and resilient society.

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Louwerse, Max M., Understanding Artificial Minds through Human Minds: The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence. (BPS Ask The Experts in Psychology Series) 194 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <740-1357>
ISBN 978-1-032-79231-6 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-79229-3 paper ¥6,119.- (税込) GB£ 21.99

Understanding Artificial Minds through Human Minds provides an introduction into artificial intelligence through the lens of psychology.What are the similarities and differences between concepts known in psychology with regards to the brain, mind and behaviour, and how do they compare with their computational counterparts? With rapid developments it becomes easy to lose sight of the very essentials of artificial intelligence. Beginning with an introduction to the relationship between AI and human minds, the book goes on to discuss complex issues including how humans and AI think, learn, remember, and use language. It doesn't shy away from complicated issues of human and AI collaboration or ethics, and provides great insight into the future of AI and applications for our society.Answering all the questions you've been too afraid to ask, Understanding Artificial Minds through Human Minds is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand more about the greatest technological advancement of a generation, and the impact for human psychology.

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感情の心理学 第3版
Niedenthal, Paula M. / Neta, Maital / Wood, Adrienne, Psychology of Emotion. 3rd ed. 376 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1358>
ISBN 978-1-032-48546-1 hard ¥54,268.- (税込) GB£ 195.00
ISBN 978-1-032-48545-4 paper ¥21,425.- (税込) GB£ 76.99

Psychology of Emotion reviews both theory and methods in emotion science, exploring findings about the brain; the function, expression, and regulation of emotion; similarities and differences due to gender and culture; the relationship between emotion and cognition; and emotion processes in groups. With a focus on emotion in the typically developing individual, the text's main themes include conscious and unconscious processes; the ways in which emotions arise in, and are constrained by, social situations and social processes; the regulation and sharing of emotion and their effects on mental health; and the manner in which culture (including subculture) shapes or moderates some of these processes. A defining assumption of the book, distinguishing it from much of its competition, is that both biology and social situation are important forces in the experience of emotion.Key features of the third edition include:* Emphasis on cutting-edge research and insights from contemporary affective science* Developmental Details sections, offering in-depth exploration of chapter themes within crucial stages of the human lifespan* Key concepts highlighted with bolded vocabulary and integrated Learning Links, providing clear, illustrative connections to each chapter's core topicsComprehensive in its scope yet eminently readable, Psychology of Emotion serves as an ideal introduction for undergraduate students to the scientific study of emotion.

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Texier, Helena / Watson, Eve (eds.), Freud's Principal Case Studies Revisited: Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy. (The Freud Lacan institute Lectures series) 242 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1363>
ISBN 978-1-032-66370-8 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-66367-8 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

Freud's Principal Case Studies Revisited explores Freud's six principal case studies studies - Dora, Little Hans, Schreber, Wolf Man, Rat Man and Young Homosexual Girl - through the lens of contemporary psychoanalytic practice.Thirteen leading Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalysts reassess these cases in light of their significance to psychoanalytic theory and practice and consider their relevance in the twenty-first century. With new case material, theory, and analysis, the cases are critically re-invigorated and restored to a privileged place within psychoanalysis. Each of the cases is approached via a pairing of two psychoanalysts who engage with the clinical material, as well as with each other, in addressing their contributions to an assembled audience of clinicians, trainees and scholars. Freud's Principal Case Studies Revisited will be of great interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training as well as psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. It will also be relevant for academics and students of psychoanalytic studies, philosophy, critical and cultural theory, social studies, critical psychology, gender and sexuality studies and queer theory.

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Thompson, M. Guy, Existential Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction. (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis) 138 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1364>
ISBN 978-1-032-97784-3 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-97786-7 paper ¥6,119.- (税込) GB£ 21.99

A fascinating introductory volume, Existential Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction integrates existential philosophy with psychoanalysis, drawing on key theorists from both areas and expertly guiding the reader on how to incorporate these two disciplines, which may appear disparate on the surface, into their clinical and theoretical work. This unique and accessible book sees M. Guy Thompson explore key concepts, such as experience, authenticity, freedom, psychic change, agency and the pervasive role of suffering in our lives. Throughout, he draws on a wide range of thinkers from both fields, including Sartre, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud, Winnicott, Bion, Laing and Lacan. Exquisitely lucid and engaging, Thompson deftly brings the reader into thoughtful and enlightening territory typically inaccessible to the general reader. Although existential philosophy and psychoanalysis are often thought of as incompatible fields, Thompson shows how they share far more in common than is usually supposed. This volume will help clinicians, scholars and students of all persuasions learn how integrating the two disciplines introduces a more personal and revolutionary understanding of what psychoanalysis can be in the twenty-first century. This compelling assimilation of continental philosophy and psychoanalysis will be of interest to psychoanalytic practitioners and psychotherapists, as well as philosophers, social scientists and any student of the human condition.

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Roach, Andrea / Ermer, Ashley (eds.), An Introduction to the History of Human Development and Family Science. 248 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1031>
ISBN 978-1-032-51920-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-50925-9 paper ¥13,911.- (税込) GB£ 49.99

This comprehensive textbook offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the history of human development and family science. It provides insights from home economics, sociology and psychology to explain and analyze how the field was established and how it is developing and showcases the contribution of its unique transdisciplinary nature.Expert authors cover key topics and highlight historical contributions from women, scholars of color, and LGBTQIA scholars; they emphasize and incorporate research that cuts across cultures; and examine current human development and family science trends in research and careers in their chosen fields. Subjects and issues covered include historical and contemporary studies of child development; adolescent development and young adulthood; adulthood and aging; family science; marriage formation and maintenance; parenthood; divorce; the role of grandparents; and sibling relationships.Exploring how human development and family science can be used as a springboard into careers such as marriage and family therapy, social work, case management, teaching, and research, this essential textbook is for all students of human development and family science.

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Charles, Christopher A. D., The Psychology of Skin Bleaching: Motivations, Behavior and Consequences. 170 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1145>
ISBN 978-1-032-97481-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-97480-4 paper ¥13,355.- (税込) GB£ 47.99

This book examines the controversial global phenomenon of skin bleaching. It uses a social psychological approach to explain the motivations, behaviour and medical consequences of the practice, considering why some people use products to lighten their complexion. Written by a world leading expert in skin bleaching, the book takes a nuanced approach to understanding skin bleaching that looks further than the standard claims of low self-esteem, a form of self-hatred. It goes beyond looking at individual personality traits to consider the cultural norms, values, shared social meanings and practices about race and skin color, showing how shared meanings from social representation guide people's behaviour in their culture. The book draws predominantly on research from Jamaica, but considers how skin bleaching is practised in different cultural contexts across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Chapters consider the history of race and skin color, how skin color and race are portrayed in popular culture, how skin color and race form two of some people's social identities, and how skin bleaching has become an established social practice in many settings. It also looks at the consequences of skin bleaching and suggests policy responses that could help curb the practice. The Psychology of Skin Bleaching will be highly relevant reading for postgraduate students and scholars in the fields of psychology, Black and Caribbean studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and health. It will also be of interest to professionals including psychiatrists and public health practitioners, and anyone interested in better understanding the psychological and bodily expressions of racialized discrimination and oppression.

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