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  • ジェンダー研究・女性史・家族史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Bjoerkdahl, Annika / Mannergren, Johanna (eds.), The Production of Gendered Knowledge of War: Women and Epistemic Power. (Routledge Advances in Feminist Peace Research) 216 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-772>
ISBN 978-1-032-86998-8 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This edited volume critically investigates women's knowledge about war and explores the epistemic agency of women in a range of contemporary settings across the globe.Women are deeply affected by war, participate in war and resist war. At the same time, knowledge production often ignores and marginalizes women's experiences and gendered ways of knowing war. From Colombia to Israel and Palestine, Liberia, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, North America, Northern Iraq and Ukraine, the chapters in this book illuminate gendered knowledge production in and about different conflict-affected sites. By taking the embodied and narrative epistemic agency of local 'knowers' seriously, new insights are thereby presented about the role women play in producing knowledge about war. The book proposes new theoretical vantage points in order to understand how epistemic power and epistemic violence are closely related. Bringing the topic of knowledge production into the so-called 'Women, Peace and Security' (WPS) agenda, it analyses how knowledge of the gendered nature of war and security is produced and circulated, and argues that the WPS agenda is a system of knowledge with its own omissions and silences. By theorizing gendered knowledge production and amplifying the voices of women as epistemic agents, this book advances scholarship on gender and war.This book will be of much interest to students of feminist studies, peace studies, war and conflict studies and International Relations.The Introduction, Chapter 3, and Chapter 9 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Johnson-Freese, Joan, Leadership in War and Peace: Masculine and Feminine. 230 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-781>
ISBN 978-1-032-91588-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-91585-2 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This book offers a gendered perspective on leadership in war and peace, considering leadership in its complexity and presenting a practical examination of both leadership successes and failures.The work challenges readers to think through and discuss specific aspects of leadership, including how and why leadership diversity matters and the ethical challenges presented by the revolving door of the military-industrial complex. Further, leaders responsible for decisions involving war and peace must be able to understand, appreciate, and communicate effectively with everyone they work with and have a repertoire of leadership styles to use depending on context. The book represents an excellent tool for developing such skills, as it uniquely considers leadership through both male and female lenses, along with the experiences and perspectives of multiple military, government and industry leaders interviewed by the author, making it both relatable and informative.This book will be of much interest to students of gender studies, leadership studies, defence studies and military studies in general, as well as military and security practitioners.

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Kamlongera, Mtisunge Isabel (ed.), Decoloniality in Gender Discourse and Praxis: A View from the Margins. (Routledge ISS Gender, Sexuality and Development Studies) 178 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-795>
ISBN 978-1-032-76481-8 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This book showcases Global South theorizations and understandings of gender.By taking voices from the margins and putting them center stage, the book provides an important example of decoloniality in action, challenging a field that continues to be rooted in Western Feminist epistemology. The book first analyzes the history and development of gender discourse, before going on to investigate non-Western philosophy and frameworks around gender. Each chapter presents instances of decoloniality in action, with possible retheorizations and rationalizations of how to be decolonial within gender discourse and praxis. The book concludes by considering what the future implications of a truly decolonial gender discourse and praxis would be.Offering detailed empirical accounts of decoloniality in action, this book will be a useful guide for researchers of gender and post-colonial studies.

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Musher, Sharon Ann, Promised Lands: Hadassah Kaplan and the Legacy of American Jewish Women in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine. 288 pp. 2025:4 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-873>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3274-3 hard ¥7,661.- (税込) US$ 35.00

How adventurous Jewish women's travels upended Jewish norms In 1922, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, first initiated the bat mitzvah as a rite-of-passage for Jewish girls. Characterized as a lifelong supporter of women's rights, Kaplan's family, including his wife and four daughters, played a role in shaping his ideas about women, culture, and Zionism. This was especially true of his second daughter, Hadassah Kaplan, who joined a small but influential cohort of American Jewish women who studied, worked, and volunteered in British Mandate Palestine. Promised Lands provides a window into the lives of American Jewish women in both New York City's Upper West Side and Palestine during the interwar period. By tracing Hadassah's journey, the volume offers a sense of what drew this generation of adventurous women to Palestine, and helps us to understand their impact on American Jewry. Drawing on a rich personal archive of diary entries, photographs, and letters, Sharon Ann Musher displays how unconventional women like Hadassah Kaplan were able to challenge cultural norms and experiment with ideological commitments while still remaining "good" daughters, wives, and mothers. Their knowledge and experience in volunteering, philanthropy, and education within the United States helped them to build Jewish institutions and communities abroad, and to center Zionism in American Jewish education, institutions, and identity. Crafting a compelling portrait of an influential Jewish woman, Promised Lands showcases the legacy of Hadassah Kaplan and her fellow travelers on American Jewish life.

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Koggel, Christine M. / Harbin, A. / Llewellyn, J. J. (eds.), Relational Theory: Feminist Approaches, Implications, and Applications. 289 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-50>
ISBN 978-1-032-97459-0 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

Relational theory starts from the ontological fact of our being in networks of relationships and draws out what this means for theories of knowledge and for moral and political theory. This book uses insights from feminist relational theory to outline the ontological, epistemological, and moral/political implications of this theoretical approach. The chapters in this volume focus on relationships of power and oppression; how these relationships shape who is taken to have knowledge and who is dismissed or ignored; and what all of this means for theories of equality, justice, and moral and political theory more generally. A focus on relationships of power and oppression opens up an examination into structures such as colonialism and capitalism that shape interconnected networks of relationships between humans and human and non-human entities and ecosystems. This volume, that now includes eight additional chapters published both before and after the original special issue, offers a significant step forward in the development of feminist relational theory. Following early forays in identifying and criticizing mainstream liberal theory in the Western tradition, chapters in this collection draw on approaches by anti-oppression theorists found in critical disability, critical race, anti-colonial/decolonial, and non-Western theories, to further broaden the descriptions and analyses of relationships and networks of relationships and to extend and advance feminist relational theory and its applications. The chapters in this book were originally published in the Journal of Global Ethics.

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Carey, Rebecca M. Rodriguez, Birth Behind Bars: The Carceral Control of Pregnant Women. 272 pp. 2025:6 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-541>
ISBN 978-1-4798-1579-1 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-1581-4 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Pregnant women's experiences in prison Four percent of incarcerated women-more than three thousand-are pregnant in US prisons each year, yet little information is known about their pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood experiences. In Birth Behind Bars, Rebecca M. Rodriguez Carey draws on in-depth interviews with women who were once pregnant in prisons in the heart of the Midwest to provide a rare, intimate portrait into the intersection of motherhood and incarceration. Using a reproductive-justice framework and narrative accounts, Rodriguez Carey shows how the prison system works alongside other carceral systems, such as the medical system and the child welfare system, to regulate and control women. She reveals how their incarceration goes beyond the function of criminal punishment, threatening both maternal and fetal health and the well-being of families. Birth Behind Bars offers an evocative account of how these powerful carceral systems collectively disrupt entire families and communities during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period, including long after women are released from prison.

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Kamaei, Maryam / Gottschalk, Petter / Dearden, T. E. (eds.), The Gender Gap in White-Collar Crime: A Multi-Country Study of Women Offenders in Economic Crime. 287 pp. 2025:5 (Apple Academic Pr., US) <740-551>
ISBN 978-1-77491-826-5 hard ¥33,396.- (税込) GB£ 120.00

In recent years, women's involvement in business is more frequent, leading to an interesting question: Does this increase in economic participation by women lead to an increased proportion of women committing white-collar crime?Employing a variety of theoretical perspectives and empirical works to explain women's white-collar crimes from an international perspective, this new book helps to answer this question by extensively studying white collar crime, focusing on the disparity in such crimes between men and women. It also looks at how pink collar crime differs dramatically in different countries, with case studies from countries such as Norway, US, Iran, Denmark, and others to further enhance the understanding of the explained concepts.The volume offers a specific focus on the convenience theory, an integrated theory created by Dr. Petter Gottschalk, one of the authors of this book, to explain general white-collar crime. With authors geographically located around the world, adding an international focus, and given the diverse participation of women in economic systems around the world, the volume also focuses on crimes of convenience in cybercrime by considering the importance of gender in the history of internet crime and the relationship between cybercrime and white-collar crime. The authors also suggest potential paths for future gender research on women in white-collar crime and convenience theory.

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Maletzky, Barry, The Burden of Truth and Sexual Offenders: How Emotions Trump Science in our Criminal Justice System. 296 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-557>
ISBN 978-1-032-87421-0 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-87422-7 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This book demonstrates that the criminal justice system in the United States has allowed the natural emotions surrounding sexuality to allow the minority of sexual offenders who are truly dangerous to be merged with the majority of offenders who pose little, if any, risk to be at large. Such aggregations force the system to exhaust resources while ignoring the burgeoning research into the assessment and treatment of such offenders. Relying on research in the literature combined with his many years of experience, Maletzky details how the system operates at present and offers suggestions for change to re-align what we know about sexual offending with how such offenders might be better managed within the criminal justice system. The work provides an overview of the process from the original apprehension of sexual offenders through the determination of their guilt, their detention in prisons or jails, and their supervision following incarceration. Allowing scientific advances to inform decisions in these matters will not only enhance public safety but will spare unnecessary expense, save taxpayers money, and actually serve to prevent future recidivism among such offenders. This work is thought-provoking for attorneys, prosecutors, legal assistants and law clerks, members of the judiciary, those who teach or are students of the administration of justice, those who assess or treat sexual offenders, and offenders and their families affected by the system.

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Michalsen, Venezia, Intersectional Feminist Criminology: A Critical Companion to Theory and Research. 355 pp. 2025:7 (U. California Pr., US) <740-559>
ISBN 978-0-520-38028-8 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-38029-5 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Decentering men from the field of criminology, this pathbreaking book brings to bear a sweeping body of contemporary intersectional feminist work to disrupt the entire discipline. Women have been largely absent from criminological theory, research, policy, and practice. This fresh, conversational book critiques the field's dominant theories by analyzing gendered patterns of perpetration and victimization and switching up traditional criminological perspectives on characteristics such as race and queerness. Designed as a rebuttal to traditional criminology textbooks, the book mirrors standard course content through an intersectional feminist lens, offering students a valuable opportunity to question the field's underpinnings and forge a new path to understanding the true meaning of justice. Organized in fourteen chapters, each chapter includes a review of the topics covered in traditional criminology textbooks for that topic, critical perspectives on the topic, critical thinking breaks, and recommended additional reading. Intersectional Feminist Criminology is a timely intervention and companion to the curriculum that helps to imagine a new world and ultimately lays out a clear abolitionist vision as an alternative to the American criminal legal system.

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Encarnacion, Omar G., Framing Equality: The Politics of the Gay Rights Backlash. 216 pp. 2025:5 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <740-716>
ISBN 978-0-19-088030-9 hard ¥8,745.- (税込) US$ 39.95



Roulet, Eric (dir.), Genre et investissement: la part des femmes dans les societes par actions a l’epoque moderne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles). (Rencontres) 272 p. 2024:11 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <740-325>
ISBN 978-2-406-17422-6 hard ¥18,075.- (税込) EUR 79.00
ISBN 978-2-406-17423-3 paper ¥7,321.- (税込) EUR 32.00



女性、ジェンダー、科学技術 1900~2000年
Dufaud, Gregory / Lemonon-Waxin, Isabelle (eds.), Women, Gender, and Technosciences, 1900-2020: A Beard to Govern. (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine) 250 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-329>
ISBN 978-1-032-87982-6 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This innovative volume analyses the historical entanglement of gender, technosciences and government.Situated at the crossroad of Women and Gender Studies, Science and Technology Studies, and Political Sociology, this volume shows the ever-accumulating gendered mechanisms that have determined the careers of scientific women and their access to power positions. It underlines on different scales -from the lab to international organizations or states- how the masculine culture of technoscientific practices has assigned women to subaltern institutional positions, while social practices of legitimization and recognition ended up granting some women access to leadership positions outside of institutions. With a broad geographic, political and disciplinary scope, the contributors draw on a variety of new sources including interviews, private collections and archives to examine the institutions, structures and policies which shaped the technosciences, as well as the individuals who developed practices and environments that gained agency for themselves and their contemporaries.This book will be of interest to students and scholars alike interested in Women and Gender Studies, Political Studies, STS, History and Sociology of Science and Technology.

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Bettcher, Talia Mae, Beyond Personhood: An Essay in Trans Philosophy. 312 pp. 2025:3 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-38>
ISBN 978-1-5179-0256-8 hard ¥21,890.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-0257-5 paper ¥5,461.- (税込) US$ 24.95

A bold intervention in the philosophical concepts of gender, sex, and selfBeyond Personhood provides an entirely new philosophical approach to trans experience, trans oppression, gender dysphoria, and the relationship between gender and identity. Until now, trans experience has overwhelmingly been understood in terms of two reductive frameworks: trans people are either "trapped in the wrong body" or they are oppressed by the gender binary. Both accounts misgender large trans constituencies while distorting their experience, and neither can explain the presentation of trans people as make-believers and deceivers or the serious consequences thereof. In Beyond Personhood, Talia Mae Bettcher demonstrates how taking this phenomenon seriously affords a new perspective on trans oppression and trans dysphoria-one involving liminal states of "make-believe" that bear positive possibilities for self-recognition and resistance. Undergirding this account is Bettcher's groundbreaking theory of interpersonal spatiality-a theory of intimacy and distance that requires rejection of the philosophical concepts of person, self, and subject. She argues that only interpersonal spatiality theory can successfully explain trans oppression and gender dysphoria, thus creating new possibilities for thinking about connection and relatedness. An essential contribution to the burgeoning field of trans philosophy, Beyond Personhood offers an intersectional trans feminism that illuminates transphobic, sexist, heterosexist, and racist oppressions, situating trans oppression and resistance within a much larger decolonial struggle. By refusing to separate theory from its application, Bettcher shows how a philosophy of depth can emerge from the everyday experiences of trans people, pointing the way to a reinvigoration of philosophy.

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O'Leary-Kelly, Anne / Rawski, Shannon (eds.), What the #MeToo Movement Highlights and Hides about Workplace Sexual Harassment: Spotlights and Shadows. (Applied Psychology Series) 306 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-384>
ISBN 978-1-032-29304-2 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-29301-1 paper ¥8,345.- (税込) GB£ 29.99

What the #MeToo Movement Highlights and Hides about Workplace Sexual Harassment seeks to examine both the spotlights (Part I) and the shadows (Part II) of the #MeToo Movement, setting a research agenda to examine both more carefully in management research, and constructing an integrative case to introduce insights to student and practitioner audiences.Sexual harassment is not a new phenomenon in organizations - it has been the topic of scholarly inquiry since the 1970s and has existed as a form of dysfunctional organizational behavior and abuse of power for much longer. Even so, the #MeToo Movement thrust this organizational issue into the spotlight, raising new awareness and concern about an age-old problem, including digital forms of sexual harassment, bystander behavior, and organizational and societal ideas around masculinity and gender-based violence. At the same time, #MeToo kept other aspects of sexual harassment in the dark. Shadows addressed include the more mundane and common forms of low-severity micro-sexual harassment, how to help targets heal from trauma, the complex intersectional experiences of women of color, the experiences of male targets and those in low SES jobs, and the implications of #MeToo on legal theory.Insights from #MeToo highlight the power of social movements to frame the public's understanding of the issue of sexual harassment and to spark counter-movements that challenge that frame. This volume will be of interest to researchers, scholars, students, practitioners, and policymakers.

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Haynes, Kathryn, Accounting for Feminism: Exploring Emancipation for Profession and Practice. 254 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-405>
ISBN 978-1-032-63659-7 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-63486-9 paper ¥12,241.- (税込) GB£ 43.99

Although gender challenges in accounting are widely acknowledged, research often addresses the relational position of men and women in relation to various issues, without necessarily challenging the underlying structures and social constructions of gender. In contrast, this book takes a much more overtly feminist position, informed by feminist theory, feminist methodology and feminist activism, to challenge these constructs and resulting inequalities. The book addresses contemporary global feminisms and their potential emancipatory implications for accounting, as a profession and as a tool or technology.It explores feminist theorisations of accounting, offering new insights into their relevance and provides a rich theoretical and practical resource to advance knowledge in the discipline and stimulate further interdisciplinary research. Rather than being issue driven with chapters organised to address particular concerns that relate to gender and accounting, such as parenthood, career progression, accountability etc., the structure of this book is such that the feminist theoretical position is the starting point for each chapter. The book highlights the range of ways that feminism, in its various forms and from numerous theoretical perspectives, can contribute to an understanding of the gender challenges occurring within accounting, and the ways of overcoming them.In this way, the book provides an integrated discussion of theory, challenge and potential overcoming that will appeal to readers whatever their orientation to feminism or which of the gender challenges within the accounting discipline they are interested in.

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Cormier, Philippe, D'un sexe l'autre: mystere d'une difference. (Ouverture philosophique. Debats) 352 p. 2024:11 (L'Harmattan, FR) <740-43>
ISBN 978-2-336-48727-4 paper ¥8,694.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Kamal, Daanika, Domestic Violence in Pakistan: The Legal Construction of 'Bad' and 'Mad' Women. (Clarendon Studies in Criminology) 232 pp. 2025:5 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-433>
ISBN 978-0-19-895344-9 hard ¥27,830.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

Pakistani women are increasingly pursuing legal avenues against acts of domestic violence. Their claims, however, are often dismissed through character allegations that label them as 'bad' women in need of control, or 'mad' women not to be trusted. Domestic Violence in Pakistan explores why the subjectivities of women victims are constructed in particular ways, and how these subjectivities are captured and negotiated in the Pakistani legal system. Drawing on feminist poststructuralist accounts relating to the use of gendering strategies in institutional and disciplinary settings and based on an analysis of over a hundred case files and judgements, seventy-two interviews, and court observations in three cities of Pakistan, this book shadows the experiences of women victims of domestic violence in both criminal law and family law proceedings. It captures and offers empirical insights in relation to gendered subject formation in discursive spaces; ranging from the use of societal narratives that minimise and silence women's harms, to the deployment of police mechanisms that assist in maintaining the 'secrecy' of familial violence, and the application and enactment of boilerplate lawyerly strategies to present alternative legal 'truths.' Amidst regulations of the public versus the private and understandings of rights versus duties, Domestic Violence in Pakistan explores how these practices construct the victim-subject of domestic violence in a way that not only subjectivise her, but also secure her within the field of that subjectification; setting her up to be viewed by the judiciary through the lens of the allegations applied to her.

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White, Manon Hedenborg / Bogdan, Henrik (eds.), The Magical Diaries of Leah Hirsig, 1923-1925: Aleister Crowley, Magick, and the New Occult Woman. (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism) 320 pp. 2025:6 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <740-181>
ISBN 978-0-19-758094-3 hard ¥28,894.- (税込) US$ 132.00



Tsang, Eileen Yuk-ha, Unlocking the Red Closet: Gay Male Sex Workers in China. 240 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-263>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2117-4 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-2122-8 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00

An inside look at the lives of gay male and transgender sex workers in China In Unlocking the Red Closet, Eileen Yuk-ha Tsang takes us to an upscale gay bar in the port city of Tianjin in Northeastern China, where the male staff have sex with regular clientele. She brings this world to life through interviews with over two-hundred people, including gay male sex workers and their wives, known as "Tongqi" (heterosexual women married to gay men), transgender sex workers, HIV patients, and the doctors who care for them. Tsang argues that the violent oppression against the LGBTQ community in China has far-reaching consequences: the limitation of careers outside of the sex industry for gay men, because they do not adhere to traditional ideas of masculinity; the constant exposure to high-risk sexual practices and poor medical care due to stigma in the medical community; and the maintenance of the facade of heterosexual married life. Tsang denounces the homophobic culture and state-sanctioned oppression of the gay community, making a case that, in addition to the very real health risks many face in their profession, many of the gay male and trans sex workers also face social death should they try to lead lives that would embrace their gender and sexual identities. Unlocking the Red Closet is a fascinating look into a rarely seen world that successfully locates the necropolitical within the queer and the queer within the necropolitical.

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Becker, Andrea, Get It Out: On the Politics of Hysterectomy. (Health, Society, and Inequality) 224 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-289>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2659-9 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-2660-5 paper ¥6,129.- (税込) US$ 28.00

An examination of hysterectomy and the struggle for bodily and reproductive autonomy At least one hysterectomy is performed every minute of the year, making it the most common gynecological surgery worldwide. By the age of sixty-five, one out of five people born with a uterus will have it removed. So, why do we seldom talk about this surgery? Highly performed yet overlooked, examining the paradox of hysterectomy begins to unravel the various problems with how we medically treat uteruses and the people who have them. Get It Out weaves centuries of medical history with rich qualitative data from 100 women, trans men, and nonbinary people who had, want, or are considering hysterectomy. In compelling detail, Andrea Becker reveals how America's healthcare system routinely deprives people of the ability to control their own bodies along race and gender lines. When people ask for a hysterectomy, they are often met with pushback: Are you sick enough? Old enough? Have you had enough babies? Will you regret this? How will your future husband feel about this? Yet this pushback is not equally experienced. While some people are barred access, others are ushered toward a hysterectomy. These contradictory recommendations reveal the persistent biases entrenched within healthcare. Get It Out interrogates how little choice people with uteruses ultimately have over their reproductive health, and explores what these "choices" signify amid interlocking systems of inequality.

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Ford, Andrea Lilly, Near Birth: Contested Values and the Work of Doulas. 272 pp. 2025:3 (U. California Pr., US) <740-293>
ISBN 978-0-520-41290-3 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-41291-0 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95

This insightful study of contemporary birthing uses the work of doulas to explore the questions raised near birth: What do we value, and how do we navigate those values when they are tangled in conflict? Pregnancy, birthing, and infant care offer a microcosm of cultural debates. In this ethnography of childbearing in Northern California, Andrea Ford examines how people's birthing decisions and experiences relate to and construct the American ideal of the individual through the values of progress, experience, autonomy, equality, authenticity, immunity, and redemption. Both an anthropologist and a doula who has observed and participated in dozens of births, Ford explores how parents, practitioners, activists, laws, technologies, media, and medical institutions shape the politics of care. Near Birth shows that questions about the best way to have a baby concern much more than health procedures. In the answers lie often-unacknowledged claims about what kinds of personhood matter and what ways of living are valued and valuable.

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Franklin, Sarah / Inhorn, Marcia C. (eds.), The New Reproductive Order: Technology, Fertility, and Social Change around the Globe. 400 pp. 2025:4 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-294>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3262-0 hard ¥21,671.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-3264-4 paper ¥9,850.- (税込) US$ 45.00

The transformative impact of new reproductive technologies over the past half century Both fertility and infertility are commonly depicted as individual, biological, and choice dependent conditions that can be mediated by technology. In contrast, The New Reproductive Order documents the complex material, historical, and political forces that both enable and limit human reproductivity, while also arguing that both fertility and infertility have become condensed symbols of wider changes to family forms, national political agendas, global economies, and local environments. Combining anthropological, sociological, and intersectional feminist research from across the globe, this landmark volume reveals how changing perceptions of fertility and infertility are altering how people imagine, pursue, and experience reproductivity both individually and collectively. Using a comparative global methodology based on detailed case studies, The New Reproductive Order persuasively argues that changing perceptions of fertility and infertility are giving rise to a distinctive reproductive politics based on new models of reproductive cause and effect. This groundbreaking and sophisticated volume opens new horizons of scholarship on the relationship between fertility, infertility, reproductive technologies, and social change, as well as new thinking on policy, practice, and activism in the twenty-first century's new reproductive order.

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Friedman, May, Fat Studies: The Basics. (The Basics) 162 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-296>
ISBN 978-1-032-88810-1 hard ¥37,570.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-032-87941-3 paper ¥5,284.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

Fat Studies: The Basics introduces the reading of fat bodies and the ways that Fat Studies, as a field, has responded to waves of ideas about fat people, their lives, and choices.Part civil rights discourse and part academic discipline, Fat Studies is a dynamic project that involves contradiction and discussion. In order to understand this field, the book also explores its intersections with race, class, gender, sexuality, age, disability, ethnicity, migration and beyond. In addition to thinking through terminology and history, this book will aim to unpack three key myths which often guide Fat Studies, showing that:1) fat is a meaningful site of oppression intersected with other forms of discrimination and hatred;2) to be fat is not a choice (but also that a discussion of choice is itself problematic); and3) fat cannot be unambiguously correlated with a lack of health.Fat Studies: The Basics is a lively and accessible foundation for students of Gender Studies, Sociology, Psychology, and Media Studies, as well as anyone interested in learning more about this emergent field.

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Kilicoglu, Zeynep, Deconstructing Refugee Women's Empowerment: A Comparative Approach to British and French Aid Structures. (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) 228 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1162>
ISBN 978-1-032-61553-0 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This book explores how self-identified feminist or women's organizations in the asylum and charity sectors in the UK and France attach meanings to and address refugee women's empowerment in their operations, and how these perpetuate or disrupt global hierarchies.Adopting a feminist, intersectional, and post-colonial approach, this book provides a nuanced assessment on how refugee assistance might move beyond the dominant "vulnerability vs. empowerment" dichotomy. Acknowledging how some of the current practices still impose vulnerability on women, it aims to contribute to the newly established literature exploring how refugeehood and asylum-seeking are not necessarily disempowering for fleeing women, as they can provide new opportunities for negotiating gender norms, supporting women to practice agency. Building on rich empirical work conducted via semi-structured interviews with refugee women and aid professionals, and participant observation in refugee communities, the book scrutinize how refugee women's empowerment is embedded in the histories of colonialism, biopolitics, racism, and patriarchy, which legitimizes the boundaries between the West and the rest, and it sheds light on the new strategies created by communities to move beyond these hierarchies, acknowledging women as autonomous actors who do not need to rely on aid structures.Students and scholars of migration and refugee studies, feminist international relations, gender studies, postcolonial studies alongside humanitarian practitioners, policy makers and advocates that operate in various levels will find this interdisciplinary book useful for understanding the realities of refugee women and professional workers in aid structures.

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McCormick, Stacie Elizabeth Selmon, We Are Pregnant with Freedom: Black Feminist Storytelling for Reproductive Justice. (Reproductive Justice: A New Vision for the 21st Century 13) 267 pp. 2025:7 (U. California Pr., US) <740-1174>
ISBN 978-0-520-42254-4 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39879-5 paper ¥7,650.- (税込) US$ 34.95

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. Situated at the crossroads of author Stacie Selmon McCormick's lived experiences as a Black birthing person, mother, and scholar, We Are Pregnant with Freedom traces Black sexual and reproductive liberation narratives through the storytelling work of those most marginalized in reproductive justice research and discourse. The book traces McCormick's loss of twin sons to stillbirth, her near-fatal experience with preeclampsia, and her subsequent reproductive justice research and advocacy work with The Afiya Center, a Black-led reproductive justice organization in Texas. Its multidisciplinary narrative shatters the silences wrought by stigma and historical erasure, ultimately proposing a new grammar of reproductive justice that can serve the people as a vehicle for community building, healing, and bodily liberation.

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McCray, Kenja, Essential Soldiers: Women Activists and Black Power Movement Leadership. (Black Power) 272 pp. 2025:8 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-1175>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3304-7 hard ¥7,661.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A new perspective on women's Black Power leadership legacies Academics and popular commentors have expressed common sentiments about the Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s-that it was male dominated and overrun with autocratic leaders. Yet women's strategizing, management, and sustained work were integral to movement organizations' functioning, and female advocates of cultural nationalism often exhibited a unique service-oriented, collaborative leadership style. Essential Soldiers documents a variety of women Pan-African nationalists' experiences, considering the ways they produced a distinctive kind of leadership through their devotion and service to the struggle for freedom and equality. Relying on oral histories, textual archival material, and scholarly literature, this book delves into women's organizing and resistance efforts, investigating how they challenged the one-dimensional notions of gender roles within cultural nationalist organizations. Revealing a form of Black Power leadership that has never been highlighted, Kenja McCray explores how women articulated and used their power to transform themselves and their environments. Through her examination, McCray argues that women's Pan-Africanist cultural nationalist activism embodied a work-centered, people-centered, and African-centered form of service leadership. A dynamic and fascinating narrative of African American women activists, Essential Soldiers provides a new vantage point for considering Black Power leadership legacies.

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Altamirano-Jimenez, Isabel / Nickel, Sarah et al., An Introduction to Indigenous Feminisms. 296 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1195>
ISBN 978-1-032-60362-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-58750-9 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

An Introduction to Indigenous Feminisms introduces important concepts and approaches for understanding what Indigenous feminisms are, why we use the term in plural, and why Indigenous feminisms are not just for academics.This engaging and accessible textbook, the first of its kind in this subject, provides instructors and students with the historical contexts, analytical tools, and the practice-driven possibilities for creative and epistemic engagement with Indigenous feminist knowledge. As well including useful pedagogical features, the volume explores:How Indigenous feminist conversations have evolved;What political practices have developed over time;Stories, theories, and histories about Indigenous women's experiences.An Introduction to Indigenous Feminisms provides students with ways to practice Indigenous ways of thinking, learning, especially those studying Gender Studies, Social and Cultural History, Sociology and Politics.

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Baams, Laura / Kaufman, Tessa M. L. (eds.), Sexually and Gender Diverse Adolescents: Critical Perspectives on Risk and Resilience. (Studies in Adolescent Development) 208 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1196>
ISBN 978-1-032-76561-7 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-73653-2 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Drawing on psychology, sociology, pedagogy, and prevention sciences, this book offers a comprehensive perspective on the contemporary and complex experiences of sexually and gender-diverse (SGD) adolescents worldwide.This important book explores adolescent experiences extending to countries worldwide where issues related to LGBTQ+ rights, adolescent mental health, and social acceptance are of concern. It not only uncovers the intricate world of sexually and gender-diverse adolescents and the complexities of resilience, risk, and critical perspectives, but it also explores health and wellbeing, generational dynamics, societal norms, globalization, and transformative pedagogy. Chapters cover topics including the role of family members, in-school victimization, intimate relationships, the role of social media, gender-affirming care and generational differences.Focusing on the latest research and moving beyond theory to provide evidence-based strategies, policies, and interventions, this is a must-buy for advanced students and researchers seeking timely and up-to-date knowledge, as well as practitioners, educators, and policymakers looking to effect positive change in the lives of SGD adolescents.

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Barcelos, Chris, Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice: A Guide for Liberation. (Reproductive Justice: A New Vision for the 21st Century) 294 pp. 2025:2 (U. California Pr., US) <740-1198>
ISBN 978-0-520-39007-2 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39008-9 paper ¥6,118.- (税込) US$ 27.95

This helpful how-to guide introduces the practices, history, and politics of youth movements for justice in the United States. Grounded in the struggles and worldmaking of queer and trans youth and people of color, Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice shows us how all youth organizing is reproductive justice as young people resist systems of oppression that limit bodily autonomy and self-determination. Through case studies, activist spotlights, and organizing how-tos, this book provides powerful tools for understanding the interconnected struggles at the center of youth activism. From the school-to-prison pipeline to transgender youth's access to gender-affirming care to support for pregnant and parenting teens, Chris Barcelos shows that reproductive justice inspires political organization across a range of issues. Rich with practical tips and a supplemental teaching guide, Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice will help mobilize scholars, activists, policymakers, reproductive justice nonprofit workers, and youth organizers toward collective liberation.

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Blackmore, Brian, To Hear and to Respond: The Quakers' Groundbreaking Push for Gay Liberation, 1946-1973. (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences / Brill Research Perspectives in Quaker Studies) 2025:1 (Brill, NE) <740-120>
ISBN 978-90-04-72760-1 paper ¥16,016.- (税込) EUR 70.00



Canty, Jeanine M. (ed.), Ecological and Social Healing: Multicultural Women's Voices. 2nd ed. 320 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1203>
ISBN 978-1-032-73289-3 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-70517-0 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

A compendium of diverse women and nonbinary femmes, the second, expanded edition of this book highlights the contributors' journeys with straddling social and ecological issues through both their professional and personal paths and reveals how straddling these edges has surfaced new learning, models, and practices for collective healing. The contributors span multiple generations and positionalities and are prominent academics, writers, teachers, artists, leaders, and healers. Ecological and Social Healing is rooted in the power of integrating multiple and often conflicting views and the transformations that result.This book is rooted in academic theory as well as personal and professional experience and highlights emerging models and insights. It will appeal to those working, teaching, and learning in the fields of social justice, environmental issues, women and gender studies, animal rights, ecopsychology, spirituality, transformative studies, transdisciplinarity, leadership, and interdisciplinary/intersectionality studies, as well as anyone straddling the boundaries of gender, race, ecology, and the crises of our times and are looking for new ways of being.

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Fonseca, Pedro Carlos Louzada, Woman in Medieval Texts and Literature: Misogyny and Praise from Tertullian to Chaucer. 192 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1208>
ISBN 978-1-032-84157-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-84156-4 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Employing a critical and analytical method, this volume takes an innovative approach to existing anthologies of medieval texts, proposing a comprehensive methodology for examining and understanding the historical and cultural construction of the image of women in medieval literature. Critically and analytically appreciating representative works and authors from the medieval period, Woman in Medieval Texts and Literature is interested not only in their essayistic examination but also in the intuitive perception of their values. This comprehensive approach fosters a deeper understanding of the image of women, particularly in the context of the Eve/Ave binomial, a dichotomy that shapes the defamation and defense of medieval femininity. The chapters present the misogynistic literary tradition as a comprehensive panorama, out of which emerged medieval literature praising women. Texts by the Fathers of the Church, from Tertullian (2nd century) to Saint Thomas Aquinas (13th century), are followed by those continuing their legacy, represented by Giovanni Boccaccio (14th century) and Geoffrey Chaucer (14th century). Finally, from this vast sea of defamation, toward the late Middle Ages, there emerged works, both anonymous and authorial, in praise of women, such as Dives and Pauper (15th century), The Thrush and the Nightingale (13th century), and the works of John Gower (14th century). Each of these works, in their own unique way, defends the women who were veiled and hidden away in the Middle Ages.

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A.ゲルマー他編 ファシズムのジェンダー化
Germer, Andrea / Rueckert, Jasmin (eds.), Gendering Fascism: Individual Actors, Concepts, and Transnational Connections. (Brill's Specials in Modern History 9) 392 pp. 2025:1 (Brill, NE) <740-1212>
ISBN 978-90-04-69150-6 hard ¥35,464.- (税込) EUR 155.00

What role did gender play in fascist visions and politics? The contributions in this volume map the category of gender in modern forms of political organisation and mobilisation of women and men; in propaganda and in the disciplining of bodies. In this theoretical framework, gender and fascism are seen as deeply intertwined. 'Gendering fascism' denotes a paradigmatic lens through which to explore the configurations, strategies, and technologies of fascist imaginaries and politics. Presenting empirical case studies of Europe, Asia and America as gendered sites of historical and transnational fascist engagement, the volume challenges lingering Eurocentric perspectives in fascism studies. Contributors are: Ryan Anningson, Anca Axinia, Andrea Germer, Brian J Griffith, Vera Marstaller, Meguro Akane, Toni Morant, Inbal Ofer, Hanna-Leena Paloposki, Andrea Peto, Jasmin Rueckert, George Souvlis, Rosa Vasilaki, Caroline Waldron, and Dagmar Wernitznig.

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Helgeson, Vicki S. / Balhan, Krystle M. / Winterrowd, Erin, Psychology of Gender/Sex. 7th ed. 744 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1214>
ISBN 978-1-032-64349-6 hard ¥69,575.- (税込) GB£ 250.00
ISBN 978-1-032-63896-6 paper ¥36,179.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

Now in its 7th edition, Psychology of Gender/Sex reviews the research and issues surrounding gender from multiple perspectives, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and public health. It explores the ways in which gendered experiences are varied across development, social identities, and locations, focusing on the construct of gender/sex, as well as the implications of gender/sex for school, work, relationships, and health.Going far beyond discussions of biological sex and gender identity, the text explores the gender/sex roles that society assigns to people, the various ways in which people break and bend those roles, and the other variables that co-occur with gender/sex, such as status and power.Key features of this edition include:- Updated and integrated coverage of LGBTQ+ issues, identities, and experiences- Expanded emphasis on the intersectionality of gender/sex- Renewed focus on abortion/bodily autonomy and reproduction- Expanded discussions of emerging topics such as online interactions and social media, the impact of COVID on gender/sex inequalities, gender/sex in the workplace, and social justice and activism.Engaging and readable, Psychology of Gender/Sex is an essential text for all students of gender from psychology, women's studies, gender studies, sociology, and anthropology.

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Koscianska, Agnieszka / Kurimay, Anita et al. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality in East Central Europe. 480 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-1223>
ISBN 978-1-032-06964-7 hard ¥64,009.- (税込) GB£ 230.00

This handbook provides an overview of scholarly research on sexuality in East Central Europe for both students and academics, focusing on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, from the late nineteenth century to the present.The collection is organised into eight sections covering major areas of research including: non-normative sexualities; family, marriage, and kinship; race/ethnicity and nationalism; birth, health, and reproduction; religion; sex, work, and mobility; violence; and sex education. The chapters highlight the breadth and depth of current scholarship on the region, past and present. The contributions present cutting-edge research treating each of the East Central European countries on its own terms and contextualising sexual meanings, practices, and dynamics in relation to the specific ways they have been shaped, experienced, represented, and contested in the lives of people across the territories. In doing so, the book underscores the differences in the region's trajectories of sexuality and sexual politics from those of not only the West, but also Russia/USSR and (former) Yugoslavia across the long twentieth century.Written by a multidisciplinary team of international experts, The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality in East Central Europe is an ideal resource for scholars of European history, gender studies, anthropology, and sociology.

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Lakkimsetti, Chaitanya / Reddy, Vanita (eds.), #MeToo and the Politics of Transnational Feminism: An Anthology. 240 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-1224>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2565-3 hard ¥8,756.- (税込) US$ 40.00

The global context of a feminist movement The #MeToo movement is most famous for the US celebrities it took to task for sexual crimes-Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Matt Lauer, to name a few. Mainstream representations of #MeToo frame it as a global feminist campaign that originated in the US and focused on high-profile American actors and executives. But the debates about gender-based violence that #MeToo catalyzed were felt worldwide. Despite the global uptick of the movement, there are very few feminist accounts of the transnational politics of #MeToo. This anthology frames #MeToo as a movement with uneven itineraries, goals, and outcomes. The essays in this volume take a transnational and comparative feminist approach to #MeToo, focusing on the multiple ways that feminist voices from Argentina, Egypt, India, Pakistan, South Korea, the US, and the UK have pushed the boundaries of what counts as politics, justice, solidarity, violence, precarity, and vulnerability. In doing so, this volume shows how an engagement with #MeToo allows us to extend and sharpen the empirical, theoretical, and methodological parameters of transnational feminist thought. A blend of global activist and academic work, #MeToo and the Politics of Transnational Feminism offers a necessary transnational framing of the #MeToo movement.

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フェミニストの思想家と女性性の要求 第2版
Marso, Lori Jo, Feminist Thinkers and the Demands of Femininity: The Lives and Work of Intellectual Women. 2nd ed. 280 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1226>
ISBN 978-1-032-41318-1 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-41316-7 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Examining the lives and work of feminist thinkers throughout history, this book explores how they have striven to balance politics, intellectual work, and the material conditions of femininity. A new introduction to this second edition resituates these themes in contemporary feminist literature.Feminist accounts of struggles with life, love, political comrades, and social expectations about feminine respectability offer tastes of feminist lives, but these narratives are not always inspirational or exemplary. How do feminists survive and thrive in situations marked by inequalities of sexism, racism, colonial and capitalist extraction, and accompanying forms of harm? Thinking beyond representation and empathy as ways to connect, this book features disorienting and disruptive examples from feminist experiments in living and the uncomfortable feelings they invite. Insisting that feminists should read the autobiographies and memoirs of feminist actors alongside their theoretical contributions, the volume includes writings from Simone de Beauvoir, Emma Goldman, Ida B. Wells, Audre Lorde, Azar Nafisi, Ana Castillo, Carolyn Kay Steedman, Germaine de Stael, Mary Wollstonecraft, and more.Written for students and scholars of Women's History, and everyone who "feels like a feminist," this book embodies and electrifies the feminist insight that the personal is political.

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Przybylo, Ela, Ungendering Menstruation. (Forerunners: Ideas First) 116 pp. 2025:5 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-1233>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1837-8 paper ¥2,189.- (税込) US$ 10.00

Why and how menstrual pain needs to be incorporated into discussions of gender, embodiment, and disability Honing a "cranky" approach to being a menstruating body expected to accept and embrace trauma, Ungendering Menstruation examines menstrual suppression, toxicity, and the cooptation of menstrual positivity rhetoric. Drawing on their own experiences as a toxic shock survivor and a menstrual pain and period dysphoria sufferer, Ela Przybylo questions why, on what terms, and for whom menstruation has been fixed around experiences of pain. Instead, they present a vision for menstrual justice that refuses the womaning of bleeding and the further erasure, dismissal, and denial of menstrual pain as real pain. If menstruating is framed as somatechnically elective, Przybylo contends, it provides avenues for both celebrating and appreciating cultures of bleeding as well as for remaining critical of the ways in which bleeding has been used as a transphobic and sexist tool to fix gender in place.

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Simpson, Patricia Anne, Early Modern Women's Work: Kinship, Community, and Social Justice. (New Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Modern Culture) 226 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1236>
ISBN 978-1-032-21132-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-21131-2 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Early Modern Women's Work examines the contributions of female writers, artists, scientists, religious leaders, and patrons who engaged in entrepreneurial, intellectual, and emotional labor in German-speaking Europe. Through individual and collective authorship, the women analyzed in this study assert a claim to kinship and community, often beyond the hegemonic, heteronormative relationships to family, religion, and monarch.The contributions of early modern women to the construction of productive work spaces and the establishing of intellectual and actual communities are often overlooked or underestimated in scholarship on this period. This book serves as a cultural corrective to suppositions of gender-coded work, because alongside the dominant history of the private sphere as a feminine domain, a counter-narrative emerges with collective authorship. Despite the disparities in their biographies, the women whose work Simpson foregrounds highlight a range of early modern concerns, primarily but not exclusively in German-speaking Europe. These include debates about women's education and erudition; migration and displacement in search of religious or professional freedom; a persistent but varied discourse about female authorship and creative agency; and the assertion of subjectivity against the violent, fractious history of the Thirty Years' War.This book will be an ideal resource for students, scholars and all those interested in German and European studies, women and gender studies, and the history of early modern work.

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Srivastava, Akanksha / Maheshwari, Disha et al. (eds.), Subverting Social Inequalities: Gender as a Social Reality. (AAP Insights in Women's and Gender Studies: Reshaping Identities) 314 pp. 2025:5 (Apple Academic Pr., US) <740-1239>
ISBN 978-1-77491-814-2 hard ¥41,745.- (税込) GB£ 150.00

With the goal to facilitate advancing gender equality in challenging times, this volume investigates gender inequality in several areas and advocates for equality of rights for men and women as a prerequisite for a peaceful, wealthy, and sustainable world.

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Stone, Linda / King, Diane E., Kinship and Gender: An Introduction. 7th ed. 376 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <740-1240>
ISBN 978-1-032-48491-4 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-49507-1 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This fully revised seventh edition of Kinship and Gender: An Introduction explores kinship in today's globalized, increasingly mobile world, and how family structures continue to influence the varied roles that men and women play in different cultures. Written to engage students, each chapter provides key terms and useful generalizations gleaned through research on the interplay of kinship and gender in both traditional societies and contemporary communities. Detailed case studies and cross-cultural examples help students understand how such generalizations are experienced in real life. The authors also consider the ramifications of current social problems and recent developments in reproductive technology as they demonstrate the relevance of kinship and gender to students' lives. The new edition contains a revised introduction highlighting the disaggregation of marriage and reproduction; new sections on third gender, nonbinary, and trans identities; new case studies on spiritual kinship; as well as explorations of genetic and ancestral kinship paradigms, new reproductive technologies, and a more robust global perspective throughout. Pedagogical features include bolded key terms throughout, updated suggestions for classroom media, an updated glossary, an updated appendix, and downloadable instructor resources & power point slides.Kinship and Gender: An Introduction provides a broad, yet nuanced introduction to the field, and is essential reading for students taking their first steps into anthropology, gender studies, and sociology.

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Taylor, Judith M., Women and Gardens: A History from the Victorian Era to Today. 216 pp. 2025:4 (U. New Mexico Pr., US) <740-1241>
ISBN 978-0-8263-6783-9 paper ¥5,461.- (税込) US$ 24.95



Kneupper, Frances Courtney, Prophecy and the Battle for Spiritual Authority, 1360-1400: Outsiders, Women, and Reformers. 304 pp. 2025:5 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-144>
ISBN 978-0-19-894035-7 hard ¥27,551.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

The end of the fourteenth century was a time of upheaval and contested authority among the traditional institutions of medieval Europe. In response to these conditions, a number of people began to claim their own authority, as prophets speaking the word of God. They came from outside of the clerical elite and were mostly women and reformers. This book examines the battle over authority which ensued. Prophetic women and other non-elites successfully used prophecy to exert influence and to enter the corridors of power, while educated male clerics insinuated that prophecy was the product of demonic influence and therefore a hazard to the public. Surprisingly, a third faction also emerged--an international network of clerical men who wrote in support of female prophecy. This volume traces the arguments made by these three groups, the clashes that erupted, and the long-term impacts of this battle on ideas of spiritual authority.

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Spira, Tamara Lea, Queering Families: Reproductive Justice in Precarious Times. (Reproductive Justice: A New Vision for the 21st Century) 368 pp. 2025:4 (U. California Pr., US) <740-1032>
ISBN 978-0-520-38619-8 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-38620-4 paper ¥6,118.- (税込) US$ 27.95

Envisioning queer futures where we lovingly wager everything for the world's children, the planet, and all living beings against all odds, and in increasingly precarious times. Queering Families traces the shifting dominant meanings of queer family from the late twentieth century to today. With this book, Tamara Lea Spira highlights the growing embrace of normative family structures by LGBTQ+ movements-calling into question how many queers, once deemed unfit to parent, have become contradictory agents within the US empire's racial and colonial agendas. Simultaneously, Queering Families celebrates the rich history of queer reproductive justice, from the radical movements of the 1970s through the present, led by Black, decolonial, and queer of color feminist activists. Ultimately, Spira argues that queering reproductive justice impels us to build communities of care to cherish and uphold the lives of those who, defying normativity's violent stranglehold, are deemed to be unworthy of life. She issues the call to lovingly wager a future for the world's children, the planet, and all living beings against all odds, and in increasingly perilous times.

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Barber, Tiffany E., Undesirability and Her Sisters: Black Women's Visual Work and the Ethics of Representation. (Minoritarian Aesthetics) 320 pp. 2025:5 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-1058>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2927-9 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-2928-6 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00

How Black women's visual work functions in an era of new racial and gender meaning In the wake of contemporary art's post-Black turn and the mainstreaming of intersectionality, Undesirability and Her Sisters charts a new genealogy of Black women's art that exposes the unfinished project of racial and gender empowerment in the twenty-first century. Tiffany Barber argues that Black women's social positions at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, and class are inherently queer, thus spurring unexpected aesthetic strategies that throw into high relief the ethical terrain of what it means to be Black and a woman now. Undesirability and Her Sisters collates what Barber terms "undesirable" representations of Black female bodies in recent American sculpture, collage, photography, and dance-based performance art by Kara Walker, Wangechi Mutu, Xaviera Simmons, and Narcissister. These works not only engage the visual senses but also incorporate olfactory, haptic, and sonic experiences that challenge traditional interpretations of Blackness and womanhood in art history, Black Studies, feminist and gender studies, dance and performance studies, and queer studies. Instead of transcendental beauty, wholeness, and individual and collective becoming, the perverse Black female figures profiled here eschew sublimation and synthesis as necessary responses to racial and gender subjugation in the past, present, and future. Through its unique, groundbreaking analysis, this book contributes to the ongoing discussions on the ethics of representation-the capacity to speak and act for oneself, to have significance and impact, and ultimately, to reject acknowledgment.

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Johnson, Lori Nel, Blackness, Symbolism, and American Modernism: Class, Race, Gender, and Sexuality. (Routledge Research in Art and Race) 220 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1069>
ISBN 978-1-032-45301-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

In this book, Lori Nel Johnson examines the work of Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937), Meta Warrick Fuller (1877-1968), and F. Holland Day (1864-1933) in relation to the development of modernism during the turn of the century, and the official narratives surrounding this movement. While Tanner and Fuller have been consistently linked in the history of American Art, the Pictorialist photographer and publisher, Day has rarely if ever been discussed with these two artists, despite the fact that all three were rough contemporaries and affiliated with Symbolism. The book compares the historical and social conditions that determined the lives and careers of these three artists, which curtailed their ambitions because of the intersections of class, race, gender, or sexuality. By examining each artist's respective proximity to language on the basis of class, race, gender, and sexuality, this study avoids categorizing artists solely on the basis of difference, and thus, offers a more fulsome and radical reading of the development of modernism in the United States. The book will be of interest to scholars of art history, design history, history of photography, American studies, and African American studies.

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Mengesha, Lilian, Critical Dreaming: Feminist Performances across the Indigenous Americas. 256 pp. 2025:5 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-1080>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3537-9 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-3538-6 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Ways of knowing against colonialism In the 1990s, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and US and Canadian boarding/residential schools' practices led to an increase in cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women from the US-Mexico border, Guatemala, Canada, and the United States. Indigenous artists aiming to recontextualize these state-sponsored instances of violence created works grappling with time, ancestry, and relationality. Lilian Mengesha interprets the works of these artists within a decolonial context through an aesthetic frame she calls "critical dreaming." Using methods from performance studies, gender studies, and Indigenous studies, Critical Dreaming considers artists as expert world makers. Mengesha examines selected works by Lara Kramer, Regina Jose Galindo, Rebecca Belmore, Monique Mojica, LeAnne Howe, and Sky Hopinka, demonstrating how each materializes alternative modes of experiencing time, making kin, and communing with land. Mengesha argues that critical dreaming is a performance that advances material and embodied practices of survival, both individual and collective, to challenge colonial and nationalist discourses invested in a teleology of disappeared people, history, and land. Her writing provides valuable insight into the intergenerational effects of settler colonialism on Indigenous communities throughout the Americas, looking at how artists build worlds anew through Indigenous ways of knowing and making inspired from the past and repurposed for the present. Critical Dreaming offers a resonant framework for understanding Indigenous embodied ways of knowing that work against colonial attempts to discredit or disappear forms of imagination, relationality, and resistance connecting disparate Indigenous communities. This powerful book urges readers to recognize how Indigenous artists contribute to ongoing struggles against multiple forms of colonialism.

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Ruberg, Bo, How to Queer the World: Radical Worldbuilding through Video Games. 304 pp. 2025:4 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-1087>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3199-9 hard ¥19,482.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-3200-2 paper ¥6,567.- (税込) US$ 30.00

What video games teach us about building a better world What does it mean to build a world? Worldbuilding is traditionally understood as an expression of storytelling across media forms. Yet, as video games show us, worldbuilding does not necessarily need to center narrative elements. Instead, new worlds can allow us to reimagine existing structures, conventions, and constants. Doing so gives us the tools to queer the world around us. How to Queer the World argues that video games provide us with keen insight into worldbuilding. With these insights come a new understanding of the ever-elusive ideals of queer worldmaking. Video games challenge us to address how worlds are built through underlying systems rather than surface-level representation. They also offer opportunities to envision alternate and queer ways of living, loving, desiring, and being. Each of the chapters in this book presents a close reading of a video game that illustrates one way of building worlds and encoding them with meaning, focusing on elements of digital media often overlooked as technical rather than cultural. From the design of game mechanics and user interfaces to the use of graphics software and physics simulations, Bo Ruberg argues that these aspects of video games represent a critical toolkit for seeing the work of worldbuilding differently-in video games and beyond. Simultaneously, each of these video games models an approach to what Ruberg terms "queer worldbuilding." Queer worldbuilding radically remakes the world by destabilizing the fundamental logics of our own universe: who we are, what we can do, how our bodies move, and how we exist within time and space.

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Slattery, James Lawrence, Taking Back Desire: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Queerness and Neoliberalism on Screen. (The Lines of the Symbolic in Psychoanalysis Series) 184 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1092>
ISBN 978-1-032-86371-9 hard ¥38,962.- (税込) GB£ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-032-86370-2 paper ¥9,737.- (税込) GB£ 34.99

Taking Back Desire studies film, television and video art texts through a Lacanian prism to restore a sense of queer as troubling identity and resistance to neoliberal forms of inclusion.James Lawrence Slattery illuminates how the framing of desire, identity, enjoyment, resistance and knowledge contribute to the investment in neoliberal formations of being and success, despite the corrosive effects neoliberalism has had for much of society. The book does not read queerness on screen as a discernible group of characters or narrative formulas, but as a point that meaning fails in the visual and temporal field. Examining the interrelation of the real, the imaginary, and the symbolic in contemporary politics and contemporary media, Slattery investigates how a diverse selection of moving image texts forge queerness as a relationship to the lack, while crucially resisting the creation of a new or definitive 'canon'.Taking Back Desire will be essential reading for academics and scholars of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, queer theory, late capitalism, film, television and media studies, sexuality studies, critical race theory, cultural studies and feminist theory.

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