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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Bevis, Teresa Brawner, The Rise and Fall of International Education Exchange: A Resurrection in Retrospect. 226 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <726-1203>
ISBN 978-3-031-57404-7 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book tells the story of America's legendary rise in the field of international education exchange, its recent stumble during the pandemic era, and its current resurrection. America brings to its shores more foreign students than any other country, and their presence is the most critical indicator of its exceptional quality of scholarship. Achieving this level of distinction has required public, private, and civic organizations, in league with generations of inspired individuals. Recently there were indications of a fall, mostly attributed to the pandemic, but also to a host of volatile social and geopolitical issues. Unchanged, however, have been the overarching goals of intercultural understanding and world peace. As the field resurrects, some worry that deeper degeneration may still be looming. Others foresee a bright future and predict an aggressive new rise in the field of international education exchange.

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Zounek, Jiri / Poloucek, Oto / Simane, Michal, (Post)Socialist Transformation of Primary Schools: Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic. 280 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <726-1204>
ISBN 978-3-031-58767-2 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.

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Moyen, Eric A. / Thelin, John R., College Sports: A History. 496 pp. 2025:1 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <725-913>
ISBN 978-1-4214-5009-4 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95

A bold and foundational history of the inception and evolution of intercollegiate athletics in the United States.In College Sports, historians Eric A. Moyen and John R. Thelin tell the intriguing story of the success-and excess-of American college sports from their inception to today. Arguing that the modern American university's structure spurred the growth of big-time sports, Moyen and Thelin also highlight the treatment of marginalized groups in athletics and the role that commercialization and the media have played in shaping college sports.Using a wealth of secondary resources, archival records, newspaper articles, and oral histories, Moyen and Thelin offer a chronological account of the popularity, success, and continued challenges of college sports. Most scholarship has portrayed athletics as an anomaly within higher education, but history reveals that college sports enjoy a symbiotic relationship with universities. Reform and a return to a purely amateur model have rarely been a compelling option for those institutions that are successful in commercialized big-time college sports. At the same time, the majority of student-athletes compete in a very different model. And despite their progressive posturing, colleges have been slow to fully adopt civil rights and social justice issues. When full participation was finally extended to women and minorities, it generally meant a move away from the amateur model into a commercial enterprise. By examining key events at specific universities, athletic conferences, and the NCAA, Moyen and Thelin trace how the media and sports marketing have created an incredibly successful financial model for schools in big-time conferences. Yet this model has also created a precarious fiscal situation for hundreds of other institutions. This provocative and refreshing take on sports in American universities provides the context in which to understand-and improve upon-the current landscape of intercollegiate athletics.

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Seifert, Laura, Faith in Education at the Skidaway Island Benedictine Mission. 208 pp. 2024:10 (U. Georgia Pr., US) <725-152>
ISBN 978-0-8203-6720-0 hard ¥26,915.- (税込) US$ 119.95
ISBN 978-0-8203-6721-7 paper ¥6,046.- (税込) US$ 26.95



J.W.ボイヤー著 シカゴ大学の歴史 拡大版
Boyer, John W., The University of Chicago: A History. Enlarged ed. 784 pp. 2024:9 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <725-1199>
ISBN 978-0-226-83530-3 hard ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00

An expanded narrative of the rich, unique history of the University of Chicago. One of the most influential institutions of higher learning in the world, the University of Chicago has a powerful and distinct identity, and its name is synonymous with intellectual rigor. With nearly 170,000 alumni living and working in more than one hundred and fifty countries, its impact is far-reaching and long-lasting. With The University of Chicago: A History, John W. Boyer, Dean of the College from 1992 to 2023, thoroughly engages with the history and the lived politics of the university. Boyer presents a history of a complex academic community, focusing on the nature of its academic culture and curricula, the experience of its students, its engagement with Chicago's civic community, and the resources and conditions that have enabled the university to sustain itself through decades of change. He has mined the archives, exploring the school's complex and sometimes controversial past to set myth and hearsay apart from fact. Boyer's extensive research shows that the University of Chicago's identity is profoundly interwoven with its history, and that history is unique in the annals of American higher education. After a little-known false start in the mid-nineteenth century, it achieved remarkable early successes, yet in the 1950s it faced a collapse of undergraduate enrollment, which proved fiscally debilitating for decades. Throughout, the university retained its fierce commitment to a distinctive, intense academic culture marked by intellectual merit and free debate, allowing it to rise to international acclaim. Today it maintains a strong obligation to serve the larger community through its connections to alumni, to the city of Chicago, and increasingly to its global community. Boyer's tale is filled with larger-than-life characters-John D. Rockefeller, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and many other famous figures among them-and episodes that reveal the establishment and rise of today's institution. Newly updated, this edition extends through the presidency of Robert Zimmer, whose long tenure was marked by significant developments and controversies over subjects as varied as free speech, medical inequity, and community relations.

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DeJulio, Samuel / Duran, Leah (eds.), Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States: A Spotlight on Under-Recognized Histories. 190 pp. 2024:9 (Routledge, UK) <725-1200>
ISBN 978-1-03-246361-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-245854-0 paper ¥11,236.- (税込) GB£ 38.99

Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States brings together new scholarship and critical perspectives hitherto missing from dominant narratives to offer a racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse record of the history of American reading instruction. This book addresses the many important developments in the history of literacy in the U.S. that occurred outside of mainstream public education, in marginalized communities in and outside of traditional school contexts.Instead of a "top down" approach of prominent thinkers and theorists, the book intends to cover key blind spots, including literacy education in Indigenous nations, and how marginalized groups have fought for access to education, by applying a critical lens to the under-recognized histories of literacy.This volume is essential reading for courses on History of Reading Education and Foundations of Literacy.

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Harbig, Anna Maria / Haeberlein, Mark (Hrsg.), Mehrsprachigkeit im Schulwesen der Fruehen Neuzeit. (Fremdsprachen in Geschichte und Gegenwart 20) VI, 246 S. 2023:11 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <725-1201>
ISBN 978-3-447-12126-2 paper ¥14,099.- (税込) EUR 58.00

Nach der Reformation erlebte das Schulwesen in protestantischen wie in katholischen Laendern einen starken Aufschwung. Die Forderung, dass die Glaeubigen die Bibel in ihrer eigenen Sprache lesen koennen sollten, sowie der Bedarf an Seelsorgern und Verwaltungsfachleuten waren auf protestantischer Seite wichtige Impulse fuer den Ausbau des Bildungswesens. Auch bei den Katholiken wurden Bildung und Professionalisierung des Klerus sowie des Justiz- und Verwaltungspersonals nach dem Konzil von Trient energisch vorangetrieben, wobei sich die Orden als wichtige Traeger des Schulwesens profilierten. Seit dem 17. Jahrhundert nahmen katholische und evangelische Schulen lebende Sprachen zunaechst fakultativ, dann auch verpflichtend in ihre Lehrplaene auf. Im Jahrhundert der Aufklaerung schliesslich avancierten die Ueberwindung des konfessionsgebundenen Schulwesens und die Umsetzung reformpaedagogischer Konzepte im (fremdsprachlichen) Unterricht zu wichtigen Themen. Wie sich der Prozess der Konfessionsbildung sowie die Reformbewegungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts auf Stellenwert, Inhalte und Adressatenkreise schulischen Sprachunterrichts auswirkten, wird in diesem Band anhand von Beispielen aus verschiedenen europaeischen Laendern und aus Nordamerika untersucht.

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Paglayan, Agustina, Raised to Obey: The Rise and Spread of Mass Education. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World) 344 pp. 2024:11 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <725-1203>
ISBN 978-0-691-26126-3 hard ¥22,427.- (税込) US$ 99.95
ISBN 978-0-691-26127-0 paper ¥7,180.- (税込) US$ 32.00

How the expansion of primary education in the West emerged not from democratic ideals but from the state's desire to control its citizensNearly every country today has universal primary education. But why did governments in the West decide to provide education to all children in the first place? In Raised to Obey, Agustina Paglayan offers an unsettling answer. The introduction of broadly accessible primary education was not mainly a response to industrialization, or fueled by democratic ideals, or even aimed at eradicating illiteracy or improving skills. It was motivated instead by elites' fear of the masses-and the desire to turn the "savage," "unruly," and "morally flawed" children of the lower classes into well-behaved future citizens who would obey the state and its laws.Drawing on unparalleled evidence from two centuries of education provision in Europe and the Americas, and deploying rich data that capture the expansion of primary education and its characteristics, this sweeping book offers a political history of primary schools that is both broad and deep. Paglayan shows that governments invested in primary schools when internal threats heightened political elites' anxiety around mass violence and the breakdown of social order.Two hundred years later, the original objective of disciplining children remains at the core of how most public schools around the world operate. The future of education systems-and their ability to reduce poverty and inequality-hinges on our ability to understand and come to terms with this troubling history.

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Huschner, Wolfgang / Kusche, Beate / Menzel, F. (Hrsg.), Fuersten - Gelehrte - Gesellschaften: Forschungen zur Fuerstenherrschaft, Beziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland und Europa (13. bis 20. Jahrhundert). (Quellen und Forschungen zur saechsischen und mitteldeutschen Geschichte 50) 602 S. 2024:1 (F. Steiner, GW) <724-938>
ISBN 978-3-515-13606-8 paper ¥25,282.- (税込) EUR 104.00

Der Band praesentiert in 26 Beitraegen Forschungen ueber deutsche und europaeische Fuerstenhoefe und deren internationale Verbindungen, vergleichende Perspektiven auf verschiedene Laender im Heiligen Roemischen Reich, Gelehrte und Bildung an Hoefen und in Staedten sowie zur Geschichte von Universitaeten und Schulen. Chronologisch reicht die Spannweite vom Mittelalter bis in das 20. Jahrhundert mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Fruehen Neuzeit (1500?1800). Die Beitraege bieten viele neue, teils auch ueberraschende Erkenntnisse, welche die bisherigen Forschungen auf diesen Gebieten um interessante Aspekte bereichern.

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Schreiner, Florian J., Universitaet und Gewalt: Akademisch-militaerische Kooperationen in Welt- und Nachkrieg 1914-1921. (Weimarer Schriften zur Republik 24) 352 S. 2024:6 (F. Steiner, GW) <724-939>
ISBN 978-3-515-13693-8 hard ¥15,558.- (税込) EUR 64.00



Del Soldato, Eva / Vanhaelen, Maude (eds.), Teaching Plato in Italian Renaissance Universities. (Studia artistarum 51) 176 pp. 2024:7 (Brepols, BE) <724-19>
ISBN 978-2-503-60785-6 hard ¥17,017.- (税込) EUR 70.00



Lim, Jia Wei, Reforming Literature Education in Malaysia 1957 - 2020: Development of Post-secondary Literature in English. (Routledge Studies in Educational History and Development in Asia) 248 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-651>
ISBN 978-1-03-207214-2 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

Lim traces the complexities in construction and implementation of a school subject, namely Literature in English in Malaysia through a focused and grounded narrative where tensions regarding identity, reader response and conceptualisations about literature play out in a postcolonial context.The book demonstrates the need to think about school subjects as abstract concepts negotiated at various levels, be it during curriculum construction or in the classroom. These conceptualisations of the subject are further influenced by contemporary concerns and sociopolitical changes over time. As such, the scope of this book ranges from pre-independence Malaysia (then Malaya) from the 1950s till the current phase of the subject's development in the 21st century. The volume illustrates the complex interplay of historical, cultural, and social influences on the conceptualisation of English literature as a school subject in Malaysia. Lim traces, examines, and interprets its development as an elective subject in the context of post-secondary Malaysian education, and engages with current trends in education such as internationalization and standardized assessment. Lim also highlights the importance of teacher and student lived experiences to argue that personal conceptualisations of the school subject are actualized and negotiated in classroom discourse.Offering unique insights into studying Literature in English in a postcolonial context, the book will appeal to researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of history of education, curriculum reform and literature education.

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Hartmann, Heinrich / Tischler, Julia (eds.), Planting Seeds of Knowledge: Agriculture and Education in Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century. (Environment in History: International Perspectives 24) 366 pp. 2023:6 (Berghahn, US) <723-261>
ISBN 978-1-80539-010-7 hard ¥32,538.- (税込) US$ 145.00 *

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, agricultural practices and rural livelihoods were challenged by changes such as commercialization, intensified global trade, and rapid urbanization. Planting Seeds of Knowledge studies the relationship between these agricultural changes and knowledge-making through a transnational lens. Spanning exchanges between different parts of Europe, North and South America, the Indian subcontinent, and Africa, the wide-reaching contributions to this volume reform current historiography to show how local experiences redefined global practice.

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Hodgson, John / Harris, Ann, Literacy and Growth: A Genealogy of English Teaching. (National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)) 208 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-1069>
ISBN 978-0-367-90107-3 hard ¥354,486.- (税込) GB£ 1,230.00
ISBN 978-0-367-90108-0 paper ¥10,371.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

Literacy and Growth is a unique genealogical study of English teaching in the UK and abroad since the 18th century. Focusing specifically on the concepts of literacy and growth, this book explores key moments in the development of ideas about English teaching. Hodgson and Harris reveal the Enlightenment forebears of such contemporary concepts as "cultural capital" and "critical literacy"; the significance of "growth" to the writers and social critics who opposed Victorian Utilitarianism; and the 20th century influences that established English as a humane study, including the Newbolt Report, the Cambridge Scrutiny group, and the London School of Percival Gurrey and James Britton. The authors examine unpublished Dartmouth Conference papers to reconsider John Dixon's construction of "growth" in his seminal report Growth through English (1967). They reflect on the turbulent aftermath of Dartmouth, the changes in the "growth" model following the cultural turn in English studies, and the politics behind the shift from "English" to "literacy" in the 1990s. Importantly, they redefine the growth model for the 21st century to support teachers and students in the current context of performativity, high stakes assessment, the "knowledge curriculum" and artificial intelligence. Essential reading for tutors and students of English and literacy as well as policymakers in the subject area, this book will engage all those interested in the history and philosophy of English in education. It will be a key resource for those involved in the education and training of English teachers, as well as those undertaking research in English education.

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Miller, Michael L. / Szapor, Judith (eds.), Quotas: The 'Jewish Question' and Higher Education in Central Europe, 1880-1945. 426 pp. 2024:5 (Berghahn, US) <723-1072>
ISBN 978-1-80539-527-0 hard ¥32,538.- (税込) US$ 145.00 *

In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced a Jewish quota for university admissions, making Hungary the first country in Europe to pass antisemitic legislation following World War I. Quotas explores the ideologies and practices of quota regimes and the ways quotas have been justified, implemented, challenged, and remembered from the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. In particular, the volume focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, with chapters covering the origins of quotas, the moral, legal, and political arguments developed by their supporters and opponents, and the social and personal impact of these attempts to limit access to higher education.

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Johnson, Karen J. / Yeager, Jonathan M. (eds.), Understanding and Teaching Religion in US History. (The Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History) 280 pp. 2024:6 (U. Wisconsin Pr., US) <723-109>
ISBN 978-0-299-34630-0 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Religion is deeply embedded in American history, and one cannot understand American history's broad dynamics without accounting for it. Without detailing the history of religions, teachers cannot properly explain key themes in US survey courses, such as politics, social dynamics, immigration and colonization, gender, race, or class. From early Native American beliefs and practices, to European explorations of the New World, to the most recent presidential elections, religion has been a significant feature of the American story. In Understanding and Teaching Religion in US History, a diverse group of eminent historians and history teachers provide a practical tool for teachers looking to improve history instruction at the upper-level secondary and undergraduate level. This book offers a breadth of voices and approaches to teaching this crucial part of US history. Religion can be a delicate topic, especially in public education, and many students and teachers bring strongly held views and identities to their understanding of the past. The editors and contributors aim to help the reader see religion in fresh ways, to present sources and perspectives that may be unfamiliar, and to suggest practical interventions in the classroom that teachers can use immediately.

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Dakhli, Leyla / Laborier, Pascale / Wolff, Frank (eds.), Academics in a Century of Displacement: The Global History and Politics of Protecting Endangered Scholars. (Migrationsgesellschaften) 387 pp. 2024:4 (Springer VS, GW) <722-1091>
ISBN 978-3-658-43539-4 paper ¥24,306.- (税込) EUR 99.99

'Endangered scholars' is a recently highly relevant, yet historical notion. Embedded in the greater history of the 20th and 21st centuries, it captures the phenomenon of scholars who, after years of intellectual work and integration in their societies of origin, are forced to seek rescue in foreign host societies. The pressing urgency of the topic thus has an important historical background. From escaping Russian intellectuals after 1917 to the protection of Jewish refugees during World War II, Algerian intellectuals in contemporary history, or persecuted academics from Turkey today: Over the course of about a century, categories of inclusion, transnational relations, and forms of agency of scholars at risk remained surprisingly stable (and hence diachronously and synchronously comparable) while they also adjusted flexibly to contemporary conditions. This collective volume carves out this historical development and its recent expressions. It brings together researchers in a vivid yet largely unconnected field of migration and refugee studies. By developing a complex image of the origin of the global history and politics of protecting endangered scholars from the early 20th century until today, the book contributes to research on academics in exile as a part of refugee research, migration studies, the history of higher education, and the contemporary history of societies. The interdisciplinary volume explores the phenomenon as a historical, political and legal subject, brings together scholars of forced migration and intellectual studies, and includes currently affected scholars into those reflections.

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Verneuil, Yves, Une question "chaude": Histoire de l'education sexuelle a l'ecole (France, XXe-XXIe siecle). (Exploration. Collection de la Societe Suisse pour la Recherche en Education 209) 500 pp. 2023:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <722-1188>
ISBN 978-2-87574-898-0 paper ¥6,160.- (税込) SFR 25.00



Allen, Emily / Huby, Jannine / Manchanda, Pulkit (eds.), Forging the Future: A History of the John Martinson Honors College, 2013-2023. (The Founders Series) 170 pp. 2024:2 (Purdue U. Pr., US) <722-1192>
ISBN 978-1-61249-945-1 hard ¥11,216.- (税込) US$ 49.99 *

Forging the Future: A History of the John Martinson Honors College, 2013-2023 is the story of a collaborative effort to build a visionary place: an academic-residential college that would bring together students from across disciplines and differences to rethink the goals and practices of a college education. Designed to be a hub for interdisciplinary learning and innovative pedagogy at Purdue University and a national leader in honors education, the John Martinson Honors College (JMHC) was first and foremost a dream of the future. How that collective dream took shape-from the first, speculative discussions of a college to the literal construction of its buildings and the arrival of its students-is a tale researched, written, and published by the students and alumni of the JMHC. Part institutional history, part biography of a place and its people, Forging the Future is a record of what hope and imagination can accomplish in ten years.

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Samuel, Lawrence R., Literacy in America: A Cultural History of the Past Century. 220 pp. 2024:5 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <722-1194>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8954-2 hard ¥7,629.- (税込) US$ 34.00 *

Literacy in America: A Cultural History of the Past Century is a history of literacy in the United States over the last one hundred years. Told chronologically and supported by hundreds of research studies done over the years as reported in scholarly journals, the work sheds new light on the important role that literacy and reading in general have played in this country since the 1920s. The subject is parsed through the voices of educators, intellectuals, and journalists who have weighed in on its many different dimensions. Literacy is a key site of race, gender, and class, offering insights related to the social and economic inequities that are embedded in our institutions. The primary argument of Literacy in America is that literacy, as a major part of education, has functioned as a means of social control of children, with authority figures dictating which reading material is acceptable and which is not. Literacy has also operated as a vehicle of citizenship for Americans of all ages, and as a symbol of the responsibilities of democracy. With its ambitious scope, the strives to be a seminal guide to literacy in America and add to our understanding of everyday life in the United States.Most interesting, perhaps, is the twisting, unpredictable journey of literacy since the end of World War I, when I argue that the subject's modern era began. Rather than follow a straight line, both the perception and reality of reading swerved over the years, offering a trajectory that makes for a compelling narrative for anyone interested in American cultural and social history. Controversy of some kind has often surrounded literacy in the United States, this alone making it a fascinating source of interest to explore in detail.

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Samuel, Lawrence R., The American Teacher: A History. 250 pp. 2024:5 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <722-1195>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8911-5 hard ¥7,629.- (税込) US$ 34.00 *

The American Teacher: A History is, as the title makes clear, a history of teachers in the United States. Supported by hundreds of research studies done over the years as reported in scholarly journals, the book fills a niche in the history of education, sociology, gender studies, and the United States as a whole. K-12 teachers and, to a lesser extent, college/university teachers, are discussed in the work which travels through the past century. Told chronologically and divided into ten decades, The American Teacher sheds light on the important role that teachers have played in this country over the last one hundred years. The subject is parsed through the voices of educators, intellectuals, and journalists who have weighed in on its many different dimensions from the 1920s right up to today. The American teacher is a key site of race, gender, and class, we learn from a survey of its history, revealing some of the tensions embedded in our constructed social divisions. Controversy has always surrounded teachers in the United States, making them a fascinating subject to explore in depth.The "schoolteacher" has long served as a principal player in American culture, making The American Teacher a kind of character study that distinguishes fact from fiction. Rather than a research study itself, the work draws on the most important scholarship that has been completed over the years. The work is a big, sweeping picture of the history of American teachers that is designed to complement more academic books that take a more in-depth analysis of unique topics with original research. And in place of focusing on a particular topic, the book examines the threads that have connected issues such as gender and economic status over time. In short, The American Teacher is a synthetic, narrative-driven study that brings together in one place the essential research in the field. And like any good history, the book shows how mining the stuff of everyday life serves as the richest way to learn more about a group of people at a particular time and in a particular place.

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Rao, Parimala V., The Routledge Companion to the History of Education in India, 1780-1947. 550 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <721-723>
ISBN 978-1-03-279643-7 hard ¥61,963.- (税込) GB£ 215.00

This companion presents a comprehensive overview of educational policies in India, tracing the development of modern education from the late eighteenth century until Indian independence. It also studies various aspects of indigenous education and examines the education system under the British administration.Drawing on archival and contemporary sources, the book explores the influence of geopolitics on educational policies and gives an in-depth analysis of debates related to access, curriculum, textbooks, funding, girl's education, missionary education and the education of the Muslim community. It analyses school and collegiate education, various Education Commissions and the Government of India Resolutions. It surveys Indian response to modern education and various forms of National Education. It also discusses Gandhi's educational ideas and brings forth the entire curriculum of Nai Talim.An important contribution to the history of education in India, the companion will be indispensable to scholars and researchers of history, education, history of education, sociology, colonial education, Indian education, and political science.

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Goings, Kenneth W. / O'Connor, Eugene, The Classics in Black and White: Black Colleges, Classics Education, Resistance, and Assimilation. 277 pp. 2024:5 (U. Georgia Pr., US) <721-925>
ISBN 978-0-8203-6661-6 hard ¥25,793.- (税込) US$ 114.95 *
ISBN 978-0-8203-6662-3 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Following emancipation, African Americans continued their quest for an education by constructing schools and colleges for Black students, mainly in the U.S. South, to acquire the tools of literacy, but beyond this, to enroll in courses in the Greek and Latin classics, then the major curriculum at American liberal arts colleges and universities. Classically trained African Americans from the time of the early U.S. republic had made a link between North Africa and the classical world; therefore, from almost the beginning of their quest for a formal education, many African Americans believed that the classics were their rightful legacy. The Classics in Black and White is based extensively on the study of course catalogs of colleges founded for Black people after the Civil War by Black churches, largely White missionary societies and White philanthropic organizations. Kenneth W. Goings and Eugene O'Connor uncover the full extent of the colleges' classics curriculums and showcase the careers of prominent African American classicists, male and female, and their ultimately unsuccessful struggle to protect the liberal arts from being replaced by Black conservatives and White power brokers with vocational instruction such as woodworking for men and domestic science for women. This move to eliminate classics was in large part motivated by the very success of the colleges' classics programs. As Goings's and O'Connor's survey of Black colleges' curriculums and texts reveals, the lessons they taught were about more than declensions and conjugations--they imparted the tools of self-formation and self-affirmation.

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Perkins, Linda M., To Advance the Race: Black Women's Higher Education from the Antebellum Era to the 1960s. 408 pp. 2024:4 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <721-946>
ISBN 978-0-252-04573-8 hard ¥28,050.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08783-7 paper ¥6,271.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

From the United States' earliest days, African Americans considered education essential for their freedom and progress. Linda M. Perkins's study ranges across educational and geographical settings to tell the stories of Black women and girls as students, professors, and administrators. Beginning with early efforts and the establishment of abolitionist colleges, Perkins follows the history of Black women's post-Civil War experiences at elite white schools and public universities in northern and midwestern states. Their presence in Black institutions like Howard University marked another advancement, as did Black women becoming professors and administrators. But such progress intersected with race and education in the postwar era. As gender questions sparked conflict between educated Black women and Black men, it forced the former to contend with traditional notions of women's roles even as the 1960s opened educational opportunities for all African Americans. A first of its kind history, To Advance the Race is an enlightening look at African American women and their multi-generational commitment to the ideal of education as a collective achievement.

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Schuller, Tom / Taylor, Richard (eds.), The Working Men's College and the Tradition of Adult Education. (Routledge Studies in Modern British History) 224 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <721-1011>
ISBN 978-1-03-263960-4 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

The Working Men's College is the UK's oldest continuously running adult education institution, and a very distinctive example of the British adult education tradition. This volume brings the history of the WMC up to date, following the 1954 centenary history by JFC Harrison.Contributions from a range of professional educators explore topics such as the philosophy of the College, the issue of women's entry, college governance, and the notion of community as it applies to changes in the composition of the student body. Additional features include a chapter on the architectural history of the College; an interview with Satnam Gill as the key figure who drove through crucial change at a time when the College might have died; a chapter from the latest member of a family which has been closely involved with the College over four generations; and a range of personal contributions from tutors and students from the past six decades.This book will be of interest to historians of the 19th and 20th centuries, all those in UK adult education, along with local Camden/London community and political groups and the WMC's extensive family of former students and tutors.

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Colle, Royal D. / Michelsen, Heike et al. (eds.), Beyond Borders: Exploring the History of Cornell's Global Dimensions. 450 pp. 2024:5 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-923>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7699-1 hard ¥14,573.- (税込) US$ 64.95 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7700-4 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

Beyond Borders highlights and celebrates Cornell University's many historical achievements in international activities going back to its founding. This collection of fifty-eight short chapters reflects the diversity, accomplishments, and impact of remarkable engagements on campus and abroad. These vignettes, many written by authors who played pivotal roles in Cornell's international history, take readers around the world to China and the Philippines with agricultural researchers, to Peru with anthropologists, to Qatar and India with medical practitioners, to Eastern Europe with economists and civil engineers, to Zambia and Sierra Leone with students and Peace Corps volunteers, and to many more places. Readers also will learn about Cornell's many international dimensions on campus, including the international studies and language programs and the library and museum collections. Beyond Borders captures how-by educating generations of global citizens, producing innovative research and knowledge, building institutional capacities, and forging mutually beneficial relationships-Cornell University has influenced positive change in the world. Beyond Borders was supported by CAPE (Cornell Academics and Professors Emeriti).

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Valeeva, Roza A. / Kalimullin, Aydar M. (eds.), Continuous Teacher Education in Russia: History, Current Practices and Future Directions. 280 pp. 2024:7 (Emerald, UK) <720-924>
ISBN 978-1-83753-853-9 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00

Continuous Teacher Education in Russia examines the history, recent developments and direction of the modernization of continuous teacher education in Russia, providing a critical insight into the structure and development trajectory of teacher education and offers an analysis of the processes of change that are under way in Russia. Chapters authors discuss the complex system of continuous teacher training, starting with the history of Russia's teacher education since the 18th century until the present time. The general characteristics of continuous teacher education are then explored, followed by the role of pre-professional development of future teachers in pedagogical classes, the specific Russian phenomenon of the secondary vocational teacher education and the ways of assuring variability and flexibility of the higher teacher education in Russia. Special attention is also paid to the models of novice teacher induction in Russia and the issues of training highly qualified personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies. This is the definitive English language text on continuous teacher education in Russia, drawing on scholarly expertise in Russia, locating the policies and practices that are discussed within the context of a global reform of teacher education and providing new perspectives that will be of interest to education scholars, policymakers and practitioners on an international scale.

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Schicketanz, Nicolas, The Training of African Teachers in Natal from 1846-1964. 264 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-981>
ISBN 978-1-03-276053-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

The history of African teacher training in Natal is one of the most neglected and under-researched aspects of educational history. This book attempts to set out the administrative history of this field as a first step in stimulating the further research that is so urgently needed.Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

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Liu, Jennifer, Indoctrinating the Youth: Secondary Education in Wartime China and Postwar Taiwan, 1937-1960. 277 pp. 2024:2 (U. Hawai'i Pr., US) <719-872>
ISBN 978-0-8248-9557-0 hard ¥15,259.- (税込) US$ 68.00 *

Indoctrinating the Youth examines how the Guomindang (GMD or Nationalists) sought to maintain control of middle-school students and cultivate their political loyalty over the trajectory of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Chinese Civil War, and postwar Taiwan. During the Sino-Japanese War the Nationalists managed middle-school refugee students by merging schools, publishing and distributing updated textbooks, and assisting students as they migrated to the interior with their principals and teachers. In Taiwan, the China Youth Corps (CYC) became a symbol of the regime's successful establishment. Tracing Nationalist efforts to indoctrinate ideology and martial spirit, Jennifer Liu investigates how GMD leaders Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo tried to build support among young people in their efforts to stabilize Taiwanese society under their rule. By comparing two key youth organizations-the Three People's Principles Youth Corps in China, and the CYC on Taiwan-Liu uses education as a lens to analyze state-building in modern China. Liu's careful analysis of the inner workings of GMD youth organizations also illuminates the day-to-day operations of military training in gender-segregated upper-middle schools-including how the government selected instructors and the skills taught to students. According to Liu, mandatory military training contributed to preventing major protest against the government but the policy was not without critics. Intellectuals, parents, and students voiced their dissent at what they perceived as excessive control by a repressive government and a waste of resources interfering with academics. The government-mandated civics curriculum, including government-approved textbooks and standards, reveals the characteristics and duties GMD officials believed modern citizens of the next generation should possess. Through provisions for refugee students, youth organizations, military training, and civics classes, GMD secondary education policy played a critical role in the process of state building in both modern China and Taiwan.Skillfully combining archival work in Nanjing and Taipei, along with oral interviews with former students and CYC administrators, instructors, and members, Liu offers a unique perspective toward a balanced assessment of Nationalist Party rule.

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O'Donoghue, Tom, The Development of University Teaching Over Time: Pedagogical Approaches from 1800 to the Present. (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 294 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1260>
ISBN 978-1-03-277051-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Examining two centuries of university education, this book charts the development of pedagogical approaches since the year 1800 and how they have transformed higher education.While institutions for promoting advanced learning in various forms have existed in Asia, Africa, and the Arab world for centuries, the beginning of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of the modern model of a university with which we are familiar today. This book argues that, in the time since, seven broad teaching approaches were developed across the world which continue to be used today: the disputation, the lecture, the tutorial, the research seminar, workplace teaching, teaching through material making, and role-play. O'Donoghue demonstrates how each has been reconfigured and developed over time in response to the changing nature of higher education, as well as society more generally.This expansive book will be of great interest to historians of education, scholars of education more generally, and teacher practitioners interested in the pedagogical models that shape modern academia.

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Bruns, Christoph, "Fuer Gott, die Kirche und das Vaterland": Spiritualitaet und Paedagogik der Jesuiten im Spiegel des Gymnasiums Mariano-Josephinum in Hildesheim (1595-1773). (Kirchengeschichtliche Quellen und Studien 3) 196 S. 2023:10 (Olms, GW) <719-124>
ISBN 978-3-487-16655-1 paper ¥10,696.- (税込) EUR 44.00

In der Bischofsstadt Hildesheim erneuerten Jesuiten angesichts der Reformation seit 1595 die mittelalterliche Domschule im Zeichen eines christlichen Humanismus katholischer Praegung. Bis heute sind die Bibliotheks- und Archivbestaende nahezu vollstaendig erhalten. Auf dieser Quellenbasis stellt die vorliegende Studie exemplarisch den Zusammenhang von Spiritualitaet und Paedagogik dar, wie er fuer das Bildungsapostolat der Jesuiten bis zur Ordensaufhebung 1773 typisch war. Christoph Bruns, Dr. theol., unterrichtet Latein, Religion und Geschichte am Gymnasium Mariano-Josephinum in Hildesheim, war Mitarbeiter der Theologischen Fakultaet Freiburg i. Br. und ist Lehrbeauftragter fuer Alte Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie an der Universitaet Hannover.

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Hoffmann, Ann-Kathrin / Buck, Marc Fabian (eds.), Critically Assessing the Reputation of Waldorf Education in Academia and the Public: Early Endeavours of Expansion, 1919-1955. (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 232 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <719-1258>
ISBN 978-1-03-251712-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

The first of two volumes dedicated to this little-explored topic, this volume gathers international perspectives to critically assess how Waldorf education has been perceived and discussed in both public and academic arenas. The book thereby challenges the historical concept of Waldorf education as an international movement championing "progressive education."Spanning the period 1919-1955, this first volume looks at countries with a longstanding tradition of Waldorf schools: Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and Finland. The second volume, which covers the period 1987-2004, focuses on more recent developments in Japan, Israel, Spain, Poland, Kenya, France, Slovenia, and China. Throughout both books, over 25 leading scholars present 16 case studies spanning 14 countries to discuss the history and perception of Waldorf education in the context of respective school systems and societies. By exploring the ramifications of these case studies against the background of existing research, the books offer cutting-edge perspectives and prompts for scholarly debates for this as-yet under-researched field.This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduate students in international and comparative education, the theory of education, and the philosophy of education. Policy makers interested in the history of education, as well as practicing teachers and school staff at Waldorf education institutions, may also benefit from the volume.

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Slowe, Lucy Diggs, Her Truth and Service: Lucy Diggs Slowe in Her Own Words. Ed. by A. Y. Quarkume. 240 pp. 2024:3 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <718-920>
ISBN 978-0-231-21212-0 hard ¥26,928.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-0-231-21213-7 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Lucy Diggs Slowe (1885-1937) was one of the most remarkable and accomplished figures in the history of Black women's higher education. She was a builder of institutions, organizing the first historically Black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, while a student at Howard University in 1908; establishing the first junior high school for Black students in Washington, D.C.; and founding as well as leading other major national and community organizations. In 1922 Slowe was appointed the first Dean of Women at Howard, making her the first Black woman to serve as dean at any American university. Beyond her trailblazing career in higher education, she was a committed teacher, an ardent antiracist advocate, and even a national tennis champion.Her Truth and Service showcases Slowe's speeches, articles, and letters, illuminating her multifaceted accomplishments and unwavering dedication to the quest for equality and justice. In these texts, readers encounter Slowe's powerful voice and keen intellect, witnessing her triumphs and travails as an educator, a leader, and a Black woman in a deeply exclusionary society. Slowe's writings depict her personal and professional efforts to topple race and gender barriers and open up greater opportunities for Black women and girls, as well as the obstacles she faced in male-dominated institutions including the Howard administration. Her Truth and Service is an important document of a significant figure in the development of Black institutions and an inspiring testament to the lifelong struggle for social justice.

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Lyons, Tony, The Policy of Payment by Results in Irish Primary Schools, 1871-1900: rancour and discord. (Counterpoints: Studies in Criticality 544) 206 pp. 2023:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <718-932>
ISBN 978-1-80374-179-6 paper ¥15,276.- (税込) SFR 62.00

This book outlines the principal features of the Payment by Results policy, first introduced in England in 1862. It draws attention to some of the positive aspects of the system but it also considers the more salient features of a system that preyed heavily on both pupils and teachers. Inspectors were used as agents of its implementation, resulting in a divergence of views between them and the teachers. Very few regretted its demise in 1900 when it was replaced by the Revised Programme, a much more child-centred curriculum. It was a system of schooling rather than of education, and it served very few admirably.

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Riedinger, Lee / Ekkebus, Al / Smith, Ray et al., Critical Connections: The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge from the Dawn of the Atomic Age to the Present. 488 pp. 2024:6 (U. Tennessee Pr., US) <717-80>
ISBN 978-1-62190-654-4 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95

The bombing of Pearl Harbor set off a chain of events that included the race to beat German scientists to build the atomic bomb. A tiny hamlet tucked away in the southern Appalachians proved an unlikely linchpin to win the race. The Manhattan Project required the combination of four secret sites-Clinton Laboratories, Y-12, K-25, and S-50-75,000 workers, and the nation's finest scientists to create the Secret City, Oak Ridge. From the beginning, the effort was aided by the nearby University of Tennessee, which provided expertise to make the weapon possible. Following World War II, it was not clear what role this huge research and development program would play, but pioneering scientists and administrators were determined that one option-dismantling the whole thing-would not happen.Critical Connections chronicles how Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the Y-12 National Security Complex, and their partners became outstanding examples of the militaryindustrial- educational complex from the Cold War to the present day. At the beginning of the 1950s, Oak Ridge became a flourishing, less-secret city, and the authors show how, decade by decade, ORNL became the source of major breakthroughs in physics, biology, computing, and other fields-and how these achievements required ever-closer connections with UT. By the mid-1990s, after many successful joint initiatives between UT and ORNL, UT was poised to compete to become the manager of ORNL. In 2000, UT-Battelle LLC won the bid from the Department of Energy: UT was charged with providing scientific direction and key personnel; its partner Battelle would oversee ORNL's operations and chart its technology direction. The authors highlight the scientific developments these connections have brought, from nanotechnology to nuclear fission, from cryogenic experiments on mice to the world's fastest supercomputer. The partnerships between a university, a city, and federal facilities helped solve some of the greatest challenges of the twentieth century-and point toward how to deal with those of the twenty-first.

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Daacke, Kirt von / Douglas, Andrea (eds.), After Emancipation: Racism and Resistance at the University of Virginia. (The American South Series) 240 pp. 2024:3 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <717-1033>
ISBN 978-0-8139-4925-3 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-8139-4926-0 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

Assessing a university's legacy in the age of segregation This anthology reckons with the University of Virginia's post-emancipation history of racial exploitation. Its fifteen essays highlight the many forms of marginalization and domination at Virginia's once all-white flagship university to uncover the patriarchal, nativist, and elitist assumptions that shaped university culture through the late nineteenth century and well into the twentieth. Including community responses ranging from personal reflections to interviews with local leaders to poems, this accessible volume will be essential reading for anyone with ties to UVA or to Charlottesville, as well as for anyone concerned with the legacy of slavery and segregation in America's universities.

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Mueller, Reinhard, Das elementare Schulwesen im Montafon 1774-1869: vor dem Hintergrund gesamtstaatlicher Entwicklungen. (Montafoner Schriftenreihe 33) 336 S. 2023 (Studien Vlg., AU) <717-1115>
ISBN 978-3-7030-6599-6 hard ¥8,483.- (税込) EUR 34.90

Das Jahr 1774 steht fuer die bildungspolitische Zeitenwende mit den ausgesprochenen Zielen ?Schulbildung fuer Alle‘ und ?Ueberwindung des Analphabetentums‘. Das erste staatliche Schulgesetz setzte im elementaren Bildungsbereich eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung in Gang. Im Zuge dessen kam es in der gesamten Monarchie zu zahllosen Gruendungen von Trivialschulen (spaeter als Volksschulen bezeichnet). Bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts lassen sich allein im Montafon annaehernd 30 Schulstandorte nachweisen. Im Dorf waren es die Pfarrschulen, in den abgelegenen Weilern die Filialschulen. Trotz anfaenglicher Widerstaende, anhaltender Unzulaenglichkeiten, oekonomischer Schwierigkeiten und mit amtlicher Duldung mancher Provisorien gelang es den Schulverantwortlichen gemeinsam mit bildungsnahen Personen, die sich haeufig genug auch als Goenner in Schulstiftungen einbrachten, waehrend der Jahre 1774 bis 1869 ein stabiles Schulnetz aufzubauen, umfangreiche Baumassnahmen zu verwirklichen, die Schulbesuchsquote zu steigern, die Lehrerqualifikation zu verbessern und die Alphabetisierung grosser Teile der Bevoelkerung voranzutreiben. 1869 ging die ereignisreiche, vielfach konfliktbeladene Aufbau- und Konsolidierungsphase zu Ende. Darauf aufbauend brachte nachfolgend das zweite grosse Schulgesetz einen enormen Entwicklungsschub Richtung neuzeitlicher Volksschule.

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Wilock, David, Testing the Elite: Yale College in the Revolutionary Era, 1740-1815. (Routledge Advances in American History) 136 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <717-1117>
ISBN 978-1-03-254005-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This volume explores the extent to which the Revolutionary period (1740-1815) impacted the faculty, students and institutional life of Yale College and how those changes shed insight into the nature of the American Revolution itself as a conservative or radical event.Throughout the eighteenth century, Yale continued a tradition of producing individuals who would perpetuate the economic and social status quo. At the same time, the institution was undergoing an evolution reflective of the broader movements in America that would persist into the era of the early republic. In order to examine Yale's influence on those who attended, this study uses the student experience as a major source of evidence. Yale's curriculum and culture prior to 1776 were beginning to embrace Enlightenment ideas, though not fully, and due in no small part to the petitions of students. From literary societies to student militias, there were ways for students to engage in an exchange of ideas about new courses and new modes of national government outside the classroom.The book is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students as well as general readers who are interested in the history of higher education, the American Revolutionary Era and the history of Connecticut.

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Bass, S. Jonathan, From Every Stormy Wind That Blows: The Idea of Howard College and the Origins of Samford University. 352 pp. 2024:2 (Louisiana State U. Pr., US) <716-1833>
ISBN 978-0-8071-8177-5 hard ¥11,220.- (税込) US$ 50.00 *

Founded in 1841 in Marion, Alabama, Howard College provided a Christian liberal arts education for young men living along the old southwestern frontier. The founders named the school after eighteenth-century British reformer John Howard, whose words and deeds inspired the type of enlightened moral agent and virtuous Christian citizen the institution hoped to produce.In From Every Stormy Wind That Blows, S. Jonathan Bass provides a comprehensive history of Howard College, which in 1965 changed its name to Samford University. According to Bass, the "idea" of Howard College emanated from its founders' firm commitment to orthodox Protestantism, the tenets of Scottish philosophy, the British Enlightenment's emphasis on virtue, and the moral reforms of the age. From the Old South, through the Civil War and Reconstruction, to the New South, Howard College adapted to new conditions while continuing to teach the necessary ingredients to transform young southern men into useful and enlightened Christian citizens.Throughout its history, Howard College faced challenges both within and without. As with other institutions in the South, slavery played a central role in its founding, with most of the college's principal benefactors, organizers, and board of trustees earning financial gains from enslaved labor. The Civil War swept away the college's large endowment and growing student enrollment, and the school never regained a solid financial footing during the subsequent decades-barely surviving bankruptcy and public auction.In 1887, with the continued decline of southern agriculture, Howard College moved to a new campus on the outskirts of Birmingham, where its president, Rev. Benjamin Franklin Riley, a well-known New South economic booster, fought to restore the college's financial health. Despite his best efforts, Howard struggled economically until local bankers offered enough assistance to allow the institution to enter the twentieth century with a measure of financial stability.The challenges and changes wrought by the years transformed Howard College irrevocably. While the original "idea" of the school endured through its classical curriculum, by the 1920s the school had all but lost its connections to John Howard and its founding principles. From Every Stormy Wind That Blows is a fascinating look into this storied institution's history and Samford University's origins.

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Gruettner, Michael, Talar und Hakenkreuz: Die Universitaeten im Dritten Reich. 592 S. 2024:2 (Beck, GW) <716-1835>
ISBN 978-3-406-81342-9 hard ¥10,696.- (税込) EUR 44.00 *

DIE UNIVERSITAeTEN IM DRITTEN REICH - DIE ERSTE GESAMTDARSTELLUNG Lange Zeit haben sich die deutschen Universitaeten vor allem als Opfer der national-sozialistischen Herrschaft gesehen. Erst allmaehlich und widerstrebend setzte sich die Einsicht durch, dass das nicht die ganze Geschichte ist. Seitdem sind zahlreiche Untersuchungen zu einzelnen Universitaeten, Disziplinen, Wissenschaftlern erschienen. Michael Gruettner legt mit diesem Buch auf der Grundlage jahrelanger Quellenforschung erstmals eine Gesamtdarstellung zu den Universitaeten im Dritten Reich vor. Die 23 Universitaeten, die am Ende der Weimarer Republik in Deutschland existierten, waren seit 1933 massiven ?Saeuberungen“ ausgesetzt, die sich vor allem gegen Studierende und Wissenschaftler juedischer Herkunft richteten. Dieser ?Machtergreifung“ von oben entsprach eine ?Machtergreifung“ von unten: Viele Professoren traten in die Partei ein, manche versuchten wie Carl Schmitt und Martin Heidegger, sich als Vordenker des NS-Regimes in Stellung zu bringen. Michael Gruettner schildert eindringlich die erstaunlich geraeuschlose Machtuebernahme, beschreibt die nationalsozialistische Hochschulpolitik, die sich ganz unterschiedlich auf die verschiedenen Faecher auswirkte, und erklaert, warum die Wissenschaften im Dienst des Nationalsozialismus nicht nur unfreier wurden, sondern mitunter sogar groessere Handlungsspielraeume besassen als je zuvor, etwa bei medizinischen Menschenversuchen. Ein Epilog zur Nachgeschichte rundet diese souveraene, laengst ueberfaellige Gesamtgeschichte ab. Prominente Faelle: Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, die versucht haben sich als Vordenker zu positionieren 30 Jahre Forschung zu diesem Thema untersuchte Universitaeten: Berlin Bonn Breslau Erlangen Frankfurt am Main Freiburg Giessen Goettingen Graz Greifswald Halle Hamburg Heidelberg Innsbruck Jena Kiel Koeln Koenigsberg Leipzig Marburg Muenchen Muenster Rostock Tuebingen Wien Wuerzburg

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Hall, M. Ann / Kidd, Bruce / Vertinsky, Patricia, Educating the Body: A History of Physical Education in Canada. 326 pp. 2024:3 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <716-1836>
ISBN 978-1-4875-0856-2 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-2594-1 paper ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

Educating the Body presents a history of physical education in Canada, shedding light on its major advocates, innovators, and institutions. The book traces the major developments in physical education from the early nineteenth century to the present day - both within and beyond schools - and concludes with a vision for the future. It examines the realities of Canada's classed, gendered, and racialized society and reveals the rich history of Indigenous teachings and practices that were marginalized and erased by the residential school system. Today, with the worrying decline in physical activity levels across the population, Educating the Body is indispensable to understanding our policy options moving ahead.

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Jacobmeyer, Wolfgang (Hrsg.), Hungerleider werden Bildungsbuerger: Preussische Gymnasiallehrer 1820-1914: Profile einer Profession. (Geschichtsdidaktik diskursiv - Public History und Historisches Denken 11) 368 S. 2023:11 (P. Lang, SZ) <716-1837>
ISBN 978-3-631-90911-9 hard ¥19,219.- (税込) SFR 78.00

Die Neuordnung des preussischen Gymnasiums im 19. Jahrhundert stellte eine unvergleichliche Reform dar. Durch seine Einheitsschule fuer hoehere Bildung, sorgfaeltige staatliche Ueberwachung und bestaendige Bildungsprinzipien erlangte es anerkannten Erfolg. Von entscheidender Bedeutung waren die Lehrkraefte: Sie stammten oft aus nicht-akademischen Verhaeltnissen, doch ihre wissenschaftliche Kompetenz und hingebungsvolle Berufsverpflichtung waren unumstritten. Diese Studie analysiert die Perspektiven, Qualifikationen und soziale Herkunft der Lehrer sowie ihre Integration in das Gymnasiumssystem. Zusaetzlich wird die Interpretation zeitgenoessischer Veraenderungen und die politischen Visionen der Lehrkraefte beleuchtet. Als Hauptquelle dienen die wertvollen und oft uebersehenen Jahresberichte der Gymnasien (?Schulprogramme“).

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McCoy, Meredith, On Our Own Terms: Indigenous Histories of School Funding and Policy. (Indigenous Education) 250 pp. 2024:6 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <716-1838>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3249-6 hard ¥13,464.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *

On Our Own Terms contextualizes recent federal education legislation against the backdrop of two hundred years of education funding and policy to explore two critical themes: the racial and settler colonial dynamics that have shaped Indian education and an equally long and persistent tradition of Indigenous peoples engaging schools, funding, and policy on their own terms. Focusing primarily on the years 1819 to 2018, Meredith L. McCoy provides an interdisciplinary, methodologically expansive look into the ways federal Indian education policy has all too often been a tool for structural violence against Native peoples. Of particular note is a historical budget analysis that lays bare inconsistencies in federal support for Indian education and the ways funds become a tool for redefining educational priorities. McCoy shows some of the diverse strategies families, educators, and other community members have used to creatively navigate schooling on their own terms. These stories of strategic engagement with schools, funding, and policy embody what Gerald Vizenor has termed survivance, an insistence of Indigenous presence, trickster humor, and ironic engagement with settler structures. By gathering these stories together into an archive of survivance stories in education, McCoy invites readers to consider ongoing patterns of Indigenous resistance and the possibilities for bending federal systems toward community well-being.

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Salomoni, David (ed.), A Global Earth in the Classroom: New Voices in the History of Early Modern Education. (History of Early Modern Educational Thought 5) 186 pp. 2024:4 (Brill, NE) <716-1840>
ISBN 978-90-04-68022-7 hard ¥24,066.- (税込) EUR 99.00

This volume offers a scholarly examination of educational history, highlighting the pivotal role of educational practices from the late medieval era to the early modern period. It provides a dynamic forum for emerging academics in the field, revealing fresh, multifaceted perspectives on the educational methods of this era. The work illuminates the sophisticated educational systems that shaped Renaissance Milan's merchants and the education of cantors in royal courts and cathedrals. Spanning from Brazil to India, it traces the extensive reach of Jesuit influence and reveals how their teachings fostered an early consciousness of a globally interconnected world in European education. Contributors include Bradley Blankemeyer, Laura Madella, Jessica Ottelli, Federico Piseri, David Salomoni, and Carolina Vaz de Carvalho.

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Taira, Derek, Forward without Fear: Native Hawaiians and American Education in Territorial Hawai'i, 1900-1941. (Studies in Pacific Worlds) 236 pp. 2024:6 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <716-1841>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3616-6 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *

During Hawai'i's territorial period (1900-1959), Native Hawaiians resisted assimilation by refusing to replace Native culture, identity, and history with those of the United States. By actively participating in U.S. public schools, Hawaiians resisted the suppression of their language and culture, subjection to a foreign curriculum, and denial of their cultural heritage and history, which was critical for Hawai'i's political evolution within the manifest destiny of the United States. In Forward without Fear Derek Taira reveals that many Native Hawaiians in the first forty years of the territorial period neither subscribed nor succumbed to public schools' aggressive efforts to assimilate and Americanize them but instead engaged with American education to envision and support an alternate future, one in which they could exclude themselves from settler society to maintain their cultural distinctiveness and protect their Indigenous identity. Taira thus places great emphasis on how they would have understood their actions-as flexible and productive steps for securing their cultural sovereignty and safeguarding their future as Native Hawaiians-and reshapes historical understanding of this era as one solely focused on settler colonial domination, oppression, and elimination to a more balanced and optimistic narrative that identifies and highlights Indigenous endurance, resistance, and hopefulness.

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Rosnes, Ellen Vea / Giudi, Pierre / Martineau, Jean-Luc (eds.), History through Narratives of Education in Africa: Social Histories in Times of Colonization and Post Independence (1920s - 1970s). (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies 33) 400 pp. 2024:3 (Brill, NE) <716-1445>
ISBN 978-90-04-69016-5 paper ¥16,044.- (税込) EUR 66.00

Who were the actors involved in colonial and post-independence education in Africa? This book on the history of education in Africa gives a special attention to narratives of marginalized voices. With this original approach and cases from ten countries involving four colonial powers it constitutes a dynamic and rich contribution to the field. The authors have searched for narratives of education 'from below' through oral interviews, autobiographies, films and undiscovered archival sources. Throughout the book, educational settings are approached as social spaces where both contact and separtation between colonisers and colonised are constructed through social interaction, negotiations, and struggles. Contributors include Antonia Barreto, Lars Folke Berge, Clara Carvalho, Charlotte Courreye, Pierre-Eric Fageol, Frederic Garan, Esther Ginestet, Pedro Goulart, Pierre Guidi, Lydia Hadj-Ahmed, Kalpana Hiralal, Mamaye Idriss, Mihary Jaofeno, Rehana Thembeka Odendaal, Roland Rakotovao, Maria da Luz Ramos, Ellen Vea Rosnes, Caterina Scalvedi, Eva Van de Velde, Pieter Verstraete.

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Biocic, Ana / Felbar, Iva Mrsic (eds.), Science and Catholicism in the Universities of South-East Europe: 1800 to 1920. (South-East European History 7) 230 pp. 2023:9 (P. Lang, SZ) <716-115>
ISBN 978-1-63667-152-9 hard ¥25,379.- (税込) SFR 103.00

This edited collection sheds new light on the complex dialogue between religion and science which played out at universities in South-East Europe during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This discourse took place against a backdrop of great political, cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity, as well as the long-term transition from Habsburg rule to new nation states. The book’s contributors?an international team of scholars with a wide range of expertise?delve into a range of key questions, including the influence of political regimes on faculties of theology and implications for university autonomy, the role of theology as a science in defining the status of these faculties, and the development of science in the face of religious divisions. The book will appeal to readers interested in religious and intellectual history, the history of science, and the relationship between faith and science, as well as all those interested in South-East Europe either side of the First World War. "The collection holds significant value for graduate and postgraduate students, especially when studying the relationship between faith and science, the approach to theology as a science, and critical examination of specific dogmatic and ecumenical matters. The contributors to this volume provide insightful analyses on these topics, making it an indispensable resource for scholars seeking to enrich their understanding of these complex areas of inquiry." ?Ante Mateljan, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Split, Croatia

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Gruettner, Michael, Ausgegrenzt: Entlassungen an den deutschen Universitaeten im Nationalsozialismus: Biogramme und kollektivbiographische Analyse. 550 S. 2023:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-1329>
ISBN 978-3-11-123678-0 hard ¥24,296.- (税込) EUR 99.95 *

Die Vertreibung zahlreicher Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler durch die brutale Exklusionspolitik des NS-Regimes und die dadurch ausgeloesten internationalen Migrationsbewegungen gelten zu Recht als bedeutsame Zaesur in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auch wenn es uebertrieben ist, von einer ?geistigen Enthauptung Deutschlands“ zu sprechen, wie in aelteren Publikationen zu lesen war, fuehrte die 1933 einsetzende ?Saeuberung“ der deutschen Universitaeten zu einem betraechtlichen Verlust an wissenschaftlicher Substanz. Das Buch informiert erstmals fuer alle deutschen Universitaeten ueber die Dimensionen und Konturen dieses Prozesses. Im Zentrum stehen fast 1.300 Biogramme vertriebener Hochschullehrer, die in der Einleitung kollektivbiografisch ausgewertet werden. Die Biogramme geben Auskunft ueber den akademischen Status der Betroffenen, ueber die Religionszugehoerigkeit, die Mitgliedschaft in politischen Parteien sowie ueber die Entlassungsgruende, gegebenenfalls auch ueber KZ-Haft, Emigration und Remigration. Schliesslich finden sich in dem Buch die Namen jener Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die Opfer nationalsozialistischer Vernichtungspolitik wurden oder nach der Entlassung Suizid begingen.

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Hardesty, Jacob, The Jazz Problem: Education and the Battle for Morality during the Jazz Age. 222 pp. 2023:10 (State U. New York Pr., US) <715-1330>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9464-7 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *



Hoff, Sarina, Der lange Abschied von der Pruegelstrafe: Koerperliche Schulstrafen im Wertewandel 1870-1980. (Wertewandel im 20. Jahrhundert 8) 494 pp. 2023:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-1331>
ISBN 978-3-11-062761-9 hard ¥19,434.- (税込) EUR 79.95 *



