2025/03/13 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Einstein, Albert,
Albert Einstein's "Why Socialism?: The Enduring Legacy of His Classic Essay. Ed. by J. B. Foster. 104 pp. 2025:5 (Monthly Review, US) <740-80>
ISBN 978-1-68590-099-1 hard ¥4,367.- (税込) US$ 19.95
Robert, Karen,
Driving Terror: Labor, Violence, and Justice in Cold War Argentina. (Dialogos Series) 296 pp. 2025:3 (U. New Mexico Pr., US) <740-933>
ISBN 978-0-8263-6760-0 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-8263-6761-7 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95
Chakraborty, Titas,
Empire of Labor: How the East India Company Colonized Hired Work. 338 pp. 2025:3 (U. California Pr., US) <740-331>
ISBN 978-0-520-39963-1 hard ¥20,795.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-39964-8 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *
Empire of Labor tells the story of how hired workers experienced and responded to the rise to power over the long eighteenth century of the English East India Company (EIC), which perennially hired thousands of people in and around its settlements in Bengal. Focusing on boatmen and silk reelers as well as sailors and soldiers-a remarkable look at both indigenous and European workers-the story begins with the earliest accounts of the EIC's dealings with hired labor in the region, from 1651. Prior to EIC dominance, hired workers drove hard bargains with their employers, making demands that drew upon their own notions of wages, work rhythms, and time. When their demands were not met, they ran away, often to rival indigenous or European employers. Empire of Labor explores these demands and how they conflicted with the EIC's notions of discipline. Analyzing Bengali literary sources and Dutch and English archival materials, the book rethinks the ascendancy of the company state as a violent process involving removing competing employers, imposing army and police power, introducing new production technologies, and instituting draconian regulations which eliminated indigenous cultures of work. Most importantly, it depicts the lifeworlds of these recalcitrant workers, showing how they lived and resisted. A major intervention in histories of colonialism, labor, migration, and law, Empire of Labor ultimately recasts colonial rule as a novel form of state-labor relationship.
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Sarkisian, Aram G.,
Orthodoxy on the Line: Russian Orthodox Christians and Labor Migration in the Progressive Era. (North American Religions) 336 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-163>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3315-3 hard ¥10,945.- (税込) US$ 50.00
Working-class immigration, religion, and labor history in the United States At the turn of the twentieth century, thousands of immigrants from the borderlands of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires built a transnational church in North America. The community that church leaders called American Orthodox Rus' was created by and for working people, and transformed believers' identities as Eastern European migrants, as Orthodox Christians, and as American workers. Given how strongly the Russian Orthodox Christian community was tied to working class industrial life, this book makes the case that we cannot understand the scope of working class and immigrant religion in the United States without understanding American Orthodox Rus'. The work Russian Orthodox immigrants did in the Progressive Era United States occurred in factories, foundries, and mines; they lived mainly in industrial cities and mining towns; and they almost immediately got caught up in the most pivotal-and sometimes violent-political and social crises of their times, both nationally and internationally. To address their needs in these contexts, the Russian Orthodox Church expanded its missionary efforts in North America, forming a network of social and material aid for working-class believers. This book traces the rapid growth of this transnational religious world, then explores its unexpected collapse under the weight of the First World War, a global pandemic, and the transnational reach of revolutionary political change in Russia. A story of challenge and resilience, Orthodoxy on the Line complicates dominant paradigms in the study of labor and North American Religions.
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Simpson, Patricia Anne,
Early Modern Women's Work: Kinship, Community, and Social Justice. (New Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Modern Culture) 226 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1236>
ISBN 978-1-032-21132-9 hard ¥40,353.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-21131-2 paper ¥11,128.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
Early Modern Women's Work examines the contributions of female writers, artists, scientists, religious leaders, and patrons who engaged in entrepreneurial, intellectual, and emotional labor in German-speaking Europe. Through individual and collective authorship, the women analyzed in this study assert a claim to kinship and community, often beyond the hegemonic, heteronormative relationships to family, religion, and monarch.The contributions of early modern women to the construction of productive work spaces and the establishing of intellectual and actual communities are often overlooked or underestimated in scholarship on this period. This book serves as a cultural corrective to suppositions of gender-coded work, because alongside the dominant history of the private sphere as a feminine domain, a counter-narrative emerges with collective authorship. Despite the disparities in their biographies, the women whose work Simpson foregrounds highlight a range of early modern concerns, primarily but not exclusively in German-speaking Europe. These include debates about women's education and erudition; migration and displacement in search of religious or professional freedom; a persistent but varied discourse about female authorship and creative agency; and the assertion of subjectivity against the violent, fractious history of the Thirty Years' War.This book will be an ideal resource for students, scholars and all those interested in German and European studies, women and gender studies, and the history of early modern work.
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Favretto, Ilaria,
Cultures of Protest and Industrial Conflict in Italy since 1945. 416 pp. 2025:7 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-1396>
ISBN 978-0-19-885399-2 hard ¥33,117.- (税込) GB£ 119.00
The history of the twentieth century in Italy is marked by industrial unrest. And yet, our knowledge of the cultures that informed those protests and, equally important, of the forms they took is still limited, leaving important questions unanswered on their meanings, functions, mechanisms of transmission, continuities, and discontinuities with earlier waves of mobilization and global connections. In this illuminating and thought-provoking book, Favretto explores the protest methods and the underpinning protest cultures of Italian industrial workers from the collapse of Fascism to the present day. Challenging common portrayals of the labour movement as unimaginative and conventional in its tactics, the book demonstrates the variety of forms of industrial protest, encompassing actions such as sit-ins, protest camps, and hunger strikes, which are typically not associated with industrial conflict. Transcending the boundaries of contemporary history, the book also uncovers the persistence and reinvention of tactics commonly identified with the pre-modern period, such as time wasting, sabotage, and theft, and it shows the influence of earlier cultures and carnivalesque practices of popular contention, such as charivari, known as rough music in Britain and scampanata and other names in Italy. By analysing tactics and cultures distinct from the official union protest repertoire that studies of post-1945 Italy and the labour movement often presume obsolete, the book provides a more profound understanding of workers' protest practices and underlying cultures and a better comprehension of their breadth and scope. It casts new light on the impact of internal migration on workers' protest rituals and practices, working-class women's participation in collective action, Communists' and Catholics' distinctive protest cultures, and, moving to recent decades, the effects of de-industrialisation on industrial conflict and its forms. The book fills an important gap in the study of the Italian labour movement and Italian history, enriching our understanding of the mechanisms behind the transmission and innovation of protest cultures and tactics. Its attention to the foreign experiences that shaped Italian labour industrial conflicts and analysis of tactics that have seen worldwide usage over extended periods also make it an essential contribution to a global history of protest.
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T-Bone Slim,
The Popular Wobbly: Selected Writings of T-Bone Slim. Ed. by O. Clayton et al. 360 pp. 2025:6 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-1400>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1495-0 hard ¥26,268.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1496-7 paper ¥6,556.- (税込) US$ 29.95
The first critical edition of the writings of the prolific radical workers' newspaper columnist and musician who rode the rails during the Great DepressionThe Popular Wobbly brings together a wide selection of writings by T-Bone Slim, the most popular and talented writer belonging to the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Slim wrote humorous, polemical pieces, engaging with topics like labor and class injustice, which were mostly published in IWW publications from 1920 until his death in 1942. Although relatively little is known about Slim, editors Owen Clayton and Iain McIntyre coalesce the latest research on this enigmatic character to create a vivid portrait that adds valuable context for the array of writings assembled here. Known as "the laureate of the logging camps," Slim also composed numerous songs that have been performed and recorded by Pete Seeger, Utah Phillips, and Candie Carawan, who in 1960 updated Slim's song "The Popular Wobbly" with Civil Rights-era lyrics. Slim's witticisms, sayings, and exhortations ("Wherever you find injustice, the proper form of politeness is attack"; "Only the poor break laws-the rich evade them") were widely discussed among fellow hobos across the "jungle" campfires that dotted the railways, and some even transcribed his commentary on boxcars that traveled the country. Yet despite Slim's importance and fame during his lifetime, his work disappeared from public view almost immediately after his death. The Popular Wobbly is the first critical edition of Slim's work and also a significant contribution to literature about working-class writers, the radical labor movement, and the history and culture of nomadism and precarity. With this publication, Slim's rediscovered writings can once again inspire artists and activists to march and agitate for a more just and equitable world.
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